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Charlie’s cooking
Shirl’s talking into the phone
Charlie can’t work the air fryer
Aimee comes in kitchen
Shirl: Aimee you don’t have to do anything today, what are you doing out here?

Ermmm today? Just today? She does fuck all every day
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Am I the only one who doesn’t get spending a fortune on a hotel when you are hardly there? Premier Inn all the way & even that’s not cheap in Manchester on a Fri/Sat night either.
If it was a resort where you are spending time then fair enough.
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Ha ha Aimless so despite you alleging you had an amazing time at GA - Vag has outed you and is fighting your battles for you. Love that for you 🤣
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dancing flamingo

Chatty Member
It really annoys me when people buy frilly clothes for their kids but never iron them so they look awful.. h looks so unkept... would it have taken her so long to have ran an iron over the shoulder of h dress... lazy bitch.
Even that advert she did the dress is creased. Considering she has money her and h look cheap and dirty all the time.
While I'm on about the lazy scruff bag ... she says she cleans and tidies the utility room every night. There was more shit on that floor than just cat food and cat-hair.... that room must really stink.
If my parents felt the need to make a comment to me how clean my house was looking at the moment I'd be utterly embarrassed, all she does is shop and eat in front of her phone.... why is she not taking care of the home her child lives in.
Aimless is a dirty cow pass it on.
Also........ well I've started now 🤣 I find it such a massive red flag h attaches herself to pretty much most adults in their life, it shows how little interaction aimless give her and she clings to all those that actually do like ole shirl and vav.
For a stay at home parent like aimless it's so shameful.
Last one how pale is h, we've had a few days of nice weather, my daughter is the same age, very fair skin and blonde hair. She's gotten a lovely colour this week. she wears factor 50, has a mini one in her bag for school so she doesn't burn and wears a cap when she's playing out in the garden in the evening or at her activities... she hasn't burnt but has got a lovely healthy glow. Has h just been sat at her dinning table colouring? No wonder she's always ill.
Right I'm done for now.... need to get my busy day started. Have a great Saturday everyone. 💖
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Problem is Vav is thick as mince and her "pal" Aimless isn't the brightest bulb but she's also a pick me girl and would absolutely lay on the floor for Beefy to walk all over and that is why they are friends.
Vav is too thick to hide the fact that she takes the piss out of Aimless and Aimless is too thick to see it.
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I hate the word ick so can't use it but it infuriates me when her and Beefy lip sync Beefy looks like she's about four days behind and Shamless smiles with teeth when she doesn't know the words 🤣🤣
She's never ever mentioned liking girls aloud, don't seem to remember her posting when Sarah died but I can guarantee it now tomorrow will be all "it was so emotional seeing what they did for Sarah" - the fact that she had to mention her and Cheryl Cole share the same birthday and she said "she won't even know I'm there" surprised she didn't tell us all that Cheryl follows her! 🤣🤣🤣
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Aimless always sticks out like a sore thumb at any event she goes too, it's nothing new.

Mix a nearly 40 something who doesn't socialise, who only leaves the house to shop with a group of fun 20 something year olds she's going to feel out of place.
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Well done @mumz for your hilarious but true thread suggestion!!!

You’ve won Aimless’s cleaning lady for a day!
You too can have a “clean” house like she does!!!

Congratulations 🥂
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Who called the emotional tributes to Sarah?

and she’s done loads in a weekend… Aimee sweetheart - that’s a normal weekend for most of us, having every day filled
Im dead at Family party 🤣🤣 few egg buttys & a flake cake with your mum & sister is hardly a party you clown 🤡
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HOW and WHY is she so tired, genuinely curious as to how the lazy slug feels so tired all the time. When you think about her content lately, It really only includes things that we do everyday except we work aswell. She vlogs a Tesco haul, I go to Tesco and do the same thing but after a 12 hour shift, difference is I don’t film it! I cook meals every night, and nothing like the slop she puts together either, yet I don’t film it. I get ready in a morning but don’t film it. We get ready, make breakfast/packed lunches, do school runs and food shops and then make dinner after a busy, long and tiring day at work. Aimee doesn’t go to work so how can she claim that she has a job when she’s only doing what we all do but she films it instead and doesn’t have to go to work. Her level of delusion, self entitlement and self importance astounds me to be honest.
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Right, I have been trying not to comment on this twat of a woman but her video this morning has pissed me right off!!!
She has 1 child....1!! She "works" from home everyday, she clearly never cleans or does much housework, she never exercises, seems to have an endless supply of money and all she does is moan about how fking tired she is!! Tired doing what exactly, someone please tell me because I can't figure it out!
Just piss off love and when you get there piss off again!!
Sorry for the rant ladies but she gets right on my tits!!🤣🤣🤣

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Why does she think people care if she's in pain? I'd be more concerned about the 2 wrinkly ball sacks under your eyes tbh
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