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VIP Member
Thank you. Yeah I think the reason it upsets me so much is because it makes me hate myself even more for being so dumb. I should be above this shit at my age! ❤
Don’t rush the process! Love is difficult. Heartbreak is difficult. You are doing the best you can. I spent six years mad at myself and someone because I couldn’t get over him. Only after that, the following two years, I started to make tangible progress once I allowed myself to be. You will get through it all. I believe in you. 😊


Chatty Member
Does anyone know how long a GP is supposed to take to get back to you when you're a new member, if at all? On their website it says to fill out the form, which I did cause I wanted to go and actually do something about my depression/anxiety and I've literally heard nothing and on my NHS app the address of my GP hasn't changed from my old one (which I can't get too anymore) 🙃
I've also been putting off ringing them up because of anxiety/social anxiety, and i hate talking to people at GP surgeries/people in charge of anything cause I always feel like they think I'm completely dumb and they always act so patronising.

You haven't mentioned how long you've waited so far but unfortunately they can take as much time as they like. My GP has known me since birth and it is still impossible to get an appointment with her unless booking 6+ weeks in advance. RecentlyI had to go to another GP in the practice as I couldn't wait. This took an email and 3 phone calls from me to stress how important this appointment was for me. Even then it was a 12 day wait.

Are there any walk in clinics near you? I lived in a different city for college and there was a great walk in clinic that you could book online and usually be seen next day, just have to fill in some details. This could be a good filler appointment for you until you can get to your trusted GP!

Professor Farnsworth

Well-known member
God i dont even cry anymore. I just sit 😐

I feel like now the sertraline is starting to work on my anxiety i have nothing else. I existed on anxiety, rushing around from 1 panic to the next.
Sertraline made me feel like that. Everything was just meh and it killed my libido dead. That’s when I changed to Venlafaxine.


VIP Member
That sounds so tough your an amazing mum keep going ❤ My daughters 16 and struggled so much recently trying to support her in the right way when she doesn’t want referring as she’s just started college is so hard to know what to do for them!
does her college have any resources available? I know my cousin's did. From my own experience dealing with mental health stuff at her age - I found when my parents just being there was enough sometimes. They were also there to chat if I needed, and when I wanted to seek help were able to be an advocate for me (liaising with the gp/psychologist etc). Being a teenager can really suck, my best wishes to both of you ♥
Are you not? Randomly clicked on this thread and that's news to me after 5 years :ROFLMAO: #modelpatient
While you technically *can* drink while taking fluoxetine, it’s not recommended as far as I know.

Hey all, I've had abit of a dip, insomnia has reared its ugly head again, what I'd give for a good night's sleep.
Was expecting it tbh, had my dog pts last month, has affected me really bad, plus falling out with oh, I just feel like screaming fuck you all and running away, but Ive done that before, this time I'm just gonna curl up in bed. Hugs to you all.
I’m sorry you are feeling this way 💗 Insomnia is a bitch, is there anything you can do to distract yourself and unwind?


VIP Member
I know sometimes you just want to get it out somewhere without unsolicited advice, but things will get better for you, hold on to that hope. Try not to fall into the trap of feeling like you need to fix everything at once or by a fixed date. Imagine if someone came to you with how you were feeling, would you give them a deadline? Would you see your friends as burdens if the roles were reversed? Looking for somewhere nice but cheaper to live could alleviate a lot of stress and you’ll find a better job when you’re up to it - be gentle on yourself 🙏🏻
Thanks, the deadline is just because I need to have a fixed date in my head that if it’s still so hard I have a plan. There’s unfortunately nothing cheaper in my area and the ones that are are so hideous I just can’t face living in a horrible bedsit - I’d have to move out of the city away from the friends I do have which is probably one of my main protective factors at the moment. There’s a lot of things I am realising are quite impossible to sort at the moment and have no real motivation to get myself out of this situation either.
No not with being jealous as such, but I do know for a fact that often things are not as them seem and that no one really gets a full hand even though they might appear to. You just don't know what someone's reality really is. I've known plenty of people who look like they have it all but cant stand their partners or are getting beaten up or they have cancer etc. I think you just have to try to be happy in yourself and to think that your health is the main thing that matters, not money, boyfriends, good looks etc.
Thank you for your support ❤ These are some wise words, and while I do agree with you, I’m pretty sure she does not have cancer or get beaten up (not like I wish that upon her, not at all). My physical health is okay, I’m thankful for that, but my mental health is in shreds.

Those things are just material, she could be going through hell on the inside so take it at face value.
Well, obviously I will never know that. I know jealousy is stupid, I know it will pass, but it’s just so tough right now 🙁 Thank you for taking your time to reply 💗


VIP Member
I finally reached out to my GP that I've been struggling with depression and anxiety - in particular, with my sleeping.

I have been prescribed Sertraline and I've only started taking it for two days. I feel quite sick for a bit a couple of hours afterwards, then have a massive crash in my energy levels at around 3pm. I was thinking of taking it before bed but apparently it can affect sleep so do I stick it out in the mornings or test out evenings?
Im on sertraline too. I felt the same in the afternoon. I take mine at 10am due to other medications and by the afternoon i was napping. Happy to say this is no longer the case.

While i think my overall mood is improving, my anxiety is touch and go. Some days im ok, other days its terrible. My desire to do things is a bit up and down too. The GP is going to speak to me once Ive been on 3 months to discuss going up in dose or switching. I felt like week 3-5 i felt much better and its like its wearing off or i am getting used to it. So im hoping a higher dose will do the trick