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We have a frumpyfanny, a frumpy fox 🦊 and a cute puppy dog 🐕. Will the real Fluffy/Tiffany put their hand up? Or are all 3 related?
Is it a ploy to get more comments and activity on her channel seeing as there is no video today?


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She makes that hospital look very bad with all her lies. If it's going the way she describes those doctors are incompetent ... now we all know Tiffany likes to twist the truth around I don't believe a tiny nodule about the whole nodule drama. The way she portraits that medical team... ow they don't know if it was there all a long, they don't know and need another week to figure it out... she makes a joke out of that hospital and how they work. She should be very careful about what lies she's spreading on the internet.
She def does make a joke out of the Royal Marsden group and has done all along with her lies and mis representation despite her trying to interject sometimes about what a wonderful team "she has". Damage limitation in her constantly lying about what they have told her.

Nora Nodule Christy being the latest in her click for money bait.

Even Judith looked stunned by her claims that the doctor had no clue really what was happening despite her waiting weeks for this face to face consultation and he shut up immediately.

For two medical professionals they really are thick as shit - or not - and that is worse.

Values and ethics Spec Savers ?? From your employees whether self employed or no??

Wonder do the Directors of the Spec Savers branches they are 'waaaking' in have a view on their representives giving such a dim view of the the most recent appointment and other treatment?
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What about all the weddings coming up? Will she still be able to go, with a 4mm lung nodule?? 😂 Which is probably nothing, was always there but doctors didn't notice it, or will just disappear like a miracle from God. Can't wait till thursday how this all wil play out, it's like an episode of a soap serie.
She will still "party on down" with the terrible ruched, cheap, polyester dresses of the tinternet and/or New Look or similar and Matt's horrible suit shrunk in the wash.

The show must go on. These two are cheap as cheap things. I bet they smell.
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View attachment 3020610
14 minutes ago (edited)
Hi I’m new to this channel and I’m so sorry to see all the hate you have been getting. Those nasty people should feel ashamed of their horribleness. Praying that the noodle won't be cancer View attachment 3020611
Oh Lordy, please let’s not introduce ‘noodle’ into the convo … we could have way too much fun with that 😜!

(could this be fuckey in disguise? Seems like typical fuckey dialogue 🫠)
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... I do hope Nora Lung Christy will be removed in some way, FREE NORA!! This nodule has the right to leave T's buddy and become totally independent.
That might not be the only body element that needs freeing. The next time Matt takes a little trip on his own, maybe to meet his guy friends for cycling adventures (plus others, perhaps?;)) in Spain, for example, he should start his own line of merchandise: FREE WILLY!

Recall that Matt did go to Spain over a year ago, supposedly to go cycling with a buddy or two! (as if he couldn't ride a bike right home in Tunbridge Wells!) Tiffany should ask him "Matt, how much did you pay?", as the 'extracurriculars' in Spain are quite the bargain compared to many other places.
Remember that Spain had had one of the highest outbreaks of 'monkey pox' originating from their g_y bathhouses. This one's for you, Matt!
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21 minuten geleden
Lets not comment, just buy a super thanks so darling Tiffany can be at home and hot have to go to work. Tiffany so deserves a holiday


another one:


17 uur geleden (bewerkt)
I have breast cancer. I feel so bad for Matt. His life revolves around your sickness, not ever being a father to your children. He is also mourning a life not there. But he loves you. I will keep praying. But I feel so sad for Matt. And Tiffany stage 4 is cancer floating in your body. It’s never going away. I am so sorry for you. God Bless
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Link to previous thread…

Thanks to @Lil_Brissy for your thread title 🌻 and everyone else who had this sitch in hand!
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TiffanyThinks really overplayed the second nodule news with that clickbait title, despite the fact that her doctor said “no change” on her scan. Now her followers are so far into the accusations of Royal Marsden incompetence that they think she can’t get adequate treatment without going private.

Now she has to defend her use of the NHS to these followers. No wonder she hasn’t posted a video yet today.
I doubt she worries about defending her use of the NHS or what the dolts are saying about her doctor.
The comments were way worse (towards her surgeon) after watch and wait and she completely ignored it.

I think her silence is strategic. She wants the idiots to worry and beg her to come back. She wants to starve them
so they will be rushing to take part in the big Sunday feeding.
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Well yeah the whole point of scans every 3 months is when patients are on active 'surveillance'. Surely those results will have been read before T arrived at the clinic. I personally know St James's in Leeds have morning oncologist meetings where all cases are discussed amongst clinic oncologists, plans are put into place. Clinic then opens at 9:30am, patients arrive and results are given. Bear in mind that the 'team' of oncologists have already discussed results prior to seeing patients that day.

It's sad that she blocks anyone that asks anything. Don't ask questions, just leave blue hearts peeps. And buy some merch after leaving childish blue hearts.

Exactly @ liver. Yet none of her loyal subscribers question where the hell that 6mm liver lesion went?
I have never heard inflammation referred to as a lesion? Liver cyst or fatty tissue yes, but not inflammation. Anyone else?

