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I misremembered in my previous post. My breakfast experience next to them was Wednesday morning after we pulled in at Castaway. I should have remembered correctly, because we sat by the window in Cabanas and watched characters like Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Donald, etc. disembark the ship and interact with guests.

My MIL was with me and I really wish my husband had joined us for breakfast that morning because he always listens to me recount the tea I read on here.

I first realized Tim was in Cabanas when I went to get in the buffet line and he was standing right at beginning of the food, filming and reading off all of the options (as he does). Not wanting to wait behind him as he slowly moved down the line, I cut ahead of him. Sorry, Tim, your “need” to film the food every day does not trump me getting my Mickey waffles.

My MIL put her plate down to claim a table while I was getting food and when I realized the table she grabbed was the one next to theirs, I knew I’d probably have something to report to Tattle. When I first sat down, Jenn was at the table with both kids. Mike was at the table across the aisle from theirs and was leaned over talking to Jenn. Tim was still filming the food line and there was no nanny in sight. At this point in the trip, I had seen Tim and Mike together at sail away, Tim and J$ at breakfast another day, and Jenn with Da Baby at some other point. I still didn’t know if there was a nanny with them.

This was my first time seeing Mike up close, and I immediately got creepier vibes. Like, don’t let him around children. IMO, he was dressed very young for his apparent age and I think he had “diamond” studs in both ears. My MIL’s comment was “I think it was really bold how much he was hitting on Jenn.” Which I thought was an interesting take, because I was more concerned about him around the kids, but she thinks he was flirty with Jenn.

More to come from breakfast…
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Oooh...can we do this here too? Maybe the lurking stans can learn something here. #TBT let's go with Tattle's favorite Tim Tracker moments!
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I'll go first. Tim hanging with Deezey and Rae and June has reminded me of one of my favorite TTT moment: The Urban Party! The party where every stereotype imaginable is featured, including everyone's favorite: One Chainz.

I truly do not understand how these folks can even stomach to be in the same room as someone who has actually mocked their race and culture AND made a fucking profit off it FOR YEARS. You would sink this low to get followers, Deezy, Rae and June? It's absolutely sickening to me, I don't know how they can do it.

ETA: while trying to find a photo of One Chainz, this Tweet from Jenn popped up. Which is pretty freaking insane if you think about the shit she does now with her own two kids.

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My Favorite Tim Tracker MK moment is when he fell off the curb in the hub during a cavalcade.
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Another one of my favorite memories is more recent when Jenn told viewers they can eat cheap on their vacation by bringing a can of chicken salad and bread and then getting mayonnaise and relish from the hotel so you can make chicken salad sandwiches.
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Do you think that Tim and Mike were in one room and Jenn, the kids, and the nanny in the other? And Tim would just go to their room to film when he needed to?

Something else that is weird…less than 30 seconds of breakfast footage. You heard Jenn say one sentence but she was not on camera and Tim didn’t show their food.
Tim also didn’t show Jenn when they went back to the room after breakfast but she did say a quick sentence again. Very odd that she didn’t make an appearance at breakfast or in the room because she goes on camera looking like fried shit all the time. Something happened that she wasn’t wanting to be on camera.
She’s shown from behind briefly walking in front of Tim, pretty close to him but later on, while they are still on the walkway, you can see her way up ahead with the nanny and the kids.

Once at lookout cay, you briefly see Mike and Tim has Jackson with him but no Jenn who is obviously off with the nanny and Oliver.

I’m guessing her and Tim were fighting and that’s why they didn’t interact. I’m 11 minutes in and Jenn has not been seen except from behind and she has not said more than two sentences.
I don't know what I think, really. I think something is up that all we've seen is that top bunk bed. All these cruises they've vlogged, we've never not seen their room. Even the disaster that it usually is, they've always showed Jenn in bed and the shit all over the counter area and J$ running all around. He's never filmed so tightly in the room before. Sus.

I skipped through almost all of this video. I was hoping I did not appear talking to the Cast Member about what a freak I thought Tim was. I'm safe!

What stood out to me most is, you don't see Jenn walking on the pier. You really don't see Jenn until lunch time. When Tim gets to the chair area, you can hear her saying "Oliver, Oliver" but you don't see her actually on camera until she's shoveling food in her mouth. Then she appears again suddenly in the water.

Strangest video ever. And I know, because I was there, it made it clear that they really didn't interact at all on this cruise.

