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Hi all. I’ve followed TT threads for years and have always enjoyed a good laugh over everyone’s observations here. I watched their videos way back in 2016/2017 for a few years before I realized how obnoxious they were. When they became parents, as a parent myself, I just couldn’t support how horrible they are as parents. Now anytime I watch them it’s only because I may have seen them filming at a Disney event and want to catch myself in the background of one of their videos. The only way I keep up with their chaos is through all of you here.

Which leads to me to last week. I, too, was on the LHP inaugural cruise. @xmasbdaygirl I wanted to message you on here before we sailed so I could tell you how to spot me on our sailing. Posts on Tattle was how I figured out that the Trackers would be on our sailing, although I was not surprised. I booked this trip over a year ago, on our way home from our concierge sailing on the Wish (which happened to be our first cruise ever). I’ve been a Disney parks addict for years and now I’m adding cruise addict. My poor wallet.

Anyway, I had some amusing observations of the Trackers from last week as well. Especially eating breakfast at the table next to them last Thursday morning before we were got off the ship for our second day at LHP. As a parent and former Kinder/1st Grade teacher, it makes me want to fix bad parenting.

I am way behind on Tattle posts (like 3 Threads back), so I haven’t read through all @xmasbdaygirl posts, but I’ll share some of my much smaller observations later. For now, I’m going to force myself to fast-forward watch through all the vloggers content from our sailing to see what all they get wrong about the experience.
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OT - but has anyone seen @Southpaw33 lately on here? Hope she's OK! I miss her posts!
@2020planner Thanks for thinking of me! That is really sweet to ask, and thanks to the others as well. I decided to take a break so it has been about a month that I spent away. I didn’t want to do a lame ‘announcing my departure’ thing, temporary or not, because like who am I to announce anything and also who cares really? I also know there are a handful of people who have me on ignore who would never know. 👋😂 I am just a message board username who posts a lot of GIFs and hates navigating this forum on a fucking cell phone. Good Lord it is horrible. This post glitched three times!

But sometimes breaks are really good - sometimes real life and dealing with shitty job situations, feeling unappreciated at said job, and dealing with the stress of life, and money, and health issues is a lot - and then on top of regular life stuff, knowing these mofos were preparing for yet another cruise (and Jenn announcing her solo cruise was the last straw for me recently and I think the last time I posted here)… I just decided I needed to take time away from forums and reading about them. (Insert tiny violin here) I work my ass off (as do those of you here and so I am not trying to claim I am anything special in that way) and we probably will never go on a Disney cruise. We have wanted to do one for years but just can’t swing it. So I am fucking tired of these douche-canoes just booking four or five a year and then bitching and complaining about things and seeming so ungrateful for everything, still making too much money off this shit, and using their kids for views. Literally screw them. I was just getting very little enjoyment wasting any energy on them.

After sorting by most liked posts for the past many threads, I definitely enjoyed the Xmas tea from the cruise (!) because it solidified that the Trackers must be miserable assholes no matter how much money they seem to throw at things or how much they buy. And no, I am not a JEALOUS HATER to any of the stans lurking here. I would never want to be these idiots. One can feel that way and also feel that life is pretty fucking unfair that people like them get so many breaks and make too much money with absolutely no real skills or work ethic (not to mention, exploiting their children for YouTube dough). Yuck.

And here I am getting pissed thinking about them again. 🥴😅 Back to your regularly scheduled snarking/gossiping! ❤
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The "living in our parents basement" comment from their Stan I find humorous especially since that's what I imagine for some of them that make the creepy comments about the Slackers & their kids. The types of people that will never take off their rose colored glasses & see them for the liars that they are. I'm curious about the stans that were on the cruise with them & took pics with them. Did they not see the nanny, Mike or the non-interaction of Dim & Gin?
I can't quote the comment from the other thread, so I'm quoting yours. This is how you know these stans are either very young or very stupid. Common sense would dictate that if I (the stalker) didn't have a job or lived in my parent's basement, I would not be sailing on a premium priced cruise. That's seriously the dumbest comment ever.

If you want to play that way, I assure all the stans, my home is bigger (and nicer and cleaner) than the Bojos. We do not have a basement, but we do have a fabulous outdoor kitchen, much nicer than the Bojos, and we can use it without burning the house down. The 4 of us drive nicer cars than the Bojos, including Jenn's coveted Bronco (my kids each have one). We've even been on more cruises than the Bojos, plus have traveled to a lot of other places outside of the Disney bubble. So stay in your lane, stans, your stupidity is showing.

I'm heading back down to the basement now. Hopefully one of my parents bring me some breakfast.
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Looks like the logo was updated to now reflect the most important things in their life. Sorry boys...Charley is mommy's favorite now...

