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Long time reader, first time posting. As a healthcare worker this video was too much. Since Jenn reads here, Tim is not in QUARANTINE, Tim is ISOLATION. He is supposed to be isolated from everyone in the household for 10 days following his positive test, unless unable to isolate (filming a vlog is not a necessity and if you felt it was sooo damned important, you own more than 1 camera, you could have filmed your parts separately and then you Jenn could have edited it together). The part you referenced from the CDC about 7 days post negative tests is for those in QUARANTINE (again Tim is in ISOLATION), maybe scroll down the whole page and read it all next time.

Now for the rest of you, this group is great, you guys crack me up. Did anyone else catch when Jen was talking about getting their vaccines at around the 3:10 mark I think. They mention they had Moderna and said she got hers in March and Tim got his in April, but their vlog discussing their first dose was March 28.

I wonder how they got the home tests if Tim was symptomatic and Jenn doesn’t drive, unless they had already bought them and had them at home knowing it was only a matter of time before they got COVID.

I’m tempted to report the video for false and misleading information as they clearly don’t know what they are talking about in regards to proper quarantine/isolation procedures.
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Tim has officially lost his channel. It has 100% turned into the Jenn show. She is the only one describing things or explaining things and when he does try and talk she talks over him. I think I’m fixing to even stop watching it altogether. I am so fed up with a constant close-ups of her fucking face and her constantly licking her fucking lips and the corners of her mouth for nothing it’s disgusting.
I thought that their HHN date night was her “one time out her special night” yet she does that, both Howl O Screams and now this. She has a taste of the parent free life again and she doesn’t want to go back
They are comped a room which is absolutely fucking ridiculous (bec they live nearbyish) but it makes me laugh because it is a standard room and they don’t even get the balcony which Jen seems irked about. Jen goes to open the closet door and says “I think this might be an adjoining roand before she can finish the word room she realizes it’s a closet and she also realizes that she has not been put in any kind of a two room suite 😂. The disappointment in her voice is palpable.
At one time right towards the end clip of the room she said “hmm cool” with a wrinkled up nose. The room clearly wasn’t up to her royal cuntnesses standard.
Then they go downstairs to eat, they show the food they say it looks nice and they say they got comped some free appetizer by the chef and then it jumped immediately to them being in the car they don’t talk about the quality of the food they don’t compliment it or anything like they don’t talk about the food at all. It’s not that I wanted to see them shoving it in their fucking faces but it was ridiculous for them to show that and then not even talk about how the food was the only reason why they even put that part in there is because they wanted to flex that they got a free appetizer.
They love to brag about the fact that they have media but it’s just really sad lol.
So Jen gets jump scared and at 21:22 says this “that was like legitimately the scariest thing that has ever happened to me!”
you know.. that was scarier than people coming to her Door threatening her and her unborn child… scarier than a car incident that made her to anxious to drive …. Sure Jan a scareactor was the scariest thing ever to happen to you….. oh wait… the people at your door thing didn’t happen…
A scareactor was the scariest thing to ever happen.. yeah I can see how that would be way scarier than a stranger on the Internet threatening your child…
I’m just done I’m so tired of them
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New poster here. I was a long time lurker , but the thing that pushed me over the edge was their latest video. They said that they had covid, yet they were going everywhere and possibly spreading it. Now they are wearing masks in their house??? I've had enough of how fake they are and am joining in on the OMG how dumb can they be....
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Hello forum goers! New here. I was a pretty big fan for a few years, even had one of my cards read on a mail vlog (I know, I know). I REALLY admired them for being two childless adults who did what they loved - went to theme parks and did fun things without having to have a kid involved. Things were a bit more chill (Jenn's "Tim's at work" vlogs were relaxing), and they weren't "hosted" all of the time.

Then they had a bunch of stuff happen that turned me off personally:
--they went on a Marvel cruise (media trip, I think) and they marveled at how empty the ship was and seemed that a normal cruise is JUST like that. They didn't seem to realize that vacations for us plebes are, you know, more crowded;
--they left their cute relatable house and bought their current ugly monstrosity that always seems strangely empty;
--SweaterGate happened, and I realized how out-of-touch with their viewers they seemed to be getting;
--they constantly gave out wrong/outdated information on theme parks on their vlog;
--Bandit died :( ;
--child happened (personal preference, but they did not live up to their promise of "this won't be a family vlog")

Now they seem to have gone completely off of the rails. Such a shame, but....I'm here for the snark! :coffee:
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I am behind 5 pages, but this video was strange. First, the isolation period doesn't make sense. He also said something about an extra week after testing negative. That really isn't how it works, from personal experience. If you are ASYMPTOMATIC, your isolation period is different than if you are symptomatic positive. Since he said straight up he had symptoms, his isolation is minimum 10 days from the first day of symptoms. So if he was in a photo on 9/15 in a store (unless he was out with symptoms), it has only been 8 days since then. He is still contagious, therefore he isn't "done with covid" as Jenn said. They are also stupid wearing a cloth mask (Jenn) sitting side by side in their home. That does nothing. They have no air flow, sitting side by side, so the masks are pointless since they are not both wearing N95s or KN95s. Her stupid diaper mask won't do a thing. Air purifier, windows open, fans running towards windows, kn95s at a minimum. At this point there is almost no chance Jackson didn't have it since Tim is with him 24/7. It is very possible he had it first (from being unmasked in parks and hotels, from the nanny?, from the people they ate indoors with at the crepe place?..
who knows). He could have easily given it to them, or the nanny could have in a shared hotel room. They also were all over HHN with hundreds of people and no masks in the houses.

