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Blue Rose

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Yep.Sarah was determined to break any bond Isabelle had with her father ,and it happened.There`s also an old vlog where Chris and Sarah are walking in LOndon (I think) ,and she mentions getting a good result after seeing someone legal?I can`t remember her exact words or where they are but i do remember thinking ,she`s adamant Isabelle will keep vlogging (which her father didn`t approve of) ,and stay with them only! SHe hated those weekend visits as she couldn`t include ISabelle in the vlogs ,and they both knew she was pulling in the views.The woman is despicable!
Was just skimming through the thread and this post reminded me of this video:

In it Sarah explained how devastated she isn’t that Isabelle is going away for 2 WEEKS, as opposed to the usual week a year she’s allowed to go away with her dad’s family. She also states how sad it is Isabelle won’t be allowed to vlog whilst there. Ffs, I remember being pissed the first time I heard this. She spends so much time with Sarah, seeing all of hers and Chris’ extended family, and Sarah is annoyed she’s going to spend 2 weeks out of the 52 in a year with her dad’s family. Plus how many times a year are they taking their kids on holiday? Too many imo. I wonder what Isabelle’s dad thinks of that. I bet she’s missed quite a few visits because of that. I bet in a few years she’ll see how much Sarah and Chris influenced her views, causing her to grow up thinking traveling with your lazy mother, creepy stepdad and younger siblings is a better life than going to school and having friends and real connections with all your family. Of course we don’t fully know what Isabelle’s dad is like and whether or not he is a good parent, but it does seem like Sarah has done all she can to constantly present him in a bad way.
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Because the lady at the door (security?) told them - yeah obviously security guards know the stock levels of books.
I wish they'd paid to go in, only to kick off and ask for a refund on finding all the books written in "foreign"!

Does she realise that there are more fiction books available than just the Harry Potter and Twilight series'?

I wonder how many proper, well-stocked book shops those kids have set foot in, in their sheltered and limited actually browse the shelves, being "tret" to a new book of their choice to take home....even just the smell of an old-fashioned book shop takes me back to my childhood. You just don't get that experience in the aisles at Morrisons. Too sad.

So much for the world being their oyster....for those poor kids it's more likely to be a deep fried fish finger or a prawn ball!
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Each to their own with what Isabelle chooses to do with her spare time, but at 15 I was starving myself in school to save up my lunch money for a bev in a field at the weekends. And during the week after school I was straight home, changed and back out wandering around the streets, parks, shopping centres etc with friends. It’s a shame how much she’s missing out on and therefore having to pass time the same way as her younger sisters.
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I swear Creepy sounds more and more camp with every vlog! He was positively squeaking in the vlog about the aquarium etc I could have sworn I was listening to Alan Carr 🥳
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Betty Bujo

Chatty Member
Three things!
Firstly, Sarah, you have been a parent for 15 years. Why are you acting like it has come as a surprise to you that washing and ironing needs doing?
Chris, grow the fuck up, it is a baby book ffs.
More importantly that shot of Esme at the end she is eleven and you film her in a thin vest?
I shouldn't be shocked any more, but ....
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What the hell was the massive rush to buy that Instant camera for? It was really ODD (even odder than their usual behaviour) they were acting as if it was almost a life or death situation!? Felt like if they didn’t take a picture as a family they were all going to be cursed or something!??! Almost like Sarah’s been reading here and seen that I said the other day they aren’t splashing out on things as often anymore so maybe the money’s drying up and then they’ve all of a sudden got to be seen spending money?!? They are losing the fucking plot. Why on earth do you need to scrapbook, just another thing to be put in the garage to gather dust and clutter your house. Is it just me that thought it was so effing weird the urgency of it all?
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Anyone remember when creepy bought a multipack of coke and said they worked out at like 11p a can or something and he was WAY off?! Such a maths genius ish esq
Didnt he also tell Isla getting 8/10 in her test was better than 10/10 😂
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Has Jace even had any of his vaccinations? Or does Lazy see them as optional like her antenatal appointments or going to the hospital after a miscarriage? (notice how she runs to the doctors when she thinks there is something wrong with HER, can’t be bothered for her own children though).
Edit- I hope he’s had all sets of vaccinations especially as they are abroad.
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So let me get this right so the ifam have set a new private FB fan page which lazy is admin on and creepy ponce is also a member🤦‍♀️ It seems most of the people on this group are children and vulnerable adults. This to me sets of alarm bells they are both groomers and if any think lazy is worst than him and that’s saying some think. I don’t know about anyone else but if my work found out I had started a group like this I would most Probably get the sack and never be able to work with children again
Definitely. Now the young girls in the group will feel special at being invited and wont want to risk being kicked out, they are even more at risk from his advances. Classic grooming.