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This voog has turned a bit rage inducing for me. She actually said she got teary-eyed on the golf cart ride because she realized she's accomplished her dreams. Growing up she never thought she'd achieve all she that has. Sure, she says she loves her kids, but it's obvious she only really values all the material things they've been able to acquire. And she makes it seem like they worked so hard to achieve these dreams. Bitch, you got lucky you married a white trash asshole who had no friends and turned to the YT and eventually got lucky making money off of it. You didn't put in any work to achieve these dreams at all. It's all stupid luck. (Sorry, just being jealous for a bit.)
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Well, stans of the Trackerverse, we’re all very grateful that @xmasbdaygirl was able to leave her parents’ basement long enough to turn Tattle into Boston Harbor.
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If any of you busty gals were planning on buying any of the new Tracker shirts, I'd suggest buying a size up.

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That really was one of the fastest threads we ever had.

Last thread @xmasbdaygirl probably won MVP on the Tim Tracker thread for a year for all the tea she dropped (which was way more than J5D dropped this weekend). Some highlights included:
  • Dim having extreme tiny dick energy at trivia and being a sore loser. This being evident in the first cruise video they dropped as well,
  • Jenn staring at a Carnival Cruise ship all day like she stares at the laundry and ignoring Da Baby. Apparently, when Dim went to pick up his oldest baby she didn't help Daddy pickup after herself and just stared at him like he was the ship.
  • Nanny Claws pulling her weight and then some to the point I almost feel bad for calling her Nanny Claws since clearly she's the only one who gives a shit about J$ and kept him from having a meltdown at the baby race.
  • Dim being creepy with the characters and in those horrid glasses.
  • Mike pretty much playing the role of J4D for most of this trip.
  • Jenn trying to throw Da Baby to the sharks are or at least going out in the ocean with him without him having a life jacket and being nude part of the time.
  • Other vloggers behaving themselves and interacting with the J4D awkwardly and it's probably not because of the chicken.
  • Dim letting his kid run into random strangers, cutting in line, and not even saying excuse us because he has small dick energy.
  • Mike and Jess running to get Dim mid pirate night for something that seemed like an emergency (likley J4D making demands) and Dim being like man tell her to take some Xanex I just want a shot of Donald's ass.
I probably forgot a lot. But it was a lot of tea.

And to Jenn and all the Tiffany Anns of the world all I have to say

And now the Trackers are posting their coverage and the stans of course are acting like Jenn is about her life: clueless. The first cruise voog was very Dim centric complete with creepy hat and him bitching about how bad the light menu was. J4D was more or less a background character in this particular installment.
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People asked, so here are my thoughts on Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point.

Short answer: This place is absolutely beautiful. And I really do think I like it more than Castaway Cay, but it's really unfair to compare the two. The fact of the matter is, the area really wasn't ready for guests yet.

Super long answer: Oh the fucking complaining about this place. I really hate people who can't go into any sort of experience with an open mind. The walk!!!! The pier isn't that long. And you're excited to get there, so you don't even notice the walk. When you step off the ship there are wagons to pull your kids and stuff. You could arrange for a ride if you needed one. They were offering rides on the way back. There is a water stop and cold towels halfway through. We clocked it at .42 miles or something like that it was .4 something. It took us less than 10 minutes because we were speed walking through the people, I wanted to be on that first tram. There is really loud Bahamian music and it really sets an exciting vibe. Any one who complains about the walk just likes to complain.

You get to the tram stop at the end of the bridge. Across the "street" from the tram stop is the section of Family Cabanas. I think this was the dumbest place in the world to put "family" cabanas. This should have been the Adult cabanas. It's a private section of beach and you are basically a mile away from everything else. You can order food/drinks but if you want to go to the shops or see the little shows/characters, you have to get on the tram. Disney wasn't thinking here, I think and I think we will eventually see those switch to the Adult cabanas because the Adult section is too close to the family section on the main beach.

The color of the water is something I can't even describe. Same goes for the sand. The sand isn't gravely like the sand on Castaway. It's powder like you'd find on Siesta Key. The natural beauty of this really is incredible. I really enjoyed the natural areas and the nature walk. I spent a lot of time both days on the nature areas away from most of the people. It was not completely open and bikes were not available to rent because the paths hadn't settled enough yet. I really enjoyed that Disney tells you about certain creatures that you'd find on the island and does some educating about them. They need to do more of this, especially on the pier. Educate the people about WHY they couldn't dock directly on the island. WHY the pier is necessary to preserve the coral. WHY it's important to not destroy coral. They missed something there.

