The Chateau Diaries #315 500.000€ spent on the chapel made Saint Joseph drop dead.

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Congratulations @TorontoGWM for naming the thread and @Lady Avonlea for nominating it. I took some creative liberties.

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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member

Monday at 4:05 AM
Ratso loves Michael Pethrick

Mummy loves Michael Pethrick

Percy loves Michael Pethrick

Ratso Loves Mummy

Percy & Mummy hate Snorty

Mummy & Percy really hate Snorty dumping his excess porcelain in their flat and the excessive gifts they've been sent.
(Why are people still sending gifts????)

Everyone loves Michael Pethrick!!!
Boy, did MP ever brighten up today's CD. Suck on that Snorty!!!

Reactions:You, Pencil Pine Principessa, billybudd and 47 others

Lady Avonlea

VIP Member

Monday at 4:16 AM
Suggestion - Joseph dropped dead when he heard over 500,000€ was spent on his chapel instead of feeding and clothing the poor

Reactions:You, The Saint, Sunnee and 46 others

T Rex

VIP Member

Monday at 2:23 AM
IJ looked thrilled to see TeaBag. And TeaBag was so genuine in greeting Percy, and asked if he could take his bag. When have we ever seen Snorts do such a thing?

If TeaBag wasn't there, the windows would not have gotten cleaned. I agree- the whole atmosphere is better with him around! Fanny choose the wrong gay man to be fake-engaged to.

Reactions:You, StarrD1927, KitKat_theNewRat and 45 others


VIP Member

Monday at 1:56 AM
Michael is so fun unlike the peach & tuna boy. Michael fits in but Snorty had to mind trick everyone & is still the odd toe sock kid. Michael shines brighter than the bling chapel but Phi Phi is like that gunk on the bottom of your strawberry shoe!

Reactions:You, The Saint, Alice Strictknickers and 44 others

Imperious Me

VIP Member

Monday at 2:00 AM
Snorts was sweating cobs when they all came into the apartment... was he working hard or was it guilt from raiding her undies drawer?

"..and what the f'k are we supposed to do with this load of old shite?"

Reactions:You, The Saint, JDude and 44 others

Miss Trunchbull

VIP Member

Tuesday at 2:40 AM
Can we just appreciate the amount of food offered to the home crew …..this pic is just half the table …….it’s quite nauseating how indulgent they are with themselves yet scam the guests with pickings…

Reactions:You, One Mad Collie, Sunnee and 42 others

As always thank you all who contribute
Remember we have a wiki
Happy Tattling.
Reactions: 40
Thanks a bunch, Countess Rose

*While I do want to get on the haydur train, I find it pretty hard to imagine how Ratso could have killed a flock of chickens. Anyone who has tried to kill a chicken knows it isn't easy, especially if they outweigh you, are taller than you, and you have bulging eyes. He would have been injured. Pine martens can do the job swiftly and for the sport of it, accessing the walled garden (if that's where the massacre took place), via trees on the outside and across and down the colonnade beams and pillars. They can leap six feet. And have been seen on Philip's forest web cam. Stephanie calls them stoats and says they've only had one previous poultry kill at Lalande. Completely doubtful.
And, poultry nurturers, don't foxes just carry away their dinner instead of killing everybody and taking nothing?*

You would be surprised what carnage a dog can cause even the "nice" ones who want to "play". They will shake the chicken until the neck breaks. I had some with horrible wounds on their back which needed to be stapled. Chickens are dramatic which triggers the dog even more, some are smart and fly into a tree or play dead. Most will die from shock even weeks later. Ratso being small is sadly an advantage for him. Yes, a dog can wipe out a good amount of flock especially when clipped. The pea chick appeared traumatised which could be for any reason.
Reactions: 25
How have the careless, negligent, and at times, reckless gruesome twosome routinely endangered the life of Ratso, made the dog neurotic, nippy, etc.?

Will Ratso leap or fall out a window to his death?

Ratso tried to jump out a second story window opening at Tobacco Johnny’s library, If it had not been blocked, Ratso would have likey fallen to his death.

They do not supervise or monitor the tiny dog when playing with giant dogs, running from them , or harassing fema,e dogs because he is a ra Du sex pest.

Will he break his neck in a car accident as the dog is sitting in a too small carrier inappropriately restrained by a neck collar with a too heavy clasp? Or will he die unrestrained in the back seat of “ Andrew’s Porsche?”

