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Why do you think this? If a work colleague went off for surgery, would you expect to hear updates about them every week or to know in depth about what surgery they were having? Would you be speculating that they must be very ill or would you just accept that they are recovering from a major surgery? Of course she hasn't gone missing before, she isn't missing now. She's taking the same time off that anyone else would thats had major surgery. Remember that could be a hysterectomy or a bowel problem, rectifying a prolapse etc.
I've seen absolutely nothing to suggest that she's ill or very ill.
Charles has been talking about his prostate then his cancer at the same time as Kates procedure. He's 70 odd lots and lots of men have prostate issues at that age its not really newsworthy. The statements I think were about protecting Kate taking the spotlight off her. It is serious , no one stays in hospital for 2 weeks for something minor.
Even private hospitals throw you out because of the risk of hospital acquired infections.
She could have private nursing and doctors at home if stable.
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My conspiracy theory is that Kate had a medical emergency that took everyone by surprise and had to be dealt with immediately, and that Charles had a planned procedure for a benign condition that showed up something more serious in further testing <reaches for tin foil>

surely Camilla flitting off for a week when Charles is in the middle of chemo puts pay to the Pippa wouldn’t frolic in the surf if Kate was really poorly arguments?

i just think it’s highlighted a couple of things … that the working royal roster has been slimmed down out of circumstance rather than anything else and no actual thought given to how it works in practice and that KP really need to look at their PR. Not saying that it Needs to be a blow by blow account or that they should divulge anything they don’t want to … but not sounding like a sulky teenager woild be a good starting point.
The slimmed working roster can work if William did more. Fair enough the first week Kate was off he can have a week off, but he’s had more time off for her illness than most men get for paternity leave. He could have focused all of his engagements to be in the local area for her first few weeks of recovery so that he’s close to home and now she’s coming out the other side go back to normal up and down the country work. The public would have asked about her and he can give reassuring messages that she’s okay and doing well, some generic cute comments about the kids helping care for her. As bad as it sounds, they could have turned her surgery into some PR spin but instead William decided to do nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I don’t think the London Clinic treats eating disorders in that way. It sounds false to me.
I genuinely do know someone who works at the London Clinic who said that there was a very strict warning to people not to talk and anyone who did so was threatened with immediate reporting to the GMC. From what was said, a surgical procedure [operation] was involved which was complex and another surgeon had to be called in to help. I shan't say what specialities these surgeons were, out of respect for her privacy. But there's nothing to indicate that the RF were not telling the truth.
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If it’s pancreatic cancer the prognosis wont be good. It’s got the lowest survival rate for any type of cancer
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Going by a family member’s experience, the third session is when it really hits, and hair loss and other side effects start to kick in - I wouldn’t be surprised if KC withdraws from the public gaze for the remainder of his treatment.
As for William - It wasn’t a good look for him to bail on yesterday’s memorial service.
If he was ill, surely the Palace would have said so, rather than release such an enigmatic statement.
Here's the thing though - the Royals are having an absolutely hell of a year so far - the King's cancer/ Catherine's surgery and two week hospital stay, and then Thomas Kingston's very sudden mysterious death. If William had covid for instance I can actually see why they wouldn't announce it - King Constantine's memorial service showed how desperately short of people they are at the moment having to rope in people like Andrew and Fergie - that's desperation. They are looking very weak and vulnerable.
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If she doesn't want photos or a video shared I understand cos when I feel unwell I don't want anyone seeing me. But even a photo of some of the cards she's received with some words...? Or her voice over? Even a cutesy handwritten note by her and the kids?
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Chatty Member
I think, as someone may have mentioned further up, even just put out a generic “Kate wants to thank everyone for all the well wishes” statement would stop the ridiculous tweeting and conspiracy rumours. They were quick enough to deny the coma allegations. I found that odd. They don’t usually admit or deny anything do they? Not that I’m saying I believe it but it’s a rumour that got started somewhere.

