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Active member
Seen it, I knew it, she was tagging amina in everything but no response or acknowledgement from amina And now they've fell out

Amina graves, dog breeder used to be with Scott capper before he got locked up, and she was best friends with Jean
What is she like? Is she still with Gerry Byrne? Was leeane in the mix there given flashy and capper were friends?

See actually Leanne's sister Jemma had a baby. Her fella doesn't look well


Active member
It was me
Her name is mimi, she's originally from I think Crumlin and linked to them all. She used to sell stolen credit cards back in the early 2000s. Lives in Valencia now
Is this anything to do with her, remember the ex in spain died in suspicious circumstances


Chatty Member
Jean has also lost her Dad. Well he’s locked up since last year so that wouldn’t have helped either and they had said at the time his health has gone down hill since being in prison


Chatty Member
Well nothing she is saying is making sense really, her parents are starving themselves, Her son can catch down syndrome, she's clearly going through something serious poor Woman has lost everything the past 2 years.
She was linked to Conor before Whela was shot and he supposedly he battered her over it, thats why I "think" it's him she's speaking about regardless whether true or not
Seriously? Was she actually seeing Conor or was it just a rumour?


Thing about buying those houses I’d always be afraid they’d come after you and burn it out. I remember when I was buying years back there was a fab house in an auction, ridiculously cheap. So did some searching and realized it was a former scumbags so didn’t risk it. Sold cheap for the standard it was.
Best choice imagine thinking all them know where your house is wouldn't be worth it tbh
Can't lie I do live for the new tik toks going on about Leanne and Sophie now, same stuff but still 😭😭
I worked with his sister. She is a nice girl and her ma seemed normal too. His Da was a Kerryman and Ma Yolanda is Mexican and related to ElChapos 1st wife.
Nathan McDonnell who was ru
I worked with his sister shes actually a nice girl and his Ma Yolanda came across as normal and nice too.
I've heard Nathan mcDonnell who was running for Fianna Gael he owns a garden place in Kerry was letting them use his garden place as a drugs den and ordering in drugs shipments with plants.
Sure that girl Mimi is seeing one of his friends and they both went to the wedding of the Ndrangheta daughters wedding around 2years ago
They are all connected in some way
Who’s Mimi
Who’s Mimi
The Ndrangheta daughters?


Active member
I wonder if Anita Freeman ever wonders if being a gangster gee was worth it 🤣
Always looking over her shoulder, changing her facial features incase Sean looks elsewher,Travelling Europe on a fake passport and not travelling with her partner, living a life in secret. Kish Island looks nice but not a place to rear your kids.
You hate her! 🤣 What happened lol


Chatty Member
Did I read somewhere that all deaths have to be registered on RIP? Or did I dream that?
I’m not sure but I think there is a charge for RIP, maybe €10 or something. Funeral directors usually do it though so they just add it on the total