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VIP Member
Disappointing to see them all taking their runners up medals off like they’d all agreed prior to take them off. Thought it was the taking part that counts hey kids? 😉

I'm genuinely disgusted by the racist memes that are circulating around on Twitter by the English. It's all good when England win but when they don't people think it's ok to be absolute scumbags? Gracious losers.... I think not.
Because nobody’s getting a day off work now so they’re spitting their dummy’s out 🤣
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I'll admit I've not read every comment in this thread, but from what I have read I haven't seen anyone outside of England come across as actively hating England, in fact I've read quite a few Scottish posters say they were supporting England.

Yet on this page alone we've got practically all Scots owning flags of multiple nations that we all proudly dig out of our cupboards and fly whenever someone is playing against England, and being accused of writing racist comments on twitter in the guise of English people to make England look bad. You couldn't make it up!

Not all football fans are hooligans and thugs, and the few who are give genuine fans a bad name, but when it comes to the home nations there's only one that makes the headlines for all the wrong reasons time and time again. Stop trying to pass the buck and spin it into something it isn't.
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Glasgow girl here and I am gutted for England. I was rooting for them the minute Scotland got the boot. They should be so proud of themselves for this Euros run, they have been fab on the pitch. As well as off the pitch, those boys do so much for many great causes. I’ve had abuse from fellow Scots and told I should be supporting England’s opposition but I’d never. Italy also had a great tournament, well done to them, even if they played a little dirty. Enjoy your celebrations Italian tattlers!! Bring on the World Cup!
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People are giving Southgate a lot of praise, but his assistant coach, Steve Holland, has vast experience working under world class managers such as Jose Mourinho, Antonio Conte and Rafa Benitez. I think his role has been thoroughly overlooked for the England national team.
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I thought England played better the other day lol rather than for the final, but started off strong today but looking tired now. Come on boys!!!!
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Caffeine Fiend

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Can I make a points here? First up, this is a genuine question, I'm not trolling and generally want a real debate and to hear what people think....

I think it's hypocritical that people are talking about racism towards the BAME community here, but in the next breath are sharing memes and making jokes about Italy and boycotting pizza and pasta and Italian restaurants, and the 🤌🏼 movements the players did with their hands and how typically Italian it was? Imagine if we made assumptions and stereotypes about the BAME community, there would be an outroar. Or if I said all asians like noodles and rice, that's a little offensive, no?
That's why I feel that many of the people who seem to shout loudest about black lives mattering are pure hypocrites and generally people I've experienced being racist about for example, asians, polish and eastern europeans, the middle east and more. For me, a lot (not all, of course) of the people spouting off about BLM and racism on social media are looking for likes and band wagonry. It makes me angry though to see big pages on social media and a lot of people make jokes about Italy and that's by the by but heaven forbid anything bad is said about the black community. Just to clarify - I'm not defending the racist comments either that the footballers got on Sunday, it's absolutely disgraceful. Especially when Saka was so young and under pressure as it was.
I agree 100% with you. I think people seem to think comments like that about European stereotypes are ok, when theyre not. Probably be accused of being woke now.

What I would say is as a Scottish person when we get all the deep fried, fat, tight jokes. It is annoying but I havent received discrimination because of it. Not in the way Black people do.

Im not more likely to die in child birth or in police custody because of the colour of my skin. Not more likely to be arrested because of how I look.

So as much as I agree with what youre saying, you cant really compare them. Theyre both wrong in their own right.
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I'm gutted with the result. I wish the subs came on earlier to at least play the last 15 minutes. I feel like England lost control in the second half. But I don't blame anyone or anything. That is just how penalties go. You can pretend to kick a ball over and over again in training. But when you are in a stadium it is a different situation.

I'm proud of our England squad. We have amazing young squad. I'm proud of Saka too. I can't comprehend how he must feel knowing at that second he missed that he would be vilified on social media because they always remember the last goal taker. That is a lot of pressure to put on the young boys shoulders.

The racism is disgraceful. If we won, I'm sure they wouldn't be using the disgusting language against them. These are the same men that got us to our first final in 55 years. Completely disrespectful to turn on them and spout off disgusting racist remarks.
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Active member
The scenes, throughout the tournament, displayed by some fans have been truly abhorrent. whilst I know football hooliganism isn't solely a U.K. problem, actions like the ones we've seen tonight make me very happy that a) CCTV at football grounds and surrounding football grounds is much greater these days and b) football banning orders still exist and are still extremely harsh on those who are given one.
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VIP Member
Probably already been said but I think football hooligan behaviour in general is down to men being conditioned to suppress emotions so they don't know how to behave in a non-disruptive and non-violent manner when extremely emotionally involved in a situation. And this is why they shame women who say they enjoy football because we're able to feel passionate about it without kicking and screaming and swearing (most of the time;)) and it makes them think we're just not arsed about it or are only casual watchers of the game.
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VIP Member
What we need is a really good Eurovision entry for 2024...

Note to Rashford: the meerkat style run ups never do anyone any favours

Kinda wish Italy had kept the ball in the second half of ET so we didn't get chance to put Rashford and Sancho on.

Pickford kept us in it in open play and in the pens. We let Italy play too much in the second half, they deserved it overall.

Least there's 3 of them to share the pain of the pens though rather than just one.

I'm off to bed.
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VIP Member
After my own heart! Just noticed a thread purely for the Olympics so I’ll head over there!

Did anyone call that the man sending racist tweets would claim he was hacked? Because that’s what he’s gone and done 😂
absolute bullshit.

i am so heartbroken for these boys but i am also so proud of them for bringing so much joy to our lives this year.

the bitterness of so many irish and scottish people is ridiculous. sad gits.
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I've just seen a video of italians supporters being beaten up while exiting the stadium.
Disgusting!!!!!!!!!! WTF is wrong with these animals!
When Norwich and Ipswich play the away fans get a police escort out and away from the stadium to prevent any fights - I don't know why the same hasn't been done to protect the Italy fans!
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