I tend to not get in to the Twitter stuff. It’s beyond ridiculous how people speak on there, as if they are all best friends with the royals. All hanging off Angela Levin or Lady C.
I have sat and read some of it tonight though and out of all the Kate fan accounts, not one I’ve seen is actually asking where she is. It’s not dismissive or disrespectful to ask it, it’s just natural curiosity. Anyone asking where she is, is instantly bombard with “IT’S HER PRIVATE LIFE!!!!” Kate fans have now taken to posting wedding and anniversary photos of her and William. The life and online experience of royal fans - or fan girls of any kind - it’s all a bit mental isn’t it?
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Not giving details of someone’s personal health conditions makes it a ‘hidden world’ though. The late Queen certainly wouldn’t have updated the public on all aspects of her health.
I find this all so bizarre. We have been told that Catherine has had surgery, is recovering and will return after Easter. What more do we need to know?
Exactly! It's just the media getting their knickers in a twist about something as per usual. 🙄🙄
Most people I know can't see what all the fuss is about, and say worry about your own life rather than expecting a daily bulletin on someone else's, even if it is Royalty.
It's just clickbait for money.🥱
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Anyone more well-versed in royalty than I am know why Camilla got the Queen title while Philip was stuck with Prince all his life? Both were married to a monarch.
Because a King outranks a Queen, so he couldn't hold that title as he wasn't a reigning monarch.
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It's always my first thought when a man who is neither old nor sick dies suddenly. A friend of mine of the same age was found dead and we all thought suicide, and were relieved to learn it was caused by an undiagnosed heart problem. You don't want to think of your loved ones being so desperately unhappy. The poor family, especially his father to find him like that.
Unfortunately it’s the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK (higher attempt rate among women but lower success rate due to methods). It’s a huge problem for both genders, and it seems more shocking somehow with this case.
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Chatty Member
Don’t forget this is a supposed free press who printed Fergies toe sucking escapades, they printed the tampon gate conversation and even Diana close to death! I don’t think anyone’s private life is for sale. Regardless of their status. Salacious gossip on front pages is not right. I wouldn’t like it to happen to me so I definitely don’t want others to deal with it. But they don’t print it anymore do they? The Royals really have gotten in to bed with them. Camilla must be knee deep in it because they have turned her in to the bloody Virgin Mary!
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The fact that upto now no UK media outlet has published the new pic means that surely there is some agreement in place with the media & W+C over this whole thing?
Yep the DM have announced she has been spotted but they havent posted the pic.
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This year could easily beat 1992 in terms of bad news given we are only two months in so far
I was thinking that too. I know it may be bad to say but QEII died at the right time. Her son and heir, ex/possibly still DIL both having cancer, Kate’s illness and Thomas Kingstons death combined with whatever the fuck Harry and Meghan are up to any given week. It would have been horrible to bear in her old age, this time without Philip, her mother and Margaret to help her.
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Boring Monday

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I have to say the KP PR team baffle me. They couldn’t make it any worse if they tried. For supposed media experts they have a stunning ability to only see things from their own point of view.
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who?? Not being funny I genuinely never heard of either of those people?
Prince & Princess Michael of Kent's son in law.
I see the news was strictly embargoed until 1800hrs. It also mentioned the death has come as a great shock. I wonder if this had anything to do with William's no show?. Maybe he'd gone to be with The Kent's and Lady Gabriella.
Article states he was found dead at a property.

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Not too sure about that, there is precedent with Princess Michael of Kent, I have never seen her referred to as Princess Marie-Christine.
I was always very confused by that as a kid. Why was a woman called Michael? Just assumed it was one of those weird things that super-posh people did.
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Not going to lie, given the card I assumed it was from Battersea or another dog rescue, given Camilla's a patron of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.
I just searched for it and obviously the Daily Mail have an exclusive with the sender 😂

Honestly sometimes I can’t work out if I feel sorry for Daily Mail reporters or not, with the shite they write about 😂
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