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Chatty Member
I really thought tonight’s vlog was much improved and I think it was because there was much less of Philip
I wasn't too irritated by tonight's vlog until the cult member Julia turned up in the end. Her sucking up to Stefanny was the most cringe thing I have ever seen. Where do they dig up these people with hedgehog brains? Sorry, I'm being disrespectful to hedgehogs again.
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Never one to pass up the opportunity to make a quick buck, SJ has struck gold.

Briefing notes for FRK's branding "expert" to play about with:

Jarvis & Jansen, agence immobiliere - no chateau too far or too unsuitable to be viewed - we spend your money for you. Reasonable fees (excludes travel expenses and 5* accommodation) - discounted rate for members of the Lalande Patreon family. All budgets catered for - the bigger the better. A bespoke service like no other.

(Julia's "testimonial" speech at supper was beyond belief. A mixture of sycophantic fandom and almost evangelical zeal in praise of Stephanie. I half expected a gospel choir to rise up through the lawn. Breathtakingly, toe curlingly awful. It says a lot about La Jarvis - and not in a good way - that the nauseating tribute was included in the vlog.)
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In defence of Erin, (the Intrepid Chatelaine) and JB, they do do a lot of the hard graft (back breaking, nasty jobs) themselves. From what I understand she was previously an anaesthetist. I do know that she is descended from aristocracy. Her great grandmother was Lady Edith Kotewall. I'm guessing they are asset rich, cash poor. Don't agree with the scrounging, even though it is supposedly to make the chimneys structurally safe.
As to the comment about forcing women into corsets, I'd go quite happily. I'm a vintage 30's - 50's dresser. Mostly 40s style. I like corsets, suspenders and seamed stockings. Makes me feel sexy and feminine.
Finally, the use of the C word. In the words of an old friend, (you have to imagine this in a gorgeous Scottish accent), "Cunt!.... What an ugly word for such a beautiful organ!". That's enough of me gobbling off. I'll go back to purring at your comments. Goodnight my lovely Tattlers! ❤
Completely agree with everything you've said. I enjoy watching renovations and seeing something brought back to life. In one of the ETTCDIY it mentioned she was an anaesthetist.
I am watching some of the other vlogs when I have a chance and the ones showing behind the scenes grafting are the ones that hold the most interesting content.
Sean's world for example, showed his work behind the scenes at The Petherick abodes, and there's a lot that goes on. Whatever anyone says about The Pethericks, Pa Petherick never stops. As Sean was leaving there he was cutting hedges. The man is a powerhouse.
Ed and Anna, got stuck in after flooding occurred. That looked truly awful, I hope they sort it out.
The Fleuries show a lot of renovation work which I enjoy.
Chateau Diaries could do with more work and no play. It is more interesting showing work being done on the Chateau (without snorting and huhuhu in the background)
Saying that though, a lot of people probably watch for their lifestyle as that is the category I think it fits best in.
Dan is hilarious, I enjoy the way he presents his vlogs. He doesn't varnish anything and he will have a go and think his way round things.
Selmar, well he seems to have lost his way a bit. I notice a few have called him out for his lack of work on the shitoo. If we think back this past year, he was constantly working when isabelle was there. He was a regular feature on her Vlogs for Cadeau and gave a lot of his time to those (probably part of his contract) so he was part of the success of it all. Now she is more mobile and he is also mobile, they aren't about as much. With the place in the woods, I think he would be better off not bothering. It would cost too much to lay foundations for a camper not including the cost of tree cutting. He expects a lot for an expensive Chicken toilet!
I agree the morality is an issue. But, just as you use a standard to justify your moral stance (a small thing, the bad language) so too can these chatelaines use a standard (one of necessity) to justify themselves. The morality though must be tempered by the value proposition of the matter. If you run a business, and you need capital for project or expansion or whatever, then you issue shares, not a begging letter. The shares issue is then under control of proper business ethics and usually handled by a third party. Also, taxes must be managed simultaneously. Then, everyone is happy that the value is reasonable, and the share holder has some material share. Most importantly, shareholders have a right to take the management to task for their activities. It can be argued that is what a patreon account confers, but the legal strength is less solid. just my 2 cents worth.
Nail hit right on the head. Where are the other share holders and why aren't they sorting out renovations? Patrons possibly think they have certain rights given the levels of patronage on offer. A proper contract drawn up with shares would guarantee an income and also give as you say a return for works completed.
Currently they pay for a lot of faff, apartments for people who don't live there and quite frankly appalling taste in decor.
They also support the mediocre who assume they have a gift for vlogging. Only Dan stands out as someone with a modicum of talent. Philip, should just stop. He is an appalling editor, a bad cameraman, has dubious taste in Stephanie's cast offs...I could go on but he needs to up his game!
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The downstairs loo has now become the roosterhospital...omg..a rooster in the loo...peacocks in the hallway...its getting more and more weird...the garden is a mess..lotts of garlic, we saw them before...planted 50 cm between two... :rolleyes: a lot of getting in the seed lettuce...take those out..and put them in the bin...5 miserable strawberries..What happened to all the seeds the old cow received?? and all the things they had sowed in sign of tomatoes or cucumbers...not even a sign of plants in the greenhouse clearly that all went wrong..Wasnt there also mentioning of big arches grown with flowers and beans??

