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Well-known member
Watching, with pain, the manic madness of this latest vlog, I can only applaud Ian the builder who has obviously worked out how to maximise and seriously extend his 'work'. He'll be there for ever given the endless so called treasures that are being found, requiring re-work and re-doing constantly. Fair play Ian 👏👏👏👏

Also, watching a 50 something man wrestle with huge planks on his own, while the 24 yr old baby ponces about doing nothing makes my blood boil. How about a bit of help, or is anything over the weight of a fork too much?
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Green Fairy

VIP Member
BJJ was planting the plants directly into the pots. This is a no-no as there's no drainage and the roots will rot. The ceramic pots are called cachepots. The word cachepot is French from the French verb cacher, meaning "to hide". Cachepots are vase-like containers to aesthetically hide a growing pot holding the plant itself to provide greenery indoors. So you repot the plant into a bigger pot, then place it in the cachepot.

Also what was all that nonsense twirling about in the attic in her red nightie? And taking down ceilings in rooms already done, for the sake of some tatty brown painted beams? She's insane and I hope her patrons call her out because that is just taking the piss with the money they donate. By all means have a little section of the attic showing those beams for posterity, but let's not waste money hiring an expert in the field to do a survey, then possibly destroying some rooms.

And also Dan/Kirsty could you please do some weeding in the fountain beds? It looks terrible.

And I'm speechless about the downstairs loo. Stupid to have put up the chandelier and Venetian mirror but did no-one think to wrap them in something. They're filthy. Good work from Selmar but could he not have contrived to put the fossils stone somewhere else but under the toilet?

Really frustrated with the stupidity of most of tonight's vlog.
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Chatty Member
Another good one...

N O'Connell
13 hours ago
Don't Davy, Marie and Antoine need to quarantine / wear masks / eat separately from the rest?



And a beautiful one :

Robert West
Robert West
9 hours ago
I love that Nic, Marie and Antoine are home. Imagine the young man who co-signed their contract so many years ago now seeing what the eloquent and elegant Stephanie has achieved for them. His constant phone calls, re-assurance, guidance and so many times, financial assistance over the years. Well done to both Nic and Stephanie. Then imagine Antoine on a John Deer gator, battery run - green and clean - delivering things for Dan and Davy around the estate, smiling from ear to ear!
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Chatty Member
Oh Oh...
From the latest CD vlog

Darcy Mc
1 hour ago
Were the friends and family who are getting apartments at the chateau always getting them or just since money is coming in from patrons? Are they contributing to the cost? It would have been nice if they'd invested in the chateau earlier to generate money for needed repairs.

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I meant - Snorts thinks he is the Master of the SHITOO!
stupid computer.
I think Philip has far more about him than many give him credit for. Firstly, he arrived as a volunteer and began by being put to work on quite challenging tasks, including the re-upholstery ofd g a sofa. The skills needed at the chateau were these sorts of skills, cleaning, cooking and gardening. Philip very quickly made it clear that his many allergies and lack of cooking skills would keep him out of the kitchen. He has stated he does not like gardening. He does not like any kind of work that involves getting his hands dirty. Normally, this would have been sufficient to ensure he was shown the door. But he wasn't. Why? Well, firstly he ingratiated himself with Steph - telling her she was beautiful. He mirrored her every interest and desire. Why slave away in a kitchen or garden (where she never is) when you can be right by the very person who can further your ambitions. It is a well known fact that those serving the bed chamber of royalty have the ear of their employer. So there he was, entrenching himself in her interests in auctions, shopping, spending. Driving her where she wanted to go. Being utterly attentive when she was unwell. Being prepared to be her "lady in waiting" or servant of the bed chamber. In addition, she was attracted to him. He has - to her - charisma. Sure to some it might be creepy but to her she has a young, attractive man with an intense interest in her. He wants what she wants - to be a Youtube star, to enjoy a high level of disposable income, a chateau filled with knick knacks and the opportunity to travel. She takes him with her wherever she goes now - it won't change when she is climbing onto the Orient Express, visiting Venice and so on. He has influence - Marie and Nati have no time for him - Gerry. Isabelle don't acknowledge him in the live vlogs. If he had no influence, they would not care. He now has a home, a relationship and, most importantly, is learning the craft of being a Youtuber. He is right where he wants to be at the moment. If he wants time off to go auditioning or performing, he has it. The best way you can further your career is to align yourself with the boss.
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Parrfect Porcelane

