
Active member
How are you doing @leahsmom? I've been thinking about you all day.❤
My fellow tattlers, it’s been a very long 36 hours.
I’ve taken all everyone’s advice .A social worker came by this afternoon and signed me up for several programs that should be helpful. Services a few and far between here in Southern Illinois. I’m 350 miles from Chicago and by the state funds trickle down to us there’s not much left seems like most things stay up north.
Your kind words are so helpful making me feel I’m not so alone. The house is drying up but we’re are in and out of flood warnings still. It’s scary. Just hoping for no more water in the house. Several neighbors have come with shop vacs and dehumidifiers which are all running full blast. Less water is coming up thru the floors & I’m lucky enough to have no carpeting anywhere in the house, just vinyl and tile. Now it’s just a matter of drying everything out which could be several more days. My poor dogs(Ella &Ezra) are finally calming down and I’m hoping to get more than 3 hours sleep!
Thanks for the ideas, kind words & hugs!
Your responses gave me something to take my mind off things & the support makes me feel good. Thanks again!
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Serious question : WTF is wrong with there fans? I can’t stand it anymore. Losing weight and eating healthy!! When? I don’t think I’ve seen them eat healthy anything let alone a healthy meal. What are these people watching and /or smoking? This tells me everything I need to know about what kind of people watch them, ones who are looking for a thank you or some recognition from the “celebs”. I can’t with these people anymore.

Serious answer, and buckle in because this got long as fuck:
The leghumpers have been (poorly) radicalized.

And I mean that in the actual sense of the word.

I know I've been really circumspect about myself in general here, but...
I'm an online propaganda & disinfo specialist, and my job involves journalism in that realm. College degree, thesis, the whole nine yards. I study and write about how people are radicalized via the internet/social media and the group dynamics involved through all stages. While my particular focus is on hate groups, I understand how people fall into cult-like situations, how they're kept in the fold, and why they act and believe they way that they do regarding their particular flavor of extremism.

When most people think radicalization or cult, they generally think of larger political and/or religious situations. That's true, of course, but the same basic rules apply in other spaces. A common factor is humanity's natural desire to belong, to be an integral part of a group.

We all want to belong. We're tattlers here. We may also be workout junkies, Trekkies, sports team fans, K-Pop stans, whatever - people naturally gather in groups and enjoy socializing in those groups. Sometimes people take that sense of belonging really far. I'm sure we all know that one friend of a friend who owns 443 pieces of sports team branded clothing, watches every game with plenty of emotion, has a house full of sports team branded tchotchkes, and who otherwise seems to have a lot of their life invested in that sports team. It's kinda weird and maybe a little dysfunctional but they're just that guy, ya know?

Now imagine that guy, but instead of the sports team it's a Youtuber. The fan population is smaller so they're interacting with the same general group in the comments section or on Twitter/Insta/FB, and the savvy Youtuber will be making sure to interact personally with some of the fans in these spaces as well. That's how you create loyal fans who will buy merch, watch every video, sub to the Patreon, and otherwise make sure to keep the income streams flowing.
That's normal. That's all normal and acceptable and just human nature.

That's also how you set the stage for a literal cult. That's modern-day Jim Jones. If the People's Temple had the internet and social media, this is how it would have started.

Intentionally or not, the Maass family started a very small scale cult. They have a core group of radicalized believers - the leghumpers - and a wider group of hangers-on.

So you want to know why leghumpers are the way that they are?
A radicalized person didn't start that way. They started out bored, lonely, separate from broader society in some way, probably having failed (or been failed) in key aspects of their life such as job or family or health, and generally feeling lost. The feeling of being lost is extremely common. So is feeling less-than. They may look at other people in their social cohort and see people who are happier, healthier, more financially comfortable, whatever, and they feel that they've somehow failed (or have been failed) in their own life.
People like this seek out places where they no longer feel lost or less-than. They look for places where they can belong.

Then they find a space like Fathering Autism.
Here's this relatable, cool, interesting person/family. They're confident, they overcome difficulties with apparent strength and grace, they seem to work hard and are well-rewarded with upgraded cars, home, stuff...and attention, adoration, love. The vulnerable viewer sees a person/family who is achieving everything that viewer wants. That person knows how to get those things. If the viewer gets on FA's "good side," then the viewer may be able to learn how to achieve these things as well.
They're primed for radicalization.