Maybe its better for the patreons to send socks...then seeds...socks you can stuff in your underwear,:rolleyes: or at your feet....seeds and plants you have to take care for..clearly not their biggest goal...
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
What's in it for her?
The same as what’s in it for all of them: to beat boredom. Those people are clueless when it comes to being able to entertain themselves and they need parties on repeat, even though nobody really likes those fucked up gatherings. Or each other, for that matter.
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You hit it on the head!!!
Yes ..... it is a farmhouse and it would be lovely with country style gardens a plenty around the house , sweet chicken huts , sheds and out buildings a'la Hameau de la Reine at Versailles (as she is obsessed with being a modern day Marie Antoinette ) and inside a calmed down country interior sans murano and gilt. I cannot see her doing it thought.... sadly.
You got my point..a very cozy and countrylike interior, just simple but tastefull furniture...basic...surely no Murano and a place like that you have to let nature speak and let the house be a part of it is with a farmhouse..a farmhouse is built to serve the land..not to show off...that fountain in that courtyard is also a big mistake..some sort of big waterbowl for horses would suit much better there.. Make the facade nice and beautifull, paint the windows and make the shutters in good with a lot of flowers ..keep it simple , let your gardens and nature speak for itself and keep the house simple but cozy...fix the terras, get rit of all the weeds, surely remove that awfull terrasstructure those Australians built..Its not so difficult to make it a nice just have to keep in with the age and the purpose of the building..not trying to create something it was never mend to be used for..
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I loved seeing the follies at Ten Berghe. Maybe because there was no snorting and SJ was not manic.
Did anybody else hear her say: "It wouldn't be fair [To have a dog], I travel a lot. Anybody can feed chicken and sheep"
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Geez SJ, while I do commend you for at least knowing you wouldn't be great with a dog, even chicken, peafowl, sheep and Ruby needs looking after, not just feeding...
Please allow me add to your correct comment. This was from the live chat...

Cynthia Lambert LaLande has Diesel, who is a dog. Why does everyone keep saying LaLande needs a dog?

Philip Janssen @cynthia Lambert Diesel doesn’t really like being petted or play fetch or anything

Dogs are excellent at judging someone's character. Diesel doesn't like Philip Janssen.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I can sort of understand that Selmar, up until now, was so seized by SJ’s attention he never bothered to read the memo on what happens when you ‘betray’ her by stating you are going to look for a shattoo of your own (Can you hear her thinking “What’s wrong with mine?” I can…). I mean, English was never his forte, so it’s reasonable to think a lot of what is said around him will not enter his rather practical brain, at least not to be processed enough to make any sense. By now however, even Selmar must admit the writing is quite clearly on the wall of his camper van. Apparently SJ is willing to go out of her way to help aspiring chateau owners, driving two and a half hours for a viewing for somebody she doesn’t even know (but who adores her, that helps) and provide free housing for another ex-volunteer that has dreams of becoming like her. She even lets the wife of the latter be part of her shit show, even though she has already caused a lot of unfortunate bad publicity on social media.

