
VIP Member
Oooh and thanks for voting for my thread title. We really are coming for her, will follow her every move until kids are back with their dad, animals rehomed and her many crimes paid for.
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Cat Eyez

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I can't answer that as I don't know. Since that time, she's been off all over the place, so have to assume she does have a nanny of sorts. Plus seem's Princess, Frumpy Dumpling, Mr PP & AFP all appear to be chipping in with looking after Jett & Bunny from time to time. It's all so erratic & unstable for those poor kids.
Frumpy Dumpling 🤣
That's got to be in a thread title for sure!

Lovely to hear from you Willow ❣🦔
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Actually I think she’s living her karma right now. Manically showing off for any camera anyone will point at her, having to do whatever it takes to pay the mortgage or lose the house, probably prozzying with repellent men (and possibly women) while her fixer boyfriend keeps her compliant and cashes in, wearing cheap shitty clothes, losing the battle against time as her face and body age alarmingly rapidly. Aging must be torture for someone as vain as her. I can’t believe her body isn’t highly uncomfortable, possibly even very painful from the weight of the misshapen heavy implants.

Lost her driving licence….that’s massive as it puts her firmly under sinkboy’s thumb. I wonder if he engineered it, encouraging her to drive that ludicrous Hummer knowing that she wasn’t yet legal to drive, and getting it filmed and sent to the red tops.

She’s got J and B and they’re the only good things in her life hence she’s clinging on to them even though she must know it’s not the best thing for them. Everyone around her exploits her, few like her, none respect her.

She’s every reason to be paranoid as hell. It couldn’t be going better.
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She has fucking ICE running through her steel veins and a heart of stone. It's me, me, me ,fucking me. Twansfowmayshun, my fucking back passage. 😤 I am beyond angry with this absolutely irresponsible cunt. If I were this thick cunt....thank the lord I am not! I wouldn't be posting about hair extentions when my dog had been killed because I have not learned to keep doors and gates shut to keep him safe.......even after other pets have met the same end. If anyone sells her another pet they have blood on their hands! I am fucking livid and I would not give a shiny shite if the headline was KP found dead at a vets because someone found it in a gutter and thought it was a dead rat. She's a prize CUNT and I fucking ate her,!
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What sort of pet owner in her position of privilege doesn’t microchip her animal? I know that’s not the main issue here, but just shows the lack of care from the outset. Is this some sort of set up by her to get Carl’s attention and to get him back? Sacrifice the poor dog? 😭😭😭
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Rita Chevrolet

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Is there the possibility that, with Skank's narcissistic behaviour, Edna daren't go against her regards the kids for fear of revenge or retribution? I know nothing except others experiences from on thread about narcs, but wondered if even the clan might be wary of crossing her?
AFP is as bad as her 'orrible offspring so IF she wanted to challenge the thing then she WOULD, specifically we've as heard it often enough how AFP hated ALL skanky's husbands and random legovers and Told Them So, likewise she's had a go at the skank itself regularly over its liking for terrible surgeries.
AFP could do something but DOESN'T and never has either :mad:
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As for annon tip off to DVLA , I think more likely they are smart enough in their fraud department to delve into social media of persons with dubious claims !
Quick google provides wealth of info for possible driving concerns…..
…life changing injuries, foot brace / wheel chair , suicide attempts, frequent surgeries, mental health issues, books detailing ADHD/PTSD/trauma/depression, drug and alcohol excesses, criminal convictions, domestic violence, parking fines , misuse of disabled badge etc etc

Why does shes think it’s a conspiracy tip off 🤣 it’s in plain sight
She keeps mentioning the 'email' to DVLA ... I suspect it was the same tip off that got her nabbed driving illegally with Harvey in the car and that was someone who knew exactly where she was AND that she hadn't got her licence back - Carol ?, its someone close to her. I think the police are pushing DVLA to cover every base to try and keep her off the road now ... as for the lies about the broken Trotters, well, those lies were used as an excuse by TV companies who didnt want her anyway to refuse her a part on Strictly, probably DOI and a few other things. That massive lie she told for publicity has stopped her getting TV work (she thinks) hence why she is playing the 'life changing injuries' down and not wearing the magic boots anymore ... and now her big fat lie is holding up getting her licence back which will be really pissing her off.
On the previous thread @Stan Butler mentioned her only leaving the country for 48hrs ... something has been going on longer, she pulled out of the cooking show thing (3 weeks filming) claiming she 'couldn't leave my children' - she turned down TV work with naff all new offers on the table, at the time some thought it was to do with drug tests, but, maybe its a different restriction ... I could be wrong if she has been on holiday since that filming was supposed to happen, the timeline is confusing
this is who Katie Price is in Greece with looks like an exact clone of her
That face is so airbrushed it doesnt even fit the body
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
That story needs to be put to the news sites, whichever one is not under that cunts control & they can get the story out. Surely there's got to be somebody?!
Facey, from my digging, surprisingly, its ITV :unsure:
I am very sorry to write that you can all write as many emails and sign as many petitions as you like. It will have absolutely no effect whatsoever. Skanky will be posting pictures of her with her new cute puppy within a week at the most.
think about what brought al Capone to justice and work that way to get her comeuppance.
Tax evasion is the least of her worries now.
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pepe le pew