And it's here where the influencer can use their "power" for good or for evil.
Does the influencer continue to simply make content and interact?
Or do they start to develop external issues? Enemies? Haters? Is there an other - a person or group working against the influencer, trying to take them down, trying to hurt them and, by extension, also the fans of said influencer?

Because once an influencer has followers to influence, the next step in radicalizing is to make sure that followers have an other to fight against.

And I think Asa started down this path inadvertently. There are actual barriers in the way of special needs people and their families. Asa would speak against school districts that are shit for autistic kids, or against people who are rude/discriminatory towards disabled people, or against cops who don't know how to handle autistic people other than with violence. These are actual, real issues.
The fans responded, offering tons of support and praise towards FA, sending money and gifts, writing to news stations and organizations in support of the Maass family. They banded together.
And it worked. They became the Maass Squad.

It worked so well that when critics showed up, it was trivial to turn the fans against the critics. When the facade Asa & gang built up started to crumble, it was trivial to frame the problems as originating from some external source, some other evil group hellbent on destroying not only the Maass family, but the Maass squad - the social group created and nurtured first to siphon money, then to be an online army.

And I stress the term other here. It's intentional that I'm italicizing it.
Othering is key to radicalization. In order for a person or group to be radicalized, they have to have an enemy. There has to be something to be radicalized against. In this case, you've got the Maass Squad on the "good" side and the haters/critics/DCP/whatever as the other on the "bad" side.

Once there was an enemy, an other, radicalization set in. You were either 100% with FA on all the things, or you were an enemy. You were not part of the group. If you even hinted that there might be some issues, you were publicly eviscerated and no longer welcome in the social group - for many of these leghumpers, the only real social group they have. After evisceration, you're then summarily banned (ostracized) from the group. Hell, you didn't even have to hint at anything being wrong; if you phrase a comment slightly oddly, if you make the wrong typo, it could be assumed that you were saying something negative about Priscilla's weight or Abbie's treatment and you'd be torn to shreds and banned.

So it's best to only, only express heaping praise and near-religious idolization in any comments made. Anything less runs the very real risk of public shaming and banishment from your group.
Besides, if you heap that praise on, you may be lucky enough to get a like or a comment from one of them - and that increases your relative status in the group. If they reply to you, not only do you get that hit of dopamine but others in the squad will be envious. You're good enough that you got that elusive notice. You humped that leg hard enough to move up the micro-social ladder.

And, again, the Maass Squad is the only, or the primary, social group for some of these people. They view the whole of the FA universe as their family. They cry tears of joy when Abbie learns the sign for donut. They freak out if vlogs are late. They go without so they can buy merch or Limelife crap or overpriced shitty spices. Getting banished from the group would literally be like getting disowned from a real-world family.

And Asa encourages it. He loves it. He's clumsy about it - fortunately - but he does what he can to foster that blind adherence, that cult mentality.

With any luck what we see now is the extent of the leghumpers' blind adherence.
But, and I feel that I need to stress this, these type of groups can and do turn violent sometimes.
Asa's walking a fine line with his fans.


So anyway, that's a thing I just wrote.

And now it's probably pretty obvious why I've hardly been around here the last week, and won't be as active in coming weeks.
*gestures broadly* The culmination of my thesis is happening in real time and I'm none too pleased about it. I've got work to do, though. My goal is to take most of this evening off so I may be around to answer questions if anyone has any.

And, y'all?
Be careful in the real world over the next month or so. Like, continue the pandemic sheltering in place, have a few days of supplies on hand, etc, especially if you live in or near a big city. Cuz there's...stuff. That doesn't look good. I'm hunkered down.
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I don’t like putting stuff out there but, I’m having open heart triple bypass tomorrow. So I’ll be taking care of my health and away from you lovely people. Keep my wife an i in your prayers and I’ll be back before you know it. Take care everyone.
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Long time reader...and " fly on the wall" found my voice after reading/watching and catching up with the shenanigans from the Maas Scam Headquarters.

Felt it time to add my 2 cents for what it's worth.

First of all... Looking at the beginning of the Maas's vlogging journey to recent days not only showcases their ulterior motives but highlights the dollar signs in Asa's eyes as he realizes the gold mine his autistic daughter is.

The reality of Abbies diagnosis is crystal clear....but IDD...that SEVERE development " delay" has far surpassed her early diagnosis of autism. Autism is a very wide net...and has over the past decade gotten a little more refined as to types, and qualification as well as criteria...also the scale of autism , wording, " labels" have changed.

