Guys I wondered if anyone had any suggestions for some easy skincare, that will be especially kind to my dry, sore eyes.
You see, I’ve had an awful few weeks. My cats auntie passed away suddenly, and it has left the whole family reeling. I’ve had to take unpaid leave from my work as an NHS nurse, to support everyone at this time. I think my dog has PTSD. I would take him to the vet but my car melted the other day right in front of my eyes, and I don’t have any money for public transport at the moment as my husband is currently unemployed due to his recent diagnosis of beggaritus, so our income has taken a real hit.
My neighbours, cousins, sister-in-law offered to take us but then this morning she spontaneously combusted whilst in the queue for the post office.
I’m at my wits end and need some cheering up guys, any help appreciated.

I would help but sadly my head left its body and rolled down the stairs, I'm writing this with my tongue but am building up stamina to use my 1000 products to cure my problem.
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So I bought kit 1. The dermalogica spa has an expiry of 11/21!!! I’ve posted in the freaks groups twice now asking if anyone’s is the same and both times they have denied my post 😂😂

must be because I’m not blowing smoke up their queens arse, fucking weapons
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Can't be that anonymous, maybe she could work it out by eliminating who she gave her address to.
Ffs I wouldn't even buy a friend that.
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Key moments: (all rants to the NHS)

"Let me assure you, I can afford better lawyers than you"
"You've messed with the wrong woman, let me tell you"
"The consultant? Oh ye I've got that bitch's name"

She's hit a new high of utter narcissistic bullying and ... I'm gonna say it, because I'm so angry ... cuntism.

Any sympathy I had for her is gone.

That was a total disgrace. Shameful.

*I've said it before - get a fucking private Instagram page for this crap you over entitled, loud, nasty arse.

And do not even get me started - Ava's dog has gone to its THIRD home. Ffs!
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Yesterday I was talking to my local beautician/aesthetician, who for many years stocked Dermalogica which she used and sold in her salon. When I asked her why she wasn't stocking it anymore she said since the company was bought by Unilever, it's only interested in targeting social media influencers and bloggers, like 'that Hirons woman' (who Karen remembers very well saying not so many years ago how much she loathed the Dermalogica brand - which I can back up because I asked CH directly myself why she wouldn't review it - 'not for me' she said).

The salons that have used it for decades are now being told they have to buy samples, getting nothing for free, where they used to be given new product launches etc to test and give feedback on when Jane Wurwand was at the helm.

Gangsta's notoriety stretches far and wide it seems. Anyone saying she's still the same as she's always been needs to give their head a wobble. She's turned into a money hungry monster, and been paid an absolute fortune to include Dermalogica in her kits.

I should add Karen isn't a freak, doesn't follow CH's insta or blog ('If I did it'd make me angry' she said)

But CH is well known in aesthetic circles because her clients keep mentioning her when they ask beauticians and aestheticians for advice. They're constantly correcting mis information and fucked up barriers thanks to Ali C, and her ilk.

I told her about the forehead sanding bollox and she went white lol...🤣
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Searched the group for her posts, definitely a super freak. Posts poems about kit bags and wanting to get CH a giant neon bus among other things.
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This pisses me off no end. Just because you've folded some face cloths doesn't mean you have OCD ffs.
I have bald patches from trichotillomania which falls under the OCD category, it really fucks me off when people are like "I like things to be neat, I'm so OCD 🤪"


