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These lots are on channel 5s milkshake aren't they?! A programme about "going green" and the "5 r's..reuse,recycle,repair, refused and reduce". It's completely laughable it's a well known fact and David Attenborough's said himself the best way to be greener and help the planet is to STOP having so many children and increasing the planets population. Back in the old days it was the done thing to have 10 kids; religion, no contraception, backwards thinking about a womans purpose/duty and the infant/child death rate. Makes me cringe everytime it's on tbh. Feel like emailing milkshake 🤣🤣
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Reu is 3 today and they’ve given him his own instagram page

I don’t understand why a child needs an instagram page even if the parents are running it
They really use the kids as individual businesses, I get they’re a Family YouTube brand. But why can’t they just post from the main account, I find it so weird that kids nowadays are over exposed so much especially when it’s not actually them posting but their parents.
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Let’s be honest the tv show was a money making profile boosting opportunity for Tim. I happened across their strange channel. Everything everyone has said sums up my feelings. Ella while a lovely woman should not be giving people advice on the benefits of homeschooling. Even if that person is Sam Faiers. I watched slack jawed as that poor woman (Ella) stumble through her Black History Month lesson. It was ill prepared to say the least. She didn’t know what diaspora nor sub sahara meant.☹ As she pushed on reading from her phone. While Tim was behind the camera was noticeably mute. In short Tim’s unbridled unsophisticated ambition for his family has resulted in a high turnover of videos .Many have been at best boring and at worst I’ll judged. Unfortunately the children are becoming stage school type well rehearsed caricatures. Which is a turn off. Sadly allowing your family to be themselves isn’t good enough
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They're definitely not dog people and they should absolutely stop trying to bring innocent animals into their bizarre household for views just to get rid of them a few weeks later.

I remember in the vlog where they had covid Ella was complaining so much about having to keep taking the dog outside into the garden. Obviously they couldn't take him out for a walk but who escorts their dog every time it wants to go outside? Just open the door and let it out. And don't expect it to wipe its paws before coming in :LOL: And of course it was all down to Ella cos Tim couldn't possibly get involved. :rolleyes: It's not surprising she was struggling since she was pregnant and ill but she was making it way more work than it had to to be. You could tell from her tone she was totally done with having a dog. Just accept you're not dog people!
The most ANNOYING thing for me is that they got the dog after they knew they were pregnant. Ella said in a vlog that they got astro a few days after she got the pregnancy test results so it’s not as if she got pregnant after they got the dog and had to give it away because they couldn’t look after that many children and a dog. They willingly drove up to Yorkshire to go and get it!
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I don’t want this to come across as hate towards the kids because they’re innocent in all this being used by their parents to make money but I’m telling you now those kids are going to grow up to be the most vain , egotistical and full of themselves adults that you’ll ever come across. It’s one thing to encourage your kids to be confident in themselves and achieve their dreams but I swear all Tim and Ella do is pit the kid against eachother at whos best at this and who’s best at that and who has the prettiest hair and who is the most talented etc and it’s really sad to watch. I think when you have a family with a lot of kids it’s really lovely to see each child shine and be made to feel special especially when their parents have their hands full but they are constantly talking about looks and talents etc when it doesn’t need to be spoke about so much especially when they’re kids!! When I was the kids ages the last thing I ever would of thought about is how I look or what I want in a boyfriend yet they’re sitting their with Halle who’s like 6 and Harper who’s 4!! Asking them what they would want their boyfriend to be like etc and I personally think it’s wrong , let kids be kids. They shouldn’t even be thinking about that stuff. It’s one thing to encourage your daughters/sons to have their own career they enjoy and their own money so they don’t have to rely on the person they’re married to but these two really make me uncomfortable with some of the things they speak about to their kids. I know the world is changing and kids are being exposed to a lot more things than they would of been years ago so kids are asking more questions and more curious about what certain things mean etc so I can understand maybe Heze who’s 10 learning about things but 4 year old Harper knowing about sex just doesn’t sit right with me and I know there’s going to be people who disagree with me and will say it’s better she learns these things now etc but she should be living in complete innocence at her age at least to a certain extent. I know you can’t hide your children from the world and everyone can choose to raise and teach their own children whatever they want but I just find it odd. Maybe I’m wrong and I’m coming across very close minded and I apologise if that offends anyone but I just know from my own childhood the one thing I’m so happy about is the fact I was so innocent and didn’t know about any sexual things. You only get to live like that for about 10 years at least and then with puberty kicking in and everything else you learn from your friends , school , music etc you become exposed to all this “ adult” stuff for the rest of your life so let a child be a child for as long as they can until it’s necessary to teach them about these things. I’m only in my early 20’s I’m not an expert at these things but it’s just how I feel.
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Chatty Member
I don’t even think he slept around. He’s no looker. He looks like snoopy😂
A very unattractive man. IMO I've said it before but it is worth repeating, those squinty eyed 'sexy' look or whatever in the heck it is make my stomach roll in disgust. :sick:
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Cherry B