I know a lot about this recently because unfortunately we had COVID in our home. Tim saying he "tested negative on day 5" means nothing. Day 10 is the end of his isolation, if his symptoms are done and he has no fever. If he was asymptomatic, different isolation rules apply and negative tests matter. But that is moot, because he clearly had symptoms. Jenn is supposed to isolate 14 days after her last exposure to Tim during his contagious period. She can get out of that earlier with a negative test. If they are just using home tests now to see what is up, that isn't correct. And her saying she had lines on her home test means that was likely the end of her being positive. The home tests are extremely accurate for positive (not necessarily for negative), a faint line is a line. She very well could have had it first. Anyone who has COVID in their home is supposed to isolate, them sitting together in masks doing a vlog is hilarious. It is highly possible Jenn knows she had it and that was all for show. A faint second line on a rapid is still a line. We used rapid at-home tests, multiple doctors told us that a positive is almost full proof on those. This vlog made my head hurt.
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“Not exactly sure HOW I got Covid?”

…I’m sure going to theme parks and HHN and packing in with crowds of people in tight spaces had NOTHING to do with it.

Y’all are dumb.
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WTAF? This stan saw Tim at MK and asked him for an autograph. Because who doesn’t walk around Disney with an 8x10 of Tim in their backpack. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Well-known member
MASKS ARENT POINTLESS - THEY ATE INDOORS WITHOUT MASKS ON NEXT TO 3 PEOPLE THEY DONT LIVE WITH. And Jen often wasn’t wearing a mask while meeting stans. So tired of the comments saying masks are pointless.
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I just can't with these two. They sat there side by side with their masks on acting like "all is cool" "we're protected",
meanwhile they've certainly passed the virus between them, so what is the point. It was all just a little too chill, and odd.

And Tim saying, we're done, it's over... no dude. It's not that easy, stop making your own rules. Listen to those who've been through this in more recent days, they know what they're talking about.

I feel they would have been better off not to have said anything at all, but they just had to hit that hot keyword and couldn't let it be.
I had Covid waaayyyy back at the start of all this in Feb of 2020. Caught it from my daughter, she caught it from that dude in the first wave of people on the east coast (PAX east). She was deathly ill. Took her 3, or 4 weeks to get through it.

I stayed clear of her bathroom, she wore a mask when she had to leave her bedroom. She was not permitted to walk around the house and certainly not allowed in the kitchen. I did have to drive her to the doctors and xray technician though.

I had the worst headache of my life and my back/neck were stiff the whole time. Neither my daughter nor I ever lost our sense of smell.

Daughter was the first case of Covid our physician's office had seen, several folks there caught it from her even though she and they all used masks and washed.

Even my elderly cat got sick (he recovered), but our other little rescues bopped around here with no symptoms.

  • Several weeks later my dad fell and cracked his head open living in a nursing home. They did not have enough people on staff due to covid and he bled out before he was found. Died 24 hours later. :cry:
  • My godfather died from it. I did not want the details.
  • My uncle died from it, also in a nursing home. He was fine but had a reoccurring issue that needed special care.
  • My mom's other friend died from cancer during all this.
  • My brother's father in law died from it, also in a nursing home.

I'm done.
Covid Sucks.
People who don't take it seriously suck.
Theme park vloggers who are in the parks every day flouting the rules and acting like they're all about the rules suck.
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And there it is. The "i got covid" video. It was only a matter of time.
I don't wish covid on my worst enemy. I wish him and his family well.

But... let's think on this for a second...

So the WDW 50th is one week away. He's been claiming he's on the media list and is invited.
Dude HAS to skip it.

Makes me wonder if he really wasn't invited to anything.
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VIP Member
You guys…I’m absolutely dead.

I spit my coffee out all over my living room.

I always watch with captions because my dad was hard of hearing/almost deaf and I grew up with them. I don’t know what it’s like to watch tv without them🤣

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Rat a tat tat

Chatty Member
Well that was lucky for Tim.... On the day he was making his coffee, that would be the coffee he doesn't drink because that's what he's told us before 😉 he couldn't smell his coffee but can now smell his coffee 'that he doesn't drink' 🙄

Why lie about drinking or not drinking coffee in the first place, nobody gives a fuck... But people do give a fuck when you trip yourself up with your lies Pinocchio 🤥

That being said, I would not wish Covid on anyone and hope he continues to recover without severe illness.
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