VIP Member
Im so happy for Emily and Peter. This is wonderful news for their family. This will be Pete’s fifth. And you can say with absolute confidence that Pete and Emily will never divorce. Both have stellar careers. Their kids are being raised perfectly. They might struggle with the nepo thing. But they got private educations. Been in a stable home.
I know someone who won’t enjoy this news. If she fires back with some nasty story about the past it wouldn’t surprise me.
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I'd get an injunction on her releasing that onto the general public :ROFLMAO:
As if anyone beyond her hangers on, family and herself is going to buy it .... it wont get any radio play either ... she will play it on her tackytock for a while - perform it 'live' and hammered on there a few times ... force the unwilling audience of the live podcast that wont last show to watch a wooden screeching mimed performance - try and flog 'Cds' at the plaster classes - and we will take the piss out of it all on here before it sinks like a stone just like the rest of her musical 'endeavors'
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Aha! ... i expect that the poorly trotter being wheeled out is because she has been told NO to getting her licence back and needs a convenient excuse ... hoorah, the roads are a bit safer for longer!
I wouldn’t be surprised tracey she still drives,we know what a cunt she is.
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Probably. For someone who lives for the attention solely on her and who actively uses SM to have the focus on her she clearly had something to hide by kicking off the way she did on that zoom call. Whilst I have no doubt that February will be in person so that she is dealt with correctly, I think this next session will be private so that due process is not derailed. She may think she is winning but in reality it is giving her more rope to hang herself (metaphorically).
It's 5 months until the next hearing too. That's plenty of time to really go through her finances and accounts forensically. I just love that
word :D . Maybe at the next hearing, she'll be told it's going criminal due to what they've found!
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Right gloves are off now, the public have had enough of this vile excuse for a human. Skank is finally getting trashed on her IG, people are really attacking her, the #bekind twats she calls fans are being drowned out, some are fighting back but it’s a very small thick-headed minority. Twitter is having a go at her as well, and the comments sections (before some were pulled) are 99.99% showing disgust towards her, even bloody Ron isn’t supporting her over this. It’s no consolation for the sad loss of such a beautiful animal, but that tide is turning on her now, I do believe she really is hated by most of the British public. So anyone who continues to platform her on TV, absolutely f*ck you, with all the anger towards Schofield are you going to continue supporting this animal killer piece of 💩 ? And our print media, stop the f*cking fluff pieces, stop buying her bloody Backgrid photos featuring her ugly deformed body. Today showed as ugly as she looks on the outside she is even uglier inside, an absolute piece of trash, and we want her f*cking binned for good. Read the room all of you……STOP F*CKING PLATFORMING HER.

I said earlier what can we do to stop her owning more animals, well we are all contacting various animal welfare organisation, that’s a start. Thought of something else we can do. We have that bloody book of lies incoming soon. No doubt Skank will promote this, f*ck Lorraine Kelly, GMB, This Morning, any show she may try to use to do this. Any that dare to platform her, we need to launch onto their social media, asking them how they can even think it’s ok to give this animal killer airtime. Pressure them as much as we can, let’s take these TV show hypocrites (with their love of animals items) down. Let’s come out fighting, ITV are already struggling with the Schofield scandal, firefighting the fallout, do they want more trouble on top. F*ck these bastards if they let her run her Mum’s sob story unchallenged, let’s make them realise we’ve had enough of this 💩 Even if we fail, it will create a mass of negativity around any appearance, at the very least it might make some producers think and stop a potential future show sending her coin. Taking her income away is the best way to hurt this feckless useless weapons grade c*nt.
Here's an idea: on the day that f****ing comic book is released, how about we all post pictures of Kieran and his Happy, beautiful, well looked after dogs versus Skank and her pitiful half picture of poor Blade advertising JYY crap under the guise of grieving the dog she let be killed. All over any social media that's hyping the bollockfest written by AFP. Should throw a dampener over the launch.
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The dog's doodah

Well-known member
@DC16 I posted on a previous thread one of her horses (chesnut mare that could no longer be ridden) that was up for sale back in March. There was also a pony up for sale with a child on with their face blocked out, I think the child was Bunny.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Kylie has had a Saturday night out, Kylie is still up at 1am, Kylie was told to go to bed by Mr Kylie but Kylie did a bit of late night sleuthing….WTF is this now, some weird 💩 based in Brighton (Never heard of this organisation, WTF again 🤷🏽‍♀️)

View attachment 2215780
Oh this will be the alleged hauntings at the Shitty Shack. I shall repeat what I always say about this
The only malign spirit in that hovel is the skank itself.
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