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I just love this from British Beauty Blogger:

But when did cleansing become so onerous and also so guilt-inducing? In my view, unless you have some kind of industrial job, you don’t need to do a lengthy double cleanse with expensive oils and balms and I’d even say that if you forget to any kind of cleansing at all from time to time, the world won’t end. If a quick swipe around with a decent micellar in front of the TV is what you can do, then it’s good enough and you are not committing crimes against skin that you need to feel guilty about.
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Yep, three kits and an extra kit bag later and she forgets her misery. Then remembers it's her Dad's funeral tomorrow. But it's ok cos he'd be happy for her with all that skincare she doesn't need.

People are actually crying if they've missed out. Even though they already have kits from the last launch.

This page is a horrible horrible disturbing, bullying space for brain washed fuckwits. I can't believe what I'm reading in these posts, and it's getting worse. I'm still rattled by L Ron actually asking (albeit pretending she was joking) "Can I have my MBE now?".

Just. Fuck. Off.
I just can’t cope with them!


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There was a very cringe moment in todays live where Caroline over confidently said ‘how much training do you think Drs get on skin and on menopause?……its half a day on each! Half a day on EACH’. Went on to say she’d heard that from ‘GPs and derms’. Then one Dr piped up and said ‘I got 6 weeks’, she tried to back pedal saying ‘HERE?!’ and ‘oh it must’ve changed recently then’. Another Dr joined in saying ‘er no’ whilst the original confirmed they’d trained at Leeds, funnily enough the live ended pretty soon after that 👀
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No no no no…..what have I just seen????!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️
This is one of the most cringiest things I have EVER SEEN!!! Stop trying to pimp your daughter!!! She’s got zeerrrroooooo talent just like all your kids and you!!!!!


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Totally agree that key workers are incredible - the people working to keep our country going every day. Whether you’re a supermarket worker, a nurse, a delivery driver, a civil servant, a postal worker, a teacher, a mechanic, a doctor, a homeschooling parent trying their best, a warehouse worker or whatever else you’re needed and helping the country to function. Being part of the NHS should be an honour and I think they’re shafted by our government, just like every other public sector. That being said the pedestal they’ve put themselves on in the Freaks group is unwarranted and ridiculous. We’ve all got skin troubles but it doesn’t make you more ‘deserving’ a fucking skincare deal!!!

I’m an accountant and have worked from home since March, before lockdown 1 even started in the UK. I have not been furloughed for even one day and I’m incredibly thankful my job is safe. My husband works in Finance and is also wfh, with occasionally needing to pop into the office. People going OUT of the house to work a job that can’t be done from home seem to think people wfh are sitting with their feet up all day scratching their arse. I’m not an ‘essential worker’ but my work is essential. My company needs me. I’m fed up of people thinking they’re more important when in reality any and every job is important in its own way. Except maybe Boris’ job... we could all do without him but that’s another discussion!
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Oh wow, she's yelling into the camera 'it just makes you look like a crazy person! You look like a crazy person!'

Also, she said she takes a screen grab of anyone who DMs her and shares it in her what's app groups and has a laugh at their expense. Just to remind you, this woman is a brand and this is how she admits to treating her 'customers'
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Hi, a little lurker here - this thread is tame compared to the others so I think it’s ok to post (I don’t typically like engaging in chat that talks bad about others, especially looks/weight etc. As you never know what’s going on in people’s lives) but, I believe this whole situation kit wise is beyond a joke.

I’ve been following CH for a while now and at first I was really getting into it - I’ve always LOVED skincare anyway, but I was introduced to her book and I read it all. However, one day I decided to search for her name on this site during the whole kitshow and it opened my eyes. I now see the group completely differently! The whole kitshow thing is absolutely shocking - to echo what others have said here, if that had happened with any other company, people would be straight on Twitter complaining and demanding partial refunds whatever, £200 is a lot of money and especially for those who temporarily lost out on £1000+ at no fault of their own. It’s a cult, a genuine cult - it’s terrifying.

There’s also some very nasty people on that group, they’re like a pack of lions on a poor gazelle whenever someone says something ‘wrong’ on that site. You can’t say anything. I once saw a post regarding cleansing routines and one reply was something along the lines of ‘not washing your face in the AM will not be tolerated in this group’ - I beg your pardon. Tolerated? These people are grown adults and if someone wishes to not wash their face in the AM then so be it!

Another thing that baffled me in the book was the part where CH said ‘I could legally give you Botox but I don’t want to’ (something along those lines), pardon? You cannot - A. you’re not a medical professional (?) and B. You don’t have a prescribers licence. ????? I wish I could post gifs because the faces I’m pulling as I’m writing this are indescribable.
I’m just shocked at the entire situation, I’ve got a monthly subscription for popcorn just for this site and the fb page alone.
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These people are absolutely out of control. I'm actually sickened by this. It's a giveaway of a couple of kit items - absolutely shameless
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Someone must have called her out on it
Yeah, we did!
Covering her arse.
I don’t buy her excuse. It is EXACTLY her being smug or short however she wishes to dress it up.
She or her PR have read here and are doing damage limitation.
As her heroine Oprah often quotes Maya Angelou “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Well guess what Gangsta? Today you’ve shown us all who you are so we had better believe it eh?
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Chatty Member
Did anyone see this post? It’s not that deep!! Just get your dad a basic cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen, god alive. There was a picture too and his skin looked fine enough, and doesn’t seem the type to faff about with skincare. I doubt he cares that much! Stop forcing your cultish obsession onto your 74 year old dad???

Imagine being a bloke in his 70s being presented with a shite skincare book “authored” by a bad mannered gobby shill and a bunch of TO products 😩😩


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A Freaks mum is a carer and she’s posted a photo of the 100 year old (I think) lady’s skin care products on her dressing table. I hope she asked permission to share that on social media.
I’d have been furious if my Dad’s carer had taken pictures of his home and published them without consent.
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Hi all. I'm a member of the Freaks group and will probably stay as there are several others I enjoy chatting with. I've become increasingly disenchanted with Mrs Hirons over the last couple of years. Used to love the Empties posts, product reviews etc but now she's only about selling. I HATE the way she dissed Trinny (who I love - mad as a box of frogs, minted but no pretence otherwise). I did buy a couple of Kits but will never buy another. The weird hero-worship ("Queen" "Our lady Hirons") of someone whose main concern is to part them from their money seriously makes me feel ill. So - have ordered Trinny's cleansers and you can be sure I'll be posting reviews on the Freaks group asap. Thanks for having me x

Can't wait for mine to arrive and glad to hear u like it
I’m proud to say I got kicked out of the Freaks group 🤣 prob something to do with the fact I said they were all sheep and should try thinking for themselves!
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I don't care for the Sussexes, or the Royal Family in general, however it would be nice to see Buckingham Palace have the same energy towards Prince Andrew and investigate his conduct too.
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Obviously the first thing you’d worry about after your accident is where your kits are. Being generous I suppose it might be shock, although I wouldn’t personally be taking to social media to post this, unless I wanted attention/free replacements…

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