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I recall an appeal being posted for people to go over to HMN and film/edit got them. This was an imminent appointment. Wonder if it ties in to hospital situation?
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VIP Member
I noticed
Looks like SJ enjoyed her spa weekend at the hospital. Did anyone notice the inhaler?

I noted that as well. Let’s explore the possible reasons. Everyone chime in. Asthma, bronchitis, COVID-19, panic attacks?, emphysema, COPD, asbestos inhalation leading to lung cancer (mesothelioma), heart condition?, pneumonia, walking pneumonia, what could it be?
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Margo Polo

VIP Member
We let the dish just pass around, but sure starting with the guest of honor. How does this way work when you have like 12 guests or even more ? 🤔🤔🤔 It must take forever?

Interesting, I use it in spring with my hay-fever, but my doctor prescribed it to prevent getting allergic asthma. Maybe when she knocked down this wall? Some ancient allergens? 🤔
Or from the damp walls. Maybe there is mold growing inside causing this.

My oldest daughter and I both had HYPERthyroidism (me in 1980, my daughter in 2018. We both lost a LOT of weight with it. My youngest daughter had HYPOthyroidism in 2019 and she gained a lot of weight...just taking some of it off now after being treated for it over time. I was treated with radioactive iodine and both of my daughters with other medications (I can't remember exactly what). Both diseases suck. I hope that's not Stephanie's problem!
Yeah I heard that hashimotos can be bad, you have to watch what you eat etc. My mom and Grandmother have the hyper. My right thyriod is enlarged and will be removed sometime this year. It’s working normal at the moment... and I hope it stays that way!
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Joy no toile

Well-known member
Post 239 in thread 16
Use search function, it was postet by Milre

Cat Blanche?

So mystery solved. February in Venice. Amy said she visited in February. FRK said travel plans cancelled.

Feels like a time loop at HMN. Or a Time Warp.

Post 239 in thread 16
Use search function, it was postet by Milre

Not really related, very apropos.

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Well-known member
If I remember correctly and it's the same vlog you are talking about here, it could be even worse: SJ is that child's godmother.... that child must be over tyhe moon SJ is tuck at the HMN!
Yes that is the same vlog and I forgot about SJ being her godmother. Poor child!
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VIP Member
At the risk of sounding dramatic or performative, here's a peek into the hatred and racism on display in SA today: an excerpt from a petition against the hungry and homeless, people who have been displaced by COVID in a SA community. Notice the animal term used (more dolphin talk!). This is a rhetorical strategy to dehumanize people, the same strategy Hitler used in Mein Kampf:

These vagrants contaminate the grounds upon which they squat. It's time to relocate these criminals (well, I'd be categorised as a criminal too if I dropped my pants and did my business in the street). The residents here in this area have had enough.

The crime in this area has also increased. These vandals walk around in the evening whistling to each other, much like the way dolphins communicate. I imagine they are planning their attacks for later. We have watched video showing these criminals climbing over walls to steal from residents here. We have established a block WhatsApp group which seems to have helped a bit, abating the criminal efforts a little. We need the help of the government, however, to clean up our streets. The value of the properties is certainly impacted by the presence of these campers and the mess that they create. There is no reason why these people should be allowed to squat here. I am disgusted, as I'm sure everyone else who lives here is.
Sounds just like the wealthy people on the Nextdoor app for my neighborhood.

Staying friends is one thing, embracing the doctrine is another. And let's not kid ourselves that white supremacy will die out with the boomers.
You're preachin to the choir Frankie.
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Active member
Well actually irony is that she’s at home surrounded by pretty curtains, soft curls, and perfectly toasted toast...and well, we’re here. And still watching. I mean, Is anyone here not watching? :unsure::unsure::unsure:
No one is saying she shouldn't have those things...
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Well-known member
Actually, no, the difference between being discerning and being judgemental is a thing. You are clearly lacking in discernment, understanding and sensitivity.

You seem triggered by “hints of incest” but there was no hint and no one used that word. Who are you trying to protect, and why? Touched a chord, did we? It is absolutely right and fair that viewers should question the use and appropriateness of certain ‘art works’ when they’re being asked to fund their restoration.

Points to you for alliteration (beautiful and bountiful) 🙄 but repeating the sizist attack and whining that someone truly hardworking and honourable received the gift of a chandelier and you didn’t? Cry me a river, and while you’re at it, pick one. ✋
I think you’ve done a spectacular job at questioning the use and appropriateness of certain art works. Mission accomplished: SJs channel is not growing in popularity at all. Patrons have abandoned her. Gifts have stopped rolling in. I mean...sort of, right?

I‘d prefer to swing from a chandelier, thanks.


Chatty Member
If I remember correctly and it's the same vlog you are talking about here, it could be even worse: SJ is that child's godmother.... that child must be over tyhe moon SJ is tuck at the HMN!
By any chance, do you remember when was this vlog ? I'd love to watch it again but can't find it.

Joy no toile

Well-known member
Aspergers in girls/ women often presents differently to ASD (now referred to as ASC - Autustic Spectrum Condition rather than Disorder) in males. (which is why girls are often not diagnosed with Aspergers until later in life.) She does exhibit many of the neuro-atypical behaviours that may be present in Aspergers but could also point to ADD, especially with social communication and interaction. I would be reluctant to describe her swaying as stimming as it is quite feasible to also attribute this to physical discomfort due to spending a lot of time on her feet (hairdressers,etc will often do this too) - we don't often see FRK sitting down. ) To a lesser extent, there are some restrictive and repetitive behaviors - notably her need to have her space at the table when cooking and preferable to have the kitchen to herself. This by itself doesn't signify anything (lots of us prefer to have the kitchen to ourselves when cooking!) but taken alongside her more obvious social and communication challenges, certainly supports difficulties in the ASD dyad of impairment.
Regards to people on their feet all day swaying, rarely have I seen this in nurses, doctors or even sales clerks. Her video sways. She's self comforting. With regards to being around alcoholic father she'd also need an alcoholic mother to present. Marie appears to want and draw sympathy. Listen to the cadence of her voice when discussing her childhood/begging for money posts. No difference.


Well-known member
TBH, to me, her legs look like they have muscles to crack nuts with even if they have some extra insulation.
The lass is more of an apple shape than a pear shape.
Sorry but go to disagree with you. She's larger on top because of her arms - which also carry the typical lipo shape,. Apples and pears don't matter. Enough said.

Joy no toile

Well-known member
You came in here going after someone who stuck up for another woman who was being put down for her size. You were called out on it and went on the attack. Your comments are crazed and fail to deflect attention from the valid points and questions raised in this thread.

Not angry, only questioning. I think you mean “choose” and “unsolicited”? It is you who needs to get over your anger at being asked if you’d sent the flowers you said you were going to send. It was a fair and simple question. You answered it. Move on.
Nope told you to chose. Silly. I have no anger. Funny how you project. You, however are very interesting. Love you're in our radar now. Seriously interested in that anger. Find it interesting how you took umbrage with my testosterone statement. Guilty much?

That move on, pretty stale now.
Sorry if this has been discussed already and isn't related to SSB or CD, but are Phil & Angelina (Chateau du Bailleul) really just renting the chateau? It has to be a rent-to-buy situation at least? All this time, sweat, and effort and it's not even going to be theirs in the end? 🤯