For her once faithful knight in shining armor Selmar, and his dream of having his own place with a ballroom to stumble around in as much as he wants (Whatever happened to those tango lessons? Nobody wants to anymore? Have more useful, pressing things to do?), she has done absolutely nothing, not even a hint of public endorsement of his plans. It took a storm and some broken branches for her to visit him in his new spot and show some interest in what he has been up to, not very genuine interest, I might add.
I can not imagine all of this doesn’t start to eat away at his feelings. Another indefinite departure on the horizon?
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I really should stop watching the genius' vlogs... (I mean Ryan). But I can't help checking if he can go any lower. And I'm never disappointed with him !
You deserve a medal for watching him, he is the most annoying, ignorant and idiotic person ever!
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Incognito Chatelaine

Well-known member
Erin is a qualified doctor and could earn her €20k in a matter of months if she went back to work. Same for her engineer husband. They would rather prance about their chateau all day and let the workers and pensioners pay for their chosen lifestyle!
YES. This is what I find so offensive - there are so many gifted and intelligent young people who would cherish the opportunity to go to medical school, and Erin wastes a very expensive education prancing about with delusions of grandeur. It is quite sickening. Having had a place at medical university brings with it a moral responsibility to one's fellow man.

Shame on you Erin, not only have you WASTED an entire medical education, but you are grifting from the poor and the lonely to fund your indulgent lifestyle. 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮

That pretty is ALL skin deep. Remind you of anyone?
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Interesting conversation between Philip and Stef tonight. Philip: "WE should get a dog Steph" (Note he meant WE not YOU or LaLande should have a dog) Stephanie: "No. I go away too often." (Note she meant I cannot have a dog as I go away too often. Not WE cannot have a dog as we go away too often - signalling no long term view of relationship and he being at LaLande or viewing him as a partner. So, he may have his feet under the table and his leg over Steph but he is not a permanent fixture in her vision.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
isnt nobody here who can shine some light on this??
In some of the early threads we talked about this a lot and tried to find some more information on how the Jarvisses actually got their first chunk of money. We couldn’t find any, but were still suspicious of the their preferred image of IJ being a selfmade millionaire just through hard work as a nurse. In her ‘interview’ with Marie (hardly worth it to call it an interview, such a mess, contentwise and technically) SJ paints an even dimmer picture of poverty in her youth, claiming her parents got to their wealth by restoring a mansion room by room and put residents in. She claims to have inherented all her skills from her parents, but clearly, restoring room by room isn’t one of them. Now grifting, yes, she mastered that rather successfully, hence FRK’s admiration for her ’successtory’ inspirational!

i have the feeling this whole business , or better said the Jarvis family ...smells like rotten fish...
You are so right about that. This is the base for her lifestyle: providing social scandal and fun things to chat about amongst fans and admirers, so they won‘t dig any deeper and start asking questions. As always, she gives away bits and pieces though by being sloppy, either in editing her own vlogs or in talking in other ones. She’s just so proud of her succes and fake ‘workethic’, she thinks she’s safe from being exposed. It’s called digging your own grave and she’s putting her everything in it.
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Bored Mermaid CC

VIP Member
Anneliese stayed to look after the kids as they didn’t have a sitter - he mentioned it in his own vlog - and said she would go next time, and he owes her!
Anneliese is a natural beauty, has a great sense of humor and she’s not a petty bitch with a nasty attitude-such a breath of fresh air when we see her on Dan’s vlogs
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Dippy Hippy

