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It was there on the weekend as he posted a pic of him with zippy and his kids and family at some winter lights. Conveniently coinciding with the Strictly final, I think he was making the point that he had the kids that day! But yes its gone now
How good of him to have his own kids for once. I bet they were mostly palmed off on his mother though.
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As a man I hesitate to label Zippy a 'slag'. I was thinking (so sad is my life) there MUST be more at play. Using my own cod-psychology I figured at some base-level when a woman feels the need to breed she will look around in her pond for the biggest fish. This rugby bloke, she thinks, has sired a few kids; I want a kid - I know, I'll latch onto him and he can impregnate ME! So I can have kids. I hate to get all biological, but doesn't that make sense? Feel free to slag me off for reducing women to 'breeders', but I really am not a card carrying member of an incel forum and am trying to figure out her motives. Because if it isn't biology or hormones then yes, Zippy is just a slag.
I get this and I think it’s valid but I think the Zippy situation is an extension of a spoiled little girl who’s had what she wants when she wants it all her life. She’s the Violet Beauregarde of Harrogate.
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Helen might not be an angel (who is?!) but can you imagine what it must be like to have a tiny baby and then your husband fuck off and leave you for some other woman. And what kind of woman does that to someone else?! Utterly dispicable.
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There are some posters on here wishing the child well as if we don't. The reason this pair provoked such a reaction far beyond these pages is because of their casual/callous attitude to breaking up a family. Sometimes couples split and one party doesn't see it coming. Falling in love is not something you put in the diary. Things happen. What people objected to is their conniving and lack of regard for anyone but themselves. Their loved up photos 🤮🤮screamed ME ME ME and fuck you, Helen and were frankly, pathetic. So yes, I'll put on record that I wish Baby Olivia well - I wouldn't wish a fucked up home on any child. But I also wish Baby Elsie well. She'll grow up knowing Daddy scarpered when she was max 4 months old. I wish his boys well because he's going to be a part time father, at best. I don't need a crystal ball to predict what will happen with this selfish pair but Zippy will be cushioned by money and all the back up that can be bought. So, for the record, I think they're a couple of arseholes I wouldn't put in charge of a cat - but opinions may vary.
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Cheaters always get their karma eventually I’ve seen it down through the years with family and friends who’ve been cheated on. Sounds like you’re well rid of that ex of yours delighted he’s some what miserable.
I did feel sorry for him when he told me, because we had a good 9 and a half years together, then I remember what he did in those last few months and just think “actually fuck you”
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I have a feeling the baby won’t be seen until it becomes difficult to estimate their age.

I will never get over this. Imagine having the audacity to complain you can’t fully enjoy your pregnancy because of the public support for your baby Daddy’s actual wife who has maintained a dignified silence throughout


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I caught my arsehole cheating ex when my youngest was 18m old. I will always hate him for so much, but depriving my children of the mother I could have been had I not been utterly destroyed is what I hate him the most for.

Helen is holding it together (publicly, at least) so much better than I ever did/do. But even then, wrinkly ballsack-face has still changed her experience of motherhood and the happy mother his children deserved to have.

Cheaters are scum.
My youngest was 2, cheating with my so called friend who lived next door. I totally lost my marbles for a long time and definitely didn’t keep my dignity like Helen did.

I will never forgive either of them, sly sly barstewards.
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Why is it always the cheating ratbags who age horrendously? Must be the guilt
💯 the guilt, my ex never looks me in the eye eaten up with guilt and drinking heavily to forget that he’s now shacked up with a plain Jane and her 2 kids he can’t stand.
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🎼 Sisters are doing it for themselves 💃🕺
Helen and Kai were voted top couple by the judges and audience at the first stage of the Strictly tour last night in Birmingham. Helen looking happy, stylish, confident and at the top of her game. She won't look back now. The gruesome twosome aren't even worth a mention.
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If Zippy is due in January then she would have gotten pregnant in April, wonder was that his sudden reason for leaving Helen then. So his daughter would have been only 4 months when Zippy got pregnant 😯
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She’s more than likely got pregnant so soon with the naivety that it will keep him. He left one family & a new born so that won’t stop him from leaving another. I would imagine the thing that lured him away from Helen was the fact that his new life with Whatsherface was responsibility free.
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Just chipping to say I like and admire Helen for what she's doing. I hope he's realized what he's missing and that she's (Helen) realized she (and her little family) can do better.
She also looks stunning considering she has not long had a 3rd child. He seems as shallow as a puddle, so he's got another pregnant girlfriend and months of sleepless nights to look forward to and not seeing his other kids, while his hot ex wife is on Prime Time Saturday night telly!
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Gutted for both Helen and Gorka. Most deserving winners imo. Other forums are saying how unprofessional Gorka is and how he should be benched next year because of that. What nonsense. He is competitive and in that moment he was gutted. It wasn’t disrespect, it was disappointment

But for Helen I hope this whole experience is the start of a new chapter for her and good luck to her with whatever she does.
Absolutely. I think Gorka was just really disappointed in the moment, hardly unprofessional to look a bit sad

But it has clearly been such a wonderful, positive experience for Helen and that is a win in itself really. It's easy to dismiss 'sob stories' but I just just can't imagine how bloody hard it must be to pick yourself up and carry on and just find a way through it

I keep thinking about her parents and how worried they must have been for her. To see your kids going through something awful - you just feel so helpless and I completely get their reactions and Helen wanting to do it for them
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Say what you want about the various actual or perceived failings of the Great British Public ... but we don't like a love rat. Zippy and Meathead would be well advised to keep their sorry fucking heads down. We aren't in the mood for them what with everything else that is happening.
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I think a lot of women have such poor self esteem that they think they’ve won some kind of ‘prize’ when they manage to steal someone else’s husband/partner. But how can you ever really trust them? They’ve done it once and they will do it again given half a chance. My mum used to be friends with a woman who’s husband had left his first wife and son for her and she watched him like a hawk at all times. He wasn’t allowed to do anything without clearing it with her first and if he so much as spoke to another woman she‘d go apeshit. Quite simply she didn’t trust him. That’s no way to live a life IMO.

Why aren’t The Sun naming the other woman? They would usually.
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At least she found out now ... she's still young and well-established in her career to make a new life.

It's very sad for their family unit, but in the long term she will see that he has done her a favour by revealing his true colours.
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