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The best/worst grandfather reference was in that frightfully smart (ergo expensive) shop in Paris (Antoinette Poisson) during the vlog featuring SJ, PJ and Teabag Trotter before PJ disappeared into the distance (did MP actually say “good riddance” or did I imagine that?). It was like watching two grown ups on a day out with an attention-seeking toddler. When they were looking at oversized playing cards who can forget Phlip-Phlop’s desperate attempt to become the centre of attention by announcing that he had a “favourite card”, before shoehorning a grandpa memory into the mix. That wasn’t heartstring-pulling, that was unintentional comedy gold.

To anyone asking the burning question “what was PJ’s favourite card?” I have no answer. Sadly, which card it was has flown my memory and I can’t bring myself to do a vlog-trawl to discover.
HIs favourite card is Fanny's credit card.
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NEW REVELATIONS: Stephanie Jarvis at it again.
Clearly what has been discussed on has hit home at the crime family and they are frantically doing damage control. Let's look at her shenanigans with the Patreon Acccount.

When I first looked I noticed that the blurb was all about the chateau and renovation.
Then it changed to the Association and inviting the public to join the association as a member.
Then it changed to join and become a benefactor.
Now the blurb reads:

Stephanie Jarvis
Creating videos and restoring a 16th century French chateau!

So now the Patrons are paying for her to create videos as well as restoring the chateau.

This is part 1 of the offer. Paying her to create videos and then almost as an after thought, restore a 16th century French chateau.

Part 2 of the offer is when you click on the membership level it says that you are becoming a benefactor of the Association. All well and good? Well not exactly. And here's why.

When the offer was to become a member of the Association then all the Patreon funds would go to the Association and then used for the renovation of the dump. But with the various changes, this has been muddied and becoming a Patron means that yes, you do contribute to the Association and the renovation but, you also contribute to Creating Videos. There is no indication of what percentage of the Patreon funds goes to the renovation and how much goes to the video making.

Video making is a very broad term. It can include the video making around the chateau and it can include video making of, say Travel Vlogs. It's very loose.

The net effect of the above is that Stephanie Jarvis can explain any shortfall in the Association funds from Patreon by referring to the updated blurb and saying that well some of the funds went to video making and she went to Japan to make a video. And then she would be safe and everything would be above board. Well not exactly and here's why... Law of Contract.

When Stephanie Jarvis invited members of the Public to contribute to the renovation of her chateau, under law of contract that was an offer. When a member of the public read that offer and decided to join, that's acceptance. They accepted the idea that their contribution was going to the renovation of the chateau. The contract was then made. Every time Stephanie Jarvis has altered the wording/conditions of her Patreon page she is obligated, under the law of contract, to inform the existing Patrons in writing. Failure to do so means that she is in breach of contract.
I'm sure that you all have received emails from various websites informing you of changes to their Terms and Conditions? This is exactly where that comes from, the law of contract. Stephanie Jarvis should have emailed every Patron when she altered her terms and conditions so that they could decide for themselves whether or not they would be content to continue as a Patron under the new rules. She did not do this. This a tried and tested point of law. The Patrons have to know when the conditions change.

The most egregious, and in my view, criminal, alteration was when Stephanie Jarvis removed the Patrons as members of the Association without informing them of the change in contractual terms, the ultimate affect being that she could
1) hide the accounts from them and
2) prevent them from having a say in the way that the renovations were performed. It also meant that she barred them from the AGM where they could have voted in responsible officers to run the Association and the renovations.

As you can see this is pretty complex and I've just tried with broad brush strokes to paint the scene. It does however, get more ominous.
I have in the last day or so read in here that Stephanie Jarvis has been buying Patreons at $1 each plus commission with aim to boost her ratings on Patreon and give a more favorable image of her account to entice more people from the wider public to join. If this is correct, and if she has been doing this then her actions fit the legal definition of fraud. Once again, this is a criminal act. This however is more a matter for the authorities and whilst it will be included as a possibility in my 4th (fourth) amendment to this case and it would not be proper to comment further on here.

I won't even start on the taxation implications... blows my mind...

It looks to me, you fellow hags and 15 menopausal... or is it 15 menopausal hags and 3 whatever..... Baconater/Beccky/Pork Belly... help me out here! I'll start again. It looks to me that there is a lot of panic in the farmhouse wreck. The mills of God grind slow but they grind exceedingly small.
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I honestly don’t know why the dump crew would want to publicly out Clara. It would only add more credibility to her claims. It won’t stop TL, this forum is a beast that has taken in a life of its own. Also, if they don’t already know who Clara is, they are a bigger bunch of idiots than we think they are. What would they do anyway? Tell the local townspeople that “Clara” discussed the weird goings on at the chateau in an online gossip site. Who cares? I bet the locals already hate the Lalanders.

