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I may not have the most popular opinion about some of this, and that is ok. However, I won't begrudge any woman who just had a baby from feeling blue or going through very mild to difficult PPD. It happens, and it isn't all related to common sense ideas like "I have it easy and therefore should shut up and be happy."

Yes, Jenn has it easy compared to most new moms, but the baby blues can still happen to anyone regardless. Cluster nursing, being with the baby all day and every day (yes, even when you 'signed up for it') can be difficult and mentally challenging. It doesn't matter if you are well-off, never had to work, work all the time, struggle financially, etc. - it happens regardless.

The thing with Jenn that bothers me is that had she dealt with her anxiety years ago and was an independent woman before having kids, she would be in a better state now with the FOMO and "me time" stuff. She has to rely on her husband to do that for her (for years and years). Before I had my kids, I was working (and continued to work) full time, drove myself places, went out by myself to shop for baby items or decor items or groceries, and I went out with friends and not my entire family or my husband. That was my "me time" that she is currently desperately craving. Also, her isolation from other people, family, and not having close mom friends makes this even worse. She should be out meeting up with friends in the morning to walk the babies in the stroller and chat. Maybe invite a friend over to hang out at the house, have lunch, confide stress to, etc.

I wonder if she fully communicates this stuff to Tim, or if these vlogs are how she does it. She films these crying sessions when he isn't around, and pours her heart out to the viewers awkwardly, while Tim says it was a great day and downplays everything when he is back on camera with her. Does he even know she puts this stuff out there?

p.s - I am not saying she wouldn't have baby blues or PPD if she just hung out with friends. I just think her FOMO is something that could be helped if she had her own things to do and her own friends, AND drove.
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She is unreal complaining about Tim going out and having “fun” while she is home with a new baby. Going out to film is his job. Every video can’t be a Target and Olive-Garden-Diarrhea video. She is so damned spoiled.

Jackson is not having a hard time adapting, he’s just 3, Jenn is.
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They all went to Target just to get the baby shorts because it is so hot?? Just put the baby in a onsie. Wtf? If you want to get shorts, order them online. They have to all make a trip together to buy baby shorts?

Also they could be using the Target app. You can buy them online and let the worker bring out the order to the car. Tim could do that on a drive home from the parks in 5 minutes rather than take 4 people into Target and likely buy a bunch of junk they don't need. Just a way to get Jenn out of the house for retail therapy?
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🤦🏻‍♀️ Not only does Tim allow Jackson to slather the butter on his waffle.


Prior to this Jackson was just eating a pat(s??) of butter
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I still can’t wrap my head around how they can be such crap parents. They are so detached. Yet they know what they did was crappy because they lied and covered it up on their video. I think Jenn says at the beginning that Oliver is with them and shows his feet/blanket in his car seat. And they left the car seat in the Jeep. My gosh, wtf are they thinking. This baby is fresh out of the NICU for breathing issues and they are leaving him with people who are complete strangers to him. And what if there was some kind of emergency with him? Themepark family did not have a carseat to transport him.

They think they are doing this great thing for Jackson but they are just screwing him up more and more.
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I am only 1 minute into the newest vlog and I already had to pause it and ask out loud why didn't she go with baby O to gymnastics class with the nanny and watch $J do the Easter egg hunt? Surely she isn't afraid of the baby being indoors, around people, because she already had him out at the safari, a restaurant and Target. What the heck is going on?
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So within his very first weeks of life little d’Oliver has….
• Spent several days in the NICU for breathing issues.
• Been wheeled around Target
• Gone to a people filled 4 Wheels BBQ
• Road tripped in a top down rented Jeep for one hour each way
• stayed with someone other than a custodial human for over one hour while the other family members drive through a “safari” park
• was in another crowded restaurant (Walk On??)
• meanwhile, he has been subjected to the breast milk of a cow that consumes caffeine and spice foods, like pickles and shrimp.
No wonder d’Oliver has digestive issues!!
I can Tim saying they rented the Jeep instead they actually bought. Not wanting to say they bought it because of ya know saving the earth.
He did.
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I finished the part where Jenn is all woe is me. Fuck you, too. No one, Not one human being on this planet who dealt with real infertility would say the shit she’s saying. She is spitting in the face of every one of her viewers who says—you give me hope after 5 years of trying. This is what someone with infertility dreams of, sitting at home with your newborn baby. The rest of the world doesn’t matter because this is something that you thought would never happen.

And before the Stans start with the postpartum depression is real bit, that’s not what this is. This is 100% FOMO. Nothing more.
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At first, I thought he was just being hard-headed and thinking he’s still the king of YouTube (he never was), but now I think he really doesn’t care. This is, what, his 500th Tron video? This is almost like the back-to-back cruise marathon they went on where all the videos were the same, nothing changed, no new info was provided. His lazy eye is getting so bad, he’s about to start tripping over it. He has 3 children to take care of. I would have hung up my enormous camera and fuzzy ball microphone years ago. I’m surprised he’s still going. This man is about to give up. I can see it. Jenn better hurry up and revamp that beauty channel of hers 🤣
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They said they don't want Oliver to suck his thumb because it's bad for his teeth. LMAO Do you know what's bad for your teeth? Using a pacifier when you're 3 1/2!
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How does J know about having to "win" things, he's 3, clearly they have put that into his head, an have now made him this way where he thinks he has to win at everything he does, when I babysat my cousin's they were at school before they started to understand you had winners at certain things, before then they didn't have a clue there was such a thing
This is 100% a Tim thing. He’s the asshole who threw a ball at his kid who wasn’t expecting it and commented “nice catch” when the ball just bounces away. He’s an asshole. They both are, but the winning thing is something Tim taught him. The kid isn’t exposed to any outside influences to get it from other kids.
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This is 100% a Tim thing. He’s the asshole who threw a ball at his kid who wasn’t expecting it and commented “nice catch” when the ball just bounces away. He’s an asshole. They both are, but the winning thing is something Tim taught him. The kid isn’t exposed to any outside influences to get it from other kids.
Didn't he brag about winning trivia on one of their many cruises though they literally just went on the same cruise with the same trivia so he knew the answers?
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Tim is just so used to thinking he's hilarious due to a certain someone's fake laughing at everything he says that he probably can't figure out why Adam doesn't laugh at his jokes--so he has to try really hard. I doubt he even realizes when Adam looks at the camera with that can-you-believe-this-idiot? look.
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