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Is there such thing as too much content? already since Christmas there has been enough content for at least a month, I just think she needs to slow down!

Over Christmas I barely had a min to myself to indulge in Instagram Blog posts , set goals, even think about New Years.

And already she’s getting overwhelmed about the amount she has on.... but if she spread her posts maybe even just like 2 a week she’d be more incontrol.

I feel influencers aren’t influencing anymore they are a slave to their following ..trying to please everyone rather than just smashing what they were doing well already which is why we followed in the first place.

Also where Zanna has pivoted she’s created a circle that bites her on the ass if everything wasn’t so extreme it would be ok.... for example she’s always been beach clean and save the ocean which is great and you wouldn’t moan about her travel for that... BUT then being all ‘ sustainable eco warrior do what I do’ she let open the flood gates to pissing off everyone with flights!

It’s just annoying now, everyone has lost their authenticity.... it’s draining ... oh it’s so hard being a travel blogger... oh it’s so hard being sustainable ... it’s so hard being a fashion .... you get me
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Looks like Zanna is regularly buying followers as it looks like her followers loss is consistent and then there’s rather large jump in positive numbers every few days to make up for the losses. It wouldn’t surprise me but the need to do that can’t feel good. Her likes are plummeting per post. Writing is on the wall here
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All I can say to her last Christmas sustainability post is “Fuck off Zanna”! Practice what you preach girl, don’t take so many flights before you have the gaul to advise anyone how to live!
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I’m so glad her and that cunt Steph have got their own theads now. You wouldn’t think Zanna has a degree in speech and language with that gob would you? 😂
I hear you, I’ve been looking for a place to vent about them. Okay this is an essay but, I do get the odd fleeting pang that says is this being mean but I want to explain why I, and I’m sure many others, turn to a blog such as this.

I have left some comments/questions on both Zanna’s and Steph’s ig accounts, asking for a clarification on their actions for doing particular things. I am genuinely interested in hearing what drives them and their weird thought processes.

They are obviously considered difficult subjects to approach as my comments are deleted! No answer. No discussion. Just shut down. Not only that but I’m blocked! Deprived of giving an opinion or opening up an intelligent conversation to explain their actions and have an exchange of dialogue on a public forum. Just the usual defensive move of someone who is called out. Their ethos is all about sustainability, environmental issues, climate change, veganism to save the planet blah blah, but the way they work is contrary to what they say so why wouldn’t they expect criticism/questioning. People are not stupid. To answer “it’s my job” is not enough unless you’re prepared to sell your moral compass for your job because money talks.

What they don’t seem to get is if they keep chasing the ads and sponsorship money with companies whose practices run contrary to what they are preaching, they’re just a money grabbing puppets for the man.

We all have every right to express an opinion on a public forum, but when you shut people down through censorship what other option do they have to be heard other than coming to a site which offers that opportunity. Mind you, at this point the blogger has aided me in forming a stronger opinion about them, usually less complimentary.

If they put themselves out there, expect difficult questions sometimes, and instead of hiding behind the delete/block button, do that thing they keep banging on about, Engage! Yes I agree to a certain extent “my blog, my rules” but after all, they’re making money out of engagement, isn’t that their job?

Fill of herself, and full of crap. One of the most annoying “fitfluencers” (who else hates that word?)
That’s a new one on me “fitfluencer”, more like “flatulencer”, full of shit and hot air!
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I stopped following a while back as I couldn’t bear the hypocrisy and the constant pity hard adulting was etc 🙄 but seriously....charging people to go for a walk?! Some people really need to give their head a wobble....her and any silly fool that actually pays the money for it....
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A token attempt at acknowledging criticism. Basically what this girl is trying to tell her is STFU about how busy, stressed and overwhelmed you are. It’s a negative message nobody is interested in or needs to hear. It is of no benefit to any reader whatsoever. It does not make others feel better knowing how stressful your privileged life is whilst opening a dozen boxes of freebies you nob! She is fucking clueless ...
View attachment 63773
So typical of all these influencers, how many times have we heard “I have so much to get through today you wouldn’t believe!” A few hours later and they’re getting their nails done.