This will only end badly.
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Well Sarah makes £7k a month minimum from her shitty blankets so £3k of that to fix the car shouldn't be an issue, right?! :LOL:
She made me laugh saying it it comes at price of no privacy haha she daily puts her life out there to make that money in first place stupid cow. She uses every social media going except twitter so Sarah stfu your choice to have no privacy. You could live a private life starting today but you choose not too for money. We would all be very happy if you did go private and lock away your husband.
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Just after the Prinny-Woo episode he slept with a random woman, she left her knickers and Creepy now wears them as a spare pair when all TWO of his are in the wash

Red and lacy from Victoria’s Secret 👀
The mystery woman also left behind her matching top, how kind of her

*behind the scenes of THAT night*

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Fluff n stuff

Chatty Member
I just can’t get over the way they are living. Sat outside under a bit of plastic on a muddy bit of ground. Taking their clothes to wash in black bin bags. Eating a load of packet shit every day and sleeping in a cramped caravan that looks like a squat! This is not travelling, home schooling or living quality life. What are they hiding from? Why don’t they just go home to their house? Feral! 😡😡😡
They are living my absolute nightmares! They’re selfishly taking their kids on a never ending holiday simply because they’re channel is dying. If they were to stay at home with the kids in school Sarah would go insane with boredom and have zero content. She doesn’t cook, so couldn’t have a home cooked meal demo, she’s never done any diy, so no tips and trick section on that, she doesn’t sew, bake,workout, style her hair, do her nails, she’s shit at makeup. She’s pretty much useless. That’s why she needs her kids, they pay her wages.
In their flogs She’s always bleating on how amazing it is to have your family around you ( like she’s the only woman with a friggin family! 🙄) and I can’t help but think that now Isabelle is getting older she’s scared to be left ( didn’t she leave home herself at 16?) .
My nan did the same to my mum, she kept her home from school by faking illness. My mother could have been anything she wanted but her confidence was knocked a little and she didn’t get the education to make her thrive. Luckily she was naturally clever but can you imagine how she would have taken off with full education 🙁 She’s going to destroy her kids for pure selfish reasons. I hope they all have the sense to run.
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Neck lace

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I remember when Hayley said that he reversed Sarah's pink mini into a bollard when she was with him the morning after they slept together. Definitely looks like he has reversed into something this time too. Still cant believe he picked Hayley up from the Ibis in his wife's car. There's something very wrong about that man.
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Elsa Frost 24

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Just watched an old vlog (don’t send me to my prison cell yet - I’m shielding. The Bradford Evil refers to Isabelle going to her biological dads after school. Is there any need for her to call him that? He is her father for gods sake !!!!
Regardless of Sarah’s wishes Chris as her husband is nothing more than a step father to Izzy.
She really takes vile to an elevated opinion of herself coupled with a complete lack of respect for her previous partner and his family.
Sarah should have just said something like “Isabelle is spending time at her dads.”

I think in early days she did her best to convince everyone Chris was Isabelle’s bio dad as I have to admit I thought he was too.
Then Isabelle would stay with him every alternate weekend and was missing from vlogs and the ifam began to question this hence why Sarah made that vlog “Where Isabelle goes sometimes” I remember seeing comments from ifam saying they didn’t know about Chris.

