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Betty Bujo

Chatty Member
Let me tell you a little known fact about Dubai. 44 years ago, a German company was commissioned to address the situation of plumbing and sewerage in Dubai which was still only a very small town at the time.
How do I know this?
Because my Uncle was the British Water Engineer that the German company hired to go out with them to oversea the project.

My Uncle basically designed the sewage and water infrastructure for the entire City.

The crucial point being that it was only future proofed for 40 years and a population growth of about 10% of what it has actually grown by.

Since then they have repaired and repaired on top of repairs but its still the same system that the City has out grown by at least 1 million people.

This is a major reason for the flooding that happened recently and why none of our family would go there ever, not even for a holiday.

It's a city built on very shakey foundations

The sewage and water supply are not the only thing that's past its life span, the waste disposal system is dismal too.

The whole city just like the Inghams is all fur coat and no knickers.
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Haha he doesn’t like people knowing they’re renting
He also doesn't like anyone thinking that he's a brokie.

Saz: We're trying to negotiate on price because it's a bit out of our price range.
Creepy: No. It's not out of our price range. It's just more than we want to pay.

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The thing is - who they think can they impress with this miniscule house with a communal pool? It's just a temporary rental but if they were as loaded as they claim they would have rented a nice spacious villa with its own pool. What a better way to recover from jetlag and feel comfortable in that heat while they are looking for a long-term lease or whatever is their current claim?

The only people that can feel inspired and think that's how success looks like are vulnerable ones. That's those Creepy targets with his MLM scheme. Anyone with two brain cells would get they are in Dubai on the lowest budget possible and that doesn't scream financial freedom. I mean just look at other influenceurs that moved to Dubai. None of them went to rent a shoe box in the middle of nowhere. They sell a glamorous lifestyle to their followers while the Inghams makes you think what can you do to not end up like them.
Exactly when family fizz moved to dubai 5or6years ago they moved into a beautiful apartment which was huge that overlooked the marina in the centre of dubai and they had the cash to fit in out there even putting sienna into a private international school.

Inghams on other hand arrive out with 7 suitcases full of primark and shein tat and rent the smallest accommodation in dubai with no plans other than sending the kids down the pool every day 😂
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Isla is having panic attacks? Are they going to address that immediately? I started having panic attacks at her age and they've never fully gone away. Interestingly, they tend to flare up when there are uncertainties in my life. Poor kid :( That girl is ignored at every turn. Until her ailments can be used for content, that is.
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Pretty sure they were drawing attention again, in the supermarket, whilst stood by the breakfast cereal display for ages and possibly got told off too.

It's bloody hilarious that their new bessie mate (the realtor) accompanied them to their other viewings with a RIVAL agent and Saz thinks it's because he's such a lovely guy who wants to make sure they don't get scammed! LMFAO!

Then the realtor mate took them back to his house for a chat and snacks...because he's so kind and wanted to get them out of the sun. Aaaaaannnndddd they're all going out for a meal together as well, because they've all become such very good friends!!!

Top G knows nothing about business and specifically sales. That's why he always gets scammed into buying lemons. 🤡😂
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It’s rattled me that people are wanting Tattle to calm down with the reporting incase they get deported.
What are people doing wrong exactly? Making people aware that there’s a nonce amongst them? These two rats continue to get away with everything and the reason behind that is because there’s not enough people that actually give a shit. People in authority and people who say they care but sit on their asses letting everyone else do the work I mean. Even their own family don’t give a shit because they’re all part of trying to cover up his creepy ways. This is why he’s walking around with that smug look on his face, scamming the vulnerable thinking he’s a ‘G’ whilst calling everyone else ‘dummies’. If they get deported ( which I very much doubt ), the only people to blame are Chris and Sarah. Not Tattle, not a random who wanted to protect his own kids and not anyone who calls these two out for what they are. We are not playing into their hands at all. Going against people trying to protect future victims because of what ‘ might happen’ is what I would class as playing into their hands. They would love nothing more than to see people on here having doubts. There is no doubt in my mind, there’s more victims that’s been threatened to keep quiet but imaging just how many more there would be if we all sat back and just watched it happen. That would make us just as guilty as them. How many times as a child been bullied and people saw it? How many times would you have said “ why are they stood there doing nothing”? Both Chris and Sarah are destined to get a good hiding. Not by anything to do with Tattle but, by a dad/brother of a girl Chris has or will try his luck with snd Sarah, by a mother who’s kid she’s belittled in the comments. If they get deported, that won’t stop Chris being a creep and it won’t stop Sarah being a mouthy enabler who put a nonce before her daughters. He will always want to be something he is not and for that reason alone, and the ‘ I’m untouchable’ attitude and Sarah’s “ I’m perfect and you are below me ‘ attitude is what will end up ending them. I don’t feel for Izzy at all anymore. Yes her life has been ruined by those two but she’s touching 19 now. She will have 100% seen the truth and yes, she’s scared of her own shadow so won’t have the balls to change her life now but when she happily parades herself half naked around the man that as the audacity to call himself her dad after what he did then I’m sorry but my sympathy has totally gone for that one. Is Isla and the little ones ( who don’t understand yet but will ), I feel for out of all this. And his victims that got called liars. Rang over
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Bit of advice for Creepy moving forward if he wishes to continue with this illusion he is loaded

