
VIP Member
She’s made a huge mistake by taking the stand.

Which I’m glad of because now no one can doubt that they caused that poor baby’s death through negligence.
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A colleague I work with has adopted and the parent has since had more children that have been immediately taken into care.

She adopted the first two children, the next one was adopted by a family member of the birth mother, the next two adopted by another couple and another baby adopted by another couple.

My work colleague was called and asked if they would consider adopting some of the younger children, but they declined. So they can't always make sure siblings remain together and it's much harder if there is more than two children.

It's so incredibly sad for all those little children. I just hope that wherever they are, they are being surrounded by love and comfort and that they have all he support they need when and if they learn about their birth parents and what has happened.
This happened in my case but in 90s me and my sister got adopted she then got pregnant with my brother so our adopted mum and dad was asked and we begged them it took untill he was 10 months then he come to us we were lucky
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It's very upsetting to hear of these developments today but I would suggest this is more about the institutional dysfunction in the court system right now, rather than any conspiracies involving wealth and power. CM thanking the jurors is most likely just that -- not a sign of some bigger plot.

Of courses there are miscarriages of justice and sometimes guilty people do go free. It may be that CM and MG will too. But there's lots that hasn't been disclosed yet and certainly more will be revealed when the CPS announce what their next step will be.

If I worked for ITV, I'd be thinking about commissioning a true crime doc to dig into this case right about now and I feel certain we'll be treated to something on our screens before too long.
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Mr Smith is asking Marten about being in a tent in the South Downs near Newhaven on January 8 last year.

Mr Smith said: "Your baby is two weeks old? You are changing her regularly and taking her clothes off?"

Marten explained her set up in the tent to change baby Victoria.

She told the court: "I would put a sleeping bag over my head and tuck the sides under my legs to create a dome.

"I would put a torch in my mouth. I didn’t want her to get cold."

Mr Smith said: "Your account if you didn’t do that it was too cold?"

"She was always kept warm," Marten replied.

Mr Smith said: "So the conditions in that tent are too cold for your child outside that dome?"

Marten confirmed.
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Children in igloos are kept toasty warm. They don't sleep in thin sleeping bags under a flimsy tent wearing only a babygro.

And any children at Calais are there because their parents are fleeing warzones ffs.

As the daughter of a refugee this fetishisation of poverty and other cultures really fucks me off. My paternal grandmother had 10 babies in a small 2 bedroom house, 4 of whom died in childhood because of inadequate healthcare. Seriously, fuck these people. It's not a fucking lifestyle choice.
I think Constance has been appropriating other cultures and fetishing poverty all her life.

She probably thinks she's so well travelled, but she probably got the 'rich white tourist' experience of the places she visited.

Can't believe she's brought up refugees and another culture when trying to defend such a horrible crime.
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Chatty Member
She thought she'd be entitled to housing if she was a traveller, so she lied.

I get the impression her entire personality is a sense of entitlement and being prepared to lie to get what she thinks she deserves.
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have the privilege

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What proof is there though? Children can be removed from parents for POTENTIAL EMOTIONAL HARM IN THE FUTURE. Children can be removed at birth for the parents HAVING AN IQ OF UNDER 90. Someone whos gone to the lengths and extremes Constance has to try keep the baby shows that she probably isn't going to hurt them - WHICH IS WHAT FAMILY LAW IS BASED ON (PROBABILITIES).
surely it shows that she wouldn’t plan to INTENTIONALLY harm them. Not that she has the capacity to safeguard them appropriately to prevent harm. They’re two very different things sadly. As we know, intention doesn’t always equal outcome.
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Chatty Member
Awful news 😰 Wonder if the baby was already dead when they were arrested, or has it passed away since then? I guess autopsy will show estimated time of death. If the baby has passed away since they were arrested that is particularly upsetting as this could have been prevented if they spoke up.
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She has done herself zero favours by taking the stand.
She’s showing herself to be incredibly selfish and arrogant.
She waffles on about how babies need nothing but love and care, and it’s just not true. Especially when the care is the level she provided.
At the end of the day for all she knows - any of us know - Baby Victoria could have been born with a condition that meant she needed immediate care or she would quickly deteriorate. For all any of us know the neglect started as soon as she didn’t take her baby to be checked over when she was first born. We’re so lucky that we don’t have to experience what our grandmothers did and others around the world still experience with high infant mortality rates. She’s right about the western perspective - but the wonderful thing about the western perspective is many more of our babies survive into adulthood! It’s so upsetting when she says that.
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5ft 11 and 5ft 9 and she reckons they fitted fine. My shiny pink cheeks! My 2 man dome tent fits me and a rucksack and even then it’s tight.

Edit: CM is an unreliable narrator so I put no weight on anything she’s said. The baby may have died while under her coat but I believe she faded away because not one of her basic needs and right were met.Living and thriving in that environment was impossible.
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Died on the 9th they’re claiming
Thank you for those sharing print screens/sources with new information 🙏🏻

Horrifying to hear how they kept other babies, what the fuck was wrong with her? I’m parking commenting on him as he had an established history of violent/unhuman crime so it’s somewhat expected from him sadly. But what the fuck happens to someone in a year or two that they go from hanging out in Brighton with pals and discussing politics (normally!) on Facebook to THAT? She can claim the baby was clean all she likes but she was also sleeping next to bottles of piss so does she know what clean looks like?
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If my child was on trial for anything I would absolutely attend in person to hear it for myself. I would never stop loving my child (that’s what unconditional love means) but it would not mean I think they are innocent and would blindly support them no matter what they had done.
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I have assumed from the start that baby died of positional asphyxia. Obviously it cannot be proven; neither can SIDS or hypothermia. But she had that kid stuffed inside a jacket, face pressed against her body or against thick fabric, and it seems obvious to me if she fell asleep she could have easily and lethally compromised the airway of a child not yet old enough to lift her own head. What seems obvious to a standard of reasonable doubt is that she handled that child badly, and put her in a position where chances of death from various causes were heavily heightened.
I agree. I think it's highly likely she died because her face was being covered and she didn't have clean air. Although it's possible she may have got hypothermia if they took her out of the coat. It's highly likely that if Victoria had had a normal upbringing and the correct safe sleep advice was being followed she would still be alive.
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I'm cracking up at the defence blabbering on about the meaning of the name constance 🤣 what's that got do with anything?
We name our children before we know what their personality is.
Jeffrey means "pledge of peace" Jeffrey dahmer was not a pledge of peace. Jesus is this the best they've got.
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Square Peg

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2 days reporting that could’ve been condensed into an hour. Never known a case with such crap reporting. Well i’ll be on my 60th birthday cruise when it restarts, the £140 internet package better be worth it, I’ll be sneaking off to my cabin to check for updates behind my hubbys back 🤣🤣
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According to the radio earlier, she smiled to the jury and mouthed "thank you" to them when the announcement was made.

If she has indeed been found guilty of 3-4 charges that's pure narcissism
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