Well-known member
From today's Chateau Unwrapped - I doubt even Rolaids, Pepto Bismol and Tums mixed together could help me feel better after reading this nonsense.

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Watching today's Stupidity. The attic is being redone by morons. Too long to explain here.
Snorts is a 12 year old girl. His family raised him in a playpen. Useless..
The attic is rediculous..the weigth of all those beams..4 persons at 50 euro an hour, makes 200 euro an hour, thats 1600 euro a day...for What?? and then i didnt even calculate the wood and other materials...insane..Andd now she wants to rip the ceiling out..hire a specialist..and then restore the ceiling with its original patern...what looks horrible..She says the patern will look paaarfect with the wallpaper...or what is left of it when you put a plasterceiling out...what a bunch of morons...
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I'm surprised no one has commented on Selmar's crown. Apparently it was a gift from Tatyana, Selmar's Internet love interest.

I enjoyed Philip being put in his place as the three co owners went out to discuss the plans. The bliss! No snort, no squeal and a decision on the plans.

Philip-shirt- no words. How did they manage to stay so polite? Is he running out of clothes to wear ? Is he hoping for a modelling contract? I snorted my tea out when Steph showed tiny sausages after filming his attire.
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Why is the attic being insulated again? If it's just going to be one massive storage for costumes, what's the point of insulating it?
4000 euros for 100 rolls of insulation courtesy of patrons, so the costumes can stay warm all winter. :poop:
(Edit: Thanks @lalablahblah for the clarification! It does make sense to insulate the attic to keep the lower floors warm. But we all still think people who don't live in that Chateau shouldn't be paying for it.)


"A unanimous decision by the stakeholders of Chateau de Lalande!"
How infuriating to see how these 'stakeholders' get to 'renovate' and maintain their chateau (and their business) at the expense of other people!
Living a life of endless parties and pointless spending paid for by blind followers. I so want to invoke bad Karma on these people for taking advantage of the weak, lonely and gullible! :mad:


Happy 53rd Birthday, Lord Farquaad! 🤡 :m

Lord Farqhuar.png
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Chatty Member
Selmar made his apple cake and oh, just happened to mention he added nuts to it! He really doesn’t care about dear Philip at all, does he?
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Wee Donkey

Active member
Update on the fracas in YT comments. Apparently suggesting that going from France to Spain in a lockdown, and staying in in expensive hotels for weeks on end, is 'nasty', and obsessive, and I should go outside for a while.

Apparently St Michael is followed on YT because he is 'talented'. I have suggested why, if he is SO talented, why is he not producing and selling prints/original artworks via a website, say..
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Antoine, Marie and Nic at Lalande :

2 explanations for them to be at Lalande.

1. Antoine is missing 3 school days (school break from 13th to 14th of April in Belgium for Ascension). So they left on Friday night or Saturday and be back next weekend.

2. It was filmed at Easter. And so...they were all at Lalande at Easter despite what was said to the viewers.
I don’t know, seems like a lot of work to keep your holiday that secret. SJ announced earlier though that they were coming. They’ve shown before not to care too much about Covid regulations anyway, so why care now... People are still dying and trying to organise their lives around the covid restrictions in a responsible way, but I guess when you are infected with the HMN-virus you miraculously don’t need to worry about that anymore.

