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USB lamps . They are brilliant and are a great alternative to candles where safety is key and often insurance does not allow candles at events now.
I have a very useful if ugly reading lamp that is USb and I can clip it to where ever I wish to sit and read if the light is not good and no electric socket is available in a convenient place.
Below are good looking ones IMO.
I have that one from pooky, it is so useful. I use it a lot when out in the garden during summer evenings.


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Watching Fanny's latest tour of the chapel, finally grokked Isabelle's and Stephanie's obsession with the chapel, where rightly each would burst into flames spontaneously, if and when justice rolls down like water.
The old French aristocracy, I mean the olde one, back to the Amaurys, are militant Catholics. It's how Louis IX created the French nation -- crusades and he actually bought the crown of thorns in Constantinople and brought it home, to prove he was not only king of France but of Christendom. You could call him a Christian nationalist.
I've posted this here before, the best short thing I've ever read about the French. Du Plessix Gray's multi-generational family, including her warrior caste aristocratic conservative Catholic WWII hero granduncle, proud anti-Nazi and member of the Resistance, is quite the magnificent and more than slightly Franquist yet truly altruistic French aristo in retirement. So interesting. But the whole deal is Catholicism and la France profonde, with little discernible Christianity.
i had to add the laughing emoji because of the two first lines of your comment… 🤭
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and it's gone! Did she just inadvertently leak the dates?
No, that’s called meal prep. What the Gen Z people do. You prepare a whole batch of mains and sides for a few weeks, and portion it into dozens of expensive glas containers.

You put the shit into your freezer, and after a few weeks you just take it out one by one and microwave the hell out of it.

If they start at 5 am with the microwaving, they should be through by 1pm.

No nutritions left, but nice for instagram.
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Yikes! That would have been difficult for me. When I was a vegetarian traveling I had to explain ad nauseam about my food choices. People would ask me what I ate as if meat was the only food available. I just said everything but meat. I ate a lot of salad, potatoes and cheese. I paled at some of the offal served. Even though my mother, who was an excellent cook and raised on a farm, would prepare organ meats and things like tongue, there was no way I was going to eat it. Like I said, I'm a wimp with animal meat products. Salami is about adventurous as I get.

Growing up we never ate lamb, but later on my mom would prepare it after I had moved out. My Welsh great aunt and uncle raised sheep here in Oregon but they never slaughtered lambs and ate them. My aunt never ate venison either but allowed my brother and dad to hunt on her land as long as they never showed her their kill. She ate only chicken. If I had to kill my own pigs and chicken, I don't know if I could. I feel like a hypocrite thinking like that. I also only eat muscle meat - more waste and a very entitled American way of eating. If I had been raised on a farm, I might have turned out differently, I don't know.
Another hypocrite here, let’s hold hands friend, as I would never be able to kill a single living being and have only cooked and ate food that didn’t look like an animal, from the supermarket… I would never step inside the butcher shops, but I grew up in the city. My husband grew up in a farm and was never into meat either, he always ate very little meat, much less than me and I never ate much… He knew what was involved. We are not egg people either.

We know farm people who were bullied in their youth because they couldn’t murder an animal for food either… Guess we are what we are, no matter where we grow up.
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Especially with what they serve! Last year, Stuart gave a good primer on what to do.....make big bowls of different salads. Now, I thought the salads were whack, but the principle should be the same - and it looked way better than the one piece of thick packaged ham from the supermarket on lettuce leaves from the year before. Marie doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.

P.S. Someone asked why Stuart isn't doing it again this year. She's still at La Peetch with a full time job there as Hospitality Manager, living in Grasse.
What's local there is lentils, Sancerre, fresh water fish and goat cheese man. Poule Noire du Berry heritage hazelnut-scented chicken which dem bitchaaaz will never discover and never shell out for. Plus all the gorgeousness of ag France in July. Fresh pork, charcuterie and funky French pork wizardry. Raspberries. Tomatoes. Peppers. Blueberries.
Our friends at Le Relais du Facteur serve local trout and other fish in different interesting ways. Trout terrine, unlike whole trout with eyeballs, might be safe for gan-gan.
The most magical thing I know about lentils is a poached salmon filet on top of cool lentil salad they used to serve in the summer at the Hay Adams Hotel in DC. Absolutely scrumptious. I might serve it to the Patreons with cantalope instead, also scrumptious and edgy enough for them.
One lunch would surely be a tarted up Salade Nicoise, possibly with individual fluted pate brisee cases, no potatoes, no anchovies, some toasted almonds. Plenty of haricots verts, peppers, tomato, hardboiled egg, etc.
I'd really make an effort to give them not-too-scary charcuterie, really simple pates, and grilled local pork sassidges, with grilled peppers and onions, for lunch. Gorgeous sliced tomatoes. Raspberry ice cream. (Actually I've fallen in love with homemade cherry/raspberry jam. Cherry/raspberry ice cream. Woof. With a suspicion of amaretto?) Cherries and ice cubes in a crystal bowl. Gigantic blueberry crumble with honey ice cream.
I'm a big devotee of salads, these days. Attempting one of black eyed peas, barley etc. which I will scarf but think not Ladies' Who Lunch Fancy Enough for the grannies. Who'd probably like big pink j-j-j-Jello salads but wouldn't be getting any from me.
What salads would you feed the grannies? What desserts?
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FINAL RATSO SAFETY POST: Ratso asked me to post articles that the gruesome twosome need to read to learn to care for him properly and listen to his attempts to communicate his needs.🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶

