
Well-known member
If she’s avoiding being served papers(or whatever it is!) they could possibly wait for her to do her so called Panto stint(as it’s being advertised where she’ll be)and serve them to her on stage 🤣(just a mad thought!!)
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The only ones reporting on it at the moment, naturally.
Once is an accident (albeit something you’d make sure couldn’t happen anyway). More than once is complete negligence. She has so much blood on her hands 😭
If anyone has time to get in touch with the RSPCA this is the man to write to: [email protected]

Best to keep it brief as there's more chance of him reading it.

Hit by a car not chipped either MM gates left open.
She claims to make 'shed loads of money' from OF so why doesn't the greedy bitch install electric gates to keep her animals safe?
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pepe le pew

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I think the animal rights people are the correct people to contact now. I did rspca, I did peta. PETA sent her a letter and copied it and sent it to the media. But only true animal rights activists can help now..
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Noticed that...Jett gets shoved along with skank into nail salons or hairdressers then she moans on podcast he hates being there.. she can't have Jett doing kid friendly fun as it doesn't fit her narrative of her Munchausen proxy narrative of him...
Never known someone in the public eye as evil as herto keep those kids from their father purely for her own revenge ...yet the red top media know it's happening but refuses to call her out
The thing I don't understand is that Bunny would love going to the nail salons with her but no! she drags Jett along instead. I am starting to believe she is deliberately doing this is humiliate and break him because he'll never be a money maker to her, like she 'thinks' Princess and Bunny will be. He is so much like Keiron and she hates that.
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I'd believe her because I think fundamentally she hates men, whether she likes women is another matter.......all she really loves is admiration and money.

Her OF seems to have stalled at a very low level, possibly as few as 34 likes a day. If she's making money from it it's because she's using it as an introduction service for her to meet up with paying clients.
KFP is a narcissist and the ones I’ve met don’t really care if they have sex with men or women- it’s all a transaction to them. There is no affection. Just sometimes for the sake of being in a relationship.
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Well it will be interesting to see what happens to KP even Bernie Ecclestone has admitted fraud with all his money to pay for the best he still got caught
Shes going to be sooooo pissed off im hoping it will tip her over the edge for an epic meltdown🤣🤣🤣🤣
Just need Michelle to announce another baby
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Its all for show, there must be a hearing in court soon, regarding the children, and as usual, these grifting lying cunts are laying the groundwork ` Look your honour, the children are with loving family doing child friendly activities ` completely forgetting the fact, that since she kidnapped them, they were locked up at the shitty MM, for nearly a year .... only going out for mother dearest to get nails, hair, more botched surgery, they're plastering over the cracks like they always do, when something serious is on the cards, this is all for show, she has again roped in her ` enablers ` to get her out of the shit, and you can bet, they are ALL being paid handsomely :mad: remember this nasty, selfish hag only does something that will gain in her favour, for her to WIN at any cost ..... smoke and mirrors, all for effect .... lies, upon lies ... deception ... what a vile slippery bunch of twats! ... lets hope the court and judge will see the truth, past this nonsense, and return these children to dad
Especially as these loving family are all moving away from her
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Oh FGS....! Yeah.... 'course you will, Skanky....

Katie Price plans to build a family empire with the focus on teenage daughter Princess Andre.
“As well as taking care of Princess as her mum, Katie is also going to be her ‘momager’, looking after the business side of her career,” our source said.

Because Skanky is so well known for her business acumen...!

Problem is she can never put anyone else first , so will not be able to handle Princess getting the attention and mist if the cash. Never gonna work. Also if this is a business, she is not allowed to be in charge as a director . So if she’s opening a management business it will have to be in someone else’s name and she will just get a wage . Never thought it through did she , as per usual keys her gob run away with her for column inches
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Looks like bunny spending the weekend with auntie Edna and Doing fun kid things... obviously Edna reading she's a 💩💩 aunty to j and b.. hence the reason for this outing 🧐🤭
Well we all think her latest attempt at singing will be another failure, her deluded fans disagree. I guess the answer will be how it does in the charts. What did she get to last time number 60? She's just so desperate to stay in the public eye, she must hate the fact junior and pinny are more popular now. I noticed prinny getting more likes on insta than her mother now!
This professional spokesman sums up skank as a tarnished has been on the sun article about P's future courtesy of Claire


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So looks like P is back with Emily - there is a pic in her outfit for POB outside peters I think!
Great to hear. I think Emily has influenced P in a positive way. She poses like her, elegantly. No pointy toe, squinty eye, old hat rubbish like the Skank. She is probably off her trolley screeching at the screen that she should be there. Maybe we'll get a late night tikety tockety 😁
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Oh no another poor animal has died, poor blade.
My 💜 goes out to @Stan Butler when he finds this out! I hope those animal charities feel some remorse as they were warned! Who has a guard dog and doesn’t know where it is as at all times? Sorry also to all Tattlers who are animal lovers. Not a good day!😞
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Been missing in action due to OH requiring emergency surgery but had to come here to to add my condolences to Stan and to say that Price is a cunt of the highest order.
My take on it all is that cunt features most likely was the one who left the gate open whilst out on one of her night drives to see a 'friend' and was too coked up to know that Blade had followed her.
Either way, sooner this fucking waste of oxygen draws its last breath, the better, and it can't come soon enough.
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i think you have hit the nail on the head there, Humiliation, thats what its all about i think she sees jett as a mini me of his father and she is contiuing her campain of Kieron , via Jett, perhaps in her deluded mind Jett is Kieron, she gave kieron a car and took it back, she gave kieron a sex toy on this birthday in front of his friends and others and embarrassed him and the others, she humiliated kieron at the renewing of vows too. why cant SS see this humiliation of Jett, the nail bars, the black nail varnish she made him have, her saying he wanted it and Jett saying she made him have it.
This is exactly what's going on. All done to hurt Keiron as much as possible, and she won't stop until she has destroyed him for failing to worship her as the she-god that she thinks that she is. All she has done though, is empowered him. The more she tries to hurt him, the stronger he gets and the more determined he is to get those children out of her web of destruction.
Funny how all of a sudden they’re the doting grandparents and auntie spending time with the kids eh? She’s probably pissed off somewhere. Maybe sent a search party out for Carol and the RR
May be the slide down that downward slope is speeding up!
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