Will Ratso be killed falling from Stephanie’s reckless one hand grip on a dog carrying him up and down several stories for no reason whatsoever except to exploit video of the dog for views and to make $$$$$ for herself?

Will Phillip break the dog’s neck dragging him by his collar when the cameras not rolling ( just as he did to Ratso on film before)?

Will Ratso run out into the street again and be killed by a vehicle or the latest Amazon truck delivery?

Will Ratso die from eating poisonous flowers and shrubs, planted in the various crap gardens at the dump?

Will a peacock slash him with his claws or tear up his eyes ( or has that already happened with the dogs left eye. Did Stephanie tear the dog‘s eye with her nails on her giant manhand as she scrapes her hands across his eyes or did one of the roosters that he was chasing or peacock swipe his eye leading to ulceration, scarring, and permanent loss of vision?

Will unrestrained and unmonitored Ratso be killed by a predator, get lost in the woods chasing something or break his legs, fall into the creek and drown, etc.?

Will the dog be dropped on the stone floors at the Dump and crush his skull or legs while being held in the air, over a person’s head.
, or “climbing“ on Steohanie?

Will Phillip break the dog‘s fragile legs or drop the dog as he forcible manhandles the struggling dog against its will?

Will the dog break his legs stumbling down the broken terrace steps or jumping off beds, chairs, and going up and down steps that are too high for a tiny dog to safely navigate?

Is poor Ratso happy about being crammed into the arms of strangers daily or forcibly picked up:constantly?

Does Ratso get locked into strange bathrooms nightly?

Will the dog die from a cold or illness due to not wearing a coat or sweater inside the freezing Dump while everyone else is bundled in sweaters?

Will the dog fall or leap off the piano and break his legs or skull or become agitated due to the tremors under his paws and body?Look at all the
scratch marks and the anxious dog. A fall from this height could seriously injure or kill the dog. Reckless owners.

Will the dog fall when forcibly “ dancing” and slinging a stressed dog over a person’s shoulder and jiggling them against their will? A drunk Phillip forcing the dog to “ dance” and forcibly manhandling his paws and legs?

Forcibly cram the dog‘s fragile legs onto a too small status dog bag for hours?As well as an unsafe far too small car seat crammed between 2 passenger seats in a car?

Failing to trim the dog’s nail, get him neutered, and failing to get his eye injuries and issues addressed.

Failing to teach and train the dog to not bite and nip at humans or their clothing.



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Reactions: 36
How are you feeling?
Thank you for asking

Sore ribs from the constant coughing other than that feels like a crap cold but I do feel knackered but that could be due to having a coughing fit at 2am and not being able to get back to sleep. Plus the heat.

The builder Mr Spratt was working with has owned up, he's the culprit. He didn't bother to test himself until his wife felt rough and did the test.

I don't think people are doing the tests, they just put it down to a summer cold

All in all I think I've had worse colds in the past.
Reactions: 39
IMHO, they were not all killed by a Dump predator. Pathological liar Stephanie came up with the chicken massacre storyline after one of the neighbors had all their chickens killed. FRK supposedly found the chicken massacre back in mid December, 2023. No video, no posting of it.Nothing. Stephanie takes several months to reveal this information to everyone. Why? Because it was a lie. Ratso likely killed or caused the deaths of Spud and Beethoven and likely killed or injured a few chickens. The rest of the chickens and roosters were likely sent to Kirstie’s for rehoming and slaughter. Remember FRK and Stephanie laughing as they were deboning a fresh chicken carcass, likely from some of the chickens at the Dump. FRK was going to be gone for the month of January, 2024 and Stephanie was vacationing for pretty much the entire month of January, 2024. It was just easier to get rid of the rest of the chickens since they didn’t lay eggs in winter, she had too many roosters she had to get rid of anyways, they had not built the chicken castle, and Ratso was still going to be at the dump with either FRK, Amaury,etc. and she didn’t want to risk the dog killing any more chickens.