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Aunt Lydia

Well-known member
That group is extremely disturbing and unhealthy.
I joined the group about three years ago and it was okay then… good advice, normal people etc. And now it is a genuine CULT.
The whole ‘freaks’ mentality is very similar to how people in MLMs/Pyramid Schemes act. All of the worshipping and toxic positivity.
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Not sure if you caught the Aldi drama a few days ago with a new Lacura release? It’s a classic aldi rip off of Glow Recipe. The freaks went wild and acted as if was a personal attack, as if they founded GR, declaring CH HATES Aldi knock offs. Anyway, I ordered the products and they’ve arrived today! They look fab - pineapple serum, avo eye cream and a watermelon moisturiser. But maybe I should have posted in the freaks group that I couldn’t afford the Glow Recipe ones and if possible could they club together and purchase them all for me?
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I know the following info ONLY because CH has shared it on her NON PRIVATE IG multiple times,
The names and faces of her children, grandchild and husband and what they all do for a living
The fact her husband is vulnerable and that she is in a childcare 'bubble' (which I was under the impression was meant to be for urgent childcare currently, so only if a parent couldn't work, and that doesn't mean posting videos of that months empty face washes, or needed to access essential care etc, NOT so that grandma can see the baby, my own children haven't seen their grandparents for nearly a year now 😢 I haven't seen my dad for over a year as we live in a high risk area)
Her children are mixing with other people, and she clearly doesn't give a fuck, because of fuckwits like this I cannot currently work,and my children cannot go to school which as time goes on I can see the serious impact its having on their mental wellbeing
she lives in Fulham (Central London)
what half of her house looks like because she openly posts stories from there.
her kids are all on IG, she tags them so this isn't difficult to work out
My point is I haven't had to search for any of this info, its ALL openly shared by the Queen herself regularly, and now that things maybe are turning a little sour she suddenly realises it might not be the best idea to be sharing all of this?she is an absolute fucking buffoon
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Erm is it just me or has beauty pie made an error here?

It reminded me of Hirons and her bags. "We buy these bags directly from Alibaba for £0.00003, but for Freaks, they are available at the ultra low price of £40. What a barg!"
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Tbh I don't think I will ever forgive late-stage capitalist influencers of the early to mid 2010s for making 18-year old me think I needed Oskia Renaissance cleansers and Luna oil, Estee Lauder overnight serum, Kate Somerville cleansers and by Terry lip balm. What a WASTE. Now I never actually bought the stuff since I couldn't afford it, but man that was a messed up time. The over-consumption... obviously influencers aren't reeaally at fault as much as overall societal trends, but all of it was just SO irresponsible and Caroline hasn't changed one bit and still promotes shit like it's 2014.

Some brand is selling their mineral SPF by saying in the press release that chemical SPF is bad for the oceans. Gangsta is unhappy about it. Gangsta whips her phone out and goes on a rant on Instagram. Brand says “as a company that cares about the environment …” and Gangsta angrily claims that means they’re saying the other companies don’t care about the environment. No it doesn’t. It’s just a relative clause. If I say “As a woman who has brown hair …” I’m not implying nobody else has brown hair. Gangsta needs to shut up.
If Caroline gave half a shit about the environment she would not be doing what she's currently doing lmaoo
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The thing that annoys me is that she performatively goes "LISTEN 👏 TO 👏 BLACK 👏 WOMEN 👏!" and follows that up with multiple posts and multi-page insta screeds that effectively say "BUT FIRST LISTEN TO MEEEEEE!". She centres herself in everything, even when it's got nothing to do with her. She can fuck off with that bullshit.
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I gave the original a few tweaks. I was going to alter every verse but I lost the will to live! 😆

There is a woman lives in Somerset
Nellie Baskin is her name
And if you haven’t heard of her
then shilling‘s not your game

But if you love to be rinsed
If you want some biased advice
There is really just one shiller
You’ll buy at twice the price

A woman of great ego
A woman that you’ll hate
She talks a lot of bull shit
With her sidekick Pink Smith Kate

Her faithful followers are dwindling
They are finally seeing the truth
She hides from the Freaks that she lives
In a house once owned by Ruth

Her qualifications you should question
Thinks she more knowledgeable than all
This really pisses us off
She’s heading for a fall

Her skincare advice it changes
To who pays her the most
Not had a day off for years
Is what she likes to boast

Rarely honest, rarely caring
and a misandrist to boot
She doesn’t like the Freaks at all
But really loves their loot

Her blog was once informative
But now is just for ads
Her kits are highly profitable
With cheap Ali Baba bags

So we despise you Karenline
You really have no idea
Ex-Freaks come join Tattle
We think you’ll like it here.
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