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Not to mention that running is seriously high impact. She really shouldn't be doing that so soon after birth and an episiotomy - her poor pelvic floor. I'm not even one week post partum admittedly but I just can't imagine actually wanting to do that. The walking, whilst in itself doesn't seem healthy with her mindset of monitoring step count, is at least low impact. Why can't she just keep that up? Along with the weights which I still think she shouldn't be doing until doctor sign off.

I thought I would be able to understand her mindset being someone who also worked out and walked during pregnancy and has always kept fit, but having just given birth, you're so sore and weak that you need rest...the running just shows that she is completely beyond healthy. What is her account now for? She's not a role model, this is just damaging.
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Yes, chest bones on show. That is not healthy at all. She really needs to stop posting under the guise of a health and fitness account. She has an eating disorder and quite frankly it is triggering.
Not denying she looks underweight but even when I’ve been heavier my sternum is visible. I think you can do chest exercises or something to lessen it? But some people can be more bony above the belly-button.

The Brussels sprouts is like a blast from the past, I used to use them to feel fuller. She’s making out like it’s a quirk but it’s definitely ED 101. She must need PPE for her farts because mine used to be toxic eating that many sprouts 🤣
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Is it just me, or is the story she posted with Charlie sitting in the shopping trolley pretty worrying? I'd not let my nearly 10 month old sit in like that! He'd try and pull himself up to stand.
And I agree - she doesn't seem to let him just sit and explore with toys etc. It's all so controlled.
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The thing that riles me most about the whole ebook thing is that she is not at all qualified to be selling that information. It's one thing to share things you've learn on your Instagram page and another completely irresponsible thing to sell that information when you are not qualified to do so. It's potentially very dangerous and it's greedy AF
she is greedy and not particularly intelligent. She takes advantage of people. I am excited for the day the kingdom crumbles...
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Love handles

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Can’t help but think those two little pieces of brocolli with her massive bowl of pasta is to show she actually eats veggies 🤣
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OMG I just cannot understand how she is a food/fitness account?!!!! All she ever does is brag about the junk she consumes!

I have also suffered with eating disorders and I find these food hauls disturbing. I have no words.

Do you guys think she knows she has a problem? She must know, surely!
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She’s so rude and entitled. I genuinely do not know who she thinks she is. She thinks she’s some health and fitness guru, nutritional expert and still eats frozen ready meals purely for lower calories? Calories aren’t everything when it comes to health and fitness, you also have to take into account fat, salt etc. It really doesn’t sit right with me how much she profited and still does, off her e-book when she doesn’t really have any knowledge apart from what she’s learnt from others on bloody Instagram. She really does seem like the typical “mean girl” and stuck up girl.
All of THIS. Couldn’t put it better
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She's just a show off. Also - she bragged so much about how well Charlie slept as a newborn - it's about time!!
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I would be in physical pain after eating that amount of stodge and fat nowadays. Normal people don’t eat like that. I wonder how much of it her husband actually consumes? Her Rosé always looks so cheap and nasty too 😖
Yes! The wine is always gross echo falls 🤣 can’t believe she’s 30. Eats and drinks like a student.

You couldn’t pay me to eat the stuff she ate in Turkey. Honestly, I just don’t understand why people follow her for food and fitness inspiration, it truly baffles me.
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Well-known member
Sorry, am I missing something?! What's with the gloating and smugness because she hasn't gone to a gym, so what?? Her cockyness knows no limit at all!!
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I used to follow, then unfollowed when she was asking for money for something and said if all her followers gave £1 the money would be raised. Well obviously not everybody did because we aren't all that stupid....and she proper kicked off, was hilarious.
Oh and Jodie hun, your body looked better before, you are just skinny now.
I mean I'd love to look that but she makes out she's some massive fitness guru but she hasn't got a prominent muscle anywhere 😂.
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Chatty Member
There's definitely something wrong with her. Walking for that long every morning with the baby strapped to her to get her steps in. Good luck when he no longer has that newborn routine of sleeping all the time and actually wants engagement
lol yep, I was at my slimmest when I had to do pram walks every day to get my boy to sleep but now I can’t keep him in his buggy for more than a walk to the shop 😅 but guess what I’m not arsed cos my weight isn’t my priority, I feel sorry for her because she really can’t just be relaxed about it for even a couple of weeks can she
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