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Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback on last week's recap, which also provided the winning thread title (with additional thanks to @littlemuv for the suggestion).

Let's do it again, shall we?

Previously, on The Real White Trash of Lake Nona:

The last week sees our dynamic duo of powergrifters doing what they do best: bumbling through life, stumbling as parents, mumbling with their mouths full, grumbling when given the chance—all while their views continue tumbling.

Dim kicked things off with a low-effort Universal voog, where he repeatedly fails to pronounce the exotic foreign word Cinnabon and pads out the video with his patented mixture of wild conjecture and woefully-incorrect Dimsplaining as he shuffles listlessly around the park. He only perks up to throw a tantrum about the humiliation of waiting 30 minutes to pick up his mobile order at Mel’s Drive-In, wherein he was forced to endure the indignity of watching his MELKshake melt in front of him whilst he stood in queue like a plebeian. Pissypants Dim is so offended that he instructs his loyal viewers to boycott Mel’s, but backtracks after admitting the fries had “a little bit interesting seasoning on there, not just regular ole.. salt”.

Next up, an especially unwashed and unkempt Jenn joins the rest of the clan at what has become a cherished annual event in the Tracker household: the Mount Dora Blueberry Festival. Predictably, Dimster and his waddling wife give copious shoutouts to their absolute dear friends at Black Bros Coffee for completely sincere and authentic reasons. The Trackholes succeed in making the day all about themselves despite having the offspring in tow, signing up for an estimate for a whole-house soft water filtration system and gorging themselves on a wide-array of foodBOOF grub of dubious quality. The pinnacle of the family outing occurs when dyspraxic Buddy spills his $13.00 two-pound box of blueberries on the ground, prompting Jenn to launch into quivering histrionics the likes of which have not been seen since she encountered her mother’s ghost on Guardians of the Galaxy nearly two years ago.

Homeslog #1 sees a pattern of constant failures: continuing to film in Publix without consent, the inability to follow the simple instructions on a cheap plastic ice-cream maker, ineffectiveness in curbing their hoarding habits in their garage, powerlessness in avoiding being grifted themselves by the slick-talking water filtration salesman, and ineptitude in addressing a long-standing and frankly embarrassing cosmetic issue in their bathroom.

Dimster manages to get “invited out” to a Disney media event: the 35th anniversary of Hollywood Studios. On-the-ball Tattlers predict this was a +1 from Nick, but time will tell if this is the beginning of the 1 Chainz redemption arc or simply a parasitical one-off. Either way, Dimster proudly shows off his coveted lanyard, which proves that he is a winner and thus better than you—the common viewer. The majority of the video is a boring corporate media presentation which was lazily filmed in toto, bookended by Dim autistically repeating the phrase “opening day” ad nauseam, and fingering “exclusive merch” which he can’t even pretend to be interested in. Nick takes a break from stuffing one orifice or another with a churro to join the Dimster for an overpriced lunch at the Brown Derby, where Dim dined on such delicacies as “wine cheese” and a Cobb salad which looked like it was covered in a layer of tri-coloured diarrhoea.

Homeslog #2 mainly centres on futureproofing the inevitable Tracker IRS audit by making sure the installation of the much-hyped whole-house soft water filtration system is the featured topic of the video. Jenn goes out of her way to tell us that the filter system 1) was very expensive and cuntcierge, which makes it not only a sound investment but automatically better than your filter system, and 2) the filter was blessed by the Pope himself, allowing her to bathe in Holy Water which will miraculously transform her hair and skin into that of a younger, slimmer woman who eats healthily, exercises regularly, and actually loves her children. Worth every grubby penny.

The couch talk of Homeslog #2 forms the highlight of the week, as Tim and Jenn decide to publicly address the growing criticism they have been receiving from their dwindling stanbase regarding their completely inept and harmful parenting—specifically not telling Jackson “no” in response to his rude and shrill demands, and being untruthful when he is wrong about a fact or loses a game in order to prevent him from having extremely messy public meltdowns. Rather than take on board the constructive comments from their viewers, Tim and Jenn double down and inform their audience that they know what’s best for their child, and that is to let him have his way in public, but to address the issue later at home. Of course, anyone even remotely familiar with the lazy-as-fuck Bojos know there is no later, and as they continue to take the easy way out, the irreparable harm done to their obviously special-needs son grows exponentially. What else to expect from these two exploitive scumbags?

Dim wraps up the week with a snoozefest of a Magic Kingdom video in which he continues to transparently feign interest in Tiana's Bayou Adventure in the shameless hope of somehow reinstating his Disney grifting credentials.

All in all, it was a predictable week of steady decline and arrested development. With that being said, we're off, we'll see you all tomorrow, and now it's time for society to pay the price.
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If anyone needs proof that Tim is controlling, Nick made a comment how Jenn has not seen Inside Out yet because Tim will not let her. When Nick asked why Tim will not let her watch it, Tim says it’s because he doesn’t want Jenn to cry.
Nick says that sometimes it’s okay to cry like it’s okay to talk on the phone and Tim responds with, “no it’s not.”

Does anyone else find this weird that Tim won’t allow Jenn to watch a movie just because it might make her cry? I’m sure she has seen plenty of movies in her 40 years on earth that have made her cry. I’m 39 and watched Rogue One for the nth time on Saturday and bawled like a baby at the ending. Just like I knew I would.
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As the parent of an ASD kid, that is all really typical 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah I have ASD and J$ is ticking all of the boxes my parents/school missed (granted this was a long time since I was in primary). It's quite painful to watch him struggle and have meltdowns with things.

