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I cannot stress how much I dislike Jenn when she makes this face;


Also, LMFAO at Jenn telling Jackpot he can't have his tablet that close, meanwhile Jenn sprawls on the couch like a human sloth with her iPad 3 inches from her face watching Real Housewives.

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None of us can say anything about being judgemental can we as that's all all of us is do is judge Tim and Satan err I mean Jen.

Lol I hope he washed them too lol. And you are right I would be so horrified if it was my son who was digging out his pants in someone else's video that gets thousands of views all tho I doubt my son would care lmao

Not necessarily hun boys are known for being lazy with speech hopefully he's just a slow starter plus he might be feeling overwhelmed by everything and that can stop a kids speech it can stop ours too.
I’m judgmental as hell. Which is why I can spot Tim and Jenn and their bullshit from a mile away🤣🤣🤣
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Tim “I wonder when they’ll open the Epcot monorail from the TTC. Hopefully before October 1”

Yesterday’s Disney news “Epcot monorail will resume operations on July 18
I was so excited to read that.

Pretty sure Tim only gets his info about Disney from other youtubers and their videos. He's been known to copy what the Dis team say in their reviews (nearly word for word in some cases) and his info is always lagging by over a day.... Exception to his knowledge about Harmony Barber shop's reopening as he's been over there licking the windows like a puppy all too often.
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Since these jackasses are slumming it in the cheapest hotel, why don’t they go full on “poor” tourist and take the bus from the hotel to the park?

You know, show what normal people would do…..since who would want to pay for parking at the hotel, then pay again at the park. (I get they have free parking at the park with their pass)
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Is anyone seeing the comment on page 19 about baby J from the person named ZipMan??? Oh my god!

I'm still somewhat new, can anyone please tell me how we can report this immediately???
I just report this.

At the bottom of the Zipman posting I have
“Report” in the lower left corner.
I clicked on this. A window popped up with “reason for report” and I filled in my reason.

Note to Tim and Jenn
TAKE JACKSON OFF YOUR CHANNEL IMMEDIATELY. Put on your Big Boy and Big Girl pants and be his parents! Protect him from these vile people! ANY HARM THAT COMES TO HIM IS 100% YOUR FAULT BY EXPLOITING HIS LIFE AND IMAGE SINCE HE WAS BORN!

BUT they won’t 😡
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I wonder if they feel fulfilled in life. They appear happy but I wonder how much of it is an act 🤔
Excellent chance they are not nearly as happy as they seem. Their live-streams tell so much of what is really going on. Watch for looks, pauses in communication, the way one talks over another. Little things speak volumes about the atmosphere.

It was said here long ago: All these staycations are them attempting to patch something that is broken.
I personally feel Tim is using them to keep Jenn out of another depressed episode.
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Thank you!!!! I was thinking the same thing. Her stuffing her face is bad enough but she went out of her way to go in super close. It was so gross.

I liked the hot dog guy. He is the only part of the video I enjoyed. I loved when he gave the history of Friar's Nook and Jen said that they had been going to WDW their whole lives and had no idea that it was ever named anything else. I just can't...
I liked him, also. He and Tim were fine alone in the clips. Jenn was awkward, annoying, faking a personality, and again with the closeups of her chewing and smacking her mouth. She has zero self-awareness.
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T&J MUST be real boring if we are going off on tangents again 😂😆😂

Just got back from SoCal trip. My daughter and grandson hit up Magic Mountain, Disneyland and California Adventure.

How is everyone doing?
Just as we left LA area came notice that COVID spikes necessitated masks again.
Honestly after their latest video was all about poop…I can’t see how we can help ourselves 🤣

Orlando’s mayor is “HEAVILY” suggesting masks indoors again even for vaccinated people…

I don’t feel like fighting about it but I think he’s a proper asshole/idiot. I do not want masks to come back 😑😑😑😑
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I’d like to see vloggers young and old
male, female, trans, etc
Black, white, whatever color

all go away

but you all know that🤣🤣🤣
I like Disney vlogging for letting us see a modern glimpse at what the parks are like. Living over 1000 miles off it's not usually an easy thing to get to the area for me.