That being said...Asa...refuses to accept that Abbies more updated diagnosis is more focused of her SEVERE IDD....Intellectual Development Disability...it's long term, it's permanent ...it's no longer considered " delayed" she's not behind she's stunted...there's a difference.
Autism is more recognizable a "cute" which is why he stays with word...abusing it really because of you really look at his followers notice not many are actually parents of older autistic children or young adults .... Most of their followers are not involved in the Autism community.

Asa's newest mental breakdown video...is another cash grab on a money maker not topic.

As a parent of an autistic child myself....I know the difference between autism and IDD, also the difference between a TEACHING environment and a LEARNING environment... Asa is clueless.

The home...is the environment where we have our children LEARN appropriate behaviours, manners, hygiene, potty training, how to pour milk, flush a toilet, make our bed...help set the table..how to be part of the home family unit... Routine routine routine is what is incorporated into daily life from the time children start walking!Asa and Priscilla have had 17 years of parenting Abbie.
The home is the learning environment that's routinely done daily....
School...classroom EDUCATION is where tools are introduced to help both the student AND parent to TEACH them what's in a curriculum that professionals have say down with the parents and discussed goals, outlines and during this time updates and suggestions are recommended by professionals to the parents.

The Maas's never followed through with routines at home, ever. They never changed their life to accommodate Abbie.. Instead are determined to drag Abbie into their world and force her to join while calling out " haters" who don't agree with their ways... Most of these " haters" care more about Abbies well being then Asa and Priscilla do.

It's clear Priscilla has zero motherly instincts towards Abbie... She's Asa's punishment for cheating on her, and HIS mess to deal with. Priscilla has made that perfectly clear. Her abuse of food as is Asa's clearly show their dependency ...it's incredibly sad...they both look 10 years older than they are.

Priscilla is now back to her original weight albeit 5 or 10 pounds, she's riding this pyramid scheme thing which according to insiders ....slimelife will be rebranding itself again next year because it's being investigated as a scam....again. ( that's 4 big rebrands for them so far!) So when that scheme falls...Priscilla will be back home stuck in a love less marriage with Asa's mistake ...a daughter she can't stand.

In the meantime...400 pound Boss babe wants her own office away from the chaos of their feral IDD daughter...and pretend she's corporate bigwig with very important meetings all day.
Note: skyping with fat hairy faced women showing them how to shave their " chins" and slap on over priced make up they can't afford is not a meeting. It's scamming idiots for money.
Note: your downline of 7, 8 women who purchased and joined your " team" by putting their purchases on a credit card... And playing dress up...not a corporate meeting either.

The entire Fathering Autism is a sham. Abbie's issue is not autism it's Severe Intellectual Development Delay ...which is now at the age of 17... Soon to be 18... Her final diagnosis is Severe Intellectual Development DISABILITY. It's not a delay...it's permanent....in fact with her lack of structure, routine she will get worse and worse...more feral and less interactive ..exactly what we've been seeing.

Sorry this post is so long... Bottom line is this. The cute little "7 year old with autism " ship has long sailed...and Asa is really more upset because he knows it. Their golden goose....is no longer, so it's a scramble to try to reinvent something new.

Between Priscilla being more absent, the law suits, more in the works, drama from the other daughter who is going after Asa for money owed to her....the decline in paytreon and more and more conflict on all his social media...it's safe to say the Maas family is circling the drain.
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Imagine having so much disposable income that you outsource attention and exercise for your dogs? I swear, if they could figure out an angle to sue the state to get respite workers for the dogs, they'd do it.

On another note, the whole doctor visit was bs. I love how he even admits when Abbie gets in the car that he doesn't know why she needs to be present for the visit. This speaks volumes. He's a) admitting he believes she has nothing to offer during the visit and no contribution to make b) admitting she's nothing more than a prop to him c) complaining that he feels inconvenienced by going to pick her up early and has to deal with her in the house. Also, P talking about her stomping up the stairs like a "typical teenager" is not amusing. It wouldn't be funny if a NT kid did it and it is annoying that she is amused by that. As a matter of fact, I HATE when they laugh at Abbie stealing food or whatever other bad behavior she displays. Why is everything "cute"? She's not a puppy. Does P actually find some comfort in the fact that Abbie does things that she finds "typical" even if they are not positive? Try teaching her to use the bathroom. That would be an accomplishment to be proud of. Stomping up stairs is hardly something to brag about.