*My autocorrect keeps trying to change dump to frump, I guess that works too. iPhone knows best!
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BUSTED!!!, IMHO, YEBO IS MICHAEL POTTS!!!!!! ISABELLE 6541 WAS MICHAEL POTTS!!! Potts was trying to use the Isabelle Tattler name to expose clara at the patron extravaganza at the Dump, for which Potts was present at the Dump.

Yebo joined August 25, 2022. Just hit 1,000 posts.

Here is his background given.

Hi, and yes I suppose I should have introduced myself. I found CD during the lockdown like many others. I lived in Zimbabwe. Cape Town and am now in the UK. I enjoyed the videos, and would never have considered being a patron because I saw from the beginning that between Percy. IJ and SJ, they had more than enough assets to fix up the old building and didn't need anything from me. Then I saw that their Beach House was in Southbroom which I know well because in the early 1960s my grandfather retired there. Every year we would visit for six weeks and it was paradise on earth, until the seventies when the nouveau riche from Johannesburg discovered it and it got ruined. My family still has the house but I haven't been back for ages.

Michael was from Zimbabwe. I recall seeing in some research last week for an address connected with Potts in the past :Address: 74 New Church Street, Cape Town, South Africa.
Potts worked in his 20s for several months at the Backpack hostel in Capetown. Knows Southbroom we’ll because his parents live there, Isabelle owns home there, and he fought property there this past year. Ports lived in the London flat above Fanny and routinely stays at her London flat.

Yebo showed up immediately after Isabelle 6541 disappeared. They sound the same, with the big talk, threatening statements, etc, pretty much identical statements, wild promises, overblown big actions claimed to be taken, and big threats of criminal charges and exposure and ruin. It is Potts. He went too far with his quasi legal talk and got too cocky Potts. Did you amp up your crap so Fanny could be in Venice for Carnivale undetected?

When Potts was doing all the threatening posts in the comment sections on crap unwrapped, cd, and Patron, he initially forgot to include threats towards his alias Yebo and had to hastily add them after mentioning tattlers, threatening Kathy, and Jules, etc

I think Potts and Gerry and other Dump members have been posting the comments this past week. Potts is likely behind the 2 threatening aliases that had south african Ties,

Yebo means yes in Zulu but spelled backwards means obey. Bazinga Sir ChamberPottie!!!!

Potts had posted under aliases before here in the Tattle forum.

Potts is Aiden Bora and Julia N Kora, and likely many other aliases. Potts has been threatening Kathy and Jules.
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Cast Iron

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Hello @Cast Iron welcome to our thread. I see you mainly on the Harry and Meghan thread. Meghan and Stephanie work from the same playbook. Welcome.
Hello Albee
I'm surprised you noticed me, I am a lurker, not a poster ('tho I have posted). I joined Tattle when Hannie (?) arrived at the Chateau the first time ... (seems years ago) and there was something about her that annoyed me, so I looked for further info and found Tattle :).
This thread is interesting now.
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Whoever Yebo is I actually was persuaded by their argument about Patreon Terms and Conditions. I thought that the upcoming changes could be a significant cause for SJ's increased stress levels, however we recall that SJ wasn't/isn’t the best at keeping on top of her mailbox so would she even have noticed an email from Patreon advising of these upcoming changes. Any Patreons out there want to challenge SJ for a refund on the basis of her breach of contract.
She has $2,400 of my money I'd like back to give to people who really need it! I'd sue her here in the US if I could get jurisdiction over her.
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🐦 How are you farty? Got through the storm without a scratch I hope? Both you and your abode. Hm, the weather around the globe seems to be a bit more dramatic these days... I blame the weather forecasters, off with their heads!

View attachment 1953265
Storm still going here, worse predicted for tomorrow. I'm in the small black dot, so Gabrielle is coming for me.

Screen Shot 2023-02-12 at 12.47.24 PM.png
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Interesting comment from the latest Cadeaux vlog…I looked up ”mesonges” and it means “lying” in English. Clara Burnside? Interesting name! 🤔

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Sorry this was a long post.
Jul 20, 2022 speculation post about taxes on Patreon funds if she spends in violation of association rules.
KyBourbon said:
If she does that, I think it would be a clear violation of the tax-free association rules, right? Just another reason why the accounts are so important. The money is going somewhere…and it’s not the pond, heating, or a myriad of other things.
Fanny has little to no boundaries in her own life and I think she has the same lack of respect for legal rules that would prevent her from using designated association funds in an unauthorized manner. I would not be surprised if her accounts are a total shitshow and that she has co-mingled personal and association funding monies, and has blurred the lines between personal indulgences and restoration funding and the accounts from which such expenses would be paid.