I would like to see Zanna get up at 6.30am, get the tube to an office, put in day’s work, finish at 6/6.30, home at 7.30, sort out dinner, then everything else, then bed. X 5 days a week, week after week. And that’s without children! She has zero clue.
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She’s banging on again about engagement and how her sponsored content posts don’t get the results she wants. Hello, why should people engage with mediocre content. What she doesn’t seem to understand is she’s on course with quantity but 99% of that quantity is utter tripe. She talks about free content like she’s blessing us with something. There is absolutely no quality to her stuff. I can’t actually think of one thing she has posted with a link I’ve been remotely interested in clicking on. I know Rosie Londoner is not well received by some quarters, but I click on so many of her links to find out where she stayed, what she cooked or what she wore. Her content is actually interesting, backed up with visually appealing photos. Her Q&A stories are insightful and meaningful. Zanna’s on the other hand is just nothing. She’s clearly only listening to the 1.2% blowing smoke up her arse, that’s all her engagement amounts to, she’s just not interesting enough for the other 98.8% to bother even clicking that ❤ button. Carry on exactly the way you are Zanna, you’ll be history within 2 years and will then have to get a “REAL” job! 😂
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HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT = we are planning on house hunting next year. That’s not an announcement!! You already live together!!!!!
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Super sustainable zannychops accepted a new phone from Google even though she knows it's 'excessive' and she isn't even gunna use it as her main phone, just as a secondary 'content' phone. What a load of hypocritical bullshit once more. Just give it away to someone who needs it if you don't need a phone? Or hand it back to google after trying it out for a day?
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If she truly cared about the planet, she would have a battered, stained, worse-for-wear but loved reusable coffee cup. And she would talk about how it’s easy to be tempted by new colours, styles etc but using old is better.

The truth hurts Zanna.
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How come she's allowed to 'share her truth' but people voicing concerns about her flying impacting the environment are not allowed to share that truth? hmmmmmmm.........
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Even in her response it’s still woe is me. My life is still so hard. She wouldn’t know hard work if it jumped up and slapped her across the chops. If you can call charging people money for a walk or eating overpriced vegan food work....the only people she’ll be relating to with that post is the other equally as hard working ‘influencers’ she spends her day with...she really is a horrible individual
Yeah and that overpriced vegan food is free to her. These influencers need regulation. We need to speak to our MPs about it or the Advertising Standards Authority or start an online petition, but this online damaging trash has to stop. There is a whole new generation growing up reading this tripe. It’s an unrealistic message to send out and it does nothing but perpetuate a climate of entitlement. It’s irresponsible with little thought process involved in the message. She just is always throwing out the message of privilege. It’s sickening. NOBODY likes a show-off and that is all this girl does. Then they whine because sites like this exist. We are the bad people, the trolls and haters. We have no valid message. No Zanna, we have a valid viewpoint you just don’t wanna hear it! Put some thought into what you’re doing. Before posting stop for a moment and wonder what effect it is having. Ask why maybe you’re unliked. You boast, you brag, you throw it in peoples faces, you live off free stuff. Your existence is self-centred and yet you disguise it with the message of helping the plebs. People hate that. Get it?
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FFS, we don't want to know about your colonoscopy, it's nothing unusual, people having them all the time.
I had my first one 2years ago and I just done what I had to do, didn't tell anyone just got on & done it.

This girl is so far up her own arse I'm not even sure that the doctor will be able to get the camera up.

Hope she took extra laxitives as she is soooooo full of shit!!
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Zanna’s new post: ‘I know people don’t like me’ 🤣🤣🤣 You have to write a whole post about it seeking validation! Feel sorry for me! Could you get anymore Narcissistic!
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Bless her heart, she's having a hard time adulting WTF!
God she really makes my blood boil, stupid cow, has no idea what real life is.
Imagine how hard she'd find it if she wasn't able to jet off on holiday every other week!
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Another fucking flight. She deliberately kept that one quiet. Ffs could they not have got the train to Munich overnight? What is that, flight 50 of the year maybe? She has absolutely zero concern for the environment with the amount she flies. This is definitely a holiday trip and has nothing to do with work commitments or whatever other reason she'll give as an excuse. Give up the act Zanny Chops! Just admit you don't give a shit about the world and go join all the tourist bloggers who do nothing but travel (I mean actually don't, the world doesn't need yet another blog with a list of generic Lonely Planet stolen ideas for things to do in capital cities).

Adidas no doubt dropped her. She's too inconsistent for them and a total liability with the contradictory crap she spouts.
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I reckon Zanna loved hanging out with their fit mountaineering guide. Must be nice to talk to a guy and look him in the eyes 😂
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