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Her publicist gave her another interview on the tabloid site US Weekly..

I was literally five seconds into the article and almost spat my tea out at the second sentence!

She’s an open book. Jameela Jamil is known for her refreshing honesty
12. I have a phobia of velvet.
Literally dressed head to toe in velvet 🤔

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I want someone to write up a whole essay on why Playing It Straight was soooooo “problematic” and then tag her in it 😂
If only! We all know what she’ll say to defend herself though:

“I was homophobic then, just like I used to be a misogynist. Internalised homophobia because I am queer but not ready to discuss it. I have learned so much and grown beyond and now I am cleverer than everyone. It wasn’t really my fault that I did the show, I needed the money because as a brown woman it was the only paid presenting gig I could get (that also involved a free holiday and full wardrobe budget). Also I was attacked by killer bees on the set and diagnosed with cancer minutes before filming so it was a very difficult time for me, I would rather not remember that trauma. Trust me that I have grown as a person and am now the best possibly ally to the gays in the entire world”
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That's a good point actually. And I still think the language was so incredibly vague. Is she bisexual or did she once kiss a woman playing spin the bottle as a teenager?
Exactly. Jayde Adams said something like “mate, we all licked a fanny in 2005. That doesn’t make you queer”. Made me laugh.
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Just the idea that you can receive DEATH THREATS for accidentally misgendering a non binary woman shows how utterly insane the whole movement is. Death threats for calling a woman "she".
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So what im reading is: you agree trans people are murdered and abused for being who they are;

an unrelated comment on how many trans ppl have murdered someone between 2008-2017;

and another random fact about how many women were killed by men in 1800?
1800 was the figure, not the year.

Edit: And speaking of random and unrelated facts and comments, the comment said that 9 trans people were murdered, not murdered because they were trans. I don’t think the poster you replied to would agree with you at all on any of what you said, actually.
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So the singer Sia was being called out on twitter yesterday for not using autistic actors in her movie about them. Guess who came out with an impossibly relevant anecdote right after that.

Yes, yes, you are the WOKE QUEEN Jameela, but did the audition really happen?

I feel a bit mean calling her out like this anonymously on a forum, and I believe she does have a mild form of EDS, but she reminds me a lot of a co-worker who embellishes her life stories everyday, and insert herself into every trending topic of the day. JJ must have wiped her post history because it has so many inconsistencies.

Glad to see someone calling her out
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I agree with her. The rabid adoration of Johnny Depp is the most bizarre thing. He’s clearly a volatile man in a position of power whatever you think of Amber’s behaviour. I fear for Amber, I don’t know how anyone copes with this level of onslaught.
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The rest of the time I’m vegan Hahahaha. Yeah mate I had a steak for lunch but ever since then I’ve had fruit and veg,I must pop into my insta and update my bio to vegan.

the way she says ‘eating disorder survivor’ bothers me as well-why can’t she just say she suffered an eating disorder? Don’t get me wrong I understand that unfortunately many women and men don’t survive having an eating disorder,I just hate the use of the word for some reason. Like you don’t say you are a car accident survivor. Or someone with a nut allergy wouldn’t call themselves an allergy survivor If they didn’t die would they?
Sorry if I offend-unintentional and tbh I think I’ve just got to the stage where everything she says fucks me off so it’s hard to be objective about things she posts

Also love how she says she has decided not to discuss what she eats and then goes on to discuss what she eats. Classic.

And what does eating meat have to do with being a feminist in progress? I despair
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He also pointed out that suddenly, straight, white, heterosexual males can put themselves right at the top of the oppression index and as a black person, who has never been able to ‘identify out of his oppression’ he sees a logical problem.

I don’t even think he’s that controversial.
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This is my first post in this thread after lurking for a while and attempting to bite my tongue. I’ve really had enough.

Jameela Jamil is such a narcissist that it’s actually frightening. I saw the articles presenting a strong case that she has Munchausens and I wouldn’t be surprised.

She’s desperate to jump on every woke bandwagon that she can because she thinks it will keep her relevant. She thinks that adding a rainbow emoji to her Instagram biography is “coming out” and says that it took her “ages to feel comfortable” enough to do that. Now that she identifies as Queer, she thinks that she’s suddenly an expert in vogueing. I don’t think so.

Now Jameela wants to try and keep herself relevant by inserting herself into the death of another person. If Caroline was her friend, Jameela would know that she was struggling with mental illness and probably didn’t need to be texted any kind of criticism. I don’t think they could have been as close as she claims because if so, Caroline wouldn’t be texting Piers about it.

Jameela is hideous to use someone’s tragic death to self publicise. I’m so glad that people are calling her out on it.
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Because JJ loves othering- "older women, I'm not one of them!" Just say women and be done with it, JJ. Because it's not something that just affects "older women". It has been a problem for all women for many, many years now
Surely she should say people with wrinkles or wrinkle havers? 🤔
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Yikes. I've got my issues with JJ, but saying an assault can't have happened because a woman didn't go to the police is not it.
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think she is currently in a bunch of lies……. Like of course this picture isn’t photoshopped.
View attachment 810359
omg shut the FUCK up!! “In what ways did overcoming ED improve your life” ummmm I got to leave the hospital and didn’t fucking DIE!

But yes PLEASE use it as an excuse to post a vain selfie with your professionally done hair and make up in great lighting so people can tell you how pretty you are under the guise of “body acceptance!”
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^We're probably due a massive essay about the white patriarchy taking over SM and how she, as a non binary gender queer semi trans woman of colour who identifies as an actress (but isn't good enough to be one) would be more representative of Twitter, followed by a massive flounce, followed 20 minutes later with screencaps arguing with people from the non binary gender queer semi trans identifying as actresses movement as to how she doesn't represent them.
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In the podcast they found that when she mentioned the cancer she responded to someone via twitter that HPV got her good. I don’t know about HPV but isn’t it a virus and not cancer? As in don’t they get rid of the cells because it’s at risk of turning into cancer?
That's exactly it. It grows on the cervix and can possibly turn cancerous if left untreated for many years. My friend found out she had it after a routine smear and had an outpatient procedure to laser them away.

I'm almost a year in remission from lymphoma and the fact this tit of a woman is using HPV as her ticket into being granted "cancer patient" status is sickening, and I really hope she never has to experience the living nightmare that is chemotherapy.
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Well that's their prerogative - I don't agree, but it's completely beside the point: JKR has made her views extremely clear and public, so she doesn't need JJ's help to be 'cancelled' in the eyes of people who care about transgender human rights. Nothing JJ says or does could make me feel any sort of way about JKR that she's not already doing herself.

Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson have both expressed the same views in response to some of JKR's statements, and they have a far bigger audience and reach than JJ. There's just SO many reasons JJ is a dickhead and this ain't it.
Daniel Radcliffe is a wimp whose statement was clearly written on his behalf (so genuine *eye roll*). Then Emma Watson and Rupert Grint piled in too - Emma Watson is another JJ who prides herself on her wokeness. On Grint, you have to wonder was it for fear of also being cancelled by an angry Twitter mob if he dudnt also issue a statement - or for fear of receiving death threats which is standard punishment now for any celebs that dont doggedly repeat that TWAW.

We will never know what the real views of the cast were because expressing anything other than "acceptance without exception" gets automatic cancellation and unlike JKR those 3 still need to work.

Anyway I suggest you read the essay.
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