The problems I see now are:
  • There are too many vloggers.
  • They're all covering the exact same thing.
  • They're annoying the crap out of paying guests.
  • They all have to be at the front of the line for anything new, often ruining the experience for fans who make the effort to be there.
  • Their coverage shows too much of what should be left as a surprise for visitors, but visitors aren't usually aware of this until they try to experience the thing on their own.
  • They act entitled and rub it in as though Disney/universal loves them more than any normal guest.
  • Finally, most of them have no creativity or ability to make an interesting product. Exception to the small few (All ears stands out).
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There’s no way she wants another baby. She’s got to be mid to late 30’s… if you want one then you try and holidays can be cancelled or moved. I call total bullshit. They say they want one so stans watch in anticipation.
I agree. Its not going to get any easier as she gets older. Her energy levels are bad enough with the crap she eats. If I'm totally honest, I don't think they wanted a baby at all. They possibly liked the idea, or Tim did and Jenn played along. I think little J was a complete surprise that came at a time when they were achieving the things they really did desire in life... Expensive material possessions and hosted luxury holidays. That's not to say that they weren't delighted when they got pregnant or don't love him now. I'm sure these things are absolutely true. He's an adorable wee boy. But being parents is a responsibility they're not up to. They think throwing money at expensive baby items like cribs, rockers, multiple strollers etc makes them good parents. It doesn't. They find parenting exhausting and limiting. They cut out the very family that could support them, give advice, babysit etc and I hope the recent moves to being around Tim's family is an admission that they need some help and support and not just so they can get a babysitter for HHN. I have no doubt Tim's parents will love being able to spend time with their grandson. And they clearly did a goid job raising their family. Tim is mostly an idiot but he has some curiosity, fairly grounded and I'm sure J will benefit massively from their input. With family support in place, I hope they'll get a better balance and be happier. Bringing another child into their current situation would be disastrous.
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I still am a fan of the Trackers. You can be a fan and still have some critical moments when watching their videos. I think it's obvious how much they love Jackson but it's also obvious how much they have let their health suffer. And how these choices are impacting their son too.

Given how long they've been going on YouTube they haven't changed a crazy amount really. Grown up a bit. They do seem a little unhappy compared to past videos though.
I have to add to this. I agree with you that they love J as much as they can-but I disagree that they have grown up. I would argue they have regressed. Every time I watch Jenn she reminds me of my sixteen year old cousin- self serving,FOMO, rebelling( wanted to add my cousin is a sweetie, she is just being a teen!) Tim to a point has regressed but not as much as Jenn. It’s like they don’t know who they are and are trying on personalities like hats.Starting multiple projects and dropping it halfway is not what adults generally do. If they have grown up hopefully they are seeking marital counseling, mental counseling,etc.
P.s just read your second comment, I really don’t think they have changed their judgmental way at all they are just better at hiding it
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Anyone else notice in the latest video, when the alarm was going off you could see the silver bar in the frame when they were showing the speakers above the front door? That silver bar was part of the luggage cart that you can see as they are getting ready to leave in the morning.

Who knows how long they hoarded that luggage cart but it was at least from 10pm the night prior to checkout. Never seen anyone so obsessed with having to get a luggage cart.
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This is just so damn rude & gross. Poor hot dog guy is like WTF. And look at that ring. Moments before she was running after J$ so where is he while she shoves herself in the spotlight?
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Hi y'all, I know I'm late to the party on this topic so apologies but did anyone catch the Ordinary Adventures video from April 2021 where Trackers plan out Peter and Kitra's day in WDW? It was only after watching this video where they interview Jenn and Tim that it became clear how Jenn wears the "pants" in their relationship. Tim looked almost meek as she dominated the conversation, giving her opinions readily, as he sat almost afraid to interrupt her. I've never seen them in this light before and it was clear what a phony she is in their TTT videos. The Jenn I saw in the OA video was a confident, dominating personality who could easily be envisioned as the person who would get into Twitter feuds and fight with people.
this goes along with the fact that they were friends and roommates before they were together. he prob liked her and she was with other dudes and tim was the friendzone simp who did stuff for her. eventually she figured it'd be nice to have a caddy for life and caved.
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i liked how there was a cut and then jen is sitting next to the hot dog guy and says "now it's my turn!" all excitedly and the entire viewership went

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