When Spud was attacked by a dog, Stephanie did a video showing all the feathers everywhere and showing the rooster missing many feathers. She would’ve done the same if there had been a chicken massacre at the dump. FRK may have been the person who let the dog into the chicken pen where he caused the deaths of a few chickens. The chickens were not laying eggs during the winter time, and Stephanie likely gave them to Kirstie, or had her come clean up some of the mess, and Kirstie supposedly was going to have to take in and slaughter or rehome the five or six roosters that Stephanie stupidly hatched for views for the CD Channel. Before Pavlina left the dump in the fall of 2023, she made the comment about how they had too many young roosters, who are growing into maturity, and they had to go to Kirstie’s or be taken care of in some other manner. I do not doubt that a pine marten can clean out an entire chicken coop or that a fox can clean out an entire chicken coop. However, in the case of pathological liar Stephanie Jarvis, it is unlikely that either of these things occurred. She used a visiting new neighbor zealot t plant the fox comments in the CD comment section, and then a week or so later, she came up with her teary-eyed explanation of the chicken massacre by a fox, that she claimed that Amaury may have seen. She has said nothing to protect the dog from a fox, does not put him on a leash, etc.

Stephanie did the fake high prey Ratso licks a peachick lie to detract questions about the dog, chasing the peacock, peahens, and his curiosity and rabid intensity around the chickens and roosters. Planted a comment today under the CD account stating that even though Ratso is a hunting dog ratter, he did not realize it, and he just loves birds, chickens, peahens, I believe they are his friend that he should treat gently. It is all bullshit, smoke and mirrors, control by chaos lies by the Master Beggar/ con artist Stephanie.

I believe you and Billy Budd about Pine martens and foxes killing all the chickens in a pen, I just believe factually, in this situation, that Stephanie was lying about all of them being killed, and all being killed by a fox. Big mouth Stephanie could not have kept a secret like that for several months, and would’ve insisted upon lots of massacre footage, tears on camera, etc. She had to explain what happened to fun and Beethoven and she didn’t want to talk about, or have attention focused on the dog as a potential cause of the death of some of the chickens/ roosters, especially after Stephanie kept taking video of the dog intensely focusing on the chickens and roosters, and she would take the dog into the chicken pen at times. I did a few posts about video footage, comments, the chickens, Ratso, etc. setting up the probable real timeline of when things happened to the chickens and roosters.

She was also able to do some fake crying and set up a storyline for picking up the rooster cartoon that they had framed, and they could weave that story in with the lie of how the two roosters were killed at the dump by a predator. She also gets to pick out some new pretty chickens and give them pretentious names. She can pull a couple of videos Out of this situation.
FYI, a “ lurking account” posted until August 5, 2023 and the stopped posting 3 days before the August 8 and 9, 2023 patron extravaganza. Suddenly, on Saturday, June 22, 2023, the account starts posting again, a weeks or so prior to 2024 Patron days, shit stirring in the forum. When I posted about a “ lurking” account, the account immediately started clicking on hearts, and other emojis on the page where the “ lurking” post was mentioned. Watch out for old created accounts suddenly start posting in the next couple of weeks.
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Reactions: 30
Just name them already. Then they will be outed and the game will be up!
Reactions: 19
It is you Lurking Meg / Potttie/ Phillip/ Dump crew member.
Oh that's right. I forgot there were people on this site who cannot be disagreed with. loool. They go on conspiracy rants.
Uh no, I'm neither of those people. I've never even been to France. I've been posting on here for a while. I took a break because I stopped watching her channel. When it was recommended to me on youtube recently, I popped in to see what they'd been up to and ofc had to come here and see what you all were making of the latest developments.
Reactions: 10
Sure, Jan.
Reactions: 10
Sure, Jan.
Sure "Gracie" I think I'm seeing why some of the fun members I used to interact with here, no longer seem to be around. Thank heaven for that "ignore" button.
I'm not sure if you're able to get this near you (We get them at Walmart or local grocery stores). These really cut the symptoms in half for us immediately when my family were sick. Hope you feel better.
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Reactions: 8
Sure "Gracie" I think I'm seeing why some of the fun members I used to interact with here, no longer seem to be around. Thank heaven for that "ignore" button.
Why so sad? Tired of playing over on Reddit?

I like your February 12th, 2023 post:

I personally think Potts is too far up his own ass to ever be here. I think he watches everything from arm's length, enjoys his overpriced timeshare when he's in the country, and leaves her to her mess. I think Marie keeping her distance, suddenly, (and possibly protecting her professional reputation by doing so) says more than any of their actions.”
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Reactions: 12
Anna from It's a wonderful life had a pet carrier backpack in today's vlog. It appears at the very end that it contained the chicken that survived the massacre as it was Anna's pet as she has grain/seeds to feed it. Can't see SJ treating the pea chick's this way.
Reactions: 28
Yes you can get that here.

I'm on my good old tried and tested Lemsip, which we stocked up on the last time we were back in the UK. Does the trick plus some Vicks.
Reactions: 22