Why should the gruesome twosome trim Ratso’s nails. I would think that a long nailed Ratso could get his long nails on his paws caught in between the gaps of the uneven wood flooring and injure or break his leg or snag/ tear his nail on Fanny’s bedroom chipped/ damaged wood flooring. Similar to how Ratso’s nails could get caught up in the broken stones on the terrace stairs and cause him injury,

Why is Dog Nail Trimming Important?
Dog nail care is a crucial aspect of pet grooming. Keeping dog nails short is essential for maintaining their health and comfort. Overgrown nails can cause various problems, including discomfort, pain, and even deformities, which can lead to long-term issues. It is, therefore, crucial to trim your dog’s nails regularly to ensure their well-being.

Long nails can change the way a dog stands or walks, leading to posture problems and discomfort. Additionally, long nails may get caught in objects or surfaces, causing a split or tear, which is not only painful but can also lead to bleeding, swelling, or even infection. In some cases, long nails can cause the toes to splay, leading to joint problems and deformities.

Trimming your dog’s nails promotes comfort and good health. When the nails are short and well-groomed, there is less pressure on the toe joints. Short nails also prevent slipping and sliding on slick surfaces, which can cause accidents.



Hawks are opportunistic predators, and they target animals that are small enough to carry away, such as rodents, rabbits, and birds. However, in certain circumstances, they may also target dogs, especially small breeds.

The behavior of hawks towards dogs can vary depending on the situation. Hawks may attack dogs that they perceive as a threat, such as those that are barking or chasing after them. In other cases, they may simply see a small dog as an easy target and attempt to carry it away.

Hawk predation on dogs typically occurs in areas where there is a high concentration of hawks. This can be in open fields, wooded areas, or even residential neighborhoods. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the risks and take precautions to protect your dog.

If you live in an area frequented by hawks, it is important to supervise your dog while they are outside. Additionally, it is essential to keep your dog on a leash when walking them in areas where hawks are known to be present.
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Hedda Hopper

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When I come home from the hairdressers himself comes out with the same quote that he's used for the last 44 years...
"I thought you were getting your hair done?"
And he still thinks it's the most hilarious thing ever 🤦‍♀️
When I get my hair done no one notices until about a month later! It's always, "Did you do something different with your hair?" "Yes, about a month ago."
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Çilantro tastes like soap.
If cilantro tastes like soap, you could be a supertaster Or it could just be your genetics.

Somewhere between 4 and 14 percent of the U.S. population find cilantro to be soapy on the palate. So while it isn't rare, it is a small percentage of people
Are You a Supertaster if Cilantro Tastes Like Soap?
The answer can be yes and no. About 25 percent of the population are thought to be supertasters. So obviously, while you can be both a supertaster and averse to cilantro, like me, you can also just have the anti-cilantro thing, like my mom. There is clearly some overlap, but in and of itself, an aversion to cilantro does not necessarily indicate supertasting, and you would need to do further exploration to determine if you are one, or both. And the level varies greatly.

Because there is not just one gene involved, the severity of cilantro aversion seems to vary from person to person

POV: You take one bite of cilantro and your mouth tastes like you’ve bitten into a bar of soap. Sound familiar? If so, you're not alone. Folks on team 'cilantro-on-the-side-please' tend to find that the herb tastes more like laundry detergent than a deliciously fresh and peppery plant.
And while plucking it off your every bowl of pho feels like a dreadful curse given how much yum you know cilantro should bring, Inna A. Husain, MD, the medical director of laryngology at Community Hospital in Munster, Indiana, says it may have a silver lining...depending on how you look at it.

According to Dr. Husain, having a distaste for cilantro does not necessarily a picky eater make. Rather, it has everything to do with your genetic composition. "Some folks simply have a different genetic makeup that makes them perceive the flavor of cilantro—and other ingredients—as soapy," she says. What's more, this may be indicative of being a “supertaster,” or someone whose sense of taste is more intense than average.

Check to see if you are a supertaster.

Stephanie Jarvis likely fall into the category of a non-taster, a person who experiences minimal flavor. That is why she can eat like a trash panda. 25% of the population in the United States is classified as a non-taster. 50% of the population is classed as Regular tasters, and the last 25% are classified as super tasters.

That is why for 75% of the cd audience, Stephanie‘s opinions about how wonderful food taste really means nothing to them because she taste only minimal amount of flavoring or foods. They need to be wary about excepting her opinion about restaurants, food and recipes, because it is likely that 75% of them will not have the same culinary experience.