I think everything else was set up spectacularly. Lots of complaints were that there weren't enough chairs. That's inaccurate. There's weren't enough chairs AT THE WATER. And I think that's where people get an idea stuck in their head....Castaway has ALL chairs right on the water. LHP is very different that way. Less chairs on the water is really better because people just drop their shit off and never go back to their chairs. Very few people just sit in their chairs the entire day. They're in the water, out and about. We were fine with our chairs on the other side of the stairs. In that area, there is still plenty of sand if your kiddos want to play in the sand.

People who had arranged for shore excursions were mostly disappointed. They really weren't ready for guests. They need time to work the kinks out or at least practice. I didn't want to spend any time away from the area, so didn't even try to book anything.

Something I haven't seen many people talk to much about, the people of Eleuthera are so, so, so excited about this. Their enthusiasm was just incredible and everyone we met/spoke too really conveyed that. Most of the people working on LHP actually live there. There is even a Junkanoo show along with a crafting lesson. In watching the show, those folks were so incredibly proud and excited to have the opportunity to show their talent and culture to new people. Disney did a good job here. I'm happy they brought jobs to the area for these amazing folks.

The flies. Oh the flies were absolutely terrible. Walking around all morning, there were no bugs. Nothing. The food stations opened. Still nothing. The second you got a tray in your hand, they came from who knows where and the tray had dozens of flies instantly. The hack was to cover your tray with your napkin. It was annoying, but it worked. Everyone complained about the flies (rightfully so). Day 2 was the complete opposite of Day 1 and I feel like everyone is going to focus on their Day 1 experience. Instead of having open buffets of food, they covered everything and served you. They put in giant fans near the food stations and these little things on tables that spun around. I also heard--not sure if it's true---they bombed the shit out of the area after we left. We did not see a single fly on Day 2. Upon returning, apparently Princess, who also has a destination on Euleuthra, also has a problem with flies seasonally. Disney should have done their research there. But the problem seemed to be fixed.

The food and drinks were great though. We had the Eleuthera Euphoria I think it's called, in the pineapple and my husband and daughter preferred it to the Konk Kooler...that's not gonna happen for me. We also had the Spicy Watermelon something. That was pretty amazing. Lots of bars, lots of food locations. Disney did well here.

More complaints we heard was that it looked more like Arizona than the Bahamas. I don't think people understand that you can't just plant fully grown lush landscaping. It has to grow. It can take years. People just complain and complain to hear themselves complain. It was all very beautiful and well thought out. The area needs another 6 months before it's totally ready and years before it's lush like Castaway Cay. There was still a lot of construction on the road from the tram station to the resort area.

I think it's going to be a wonderful place to visit in 6 months to a year. I'd go back. I already was looking to go back in August to bring other daughter. I don't think they were fully ready for guests, but I think that's typical Disney at this point. The people of Eleuthera are wonderful, I'm happy that they get to show people about their culture.





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Oooh...can we do this here too? Maybe the lurking stans can learn something here. #TBT let's go with Tattle's favorite Tim Tracker moments!
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I'll go first. Tim hanging with Deezey and Rae and June has reminded me of one of my favorite TTT moment: The Urban Party! The party where every stereotype imaginable is featured, including everyone's favorite: One Chainz.

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I truly do not understand how these folks can even stomach to be in the same room as someone who has actually mocked their race and culture AND made a fucking profit off it FOR YEARS. You would sink this low to get followers, Deezy, Rae and June? It's absolutely sickening to me, I don't know how they can do it.

ETA: while trying to find a photo of One Chainz, this Tweet from Jenn popped up. Which is pretty freaking insane if you think about the shit she does now with her own two kids.

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I watched the last few minutes of Father's Day, because I wanted to see Tim not able to understand J$, his 4 1/2 year old son and then basically mock him. Happy Father's Day, Tim. Just when I think you can't go any prove me wrong. You're a hell of a dad.

Controversial opinion: Jenn says J$ isn't used to the heat. He lives in Florida. He was born here and never lived anywhere else. Same goes for her. I don't understand how he's not used to the heat. Kids here go outside and play every single day. They visit outdoor places, like theme parks. They play sports. My kids both played sports outside in tournaments that lasted all day in July/August/September. Tons of kids do it. I don't understand "not used to the heat", he's not visiting from Minnesota. Yes, it's hot...but you learn to deal with it.

THEY don't know how to handle the heat, it has nothing to do with J$. Even after living in Florida their entire lives. That kid should have his own water bottle, in his hand, the entire time. Or one of them should have a kid water bottle strapped to them. Just for him. That he has access to constantly. But I suspect -- constant water bottle means constant bathroom breaks...less time for rolley coasties.

How can they be so bad at this?
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So for Father’s Day they go on a family day to Magic Kingdom and LEAVE OLIVER AT HOME 😡ffs they are trashy cunts. This has made me so angry. Could they not have planned for all the family to go? God I hate them.
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