I guess the idea to sell their share to someone else who wants in, and get out of there, would never occur to them. That is another way to avoid giving SJ money. Instead of helping her grift. The fact that they don't choose that path says a lot. Does Marie truly LIKE SJ that much, she likes the lifestyle, the bragging rights of being associated with a place & a person on TV, or she just blindly follows her husband who has heart eyes for another woman? Or all four? None of them are a good look for Marie.
Marie has made her bed and decided to just sleep in it. She despises SJ as much as SJ despises her, but by marrying SJ’s top tier patron/flying monkey there’s not much she can do. What she could do is keep her son safe from these prying predator eyes and guerillia grannies, but even that seems too much trouble for her. Says a lot about her, three out of four is just as bad.
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We could start calling Michael Trotter 'Michael Angelo', as apparently he is SO talented he compares favourably in comparison. I mean, that Chateau design he was forced to sign over 12 months ago, and went public with in Jan, equals the level of output the designer and painter of The Last Supper in the Sistine Chapel, The Creation of Adam, and of course the statue of David. I hear the Tate, and National Portrait Gallery are making space as we type..
I understand that the trip to Madrid was to enable Trotter to secure models for his new improved version of The Creation of Adam. I would appear to be complete.


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Why does that woman insist upon vlogging herself in bed? And why does she need to do it while obviously naked? There is a time and place for innuendo and flashing a little skin. This vlog isn't it. I certainly hope she had clothes on when she was standing at the window filming the peacocks...

Stephanie, I really do hope you are here reading this. Or maybe the seamstress? Or Nati? Either of you aught to get some pleasure out of telling SJ... The start of your vlog with you looking like you had a rough night is vulgar, cheap, and inappropriate...
Come on! Show some class and elegance!! Don't be a pig with lipstick! Don't be a mule in a horse harness!
After the age of consent through the 20's maybe 30's, sure flash the flesh to get what you want and need. Otherwise what's the point of being a hottie... But buttercup, at your age? It's time to use what's inside...
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Green Ink

Active member
How long will it be before they kill that orchid?
It is probably dead already. Baby Nuts was talking about cutting off the pot with scissors, as though he was planning to shove it in one of those ugly ceramic pots. Anyone who knows anything about epiphytic orchids knows to plant them in a loose bark/moss mix. They grow on tree trunks FFS. I was horrified that he was planting all those houseplants directly into pots with no drainage holes.
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Well-known member
Just watched today's video. I never thought I would be so glad to see Potty...but I was.
Snorts looked like a freak in his "see - through" shirt from Fanny's closet. No one wants to see what he ain't got.

Was it just me or was he finally starting to realize that this affair won't last once people with personalities start returning to the Shitoo ( even if they have odd personalities). Maybe a little niggling of " oh, oh, I may not be as important as I THINK I am". I love it....he is SO full of himself.
Yes, loved when she mentioned that Nic was filming - BJJ slowly being kicked out of the in-crowd 😃😃
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I do not believe Philip has the allergies to the level he states. Probabley more an intolerance versus an alkergic reaction. I have friends and family members with such severe allergies, one misstep causes severe illness. This includes eggs, peanuts, gluten, dairy and strawberries. Living in the middle of nowhere I would have thought he would be cooking his own food and ensuring cross contamination is 100% avoided. Eg you can't use the same toaster for gluten bread as non gluten. Cutlery and serving utensils are kept seperately. That his allergies are left to others is totally irresponsible. If you have seen a reaction to eggs, peanuts or gluten in a child you would be frightened to the level of having a seperate kitchen. It is terrifying.
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I'm just very curious why people think BJJ is straight and with SJ? It's been obvious to me that he is quite gay and has replaced SJ's former GBF (Gay Best Friend) MPK. I'm gay. My gaydar, as they say, goes off. He has many traits of a, clothing, collecting things like Spode, etc. I'm not criticizing him or saying he's a gay cliché. I'm just stating what I feel is obvious to me..just like it was obvious to me from the beginning that MPK was gay. There's an ambiguity in behavior that a gay person might do if they don't want to come out publicly. Never has BJJ ever spoken of an old girlfriend or's all about avoiding chats that could draw attention.
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