Old liver sitch that the rodent conveniently forgets.

It was not called a lesion here. She just said that the liver was flagged up. It became a "lesion" when the liver sitch returned in 2023.

Watch from 5:28 (You will need to survive a lot of baby voice, a lot of MY BUDDY, and a lot of rambling). She had a nurse or someone call later in the video to make an appointment for an MRI for it.

Date: Feb 24, 2022

Then she of course dragged it out for weeks until she graced her liver-worried idiots with an update on it.

She just says THE LIVER'S FINE and that IT WAS JUST A LITTLE BIT OF AN INFLAMMATION at 8:00. Don't watch before that if you don't want to feel queasy.

Date: Mar 10, 2022

:sick: :sick: :sick:

These worried faces in thumbnails but in the videos she spends her time grinning like a cheshire car.

Then, Sep 10, 2023 they discover the lung nodule and the likkle liver lesion. Watch her lie at 29:44: THE LIVER HAS NEVER BEEN MENTIONED BEFORE. I'VE NEVER HAD ANY ISSUES WITH MY LIVER.

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She is a spoilt narcissistic brat who is sulking and is punishing her idiots for asking her highness about results.

It gives her a high that her idiots are worrying for her and asking if she is okay.

She is sitting at home monitoring her comments like a deranged hawk and is getting high on the power that she has
over some brainless simpletons.
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Make sense of it!

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Someone "elsewhere" has come up with some video titles for TT to use for the next how ever many weeks or months as needed.
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Make sense of it!

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Seen on the Tiffany Thinks fan page on Facebook. Love the response. Guaranteed to upset the sheep 🐑 🐏.
Pat Johnson is correct, the bi##h is playing with their emotions!! The comments under her video are pathetic, she has been active on her YT channel and is busy deleting comments at record pace. Tiffany has them all eating out her haggard hand and she's loving it, almost as much as she loves Nora the new noodle nodule because both Nora and their concern equal $$$$$.
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I predict that Tiffany will be blocking out information about her second diagnosed lung nodule. She doesn't want people mentioning it. She will say 'It's OK' even if it isn't. She will balk at further chemotherapy, and continue thinking the nodule is fine, as the 'watch and wait' approach is by default for the next two to three months until the next scan unless she becomes PROACTIVE in her SITUATION. She will insist that she is fine and feeling well, so, of course she can't possibly have cancer, right? Nevermind that she was breathless ON VACATION in Italy and unable to climb stairs properly with Matt in a park somewhere. Nevermind that her eyes seem even more sunken in than in the past.

Sorry, but I predict that she has one year of functionally relatively good health, and that she will either be operated on again or have to have some treatment before the end of this year for that nodule. In her next scans, which may even be as soon as two months from now if this is a new nodule, that nodule will have grown, and perhaps there may even be others.
She needs to be aggressive about her SITUATION now: Ask for removal of that nodule instead of 'watch and wait' for two to three months. Ask about treatment and clinical trials. Make an appointment with another doctor in the private sector to get a second opinion. Will she do any of this? I predict that she won't! Well, Tiffany, don't say you weren't warned!

Also, Tiffany removed ALL comments about MARRIAGE to MATT and Catholicism that were under this or the last video. I guess those comments really hit a nerve with her!
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That is concerning, actually, in Tiffany's first diagnosis by the RM: The implication is therefore that multiple doctors at the RM thought that the first lung nodule was not cancerous and talk of lung surgery or treatment was absent until the nodule was over 1 cm in diameter. The sooner a growth is removed, the better the prognosis, at least giving the patient more time to live.

Tiffany has a history of seemingly muddled or outright incorrect diagnoses. First of all, she was diagnosed with cancer very late, already with a T4bN1b colorectal cancer tumor that had already grown into her vagina! Why this diagnosis was revealed rather late while Tiffany had apparently been bleeding for over a year is unclear. Even a simple gynecological exam would have detected growth of a tumor into her vagina! Did she even bother to have such an exam? Was she relying solely on colonoscopies and avoiding a gynecological exam? Who knows, because she wasn't clear about that.
Tiffany also never revealed the diagnosis involving her previous stomach surgeries. On this matter, Tiffany is clearly hiding something intentionally.