What I find very disrespectful is having Isabelle call Chris dad when her bio dad was still In her life. It wasn’t like he was some deadbeat who abandoned them at birth and had never had any contact.
I know a couple of friends who split from the their child/rens’ dad and went into a new relationships, but they never call the new partner/ husband dad it’s alway by their name.
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The thirty degree weather is back but Lazy isn't complaining because they're so lucky to be there and be experiencing. She has just got off an hour long skype call with her Baby and Me team Granny Groomer and Hi Steve and she is so excited for some of the product she has coming out. She needs to know what to call the wearable hooded blanket - maybe she'll just call them wearable blankets, she dunno. The hooded blankets and weighted blanket aren't ready because Lazy added a new design that she's 'been working on an artist with'. There are more playmats and floor loungers coming. Jace is stood beside Lazy, nipping her arm. He will probably still be doing that when he's 20 and Lazy will still be cackling abut it. She bought hi a dinosaur that feels like skin but he still want to nip her arm. The girls are outside and Lazy is sorting out Isla's space journal. Esme told lazy that she went out during English to get extra help. How did Lazy not already now that? What Lazy is giving her is what she was doing anyway.

Isabelle says they've finished doing schoolwork and are clearing up. They're been putting their work into folders. Isabelle and Isla are going to play connect 4. Time lapse of them playing.

Creepy asks why everyone bounces off and leaves him. Everyone always does it. They're at the supermarket to stock up on food. They don't have long left at the campsite, well they hope they don't anyway. Lazy is in denial. Jace demands to be picked up and Lazy does so. They can't get delayed again. They hope to have the confirmation that the car will be ready on Thursday tomorrow. If so, they will be leaving Portugal at the weekend. Isabelle says there may be something happening at the end of the month. Creepy has cabin fever/is institutionalised because they've been at the campsite for so long and it feels like home. It's the longest they've spent anywhere other than home and Florida. Creepy doesn't want to take the awning down. They don't have anything et in tone but they will be heading back into Spain and the have a rough plan from there. Lazy says they need to get something important right now so Creepy needs to stop vlogging.

The thing Lazy was talking about is a full size polaroid camera. Jace has a Hot Wheels caaa and Creepy says he can have it. Lazy says no to books though. Makes sense! They did no research about which camera to get and now they have no idea which one to buy. Lazy wanted to go with the polaroid because it's pink but the lady got it out and the shop doesn't sell the films. 8 films was €40. Fort-eh for eight pictures. They've gone for a black camera that takes batteries. They're buying the camera because they're too lazy to print pictures off the laptop for the girls' scrapbooks.

Back in the car Lazy says they drove around three supermarkets trying to find batteries for the new camera. They stop at the campsite for Creepy to get his drone. They accidentally didn't set the vlog to live so Creepy is doing that too. Creepy nearly got robbed for Duracell batteries. it was €3.99 for a pack of 4 or € 9 for a pack of 8. The drove around the supermarkets to get the batteries and Creepy asked Lazy that the camera does take AA, she said yes. They looked at the box and it comes with batteries. They're going to the most south-westerly point of Europe because they forgot to take a family picture the last time they were there. The camera is their Christmas present to each other. Time lapse of Lazy setting up the camera. Footage of driving and Creepy's hairy arms.

Lazy films the area to how how busy it is. Creepy is getting his drone out. Lazy has the wide angle lens on and shows everyone along the cliff edge. She has palpitations because one people have climbed down to sit on ledges. They show us the first picture on their new polaroid. It's awful, I will include a screenshot below. Jace is asleep on Lazy and Isabelle tells him to close his eyes. Another polaroid photo. Drone footage. Creepy films himself and Lazy.

Back in the car, Lazy says the sun went down and everyone left, except the Inghams and a campervan. They stayed because they want to staaaagaze at the bottom of Europe. Lazy puts her hand down her hoodie to adjust her bra. Lazy wishes she could pick up on camera how amazing the sky looks. Photos of the kids and Lazy sat under the staaas. A photo of the car and the stars.

They're driving back and Lazy says they spent way too long staaagazing. You wouldn't believe the sights they saw. It opened up an amazing conversation with the girls about how each staaa is a sun to different solar systems and inside each solar system there's billions of planets. They learnt about about light years and how when you loo at staaas they're so many light years away that it's not what it looks like right now years and years and years ago. When you watch the sunset, because it takes 8 minutes for the light to get from the sun to our eyes, when we watch the sun set it actually happened 8 minutes ago. Lazy loves all these facts and she's loved teaching the girls them tonight.

End of vlog

Why does he ruin every single photo?

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