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The chicken Palace was one of the jobs that Selmar was supposed to be doing, then we were told BJJ was organising buying some sort of hen house. Obviously not going to happen. Nothing gets finished quickly or even started in the magical fantasy world Lalande, and I expect the fast French dogs or Fredrick and Fredrica Fox will pick the hens and peacocks off one by one, while the chateau inhabitants are sleeping off the hangovers from the parties. I wonder if the Patreons realise that as the pandemic recedes, the chateau will become a party palace once again and boring repairs will be forgotten. I love a good party, especially fancy dress, but it must be boring to go to endless rounds of parties, with the same people at them. How many more parties will we see before Patreon and YouTube subscribers start to drop away? So many people have lost their livelihoods, businesses, health due to the pandemic. We are at the beginning of the fallout. The Lalanders and their crowd just party on regardless, oblivious, grabbing rubbish gifts, incomes they don't work for..
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Chatty Member
All they have to do is see one Gift Grab and the Tax Collectors will see 💰 and you would be shocked at what Google translate can accomplish. Just the red tape and accountant fees alone would make anyone go crazy. And do not forget the Water Police went after and bullied her and it was a HMN then and now is a bigger HMN. She pisses off enough people in town when she pulls stunts like rolling into the marche at closing time to film and fluff about so she has to be on someone’s radar.
The local Water Police didn't bully her.
They sent a letter to tell château de Lalande's owners to meet the new EU regulations about water systems and lakes.
They must have told her in the same letter that there would be a fine if they didn't comply.

She just panicked and decided on her own to simply empty the lake. Problem solved (in her mind).

In the comments section when asked about it, she said herself that she didn't get any written orders from the Water Police to empty the lake (I was the one who was asking and at that time, she answered all the comments).

All the lakes' owners in France and Europe got the same letter at the same time.

Not all of them emptied their lakes and put the blame on others.
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Chatty Member
Look who popped into to live chat... 😷 👁 🤒
Doing It Ourselves I won’t have a video tomorrow as I’m sick with a cold and conjunctivitis in my left eye
Boy Trotter doesn't have a video because he spent a week in Madrid and just recently got home. He's been seen.
So I think it's not cold and conjunctivitis but COVID and trichomoniasis.
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Incognito Chatelaine

Well-known member
I do disagree. Who knows why she went to medical school. Was her heart truly in it? Or was it external (usually family/parent) pressure? She wanted the prestige? Money? Every class has to have someone graduating at the bottom, maybe that was her and she had enough. (NO evidence of that, just saying that has to happen to someone.)

She changed her mind. For whatever reason. Humans are allowed to do that. We can all change careers if we decide we're not happy with how we spend the majority of our waking hours. Or, quit working altogether if you can afford it. I won't judge you. There's no moral responsibility to sacrifice your personal happiness for everyone else.

Now, you want to ask other people to fund something you want in your life, that is a different issue. Sure you get judged for that.

I personally faced a crossroads after 25 years in a career that was in a giving, helping profession. Veruca Salt was hired as my new boss. A real quote she said in a meeting when she adhered to a crazy deadline "Because I WANT IT!" ?!!! Shades of childhood movies. I googled. Found the Veruca Salt meme and DAMN discovered my boss even LOOKED like Veruca Salt. Age that Veruca to age 45 and you got my new boss. Was I motivated to achieve goals so Veruca could get her bonus and promotion? NO. QUIT. Do I use my degree earned a bazillion years ago? It taught me to think a certain way despite leaving the field, so kinda. Do I have any moral responsibility to continue working to save the lives of everyone else on the planet, at the expense of my mental and physical health? NO. Neither does Erin. You can call me Erin-phending if you want. I have laid out my case from personal experience.

Now I want things, I won't ask you to pay for them. I found another career and investments that pay far better. But again, that's a different issue than leaving a career to do something else, even if it's running a chateau business.
It is the grifting, in the context of her background, that bothers me so much.

I have no problem with someone having a valid reason for leaving the medical profession, it can be a punishing life, but this begging for funds when she has the wherewithall to easily raise those funds herself, pushes the immorality to a whole new level.

Some people are offended by my response to this, and that is their privilege. I have been a member for a long time and have never before shared a post like that... but I cannot help but wonder... to those who are more offended by my bad language than the absolutely amoral behavoir of these grifters.

It would appear that not all moral barometers are the same, if squandering more than a quarter of a million pounds of (over-burdened) NHS funds, to become an internet beggar, is more offensive than my raw and rude expression of contempt.
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New member
Well hallo..

Ever since I discoverd this wonderfull place late januari, its been nothing less than entertaining during my late evenings.
Always told myself to only read. Well… until now :)

youtube recommended the newest video of FRK. A promo-video. My mind is crinching. Truely. Time to join tattle offficially.
fist second in, “succses stories”. Yep,

as you may have noticed english is not my native language. I’m sorry in advance :)
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