If this is how she homeschools I'm surprised they've learned much of anything. She's just reading things off of her phone. She should've made hard copies of what she was reading so the kids could follow along. No whiteboard or other visual aids in sight. Their different grade levels should've been taken more into account. Also, as an American it would've been interesting to hear about Black British History.

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The latest video was shocking. The kids were running around screaming at the top of their lungs and Tim didn't even tell them to stop when Ella was trying to speak. He actually encouraged it and started swinging the screaming baby in Ella's face.

The way he told Hosanna put the water bottle on the table was rude. I bet thats how he speaks to them off camera.

He literally arrived home. Didnt even bother to help Ellas mum in the livingroom when she was cleaning the pile of mess & laundry. He sat down playing with the dog. He didnt even say hello to Ellas mother.

How can an unemployed man sit on a floor playing with a dog when his elderly mother in law is doing housework.

Hosanna clearly wasn't happy about doing the housework as she have a dig about tidying up after people.

Why don't the kids ever leave the house. The weather in Uk has been amazing lately and thre videos ate about week or 2 old when posted so those kids should have been playing in the garden getting fresh air

They never even bother to dress Houston. Her hair is always a mess, shes either in a vest or pjs.

Ella spent the whole video trying to justify Tim being lazy, the kids doing all the housework and constantly relyon others....
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If there such a Christian family why does the dad act like a road man 🤣🤣🤣 it’s actually cringes me out a grown man talks and acts the way he does just because your married to a Caribbean women doesn’t mean you can start acting like ur from there 😂😂
He's such a mess isn't he with his strange dress sense and the way that he speaks.
I also hate the fact that they've pushed football onto little Ru, he was happy playing with his cars.
Oh and Heze put that bloody football down for a bit. The obsession with football is a bit too much. He needs to enjoy other things as well
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I have a 2yr daughter. We have a big detached 3 bed house and huge garden (not a brag) just giving an idea to compare. Needs total renovation and we are doing it room by room. I genuinely can not imagine another 6 kids living here plus a dog (whose now not been seen on 2 vlogs). It feels full sometimes with just us 3 let alone gonna be 7, who dance, kick balls, run around like their in the Olympics and perform gymnastics. Notice the girls still havent been given dance lessons. Although not illegal to share rooms with siblings it is "recommended" in legislation that once 10 or over you should be given your own space/room.
The girls room looks unfit to live in. Why hasnt Dim given it a makeover while they have been off? They have stated on every social media outlet that they had no effects or symptoms of Covid so i ask, why did they need a break and why havent they used the time constructively to get the house suitable for kids.
I think they are total hypocrites. They preach honesty and truth but they have for sure been upto something else during that time. They didnt even have the decency to post a story until a week after to say they were ok. How is that being honest and truthful to very supportive and clearly obssessed fans. They are hiding something.
Plus its already feels likeworlds longest pregnancy n its still only in the 1st trimester. God help us all now.
Dim redecorating would be a vlog to watch... he wouldn't be able to paint a wall without throwing gang signs evey 2 seconds. He'd be screaming yaa heard meeee & doing his ridiculous sultry eyes and pout. Then after a minute oe 2 he'd make Hosanna do it all
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I think its coz their bone bloody idle and taking kids to school is to much of an inconvenience. It would mean extra preparation, extra work, washing, organising and they simply cant be arsed. The kids would bloom in school. Not so long ago there was a video bout Hosanna not being able to read.

The kids can't go to school now coz they wouldost probably be bullied or face peer pressure and they simply do not know how to deal with such emotion. Its all well and good saying they want to be the ones who influence the children but they are actually harming their social and interactive skills. Hosanna thinks you socialise by dancing in the background and stroking her parents who show no interest. Very sad.
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That is true. I know lot's of black women in Uk wanting to get with white men so they can have light skin babies and lots of white women wanting to get with black men so they can have mixed babies. They literally say that is what they are looking for. Personally when I was dating, it was to get a good man. My kids skin colour didn't make a difference. I think mixed relationships are good, as long as children are taught their heritage and roots on BOTH sides. And as long as the parents aren't insulting the kids looks and skin

Also Black history month is more of an American thing. It isn't taught in schools here. If they havebstarted teaching it here recently then it is relatively. As it was never on the British curriculum. Uk concentrates in European history mainly. The only thing I ever heard about Black History Month growing up was on Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Sister Sister or when Americans would talk about it on tv

*relatively new i meant to say lol
I must say black history month has been taught for over 15+ years in the UK. Every month of October in every school I went to but probably depends on the areas I’ve been in
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I have a sneaking suspicion that Tim is abusive... Mentally for sure, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is physical. Those kids seem terrified of both their parents at times. That one video where Hallie looked absolutely crestfallen when Tim called her a "big head" and she even asked him at one point "What is wrong?" She just looked so beaten down.

