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So she screams that mental health is real, and look after yourself and all that bullshit but when her child, who,how old is Oscar? 13? Is crying over having DARK THOUGHTS, and is struggling to sleep and this and that- she's not arsed. She laughs about it on a live.
That weekend after Oscar got sent home for having dark thoughts. Where did she go?? To a hotel in Manchester with James(her gay best friend who is also a cunt for any newbies).

Oscar will be struggling, and when he finds out about all this, which he is, he will be searching Chelsea cos it was only 3 weeks ago ash said on a live that oscar spoke to ash and said he really misses Chelsea and wants to see her. So on top of everything, and everything he's dealing with, and whatever life is like at home. There's this now. He seems a sweet kid who's got lost enough to involve himself in a bullying group chat. He's apparently very close to his grandparents from his dad's side, more so his grandad, very very close from what we know, I hope they take that little boy and ava ofcourse, and protect them from ash and this life.
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She's a lying, deceitful piece of shit!
A breakdown my arse, my sister had a mental breakdown a few years back and let me just say this, she didn't get up, book an expensive holiday, fly off to the sun with her pal and record herself laughing and joking with her kids.
Instead she didn't get out of bed for days, she wouldn't eat, barely drank, wouldn't wash & sat rocking & crying not wanting to carry on. She had planned her own suicide as she thought dying was the only way the thoughts in her head would stop. She wasn't fixed in 10 days and able to interact with thousands of followers for attention.
You're a fucking disgrace Ash, you had a barny and fucked off abroad because you obviously weren't getting your own way.
If Chels was my daughter I'd be telling her to run for the hills because you're a ticking timebomb who has well & truly shown her true colours.
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This is such a weird and dangerous narrative that Ash is now trying to push. Constantly alluding to this nonsense of abuse and narcissism with no actual evidence is disgusting.
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Fucking hell Gail! What a great role model to have round your kids ash! I know you read here! (She will be gutted this has been found out on here)
Obviously had to search this name on Facebook because I'm nosey, which lead me to Gary's profile loads of photos of her on there, she looked so different when she was younger and girly. Gail- the woman of many faces 😂
Oh shit, this was on his page too, I've put her name in Google and theres some really dark stuff. If you want to know - put her name (as it says in article) in Google. I don't feel comfortable sharing it on here. Trigger warning - sexual assault
No fucking way!!
No fucking way!!
Before I read this, is it the one when she has a hoodie on and the girl doesn’t know it’s not a guy? Used prosthetics shall we say?
I can’t actually believe ash has been telling her followers she is a LOVELY AMAZING PERSON

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Does this mean that Ash has denied ever having a relationship with Gayle Newland? Wtf Love Honey!
Good luck to them stopping negative comments coming through if she’s featured on their page in the future. I’m pretty sure ITS wouldn’t have erased her from their history just on the saying of a ‘gossip site’ 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Look, I love this gossip as much as the next person and am glad Ash has been knocked off her pedestal, but can we please stop saying she knew! All we know is that she knew her girlfriends name was Gayle. We don't know if she knew her surname newland or whether gayle fabricated a whole different surname. If you'd been to prison and been convicted twice surely youd change your name by deedpoll?

We also can't just assume that because she is gay and in the gay scene that the whole of Manchester would have known. I'm sure she'd have had a battering by now otherwise. Let's face it we all heard of her crimes and followed the story to some degree but if I'd seen her in the streets I wouldn't have batted an eyelid as I wouldn't have put her face to a crime I read a few years previously.

Admittedly its a bit suss how Ash acted to her name slips but maybe she just didn't want Chelsea or genuinely didnt want people knowing who she was- like the likes of us for a start because she knew we'd rip the piss out of her and we did 🤣

We can continue with the shit mum comments etc as we have proof of that, but we don't have actual facts that she knew about gayle and her past, just guess work from a few snippets of lives when her name was accidentally mentioned. She could genuinely not have known which tbh I couldn't give a shit either way and maybe this will teach her a lesson in finding out s much as possible about someone before dating them and inviting them to her bed, she still deserves to have her collaborations cancelled, in particular the love honey one but as much of a grotty bitch she is, I can't comprehend her knowing or finding out her girlfriend or the girl she was interested in went to prison and what for and still pursuing her, I just can't see it. But maybe that's just me 🤷‍♀️ or maybe I'm too nice, because as a lot of you said this news broke over the weekend and she was just busy partying, hardly broken hearted, feeling betrayed, sickened etc so actually, fuck knows 😂
If sex offenders change their name they have to report it and it’s added to the sex offender register under their new name so even if names were changed they wouldn’t get away with not being found out
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Lmao fuck off Ashhhhhh , ya didn't walk out the film cos its shit, you walked out cos you couldn't bare the thought of leaving your phome unattended and not being able to delete the comments about your RAPIST ON OFF GIRLFRIEND GAYLE NEWLAND
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Pools Gooch

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Been stuck on bloody work calls. Wish these boring fuckers would leave me alone so I can stay here 😂😂
God you’re all going to be so disappointed and if anyone thinks this will spoil any further investigation please tell me to delete but I’ve had a lun email from one of the national papers that they’re looking into this story.
Just didn’t want them to see this and drop it. Yikes.
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There is absolutely no way that Ash did not know about Gayle/Gail/Gee.

There’s two videos where her real name was mentioned and her face dropped, she looked as though she had seen a ghost and either cut the stream, or dropped the camera. This indicates more than not wanting to share her name, when everyone already knew/had found her TikTok account so she wasn’t as private as Ash made out.

Ash went on about ‘how amazing she is, she’s just quiet and doesn’t ‘do’ social media’ which was a lie, because we have seen her over TikTok ourselves. They would have agreed together to post little due to people finding out. I can imagine Oscar, Ava and maybe even Jean did not know the real story/extent.

I would be interested in knowing whether her friends and family were aware, because if she was my friend or family member I would have done everything possible to make her see the light. This is not something you want around you, your friends kids or your own.

Ultimately, if something like this came out and you categorically had no idea, you would scream it from the roof tops. Despite what you have been advised by management.

I honestly cannot understand how Ash thought that this would never come out, when everything she does is spread online.

The silence is deafening. I would imagine a statement is being created as we speak.
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On tiktok 👀
I’m not one to knock a mother down for letting loose but she’s had more nights out in 2024 alone than anyone I know with children had for the whole of 2023.
Especially as she's a single mum, not saying single mums can't go out, but she is their sole parent. They are her responsibility


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The social media that made you is the same social media that can cancel you hun!
(Apply to any influencer/con artist/criminal)
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That insincere statement is exactly what was to be expected. Narcissists are incapable of accepting any form of blame, after all…
Firstly, and not surprisingly, she’s not written it; it’s not her tone.
Secondly, she says she was only made aware in recent days of Gayle’s past and is “devastated.” So devastated she has been out partying all weekend, child-free and zen, and hasn’t addressed any of this until now. She’s been deleting and blocking comments for days in between stories of her out on the lash looking anything but devastated.
She also mentions the victim, which is particularly manipulative. She’s not mentioning them because she genuinely cares, she’s mentioning them to deflect. She wants to guilt people into keeping quiet for her sake, not the victim’s. There has been nothing by sympathy for all those - including Chelsea - who have been a victim of Gayle.
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So she’s landed Gail in it then by saying she didn’t know? She’s subject to a SOPO and Ash has children, she should have known. The SOPO officer still needs to keep track of these people and make safeguarding referrals. I’d be questioning why Gail never let Ash know of her offences


That’s only if ash is been truthful about it
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