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Active member
I think this whole saga has highlighted how the heir to throne needs to have more than 2 kids tbh 😂

The Queen had 4 which gave her an heir and 3 "spares" meaning there were arguably 3 who were treated differently to 1 (the less said about how Andrew turned out of course the better)
Will and Kate have had 3 which means Charlotte and Louis will always be in the same camp, compared to George who will be treated differently

I think the big issue is that it was JUST Harry and William. Had there been a third sibling, Harry would have had an ally treated in the same way as him and the difference wouldn't have been so stark.

I hope I've explained myself well enough here
well and totally agree
I think this whole saga has highlighted how the heir to throne needs to have more than 2 kids tbh 😂

The Queen had 4 which gave her an heir and 3 "spares" meaning there were arguably 3 who were treated differently to 1 (the less said about how Andrew turned out of course the better)
Will and Kate have had 3 which means Charlotte and Louis will always be in the same camp, compared to George who will be treated differently

I think the big issue is that it was JUST Harry and William. Had there been a third sibling, Harry would have had an ally treated in the same way as him and the difference wouldn't have been so stark.

I hope I've explained myself well enough here
well and totally agree

To be fair, that's not that unusual. Friend of mine has a younger brother who has complained on more than on occasion that he wasn't allowed the top bunk as a kid. He's over 60 now, he really needs to get over it.
I guess we could say these things are insignificant but psychologically they aren’t - the message is that you are “lesser” especially if it happens continually. Small and petty things taken out of context but in the bigger picture they have significance
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To be fair I don't use tiktok, but a quick google only gives me a tiktok that's a piss take. I can imagine a few folks missed the joke and spread from there.
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I agreed with you up until this bit. I think it would be a kick in the teeth to many people, so he has to carry on with the line it's people's choice.

Has Barbados changed much for the average person since becoming a republic?

Countries like Canada and Australia have lots of problematic things that slip under the radar. The monarchy is merely a tool for politicos to play with for their own gain.
But is it? Does the UK monarch have a duty to entertain this because his ancestors did? If those nations want a monarch they can certainly have one. But you can’t have it both ways- bitching about having a HoS from an rather unglamorous past, sitting thousands of miles away but also keeping them as whipping boy. In my opinion- if a country is not going down the republican or their very own monarchy route they are endorsing the UK monarch as HoS and have no place in complaining about this fact (obviously you can dislike him). Because they have a choice. Keeping up with the Windsors is a choice.

From a strategic pov it would be actually a big win for the BRF to cut them loose though. It’s a constant point of bad PR. They can’t really fill the role themselves. They just can’t win in this scenario. If Charly cut them loose- who will care? Apart from some people in the nations that need a new HoS? And for a monarchy even more importantly- who will care in 50+ years. Charles needs to realise that he inevitably will be the monarch to loose more dominions, if not all (if he keeps going for 20+years). He should endorse it and try to build the narrative in a more positive way. The king that lead the monarchy into the future. Much better to set them in their own path instead of letting kicked out. Saying goodbye to its last colonial ties. Making the Commonwealth areal Union with equal partners. Slimming the monarchy to an acceptable size (Anne is not wrong. They will reach the site of most royal houses quickly through natural cause now. No need to cut off more.). Defining the way of the royal business new (engagement numbers, strategies). All this while preserving the glam and glitz and pomp and pageantry.
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I regularly wear clothes I’ve had for a similar length of time, I hate throw away fashion and try and buy stuff that lasts, it’s not a weird thing.
Idk how old you are, but in this day and age the oldest thing in a lot of people in their 20s/30s/40s wardrobe is probably only a few years old. Maybe some good shoes, bag or coat will be older, but a lot of clothes just aren’t made to a good quality to last anymore. I guess she has the luxury of money and space, a lot of people sell stuff to buy new stuff.
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Active member
Do we ever see any of them in the same outfit again?