Then, there was the St. George's hospital diagnosis of a Stage 4 adenocarcinoma colorectal cancer with 1 lung metastasis. Her case was then handled by the Royal Marsden because of their state-of-the-art colon surgeries with robotic assistance (the DaVinci robot). The RM gave her a stage 3 diagnosis and said the lung nodule was nothing to worry about, even though it turned out to be cancerous less than a year (approximately) after her pelvic exenteration surgery.
Well, how about if that first lung nodule had been removed when it was half the size? If it was cancerous at 1.1 cm in diameter, it was cancerous at the 5 to 7mm diameter mark as well upon initial diagnosis.
THIS is why second opinions matter and are important! If two different hospitals, both with good reputations, gave completely different conclusions about an initial lung nodule, a THIRD medical opinion could have served as the tie-breaker, so to speak. After all, this IS a question of life and death.
Tiffany's case, easier than a 3rd opinion at the time of diagnosis:
Why didn't she RETURN to ST. George's hospital for a REBUTTAL on their part? She could have told them that the RM said her (first) lung nodule wasn't cancerous! Whoop whoop whoop! So, armed with the RM's result, WHY didn't she return to St.. George's and ask them WHY they said the first lung nodule was cancerous?
There IS a right and wrong answer here. One was right, the other was wrong. The best situation would have been if one of the hospitals had admitted an oversight or a mistake. That way, at least Tiffany would have been aware of HOW such decisions are made, and the possibility for ERROR, in case...guess happens again...such as with a SECOND lung nodule now!!
She didn't want to hear that it was cancerous. She happily accepted RMs diagnosis. All along she's been the ostrich with its head in the sand
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Well spotted. I sensed similar in Matt a while ago. Almost like he was 'over' all of the filming for youtube. I used to feel sorry for Matt because it came across that Tiff was addicted to filming and Matt & Amma had to go along with it to keep T happy. It takes me back to when T was in hospital, Amma was leaving and told Tiffany to make sure that she got some sleep that night. Tiffany clearly didn't listen to Amma because her next video showed she had filmed what Amma said and continued to film after Amma had gone.
Imagine going to a restaurant with your partner and they care more about filming than actually spending time with you? Going on holiday and your partner engrossed in filming for Youtube? I would have walked away very early on, but that's because I know my own worth and know I could find someone willing to put time into our relationship.
I now feel that either Matt doesn't know is self worth, or that he is actually ok with his partner being addicted to filming for youtube.
Tiffany is most likely a narc, and they all break their partners down to zero self worth. Everything is about Tiffany, she doesn't care about her mother, her sister or Matt. She 'thinks' she loves him, but narcissists don't know what love is. She's acting, she's pretending. The way she plays house with him, her childish way of doing things, the staged little dances she does with him while he's clearly in unease... all an act. We know she's addicted to Friends (her being in regression she's stuck in her teen years)... I have a feeling she's mirroring Friends, and she's Rachel, the pretty one who got all the attention and makes a lot a lot a lot of drama. Remember Matt had to go buy her that sweater that gave her "Rachel" vibes? She's not living her own life, her life is based on mirroring tv series like friends and love island :ROFLMAO:
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Has anyone ever seen a field of sheep implode? Asking for possible future reference.
A field of imploding sheep 🤔🤔🤔
Wow, just think of the roast leg of lamb 🥘 dinners!
(those sheep would all be dirty old rank mutton)
I think that two distinct and opposite possibilities for Tiffany's lack of comments and updates may exist, among others.
One possibility is she is just toying with everyone and plans to return in a week or two with "How are you all. I just needed to take some time off from social media." All the while, though, she has been deleting comments and not responding to people's queries about her health. The lung nodule in this case would not be of concern for now.

Another possibility is she just discovered what having Stage 4 cancer means with a second cancerous lung nodule, and she is retreating from public comments as she preps herself mentally for more treatment and/or surgery. This would be a very sad situation and it would be understandable that she would spend time away from filming.

If Tiffany is fine, then she should respond to concerned comments, or write one herself and pin it, and say she is fine but just taking time off. If Tiffany isn't OK because of the nodule 'situation', then I understand why she would not be answering people. She would be angry, disappointed, and scared about her situation.
Have nodule will travel ✈
She’s probably in Greece 🤣
Is she hell as like in hospital. I am actually surprised she isn't banned from hospitals. She should be. T doesn't deserve any help from our NHS. The way she makes them sound thick really pees me off.
I have so much empathy and admiration for our oncologists, nurses and cancer support nurses that work their backsides off. Yes, some mistakes are made, but they are human. T is very lucky to have access to our NHS.

Ladies & Gents, remember way back? T was in the garden in Croydon with Amma, waiting for Matt to come back so they could all cozy up and watch love Island. It runs for a few weeks on end. T always goes slow when Love Island is on. Remember when she was posting old out dated surgery videos? Its because she was busy with Love Island Winter edition. Its on twice a year.
Love Island Bucket List… typical 🤓
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Some evidence on how her dolts talk about her medical team. We might need this at some point.
They criticise her doctors and assume the worst about them instead of a person who has no knowledge of cancer, does not do her research, does not ask pertinent questions and most importantly, is known to lie.

Negligent ill-prepared doctor.



















Doctors enjoy torturing patients.

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There is nothing new on Youtube on her channel. If she is in the hospital, maybe it is because SHE INFECTED HERSELF again with the BACTERIA in her FAKE NAILS with bacteria from her intestine (enterobacteriaceae) and she has another bout of GASTROENTERITIS. Hopefully, it isn't because of her cancer.
If she does have another INFECTION related to her GASTRO system, then she NEEDS to STOP with the FAKE NAILS, GET THEM OFF, and stop with that BACTERIA-LADEN habit! I will have no pity for her if she does have another gastro infection.
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