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Hobart locals: you reckon you’re gonna find out baby name for us? It’s all I’m looking forward to 🤣
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Ernie (and Houston)... I despair. Meanwhile, six Calvary maternity nurses have been admitted to the ED with broken ribs from laughing so hard.
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And in my experience that second child is usually more fiesty than the first!
Second child is a no limit soldier every time. My second born actually fly kicked my husband the other night like she was in a martial arts movie with Jackie Chan. She’s two. Best wishes, warmest regards, Claire.
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This bitch! Saying it’s “cute that they called” when Houston bumped his head at day care. It’s not cute, fuck wit. It’s policy. It will be policy at school as well. Get used to it. No one does it to be cute, it’s because an educator/teacher/first aide officer is not a doctor and it’s to cover themselves/the centre/the school in the unlikely event that it’s serious. Ugh she’s tiresome.
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Female Businesswoman

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Claire you are just a medium sized fish in a small Tasmanian pond.
You got a following for posting about Kmart stock.
You’re problematic with your warped eating and what you’re inflicting on Houston. You’re not inspirational or aspirational. You don’t have style. You’re toxic positivity from top to bottom. Happy Sunyay!
never miss a Monday!
Happy FriYay!

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It's actually like a horror show/car crash you cant look away from. The fact she is pregnant just makes it all-that much sicker.
As much as I feel bad thinking it, I wouldn’t be surprised if this baby is born prematurely. Her body clearly can’t take the strain and if she doesn’t change her ways it’s just going to say ‘fuck this shit’ and give up on growing it. She has many of the risk factors for preterm labor (malnutrition, age, short time between pregnancies etc)
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‘I truly am blessed’…

This really grated on me. Why aren’t I blessed?

So much better to say that you’re feeling grateful or lucky or whatever. You can acknowledge your feelings without suggesting that you are one of the chosen ones… it lands with a very smug vibe, even if that is the opposite of what she’s trying to do.
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As someone who has HG with pregnancy, this period of illness right after her gloating about how she’d give someone a bit of her pregnancy “wellness” feels like some kind of karmic force coming in to knock her down a peg or two.
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I have a teenage daughter who wears outfits like this and looks delightful. Fashion, even the ridiculous kind, is amazing when worn by the youth and beauty of the day. Claire is neither of these things. It’s time for her to dress for the body she has and the age she is. I’m not saying that it’s time for the mumus and homypeds, but sis - this ain’t it.
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Honestly who posts photos like these to a public IG and thinks they look good or think it’s helpful/interesting. I will never understand 🤷‍♀️
A person obsessed with showing how not pregnant they look.

She's like watching paint dry, just the same shit over and over and over again 🙄 Kmart screenshots from their website, I have a headache, here's a photo of me looking sightly deranged post workout, don't sweat the small stuff, rinse and repeat. Fucking yawn!
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I'm getting pure cringe from these birth posts of hers. No one, and I quite literally mean no one, wants to see that. It's just so fkn weird, I just can't imagine being so pedantic about keeping things private, not sharing kids names etc but choosing to show yourself in labour?! She's fucked in the head. Such an attention seeking brat.
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She’s already had one tiny baby with growth issues and lack of supply with her milk. Time to stop over exercising and over exerting your body because you are meant to rest your body for a minimum of 12 months between pregnancies (Claire you can actually plan this you dick head, it’s called the pill or a condom) and 14 months apart is going to put crazy strain on your uterus and probably give you all sorts of depletion not to mention prolapse… you definitely won’t be able to exercise with that love!
This!! Why am I struggling with things this pregnancy?! Umm your body hasn’t had time to replenish what it lost last time and you’ve already got another baby in there sucking out whatever minuscule amounts of anything that was left! Time to actually put the baby first instead of worrying how you’re going to look afterwards.

Must be so nice to be able to afford all these nice treatments to fill your cup - massage, chiro, acupuncture, etc
When myself and half the population can’t even afford a GP appointment. Dentist, Physio, Podiatrist? Nope, have to put up with it.
I guess I’ll have to make do by filling my cup with 99c panadol from chemist warehouse.
I hope you’re not suggesting that full time, working professionals Claire and her partner, living rent free in a house from a job she doesn’t do, who receives every type of clothing, personal care and household item anyone could ever need for free, while collecting top market rent on your own house and holidaying in the “shacks” the rest of your well off family own, is well off herself because she’s adamant she’s not. You might not be driving a Ferrari Claire, but struggling you are not. Get in touch with the real world sweetheart.
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I work in a government school. If I took a sick day and was then to post something like that I’m sure I’d be reprimanded by the principal. Heck, I get paranoid if I even have to go to the supermarket on a sick day!
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