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Chatty Member
She’s really shit at this chicken stuff isn’t she- even her chickens think she’s a moron. By the way- if you can’t find the eggs that they are laying all over the place that’s probably cos the foxes have taken them?
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I'm not entirely sure what she's had done but would it come under a breast reduction? If she's paid privately, and it seems like she has, then money talks, doesn't it?
My mum had a breast reduction with hers on the NHS. They didn't do a full mastectomy, they just took the cancer out and some lympnodes to test and then reduction on the other side.
She's just had around 8 chemo sessions and will have radiotherapy in Sept
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Have you seen her bio is all “it’s the school holidays so I’m not here”. Hope her patrons aren’t paying to be part of her club over the next six or seven weeks as she’s not posting on the Find Your Happy thing either. I did think she was away with a female friend though, on her story highlight she’s swimming with another woman.
It doesn’t make sense. It’s the holidays so I’m working on all my other accounts but not my personal one ? Surley it would be the other way around ? School
Holidays don’t make you incapacitated. I find it hard to believe she’s 24/7 Mary poppins until school is back. More likely she got the cheque for the bad taste vaccine post and can afford to take her foot off the pedal . Wonder if “her community”
Counts as work during schools break
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Abi da Walker

Well-known member
If you have the money, fantastic, good for you. Just don’t be disingenuous about it. I guess it’s none of my business, but it irks me.
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Relocate to St Andrews...
Been reading here hence the muted announcement about selling the distillery & a month in Thailand ? Not that she has any obligation to let us know but it was annoying for me to see her “slummin it” struggling along sham then living it up in Thailand?! Not clear if she meant move to St. Andrews brewery (which she has been flogging these last few weeks) or actual St. Andrews to set up a new one, or both.
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New member
No she won’t have another insta break, Thailand isn’t open at the moment so she’d have nowhere to go. She also has chickens arriving soon so lots of “shit content” of her not actually looking after them!
I feel like the life expectancy of these chickens is about to markedly decline.
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So despite previous requests for details, she’s not bothered to contact potential stockists because ‘her personality doesn’t come across well on email’

why bother with marketing when you can get your followers to do it? She’s now got 100+ tagged stockists but still expects them to contact her….
She’s lazy as we see with the community she set up. She regularly returns to Edinburgh to get her eyebrows done etc.
Her bandwagon this week was anti bullying week.
I’ve seen see has been planning a subscription community I think based around health and fitness (more chat and motivation than PT) as well as looking for a job. I do think their industry has been crippled but it will recover I hope. I don’t know one paid for subscription community that has lasted , would need to be really unique given all the free groups and information there is
I was always 50/50 she was always spoiled but definitely too young for what’s happening to her 🤦🏻‍♀️ as someone who lost a friend to breast cancer in their 30s.. life is far too short x
I see she’s liked Susie verrill’s ‘apology’ post in which she makes excuses for being racist in the past. The racist tweets are pretty horrific and being Racist apologist is not ok.