
Active member
If she was actually eco conscious she would know that biodegradable isnt actually a very good option and would opt for compostable instead.
She'd print her "art" on recycled paper using plant-based non toxic inks. Her stickers would be paper with a compostable glue on the back not vinyl. Her totes would be made from a sustainable fabric like hemp or recycled cotton rather than virgin, bleached cotton. She would disclose information about where her products are made so people can make a conscious decision about whether or not they have been ethically produced by fair paid employees. She would use the original cardboard boxes that products are shipped to her in and she'd them to be used as packing material instead of that dyed pink crap that she uses.
She'd also ask the company she orders from not to use plastic when packing her order or she would just send the item out in its original packaging instead rewrapping them in "biodegradable" wrapping.

She's certainly not as eco conscious as possible. In fact she feels a little more like green washinhg just to say it's eco for the sake of being trendy.
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For all you tiktokers

Gabbie closing her shop after 3 weeks of being open

Tattle: girl don’t do it, it’s not worth it
Gabbie: I’m not gonna do it girl, I was just thinking about it, I’m not going to do it
Gabbie: *closes her shop*
Gabbie: I did it
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Dull, my dear, I have it severe
Ray, I fucking hate the suuun
Me, it’s all I can talk about
Far, that’s what Jane has to ruuun
Sew, my favourite adjective
Lap, an operashun don’t you know
Tea, I eat like I’ve been unfed
And that brings us back to dull,
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So when she was in Brighton her friends were in London
When she was in London her friends were in Brighton
And now that she’s back in Brighton her friends are up north?!
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Of all the editing she does to her body to make herself look as skinny as she can … why does she never touch up her hairline. It reminds me of Shakespeare if he’d had hideous glasses and bad lip filler.




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Okay I’m back with the low down on the cabbie Q&A episode.
They jump straight into the questions after Gabby repeats the phrase ‘juicy Q&A’ 5 million times in the intro.

First question is, first time they knew they were in love with each other?
Gabby says she doesn’t know a specific time but she had been thinking it for around a week before they said it to each other. Cam says Gabby starting sending her texts like ‘hypothetically if I were in love with you’ and that’s how she knew how Gabby felt. Cam said I love you first. They say it moved very fast and they hadn’t known each long before they said it ‘but they move fast because they’re gay’. Cam second guessed herself because she thought it was too early.

Question two is, what’s it like in the bedroom with tops and bottoms and etc?
Cam asks what etc means. Gabby jumps in and says maybe etc is Australian style like that man wanted to do to me, they then tell a story about being in London and a drunk man coming over to Gabby, while she was wearing a sheer, low cut bodysuit, (cam said to Gabby, you do have your tits out when you wear it, and Gabby giggles like a child) and saying her boobs were the best he’s ever seen and he wanted to ‘put them in his mouth and suck them Australian style’. They then debate what Australian style could mean. Gabby thinks it means the man underneath while the woman directs the boob into his mouth.
They then clarify that Gabby is a bottom and cam is a top. Gabby says she’s always been a top before, because she’s normally the dominant partner. She does say in this part ‘in my previous relationships with women, unfortunately I have had a few with men. I am a dominant top’.

Question three is, how do you keep the spark alive in a long distance relationship?
They had dates on FaceTime. Cam likes to sext but Gabby refused to do it because it makes her cringe. (I’m really sorry for what you’re about to read) They had FaceTime sex a lot and say that really helped keep the spark alive. But ultimately you need to end the long distance bit of the relationship. Gabby gives a disclaimer to make sure you trust who you’re having FaceTime sex with. Cam then says that Gabby loves to send her nudes, and surprises her with them.

Question four is, does Jane like cam?
Cam says she thinks Jane likes her. Gabby says she does, she loves cam. Cam is the first person Gabby has dated that Jane actually likes. Says she’s had secret relationships with girls so cam is the first person to actually be introduced as a partner. Claims to have had girls sleepover that her parents thought were friends but were more than that. Cam says she really likes Jane, says she’s gabbys biggest fan and she’s excited to hang out with her more. Says her parents also adore Gabby so it’s all good.