Oh--and I can 1000% confirm that there was a sign for the SPICY chicken sandwich. I read it. And I asked the guy for a plain one because I'm a picky eater. I can also confirm---it was very good and quite spicy

Now I'm off to bleach my eyes. Oh and for you non-watchers....if I had to see it, so do you.
Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 3.28.02 PM.png
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Oh yeah this looks like the face of a kid who is in the mood for some stupid pictures to stick in an Aura frame (#soniceyoudonthavetowrapit).
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 1.58.31 PM.png

Then he has to keep being commanded to not cover his face.
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 1.59.14 PM.png

Let's see how the pics turned out! The murse strap sweat stain really adds to the magic! Ginn either has a sweat stain as well from her tits, or possibly she drooled on herself.
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 2.00.19 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 2.02.28 PM.png

Also I hope these shortalls somehow end up burning on the bbq.
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Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 1.59.36 PM.png
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I haven't watch the vid and I refuse to watch them exploiting their kid like that. That poor child. I am truly heartbroken for him.
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So the golf cart is the dream come true. :oops: Jen has been waiting for this day for forty years.

You would think maybe becoming a mother twice after being infertile would have been the dream, but nope. A golf cart.
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[B]@2020planner Thanks for thinking of me! That is really sweet to ask, and thanks to the others as well. I decided to take a break so it has been about a month that I spent away. I didn’t want to do a lame ‘announcing my departure’ thing, temporary or not, because like who am I to announce anything and also who cares really? I also know there are a handful of people who have me on ignore who would never know[/B]. 👋😂 I am just a message board username who posts a lot of GIFs and hates navigating this forum on a fucking cell phone. Good Lord it is horrible. This post glitched three times!
eaks and make too much money with absolutely no real skills or work ethic (not to mention, exploiting their children for YouTube dough). Yuck.
Good to hear from you!!! :love:

I think I may be taking a break from here too for awhile. (yes, I'm announcing it... 🤪 and yes, some people won't give a shit)

But sometimes w/ these assholes, you get to a point where it's just the same ol' same ol' every day (or rinse and repeat, to use a term "Ms. Washer/Dryer Watcher Jenn" should be familiar with) with their antics that nothing they do surprises you at this point. They just start to piss you off so much with all that they've been handed in life (without truly doing anything worthwhile to earn it), that you just need to step away.

I often wonder what would happen if we all suddenly went radio silent on them...if Jenn would pout because we were NOT talking about them? 🤭
I think she would. She thrives on chaos and drama. Secretly, she looooooooves Tattle. And so do her stans.
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They’ve achieved their dream? Of what? A filthy house and monetizing their children on YouTube?
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Someone is being defensive tonight I see...Tattle has her rattled again (loved that old thread title by the way).
Yep, she's replying to quite a few comments. Looks like she needs the engagement after they failed their mission to post 5 vids whilst on vacation.

Oh look someone who couldn't read Xmas disclaimer :rolleyes: At least we know the stans are aware of the tea.
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Ah yes, the old standby "living in our parents basement" :rolleyes: They forgot to mention how jealous we are.

If this person is such a fan of the Trackers then why are they even reading here? I know a lot of these people feel they are doing the Lord's work by running and tattling to Jen, but come one idiots, they are never going to reward you for it. They don't care about you.

I actually think some of them do question some of their behavior, but then get super defensive because they don't actually want to be right. It's like they invested too much in being a fan so instead of waking up to smell the truth they double down and support them even more. It's insane.
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Today's vlog will not be viewed in this house.
I won't support the bribing, the lying, the making fun of, & tormenting of a child all for views. Might sound drastic but it's absolute bullshit! Plus I just don't understand wanting to be away from the reason you get to celebrate Father's Day or Mother's Day
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When they were hosted at Wine Bar George(I think) back when they were still freaking out over all things covid, were seated outside because the inside was scary, turned out it was too hot to be outside so they asked to be moved inside, after everything was moved inside they remembered that inside is scary, asked the staff to pack up their food, loitered around DS, got to their hotel, and had the audacity to complain their food now was cold. I believe they were never hosted there again.
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I noticed something today about their website when I went to show my daughter the merch. The channel name is THE Tim Tracker. When you go to THE Tim Tracker dot's not their website. It's available to purchase. Their website is just Tim Tracker dot com. Really, they suck at this. Badly.
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