I remember my mum being beside herself with confusion and frustration because I would cry and scream if I didn't have the 'right' food. By 'right', I meant texture. Some brands of food just felt different and would cause me to feel nauseous or upset in a sensory way. They're doing nothing but letting this kid down, as annoying as he is (I also have some sympathy because I was that annoying, frustrated, confused child at one point in my life!). They need to sort out his ears and get him checked, because all I'm seeing is red flags and hearing alarm bells ringing.
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Skip to the event and Tim is now in a light colored shirt and Jackson in a maroon shirt. It appears that Jackson really is surprised/confused and Tim keeps asking him what he thinks they are going to do.
I noticed the same. It's clear that Dim had the bright idea of surprising Jackson with this whole event in the hopes of capturing a huge amazed and overjoyed reaction which could be monetised and provide a nice clickbaity thumbnail.

"Do you know what we're doin' yet?"

"Let's go find out."

Who walks into a huge arena filled with monster trucks but keeps the camera focused squarely on his son, who he is awkwardly carrying like a toddler to keep him in frame, all whilst staring creepily at his face hoping he gives him the reaction he paid good money for?


This asshole. That's who.

Unfortunately for Dim, Jackson's flat affect and dripping nose wasn't quite the home run he thought it was going to be.

So let's film a fake intro, where Jackson is already playing with the monster truck toys bought at the event, to make it seem like he knew what was going on so there is an explanation for why he doesn't start doing backflips when he sees the trucks.

Only in Trackerland. Fuck these low-IQ grifters.
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Not wanting your partner to not cry isn’t chivalrous or healthy it just means you can’t handle emotions and don’t want to see them having emotions that you can’t handle. Meanwhile Ginn was incredulous that Dim cried during the Barbie movie which she fell asleep a few seconds into watching. Perhaps if these assholes would embrace appropriate reactions and letting out emotions and feelings and crying, the bitch wouldn’t get inappropriately teary-eyed over spilled blueberries. What a fucked up family.
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Things to keep an eye on:
- how many more times Rosie calls out “sick”
- how long the couch slide lasts once Buddy gets bored with it before it moves into the garage
- when Buddy will push Da Baby down the slide when Dim and Ginn aren’t paying attention because they’re blabbing in the kitchen about cookies or the latest Starfucks drink
- how much Ginn will talk about her soft hair once she finally washes her skunky thinning greasy hair
- this supposed ear tube surgery that has been scheduled for early June and was harder to squeeze in with the doctor than major surgery for a penguin in Antarctica
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I think Tim had a rather normal childhood where they weren't wealthy, but not dirt-poor either. But I think he is still resentful that his parents didn't buy him everything he wanted. That explains why he buys everything for Jackson; he's reliving his childhood, but with enough money to buy anything he wants. I don't know why he ended up like that. I am also going out on a limb and say he resented his adopted siblings. I assume Tim is the kind of person that felt since he was biological that he deserved everything.

I also agree that he didn't have many (or any) friends and it's easy to see why. He's an asshole and most people don't want to hang around someone like that. It would probably also explain his lack of friends in videos anymore, people sure seem to come and go. Sure, there's Adam, but he's an asshole himself so they probably get along just fine. I'm not counting Nick as a friend, he's just there for his own gain.

I went back to Tim's first vid recently and there was a comment Tim made that stood out to me:


So, the jealousy of other people was definitely strong. It also may explain why he still lugs around that big ass camera and giant fuzzy balls to attract attention to himself to show off his "camcorder" and how he's made it to the big time.
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Say here's a wild idea, how about they stop filming the kids all together an then they won't need to wait until the camera stops to talk to him about shit, if he does something wrong then it can be addressed there an then in the moment which will help the kid learn, because once that moments passed kids don't give a shit about what was done, the times gone, they done whatever they wanted an got away with it an THIS is what they learn
Agree. That whole little scene with Jenn hugging and rubbing Da Baby was gross to me. Like stomach turning, let's perform for the camera that I do love my baby that isn't a girl. It was performative and only done to again prove us Tattlers wrong. If that was a legit loving moment between a mother and her son, it should not have been done on camera. Some things need to be kept private...that is one of them. She is a vile human being. As is Tim for holding the camera.

I think OG Buddy's issues, regardless of what they are, are becoming more and more prevalent in their lives though. They are attributing his behavior to a typical 4 year old, and anyone who has had a 4 year old knows this isn't true. Parents don't routinely lie to their children to prevent meltdowns. We teach them in the moment so they learn to handle losses or not getting what they want appropriately. Sure, we say things like, oh maybe we can do this or that later, knowing it won't happen, but we don't flat out, very easily lie and say "You won" when the kid clearly didn't. The kid knew he didn't win. That's why he said "How?" He kept asking questions because he knew Tim was lying.

Those middle school years are going to be a special sort of hell for them. I'm kind of excited for it, because if they look the way they do now, just wait until the real stress starts. They deserve everything that happens to them...and it's not that far off.
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Gif recap

Jenn at next year's blueberry festival.

Dimsplaining food.



Rat Man and his jump scares.

Wow! That is pretty hilarious.

I'm curious about how King Jackson is going to respond to the Water Softener.

Maybe all of them will just bathe in the swimming pool they never use.
If he as sensory sensitive as we think he is I don't think he's going to like it. I can see them flocking on a never ending staycation until the water softener is removed and then an angry high on couch slouch moment rant.
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