Question five is, what are your types I.E femme butch etc?
Cam jumps in and says she in general likes femme women. Says she’s been known to lose her shit over masculine girls. If you’re hot, you’re hot. Says she will shift her style to suit who she is with.
Gabby says she wants to give cam a makeover.
Gabby says her type is masculine energy. Sporty girls is what she really likes. Gabby says she would have fancied cam had they met at school because cam played sports. Cam wants to float a theory as to why Gabby only dated fem girls in the past. She thinks because those were the only girls confident enough to approach Gabby because she’s so beautiful. She thinks anyone who is masculine or tom boy would think Gabby wouldn’t be interested because she could have anyone she wants. She said if Gabby hadn’t come onto her so strongly she wouldn’t have been brave enough to say anything. Gabby giggles like a child through this interaction.

Question five is, what was the first thing that attracted you to each other?
Gabby says it was cams confidence. Cam doesn’t believe her. Gabby says she’s so confident and eloquent which is something Gabby finds difficult so she finds it so attractive in other people. She loves how cam is just who she is and that was the first thing she noticed.
Cam says it’s shallow but she noticed how beautiful Gabby was first. She thought she was a certified 10/10. She also says she knew who gabby was when they first started speaking. They connected a lot on sharing about their lives and health problems. They opened up very quickly and shared a lot.

Question six, who’s the top? This has already been covered so not sure why they’re making me sit through it twice. They reiterate that cam is the top. But it occasionally switches.

Question seven, tell us about when you first met each others families?
Gabby starts talking about meeting cams family. Cam had to pop back to their house to pick something up, she told Gabby she didn’t have to come in but Gabby thought it would be rude not to. They went in and met cams dad, her mum was upstairs getting changed and putting a nicer top on. Gabby complimented the top and everyone really got on. Gabby and dad bonded over cats. They had s formal dinner a few days later where Gabby also met cams sister and her boyfriend.
Cam met Jane and gabbys dad in a train station just before they went to Paris. They were taking Nellie up to Sheffield so they met half way in London at a train station. Gabby says they were together 10 minutes, Jane invited cam to Sheffield and wants to teach her to make bread. Cam disputes the time and says they were sat together for about half an hour and all had a coffee too.

Question eight, what are your future plans, kids, house together and where?
Gabby says we aren’t entirely sure. We have ideas but nothing set. Kids is a no. Cam says they are agreed kids is not something they see in their future. If they won the lottery and won a billion dollars and could pay someone to do the difficult stuff like night feeds and nappy changing then maybe they would. She has insomnia and Gabby has health problems so it’s hard enough to look after themselves. They love their freedom and financial freedom too much. They say they are going to get their kid fulfilment from any nephews and nieces they have. They are so happy to be gay aunties. They then go on for ages about helping out family with babies instead of having their own.
Gabby says long term subscribers will be surprised because a few years ago she had bad baby fever, but it was after she was diagnosed with endo, fibroids, cysts and adhesions, and she was told if she wanted a baby to have one then, and it panicked her and made her think she wanted children.
In terms of house they aren’t buying anything together for a while because of visa/citizenship processes around this. They both have their own properties which they might upgrade and move separately. Gabby thinks it’s sensible to have your own separate assets. They see their homes as each others anyway. They will buy together after they get married, they don’t know where yet, they give some suggestions of London, Chicago, nashville and Paris.

Question nine, how has your sex life changed now you’re feeling more confident in your body?
Gabby says this must be aimed at her. She says it’s changed in the fact she’s no longer a top. Cam says she was a top on other relationships because she didn’t want to lay down and be vulnerable. Gabby says that was a lot of the reason why. She says she was so self conscious she would have sex with all the lights off and would need to be drunk. This was all up until just recently. They both say it’s very different now. And it’s come from losing weight and how cam treats her because cam never judges her. Cam tells her she’s beautiful and Gabby says cam compliments the parts of herself she doesn’t like, even her legs. Cam says she doesn’t see a single flaw in gabbys body. Cam says she’s had times where she’s less confident. But it’s a mind set and if you feel less you just need to act confident.

Question ten, how did you meet and have you said I love you yet?
Gabby says they met via discord, we know the story. They met because Gabby was a fan of the pod cast. They joke that they said I love you ten minutes after meeting

Question eleven, have you tried using a strap on, what are your tips for best use?
Gabby says yes we have, they are using a different kind to ones she’s used before. Cam starts to explain them, they are knicker kind, cam asks gabby how many times she’d used one before her, and Gabby says not a lot just a couple of times with you one other person. Cam says the knicker ones are easier to use and more comfortable. Cam introduced Gabby to this kind of strap on. (My poor ears). Cam finds having to have the hard ware to have sex annoying so this is much better. There’s an awkward moment when gabby says the pants have a backing like male boxers do, and cam mishears and goes very sarcastically ‘I don’t know what male boxes have to do with this’ so Gabby has to repeat very loudly what she actually said, and cam ignores her pretty much.
Tips for best use, they say it takes practice because as a woman you aren’t used to the thrusting. Cam finds missionary the hardest position. Doggy position is their favourite. And they recommend extra lube. Gabby says to use a vibrator at the same time.