And another thing, He just vlogged that the ipad was a mess and literally said she couldn't navigate her way through it with any meaning. He still hasn't fixed it and then bragged to the Dr. about how good she is at using it. Asshole, you just admitted a week ago that she couldn't but found an excuse for why (how convenient) and now you're claiming the opposite?

Also, it was incredibly rude how he changed the topic from Becca's graduation to the Dr. visit so abruptly. Becca was like "ok, oh, I guess he's moved on". No genuine care about anyone else. They are such users.

Less and less Isiah lately. I'm telling you guys that "disappointment" comment was a peek at what's going on there. Something is definitely up.

Lastly, take your pool pump and shove it up your ass.
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My daughter is in the ICU. Completely broken shoulder, and girlie parts that bursted. She’s at the hospital that my husband works at. My soul is shattered. I feel like a Jeep Wagoner is parked on my chest. My baby boy is in the middle of my avatar, along with my daughter on the left, my second son wants to get the fuck out of there. Thank you all so much for caring and loving on my babies.
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Happy Halloweenie Eve! I have been keeping a secret from you guyth. Some may remember back when I posted an edited FB convo of me trying to buy this inflatable costume. Whale….I secured the Pig. 😂🐽😂🐽🤣
I am Pigcillerpotamus for Halloween! 😂
We have been watching scary movies all afternoon here.👻 Hope you guys are enjoying your day as well. 🎃❤🎃


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This is what my mom and I stumbled upon when we decided not to put up a tree the Christmas after my dad died...at first I just said I didn't feel like doing it because it was always a thing I did with him, and she agreed. We just put a a couple of small decorations out so that we weren't totally skipping Christmas...and then we kept seeing little trees in various stores, and kept buying them, and after a while we had quite a big collection and a new tradition. After a couple years we actually talked about how just tossing out the "old way" of doing Christmas, and starting to do something totally new instead, was what helped us get back in the Christmas spirit...if we had gone back to doing all the same stuff, there would have been a huge dad-shaped hole in it, but because we did something different there wasn't as much emptiness.

The first year is definitely hard though. Honestly, even after the first year it's still...just different. My mom died in 2018, shortly after Christmas, and I'm still not back in the Christmas spirit. I've just been kind of going with the flow and doing different things the past few years, and I have faith that I'll eventually settle into a rhythm again. My thoughts are with you and your wife @der1117. I don't know if this is necessarily all that helpful, but I feel like what worked best for me was to accept that the first year or so is going to suck. It just will, it doesn't have to be a good Christmas, you can decide to sit it out for this year if you want.
My husband died in 2019 and we always always decorated like the Griswalds. We talked about whoever was the last alive, would kerp up the tradition. We knew it would be him, he had 3 different cancers. It was hard but I did it all the first year he died. He passed close to Christmas. So it was hard to do. I got out all the bins of lights and stuff, and at the bottom of each bin, was a different note. "You. finally listened to me"
"I knew you would do this"
"Are you done yet?" Etc
But the best one of all
"Thanks honey. You did a great job. I love you. Don"t forget to get the oil changed"
I put up every light and decoration we had. He was the best.
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For all of you who use the words fat, ugly and other various offensive names and make fun of a young gal's complexion - I am assuming that you are all thin, beautiful and have never had a pimple. I don't understand the idea of writing mean and offensive things about another human and then all agreeing or trying to say something much worse. My father always taught me you reap what you sow in life.
I suppose we could blow smoke rings up her ass and talk about how thin, beautiful, thoughtful and smart she is. But that would make us a bunch of liars just like her.
Fun fact... She is Fat... more so Morbidly obese. She spent 15K wishing on a star for a quick fix to wind up sitting her ass on the couch 2 yrs later looking about the same as she did pre surgery. She will never admit it to you or anyone else though. As long as she can doctor those photos and toss you a quick #weightlossjourney #livingmybestlife , both hashtags that will lead you directly to LimeLife.... her job for the day is done. She can kick back, suck down her 2nd Dunkin’ coffee of the day while Abbie pays the bills. Indeed, You reap what you sow... and it applies to everyone, including her!
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Once Upon a Snark

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Thanks @Pink Marshmallow and @WowMeowMeowWow for the new thread.

I am bringing this over from the last thread, because I think it is important to show that indeed the suspicions that many raised about Barbara Ann leaving seems to be confirmed in this statement. Takes a lot of strength to post something like this, especially after how it appears why she was hurt.

This is your "sisterhood" Cilly. If they did this to Barbara, can you imagine what they are saying about you right about now?

