Pineapple glitter

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Omg I can't believe I was one of those ones going into school using a Jane Norman bag as a school bag and stinking of Calvin Klein CK One.
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get the gossip

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I can remember being a teenager and my best friend was dumped by her first boyfriend. She had us walk around the estate strutting our stuff while blasting “Single” by Natasha Bedingfield out of her phone 🤣
Must’ve sounded horrendously tinny being played from a 2005 phone but we thought we must’ve looked so cool, and obviously irresistible to any potential new boyfriends 😂🙈
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Does anyone remember bath oil balls? you often got them scattered amongst a bath gift pack from
Boots. i remember my friend dared me to bite into one, tasted vile and could taste it for days afterwards! i also remember accidentally stepping on one in the living room one christmas and the oil went all over the wallpaper, like flecks
of grease 🤦🏼‍♀️ looked awful, took
months and months to finally dry out clear.


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Pineapple glitter

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Internet cafes
Orange Wednesday
Heat magazine
Puffa jackets
Denim mini skirts
Gypsy skirts
Scarf worn as a belt on jeans
Reebok trainers
Baxter jeans - Top Shop ( best jeans, never been able to find better since ❤)
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I’ve read through half of the thread so far but wanted to add my own 😊

Habbo Hotel for me. I was a complete scammer on it, does any fellow Habbo fans remember you’d trade “furni” and the big hand would come down from the corner of the screen and you’d put your furni into the box. Well my scam was that I’d “double” people’s furni so they had to put whatever furni into the box they wanted doubled and they’d have to click “trade” three times and on the second or third click I’d also hit trade and do a runner outta their room 😂 looking back it’s actually so awful and I do feel bad!

also our house was a Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network house - Sabrina, Are you afraid of the dark (loved it!! And have watched episodes with my daughter now and fuck they were scary for their time and the audience) also Cartoon Network shows - cow and chicken, Ed Edd and eddy, cramp twins, Johnny bravo.

god I’d love my daughter to have grown up in this era. No worry about looks or comparing urself online ugh.
MTV in its prime - My Super Sweet 16, loved it and would be so jealous of the girls even though when I see clips now they were irritating spoilt cunts 🤣 Room Raiders, I had no business at 13 watching people check other peoples bed with a black light for cumstains 🥲😂 Pimp My Ride, always wanted to bring a car to West Coast Customs and have a swimming pool put in my boot 😂 oh and also Cribs, it was the best having a glimpse into the rich and famous’ houses 🥲
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I was in my 20s during the 00s - how old does that make me feel?!? :oops:

I do miss internet forums though....I know they still exist now as I'm currently writing on them, but it was such an exciting time to be able to find people with a similar interest and talk with them. Made lifelong friends this way, we've moved to Facebook groups, but it's different.
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Loved all the Jacqueline Wilson books (I won a signed copy of Dustbin Baby and some other bits on a CBBC competition 🤣).
The Bel Mooney books I remember also, they were about a little girl called Kitty!
Omg she was SO nice at the signing I went to! This is gonna sound 🎻 but it’s not it’s fine lol but my best memory with my otherwise terrifying dad was him actually taking me to one of her book signings!! The queue was massive and I was so scared he’d make us leave/be angry but we got to the front and she really knew how to speak to kids and was asking tons of questions and I was too shy to answer anything but she knew how to spell my Irish name without even asking and my little head 🤯🤯 Then in the next book there was a character with that name and I thought omg that’s how she knew how to spell it!

Also used to feel like a Queen with those world book day vouchers in that same bookshop. I hope they still do stuff like that for kids now it makes a huge difference! x
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Whenever I watch something set in 90s/early 2000s London like Bridget Jones/Richard Curtis films/various sitcoms I always wish I’d lived there/then. You could live somewhere nice without being a millionaire, the laid back pre-social media life. Sitting in the office on my big desktop then getting the Tube home via the pub 😂. Like an actually realistic version of the rom com life. I wouldn’t fancy all the passive smoking sat in my local with my outrageous friends though!
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