Question twelve, is being in a relationship how you expected it to be?
Gabby says it’s aimed at her because she’d always said she never wanted a relationship. She says it’s a lot easier than she made it in her head. All her relationships shes had before she’s hidden because of YouTube and trolls. She says her and cam went public so quickly because it now people aren’t trying to work out who cam is.

Question thirteen (when will it end), sex with girls over sex with guys?
Gabby says it’s better in every single way and cam agrees. Cam says there’s most trust and vulnerability between two women and it’s hard to have tht with a man even if you love them. Don’t have to worry about pregnancy. They both got tested for sti’s before they slept together. They say it’s just better. Gabby says sex with men is boring and it made her not fussed about having sex. She’d rather sit and have a Nando’s apparently.

Question fourteen, what’s the most surprising thing about being intimate with someone of the same sex?
Gabby says the most surprising thing is that it made her actually enjoy sex. Cam says nothing surprised her.

Question fifteen, favourite position?
Gabby says her changes. Her top three are doggy, reverse cowgirl leant forward, and cowgirl laid back. Cam says cowgirl meets missionary. Cams favourite is doggy.

Question sixteen, favourite thing to do together?
Cam says everything we just mentioned. But the actual answer is playing chess and singing to each other. And travelling together.

Then I will be honest I had to skip through about 10 minutes of then talking about chess and cam droning on about how much better she is than Gabby and my brain honestly felt like it was melting.

Question seventeen, would you get married for a visa?
They both say no, there’s no need. Neither of them is desperate to stay in another country to there’s time. Gabby wants to know a marriage is going to work and she needs to know she definitely sees a future with someone first. Going back and forth works right now so that’s what they’ll continue to do.

Question eighteen, what do you fancy most about each other?
Cam says she is daily astounded by gabbys beauty. She adores her sense of humour and her dirty jokes. Gabby says she loves that they laugh about the same things. Gabby also says she loves how easy it is for them to make something fun, such as singing to each other while playing chess. Says she feels safe with cam because she’s a calming presence and is so accepting. Cam says she’s the opposite of judgemental. Gabby says cam looks so cute when she first wakes up in the morning and her hair is all bushy (?). Cam says the opposite and says she fancies Gabby most when she’s got her make up done and looks glam.

Question nineteen, best sex ever?
Gabby says they didn’t specify if this was with each other, but they decide to answer it that way. (Again, I’m so sorry for what you’re about to read). Cam says the best time Gabby ever fucked her, she threw up afterwards and cried. She said it was so intense and Gabby edged her forever. Her body was destroyed. Gabbys best sex ever is every time they sex. She said it gets better every time as they get more comfortable. She’s having more than five orgasms every time they have sex. She’s having so many in a row. Cam says she’s more of a one and some kind of girl. Tells Gabby is she was patient and waited for five minutes she could go again and Gabby said it’s been noted.

And that’s the end of the episode but they say there will be a Q&A part two (yippee).

I cannot comment any thoughts of what I have just heard because my brain has turned to mush.
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That tweet about being “jealous of young women making a successful business and life for themselves” 🤮

Gabs if you’re reading, please listen to why I use this website. I am also a successful young woman, in my opinion much more successful than you because what I do actually makes a difference in the world. I work incredibly hard in a job that I love but is really challenging, especially with Covid. Seeing the way you treat people and the way you complain endlessly despite all the privilege you have just makes me sad, not jealous. It’s a true injustice in the world that people like you earn shitloads of money and have an easy ride in life from doing very little work and being a really nasty human, whilst the true heroes in this world go underpaid and unnoticed.
That’s why I don’t like you and that’s why I read and post here. It also provides some great escapism in a really difficult time.

I’m sure lots of my fellow tattlers relate to this also!
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Well that's me told isn't it? Shame I don't have any successful projects of my own, only been busy teaching for the past decade, been married for 6 and have 2 little ones under 5, but who I am to talk?
ETA LOOOL she's put me on blast on her story, thanks for half blocking my username ya troll.
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