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Do you want to see a difference in what can happen?
These two girls are the same age in this picture...
Both girls are non-verbal at this age..
The girl on the left, is the older sibling..
The girl on the right, is the younger sibling..
The girl on the left, has a Mom that is battling doctors and tells them that their daughter only has developmental delays...
The girl on the right, has already been diagnosed with Autism...
The girl on the left, has a Mom that won’t give up, takes out every loan possible to put her daughter through weekly Speech therapy, OT and PT privately.
The girl on the right, has Medicaid (and probably SSI) and can get all the therapies for free and ABA therapy...
The girl on the left, is battling feeding issues and allergies. Mom is extra burdened with doctors that haven’t a clue what is going on. They keep telling her to try everything she can to get protein in her and just deal with the daily stomach pains and throwing up... This is when Mom can pop out the extra funds to go to the GI doctors..
The girl on the right is eating away with no issues...
Both girls seem to have really bad ADHD. The girl on the left goes untreated because it is just common for kids to be rambunctious..
The girl on the right is probably getting medicine and told to do therapy..
The Mom on the left never gives up. She calls the school, gets a semi-placement. When the school doesn’t assign a place, the state department of education helps her sue her own school and finds her not only placement, but a speech therapist is assigned to her, 30 hours a week... Over top of the Mom spending 4 nights a week, in a private therapy office... Money going out faster than it is coming in.. Parents fight, both knowing that they are doing everything they can and they are seeing progress but it is so time consuming.. Mom spends 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a day, between running to the therapy office and then dance studio (when PT stopped working, we switched to dance, which was not only cheaper but way better and helped with social skills)...
The girl on the right, went the a daycare facility, then back to a motor shop. The parents didn’t even seem the care to get extra help nor therapy for her. I don’t even know what her afternoons looked like but totally different than what the girl on the other side looked like...
As the years went on, the girl on the left potty trained at 6 years old, with lots of help of therapist and teachers...
The girl on the right, still isn’t potty trained...

Now, these girls are 1 year apart.
The girl on the left, is preparing to take her first SAT this year and looking at colleges. She is even enrolled into a step-up program for a major college, just for teenagers on the Autism Spectrum that are in college/ready track.. She may still have some apraxia issues with speech and talks like a college professor but her friends love her dearly and she has a great sense of humor. She may never be able to drive but she loves her parents, can express vocally her wants and needs and is just an awesome teenager. Her parents have fought in her corner and finally got her diagnosed at 11 years old with Autism and finally at 13, were able to start getting help with medical bills and found out that she has a medical allergy condition/disorder...

The girl on the right, is being used by her parents as a cash cow.. Still is non-verbal and will never live alone without a caregiver..

The difference? The girl on the left, is my oldest daughter... The girl on the right, is Abbie..

Please tell me, how A&P can flaunt the “we are Autism Parents, we know all and see all...” If they did, they would have fought harder, longer and done what needed to be done, so many years ago... Sadly, they missed out...
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Yall are ruthless & I Love it. This family deserves every bit of it!! I discovered FA back in Dec when I suspected my son was on the spectrum. He got officially diagnosed in June. I always felt cringe watching FA but I was completely clueless on autism, it was a new word in my vocabulary so I kept watching. The more therapies that we had added, the more we shifted our world & "norm" to better help our son, the way he has progressed in 7 months, the way I have researched, put him and his needs first before anything the more I realized what a fuck up & disservice the pigs are to Abbie. I discovered yall fine people about 4ish months ago & figured it was time to join the tattle family. The only social media I have is YouTube so bare with me as I try to figure this platform (sorry if I post wrong)
My son is 2 & a half & our living room looks like a mini toy factory with BABY toys & tons of cars because that's what he enjoys. The other day we were going to the grocery store I told him to pick 2 toys to take he grabbed the biggest airplane & his naked babydoll from dollar tree & HAD to have his shark beach hat on with camo pants... looked silly but who cares that's what he wanted and needed in that moment. Bugs the crap out of me that the massives make Abbie fit in a mold for their looks not taking into any consideration whatsoever what she may be needing. I could keep going but don't want to overdo it my first post lol. Just wanted to say hello & I enjoy reading here, I've learned quite a good bit from y'all & can't wait to see what else smack yall talk on them & join in on the fun now! Sidenote: I've been a stay at home wife/mother for 3 years & have struggled tremendously in my past with many different things & the more I learn about my son & see his struggles & quirks the more I suspect I'm on the spectrum myself, so forgive me aswell for my poor social/writing/lingo.
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