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i will say my kids get on the bus at 715 and school provides breakfast for them so i dont have to feed my kids before they go to school, but if Julian is taking a bus 1 hour to school, i would think that he needs to be fed, but again this is Tracy World so who knows what the lie is today.
His bus takes an hour to get him to school??? How come?
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I’m not sure what turning in a financed car is a repo ? If you turn in a car, they give you what the value the car in money and you pay the rest. If you don’t pay the rest then you would be on the hook for the difference and the loan company would sue you for the rest. It’s not a repo unless they have to take the car back after failure for payments. But if you turn it in, it’s not a repo

You seem very angry at people in this thread. You have come and quipped back at people here recently. We are all here for one reason and you seem to really be hitting hard at other people lately.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Considering I worked for a finance company I do know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t like what I have to say there’s a block button.

So you have a great day. ✌🏼👍🏼

Lol. 🤣🤣 Sorry I fell short of your high standards.
Nothing personal. I just feel like “John” anyone can come here saying they “know Tracy and Corey” but I haven’t seen any proof. But you are entertaining. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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View attachment 598765
Did anyone else see this comment under her video on her IG page…? The one where Sammy + Her are dancing and eating “GrEeK SaLaD” with food hanging out of their mouths and the DJ guy goes “These chicks are so annoying” or whatever lmao 🤣

Newsflash Tracy You and Sammy were the only two dancing in the DJ booth or around the DJ booth besides the old guy who you called your spirit animal… He was definitely talking about you + ya girl there lol 😂 😂
Idk the DJ has been their friend for a long time I doubt he was talking about Big T and Sammy, even if the shoe fits lmao
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Yet you choose to comment in my posts. 🤷🏼‍♀️

And if you return a car and it’s not paid for it’s a voluntary repo that you have to pay the difference on if it’s sold again. If you don’t pay the balance it goes ok your credit as a repo.
yep that’s exactly what happened to my sister. She turned her car in and still had to pay the difference from the money they did not make from auctioning the car. (She has this issue with not being able to fulfill her commitments. 🤦🏻‍♀️).
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Boys always potty train later. And once they do be prepared to be cleaning toilets everyday. It’s in the male genetics to never get it in the toilet 😂
My three sons were trained by the time they were like 24 months old. But you got that right about the aim when I taught them how to go I sat them backwards on the toilet and they still couldn’t make that toilet whenever they got older. Lol
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Omg...I asked my husband how they can't aim in the toilet?!
I don't know what else to do to train him or get him interested in it. He'll tell me after he goes, "oh mommy I need the potty" 🤦🏻‍♀️ five seconds too late kiddo 😅🤣

Her arms are two different sizes 😅
My son is the same. I will sit him on the toilet forever and nothing will happen and as soon as I put him back in a pull up or diaper he goes. He likes being in the bathroom but refuses to use the toilet lol it makes me crazy!
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Ahhhhh good old Slutgers. I have fond memories of drinking noxious jungle juice (aka the OG everclear and koolaid) out of an igloo cooler at 17 while being hit on by 5th year seniors at TKE 😖.
However...nothing beats a fat sandwich at 1am...
I have the same experience except I was 16, didn’t know what jungle juice was so it hit me HARD (think, hallucinating-in-the-bathroom hard) and fat sandwiches were at 2am+ Fat Elvis for the win!
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Okay so I posted screenshots of their Instagram threads ago, but allow me to repeat myself, and add a couple new additions.

1) Her Italian, maternal grandmother. The only “pure” Italian. Is it weird to say pure? My bad lol.
2) Her brother Tim, using their ACTUAL last name.
3) Her brother Mike who does not use his last name, but middle name. I think it was Sonic who mentioned he was using a different last name, but it’s just his middle!
4) Diana & Stephan are the other grandchildren, THEIR last name is Schroeder.
5) Grandma celebrating with her kids, Stephanie and unnamed son, meaning Grandpa T’s last name is Schroeder! So, Papa Maloney comes in and marries Stephanie, creating 3 Maloney children.

T and her brothers are a mix of German, Italian, and Irish descent. However, since her mom is half German and half Italian, and dad is full on Irish, T’s “purest” lineage is that of Irish descent.

Her grandmother was born in Sicilia?
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It could be a state by state. I work at a law firm that handles many situations like these as well as other things lol but in my state it’s not a voluntary repo if you have made your payments and turn the car in early. It’s the same thing as getting a new car with a loan still on your old car. It’s not a voluntary repo if you still owe on the car and trade it in. It’s voluntary repo if you have never made a payment or haven’t in a while and turn it in. And don’t pay anything still outstanding.

Could block but I can handle difference of opinions and be mature about it. And I’ve represented finance companies so I know too 😉
Yet you choose to comment in my posts. 🤷🏼‍♀️

And if you return a car and it’s not paid for it’s a voluntary repo that you have to pay the difference on if it’s sold again. If you don’t pay the balance it goes ok your credit as a repo.


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I am going to state my opinion and i am sure i am in the minority here - but, i really feel like bashing her for her feelings on COVID is like bashing her for her political view. YOU may not agree with how she feels on it, but doesnt mean she isnt allowed to have her opinion. There is a lot of view points (just like politics) and i think we should stay away from getting into the COVID and politics discussion and keep it to what this thread was about, Big mama and her photoshopping, lying about herself, etc.

COVID is a hotly debated topic and i think it can bring out people's "if you dont think like me, you are wrong" view points and honestly, i come here to escape all that drama.

So i can be bashed, i can be told to shut up, i can handle it, but i just think those should be topics we shy away from
Exactly, its been very difficult to refrain from commenting on alot of these posts. A large majority of you need to turn the tv off and do some research into this.🙄🤷
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