Things wealthy people DON'T do (usually)

1) Frequently mention or make reference to their supposed wealth
2) Dress their children in clothes that don't fit, but had 10% off
3) Turn their garage into a toy warehouse, as they stock up on 3 for 2s, or 15% of 2 for 1s throughout the year. Then share presents out regardless of age appropriateness or if it's something child would even want.
4) Share food in restaurants
5) Share drinks
6) Take advantage of friends with disability passes at theme parks. Rather than upgrade to fast track tickets
7) Go to Dubai and rent a shoebox flat. 6 kids, 2 bedrooms says it all
8) Embarrasses themselves by joining pyramid schemes
9) Sink as low to try and scam vulnerable people to spend money on a useless course.
10) Try to create the illusion of being loaded, whilst doing all of the above
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Omg the left isla laying on the bathroom floor for 2 hours!! Why would anyone openly admit that? She’s a child having a panic attack and head injury and they left her on the floor, doesn’t matter if she wanted to or not, she should have been moved somewhere comfortable with her mum sat with her
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'I spend my evenings like this'....filming young girls from a vantage point nowhere near them?
You're not really helping yourself are you?
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If Chris is in a complex with other children outside his family and is using his recording equipment in communal areas then I think it is only right that other parents know who he is. He is a predator and I'm sorry for the Ingham children but that doesn't justify putting other children at risk. It's not just about the Ingham children.

If they get deported, it's not down to Tattle but due to their own ignorance, stupidity and unjustified entitlement.

The Ingham children (and Izzy) have been failed massively by socials services in the UK, it's not right that they become another countries problem.
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Sarah saying she wasn’t sure between 2 houses. Don’t worry, Sarah. Chris will have a think and let you know which one you prefer 👍🏼

Not showing the property before they’ve moved in to protect their privacy and prevent people finding it but will show it once they’ve moved in - makes total sense 🤗
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Malcolm Conkers

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They should do a whole series of vlogs with them looking at the various shonky little places within their budget, and call it ‘Low-Rents of Arabia’.
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I’m medically trained (not going to say in what way because I don’t want to say my profession but I have a lot of training on both physical and mental health) and it is very uncommon for someone to actually lose consciousness during a panic attack. Usually people have symptoms such as hyperventilating, feeling of panic, sweating, shaking etc. It’s incredibly rare to actually faint and we usually reassure people that they won’t faint. Losing vision and then actually losing consciousness is much more indicative of low blood pressure, dehydration or heatstroke. You would also never lose vision due to a panic attack, it just couldn’t happen.
I’m not saying she wasn’t anxious because I’m sure she also was but the symptoms are much likely to be caused by the hot environment and dehydration (through vomiting and being too hot).
Head injuries can be so dangerous and they absolutely should have got her checked and stayed with her regardless of if she said she wanted to be alone.
Restricting fluids after that is crazy to me and that’s the worst thing to do, she should have been sipping electrolyte drinks to try and rehydrate herself
The fact Sarah was smiling is disgusting - she has no medical qualifications so who is she to decide it was “just” a panic attack? Anyone medical would tell you otherwise
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Had a panic attack. Hit her head on the toilet. Wanted to be left alone after having fear of sick.
Was fine after lying on marble floor for 2 hours.
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