I do think Ella is a strong personality but somehow has fallen prey to this Droop the Dog looking cool and his abusive ways. I don't see that there is really any way out for her, though. She seems to do whatever he wants even though you can tell she hates the life she is living. Those poor girls are treated as domestic servants and the boys are damn princes. It breaks my heart seeing those two boys running around outside having a blast while the girls toil away inside like Cinderella.

Something has to give at some point. Their YouTube channel is really not a success and I assume they're living on whatever money their kids bring in from acting. I wonder of Ella will snap and divorce this lazy sack of shit, or what? I can't see it happening. I just hope they quit procreating. I am sure she was hoping for twins so they'd get views and Tim would maybe stop implanting his seed on her... She looks so DONE with all of this.
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I have recently come across this family. At first I thought they seemed like a nice genuine family; bringing up their children to have good morals and respect. However the more I see of there vidoes the more confused I have become.

They talk alot about manners and being respectful; that kind of thing.

Yet they think it is perfectly acceptable to allow their son to kick a football around a supermarket. And allow there three young daughters to dance to innapropriate music and dance in a way that isnt age appropriate either. Im not blaming the children, I am blaming the parents.

I think they need to re-evaluate there family morals because they say one thing and then do another.

Does anyone else also get the impression that they actually think they are the perfect family/parents? It's like there way of life, views and opinions are right and everyone else is wrong.
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Almost time for a new thread, post your thread name suggestions and vote!!!!! My suggestions. Can't wait to hear you guys funny ideas

1. Dim & Elladerberry obsessed with fame, dont bother watching they think their viewers are lame

2.The boys are favoured, the girls are slaves. Nobody can read & they all misbehave
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I can already predict a toxic , unhealthy , competitive and extremely jealous relationship happening between the three oldest girls as they become teenagers and adults but especially between Hosanna and Halle as they get older. They have those girls competing with eachother with their looks and it’s very clear Hosanna is already struggling with how she looks and from comments the poor kid has made in videos you can tell she feels Halle is the prettier sister. I can see Hosanna battling with a lot of insecurities the older she gets comparing herself and it could damage her relationship with Halle especially which I wouldn’t wish to happen on any sisters I hope it doesn’t happen. It doesn’t help that they’re all in an agency for modelling. They have this obsession of wanting all their kids to become well known or famous in some way. They want the boys to be famous from ‘talent’ and the girls to have careers based on how they look. I know the world will always need child models for clothes etc I understand but I don’t like the possible damage it can do to young girls as it has them thinking about their looks from an extremely young age.
There’s a difference in thinking your child is talented and could do well in child modelling and forcing them into it for your own gratification. But I can’t help but feel it’s more about easy income for the family cos Tim doesn’t actually want to graft for his large family.
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In one of the videos heze has to make his own breakfast and that is fine but she actually says how “ he has to sort himself out” if it was me I’d have to make my kids dinners and lunches because I’m cooking for everyone else so it just goes to show they eat crap and fend for themselves no doubt
by all means have as many kids as you want. But when the older siblings have to do a large share of parenting of the little ones whilst not having an education or social activities outside the family it’s not ok. I do think another baby will be more on Hosanna’s shoulders but she will do it all so her parents praise her for being a “little mummy” 😔
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I find it weird that they keep talking to the whole family bout making love all the time. And the time Tim kept saying he was hor*y. I was like WTF is he saying this for. Their always talking about feeling frisky for each other. Its just weird. They need to shut up with that stuff. Its embarrassing & they think it makes them look cool.

Also find it disrespectful how Tim always has to remind everybody he slept around anytime Ella mentions he was her first. Its rude to keep reminding his wife of that. Why does either of them feel the need to share that information

For sure Ellas parents wish both of their asses got a job & stopped being lazy & greedy
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Heze needs interaction other than his little sisters & other than playing with little children it’s very sad
Its not healthy for an almost teen boy to be constantly hanging around with 1,3 & 5 year olds all the time
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