  • The flavor of food is not something we actually sense, but is created in our brain based on what we taste with our mouth and smell with our nose (2).
  • Taste, smell, and flavor are distinctly different from each other. Our sense of taste is built into our genes and can be observed in newborn children within six months of birth, whereas recognizing smells is a learned experience (2).
  • There are five well-recognized tastes: Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (a savory, meaty taste). There is also growing acceptance of fat as a sixth basic taste (3).
In contrast to the small number of basic tastes, humans are able to recognize more than 10,000 different odors. Unlike taste, humans are amazingly sensitive to smell.

  • We are able to detect the aroma of certain volatile compounds at the level of one part per trillion, and a few at levels even 1000 times lower. To give you a better “sense” of what this means, one part per trillion is equivalent to one second in 32,000 years!
  • Our exquisite sense of smell apparently evolved to help in locating food as well as avoid consuming spoiled food before tasting it.
  • You may have experienced your sensitivity to smell when you detected a natural gas leak. Gas companies add a trace of a very smelly volatile sulfur-containing compound called methyl mercaptan to natural gas so we can detect even very small leaks. Humans are able to detect this compound at 2 parts per billion, which is a very small amount, but still 1000 times more concentrated than one part per trillion.
  • Non-tasters like hot spicy foods, and usually require more seasoning to make it taste good. This is true except for salt. Because salt masks bitterness, super-tasters tend to consume more sodium than non-tasters (11).
  • Some of the compounds we can smell at levels of a part per trillion and lower include those in green bell pepper, mold, roasted oats, and, the record holder, another sulfur-containing compound formed in boiled seafood.

If cilantro tastes like soap, you could be a supertaster Or it could just be your genetics.

Somewhere between 4 and 14 percent of the U.S. population find cilantro to be soapy on the palate. So while it isn't rare, it is a small percentage of people
Are You a Supertaster if Cilantro Tastes Like Soap?
The answer can be yes and no. About 25 percent of the population are thought to be supertasters. So obviously, while you can be both a supertaster and averse to cilantro, like me, you can also just have the anti-cilantro thing, like my mom. There is clearly some overlap, but in and of itself, an aversion to cilantro does not necessarily indicate supertasting, and you would need to do further exploration to determine if you are one, or both. And the level varies greatly.

Because there is not just one gene involved, the severity of cilantro aversion seems to vary from person to person

POV: You take one bite of cilantro and your mouth tastes like you’ve bitten into a bar of soap. Sound familiar? If so, you're not alone. Folks on team 'cilantro-on-the-side-please' tend to find that the herb tastes more like laundry detergent than a deliciously fresh and peppery plant.
And while plucking it off your every bowl of pho feels like a dreadful curse given how much yum you know cilantro should bring, Inna A. Husain, MD, the medical director of laryngology at Community Hospital in Munster, Indiana, says it may have a silver lining...depending on how you look at it.

According to Dr. Husain, having a distaste for cilantro does not necessarily a picky eater make. Rather, it has everything to do with your genetic composition. "Some folks simply have a different genetic makeup that makes them perceive the flavor of cilantro—and other ingredients—as soapy," she says. What's more, this may be indicative of being a “supertaster,” or someone whose sense of taste is more intense than average.

Check to see if you are a supertaster.
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I suggest FRK watch this and take notes. The guys prepare a themed afternoon luncheon for 30 guests as part of a fundraiser.
I just watched this today and was going to share it! Thank you for beating me to it! Great minds...
I was too!❤ This couple also has a few other videos on Homeworthy. An entire house tour, another party video (maybe Christmas) and I think a general table setting video.
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I found a button in the Bloggers section on main Forum page. I don't think that was where I found it way back. Has it changed? Perhaps we all need to take a turn now and again for occasions where @Comtesse is unavailable? Shittòo was the word censored! Will check for button on Mac when I go home.
It might very well have been moved. I went over the instructions listed and noticed in the screenshots when I went back the directions were shown with mobile screenshots. It showed buttons etc. arranged differently. It’s possible that’s because I run Apple’s IOS instead of Android. That said I couldn’t find it on my iPad or my laptop either. It’s supposed to be in the upper right of the Chateau Diaries forum list.
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C'est moi

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Initially, I thought he was giving her scalp a bit of a scratch, like you give your pet a little scratch on the head. Then she said, Philip is stroking my hair, and then he changed from scratching to stroking.

And speaks with her mouth full.

Philip will be wearing both the jacket and orange dress soon.
Both together, at the same time. In fact, I bet he already has 🤣

She said, when I met Bryan Ferry for the second time. She is SUCH a try hard.
Just a little fix Gerty 😘
Didn't Dan help out last season... I remember he cooked food and brought it with him.
Not last season. Maybe the year before or, even 2 years ago when all the fuckery and subterfuge was going on and he was playing away.
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Good for those commentors. It sounds as if she's going to do a whole series of insta stories on stuff in the dump. Heaven help us, her manner: gesticulating and posing, is deplorable. I feel like throwing something at her, preferably something fragile, maybe a piece of Spode.
Also flat as a pancake she forgot her chicken fillets!
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