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VIP Member
well, she's with him, thats a big clue lol

I'm not keen on the ones with kids in, it's like they have no say in the matter, I'm the same with reality TV, like the Faiers sisters, or Ferne McGann. Why we need to know everything about their lives from early ages? We see where they live, what school they go to, what shops they use, what theme park or beach they are at that day. The kids could be mortified when older with all these forever images online. My daughter is very fussy about what I can or cannot post about my grandkids on my private Facebook page that's set to friends and family only, If she lets me post a photo, she has to OK it first, it's an absolute no-no if in swimming costumes or nightwear/underwear and I think she's right in doing that. Iffy's don't seem to mind that.
Iffy said he is taking the whole family to London Tokfest, where no doubt people will want to cuddle little Teddy, and even the girls.......... HELLO we are still in the grips of a global pandemic, but I suppose they are immune as they have mixed with all and sundry all through it.
I always ask permission to put anything of my granddaughter on social media even though it’s private & my daughter most of the time gives permission but I always send her the pic & make sure she posts it first, it’s just a respect thing in my eyes.
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Nick, Jack and 🐭 have left after one hour with some random fella they don't look well to me.
That’s the guy who helps build all the wood stuff in the house. He made the bed and other bits. I seen the TT of them all in thr smoking shelter. Nick really looks rough.
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That isthatyuhhuh person made a video saying that apprently he made a go fund me for his ivf but brought a car with it instead just because he got a car around the similar time .so then rightguys kicked of .
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VIP Member
Where did he say he didn’t know what remembrance day was? God it’s things like this that make me wonder if he actually ever set foot inside a school before… bizarre
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Does anyone actually believe that the gf money went to charities etc I think there useung it pay for the lavish shit they do now
Yes you got it right there.

If they were getting around 3k before the fire from TikTok, imagine how much those videos after the fire made? Facebook and Instagram too.
I wasn’t one of the idiots who donated but I honestly don’t think it’s the gfm money their using (granted they did use some ofcourse they did but the money they have is from videos) social media does pay stupid amounts that’s why so many have that lifestyle now.
the Manley family have a lot to answer for, they should never have made that gfm in the first place.
They can't have made that much Nick could not afford a new windscreen a couple of months back
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
That cannot be true, so we have gone from superstars like Michael Jackson to Smithy's, I'll never believe it and say it were true the company cannot be doing very well these days....
I've seen it it's nothing I was thinking some massive campaign on TV.
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Dick Turpin

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I’ve only just seen the jet ski… what they gonna do, live on that? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Everyone on fb up their arse can’t see what they’re doing. That’s a good few thousand on a jet ski and those PlayStations already.
And I see with the go fund me people gave the last few pounds out of their benefits to them. They are parasites.

I’ve only just seen the jet ski… what they gonna do, live on that? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Everyone on fb up their arse can’t see what they’re doing. That’s a good few thousand on a jet ski and those PlayStations already.

They never paid for them Smyths more than likely gave them to promote Smyths after all Wayne and waynetta slobs are social influencers 🙄🤣🤣🤣
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He’s absolutely stupid to be posting the outside of the new house he’s been to view.. does he never learn 🤦🏼‍♀️ They may have money and possibly a big house but they’re forever going to be twats with no class
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These stupid pranks with the 30 second clips to keep people coming back are getting ridiculous, they really are struggling for content and people are starting to see it in the comments.
That last one where Nick got angry and threw Jacks phone. Soooo badly over acted
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So Jess has come back on that app she swore she was done with 🤣 not only that, but taken her kids out of school early to surprise their dad for their bday.. wonder what lie she spun to get them out!
I wish I screenshot it now as I cannot remember the account that said it, although it was just words and may not be true. Someone said they emailed the school and linked to the FB, TT, YT and IG vids about Jess taking the kids out of school as in the UK it's counted as an unauthorised absense, and the parents get fined by the LA unless its anything but medical. I don't know how accurate that is as my kids left school in the 1990's
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It’s not the gfm or her ‘rich’ mum paying for these items, it’s called freebies, Gifts etc. They don’t need to declare ad because it’s not an ad. Sadly, these companies don’t care who they gift to as long as their ‘influencers’.
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Chatty Member
Wonder if the sun will pick up
On his empty promise to donate 3k. Per Month to charity that they earn on tik tok funny how he deleted that video backtracking at its finest he deffo acts on impulse then regrets after Says and does very very silly things ie pays some kids to burn his car out roots the old bird from
The shop gets her hooked on him spends thousand on scratch cards the list goes on
She never actually said yes . She certainly never gave him the reaction he wanted.
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Has anyone seen that guy's videos who works in a coffee shop and he backchats his boss?

He put a video up saying that he didn't find the Smithy Family funny and that he thought there was something toxic about them. Yesterday, he did another video saying they had messaged him asking him to remove the video because it was damaging to the reputation they had worked hard for. 😂
I hope he told them NO
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member

I saw the leak of new address where they are now and details on TT
I don’t want to share that info as it’s wrong and if something bad happened it would torture me, (irs been deleted i think anyway) but
His mums called Sue Hxxxxx shes visible on his FB, on Jess FB and on Jess mums FB profile and shes a qualified therapist for anxiety and trauma etc.
I have no idea if she put him in care or not
Remember not everything on TT is true, but I think its the people that know him are the ones he has to worry about, How else would someone know the address and who his mum is?
Cant be a TT person, has to be someone close

EDIT (10 mins later) its def his mum, shes got photos saying how lovely the grandkids are, he probably made up being in care
This I have to look at, I cannot see Nick having a Mum like that I always assumed he came from a Traveller family, nothing wrong with that but the females normally stay at home and clean.
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