IMHO, Fanny has a long-standing and well known inability/ refusal to follow rules and manage funds, so much that her mother had to have Fannys spending overseen by others. Yet, despite her inability to manage money and her excessive spending sprees, she failed to have a financial advisor to monitor the association accounts and her spending.

This is not Fanny being an airhead, disorganized, free spirited, or flaky. Despite her past conduct/ history in failing to manage money properly and rein in her out of control spending, she and Mummy knowingly did not appoint or hire someone with financial experience to oversee Fannys/the associations spending, etc. Why would they fail to do so?

IMHO, because rules don’t apply to the little orphan princess and she wanted to make sure she could use the association monies freely whenever and however she wanted as a tax free piggy bank with no oversight. And as usual, I would surmise that she wildly and inappropriately overspent, and most likely failed to follow association guidelines, probably co-mingled funds with non association accounts, etc.

Having the tax free association saves Fanny from paying approx (my super rough guesstimate based upon adding up her monthly Patreon income for 2021 and roughly applying the standard France or England tax rates for personal income on the Patreon income only ) $175,000 in taxes on the 2021 Patreon monies received alone. That is an additional $175,000 that she can spend and most likely has wasted shopping, etc.

If Fanny lost her Association status as a result of failing to follow guidelines, misleading patrons to obtain monies, etc., I do not know the applicable French or British law as to whether she would lose the tax free association status and have to pay $175,000 in taxes on the 2021 Patreon income alone. In the United States, if you lose the tax free status, it would not be unusual that taxes would have to be paid on the Patreon income Fanny had sheltered tax free in an association.

Fanny does not ever want anyone examining her hot mess accounts for the association. If she lost her tax free status with the association, she could be liable to pay as a rough guesstimate, approx, $300,000 or so in back taxes if the association was declared void or dissolved for failing to follow guidelines, etc. and taxes were applied retroactively for the entire time the association has been operating.

Fanny cannot even account for the monies she has received thru Patreon to her Patrons or viewers. Do you really think she has set aside up to $300,000 of the associations tax free funds to cover retroactive tax payments if the association was legally dissolved for her mismanagement of the funds and the tax free benefit repealed?

Fanny thinks if she just hides the accounts, she will be safe. Is this why she is day drinking?
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I forgot to add something. Because Stephanie Jarvis is in breach of contract, patrons who are affected can ask for their money back. Time to publicise this. That's all and I'll shutup, I promise.
I saw this on Patreon’s latest “Terms of Service” regarding Creators that goes into effect March 20, 2023. Pretty interesting…


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Folks, dont worry, my uncanny delightful detective skills will find out if Yebo is Michael Potts, or not.

Hi, what’s your name?
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Maple fairy

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There are worse Châteauverse characters to be accused of being! I was accused of being Tomaz. That was my baptism!
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Clara Burnett

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I have learned a great deal from the @Isabelle6541 experience, especially around Stephanie Jarvis’ patreon days. I came dangerously close to exposing myself as her nemesis, because I was convinced that something was about to happen that would end the grift publicly. I felt secure and safe within the bubble of friends I have made in her entourage over the years, the ones who knowingly and unknowingly helped me to get a grip on what exactly is going on in her CHMN. Some of them still do.
When it all turned out to be a hoax, I obviously was disappointed but extremely relieved as well I didn’t go through with the things I had planned to do. It also made me more determined to ‘bring her down’. I know many think I have a personal axe to grind with miss Jarvis. I really don’t, but welcome the thought as this has kept me hidden in plain sight: as long as she’s searching in the pool of people who hate her for what she has done to them, she’s betting on all the wrong horses, again and again.
I don’t know who @Yebo is or what his or her motivation is for posting here. If he or she is anything like @Isabelle6541 I congratulate them for being more subtile the second time around. If indeed it’s her crew orchestrating all this to stop us, they are even dumber than we already knew they are as it will only add to their misery when things start to move towards justice.
In the meantime we must all adjust to the fact that hidden identities provide safety not just for us, but for Stephanie Jarvis too. It’s not important who hides the best, it’s why there is a need to hide in the first place that is telling the real story.
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