I wonder what happens to all the outfits they have and never wear again. Do we think they get donated to charity or kept in a vault for Historical purposes? Genuinely curious.
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VIP Member
I liked Meghan's original ring before she messed with it. As much as I dislike her. I don't think it was glitzy/Hollywood enough for her, ergo adding the thin diamond band that's en vogue.
I agree. I think that the jewelled band looks tacky.
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Well-known member
i wonder if Harry’s been offered a coronation commentary gig?
to Be honest I’d expect some one to have approached them to do this.
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Is anyone doing anything to celebrate Charles getting his Crown screwed on tomorrow? I'll just be watching on TV and looking on tattle. I do have some coronation chicken for lunch and some biscuits
Making some food (going to bake a Victoria sponge), mother and I have put some balloons up and we are going to watch.
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I'll watch for a bit as I am too much of a history buff to turn down an historic event, but given it starts at gone 9pm here, it'll be a test of how much I can keep my eyes open for.
Same here we may not get the chance to see another one so as I have never seen this historic event before I will watch it.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
They see it purely as sport and also that a fox is a pest that needs keeping under control. While I agree that foxes can be pests especially at lambing time there are far more humane ways to deal with them than the cruel fox hunt. I don't like Camilla either she is quite hard I think. She is good at doing positive things for domestic violence but she also knows that it makes her look good.
To be fair I think that applies to most of ‘em. They live, die and stay in position by their PR.
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Chatty Member
No supermarket ended up making the jubilee pudding I believe?

For this I might just make a spinach omelet and stick in a couple of edamame, it's basically the same.
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VIP Member
Who would want to be Master/Mistress of the Wardrobe now? Probably restyled as Guardian of the Wardrobe?
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VIP Member
Whats with the matching colour code they never used to do that did they?
I tend to believe Meghan when she says it was 'protocol' - meaning the Queen didn't allow it. Same with the coloured nails that Kate's now got for the first time since marrying into the family, which I doubt Charles GAF about.

I think they want them matching Charles for things like this now. He was in blue, pink, and white, but they probably need to be better on dictating shades in the future (Kate's too bright but does match Camilla at least, while Zara and Sophie are in hot pink)
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
I just don't understand why they write to each other! Are people still doing that? I had a look at the DM story there and I agree that it couldn't have come from the Palace. It's not even interesting to me at this stage. I think that story is dead in the water. Why didn't she write to her great friend the queen who was in charge at that stage or mention it in one of her phone calls with her?
It's very 50s, Victorian, and maybe that's the way Royalty do things but in this day and age of technology it doesn't seem plausible. Reminds me of my mother telling me when her American relatives were visiting in the 40s/50s, my grandmother would get a letter announcing their visit a few weeks before. But that was 70 odd years ago!
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I don't know if he did or not - it seems like it's just rumor based on the accounts but to me it looks like it was just money moved around when Harry and Meghan booked it and The Royal Foundation split off his charities.

I'd be shocked if he donated it tbh, I also never believed he donated his salary from EAA, they never specified to what or where.
They can't lie about stuff like that. It would be too easy to find out and the fall out would be horrendous.
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VIP Member
I think the Queen was a bit of a ditherer on the quiet and preferred the wait and see approach (also known as kicking the can down the road) to see if things resolved on their own accord. I also think that what people expected from monarchy under went a huge change towards the later stages of her reign.
She killed them with kindness and let them hang themselves on their own rope 😁
I once witnessed this in court with a judge who wasn't known for being soft. There was me thinking he was on the criminals side he was so accommodating. Soon brought out their arrogance thinking they had him in the bag.
We sat up with a start when the judge sternly put his foot down with a bang. Woah! You don't mess with him! 😄
One of the things I like about monarchy and the monarch's role in particular is as they don't give their opinion publicly, they can be a sympathetic sounding board.
It can be lonely at the top not knowing whose got your back or is going to be a smiling assassin despite being your friend.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
Huw Edward and Kirsty Young will lead the Coronation coverage on the BBC with support from Sophie Raworth, Clare Balding, JJ Chalmers and Anita Rani.
David Dimbleby turned down the chance to present as he ‘didn’t want to play second fiddle’ (allegedly).
I think Huw, Kirsty and Sophie are great choices. Not sure on Anita or JJ and not a fan of Clare. I watched the Holocaust memorial in 2020 (I think) and Huw presented that - he had gravitas and covered such a difficult topic well.
I think they use JJ for the military information stuff … I think he tends to do that at the Trooping of the Colour and did for the Queen’s funeral as well.
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