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Chatty Member
That is astronomical! Goodness, this can not be sustainable. You are a kind soul- the elderly do get forgotten so often when people are just trying to survive themselves, so good on you. Many hugs and I pray things get better with the winter temps and the whole economic crisis.
Thank you so much ❤
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Anne Marie and Argentinian bully are definitely away as Stewart is getting up early every morning to walk Molly. Did new flues Fanny say that she was going to be away for 3 days or have I made that up as her and smugmug have definitely been absent for longer than that.
so who is at the shado/castle now except stuart and pavlina?
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I can’t wait for tomorrow’s CD advent episode, this one looks good:
“After poor planning, procrastinating and apathy on Stephanie’s part, she forces Philip to have yet another uncomfortable conversation with poor Alexander…”
Post coital conversation are always uncomfortable between gay guy and pseudo straight guy... Specially when the other is told to leave.

I don't disagree with you. I was just shocked by her appearance.
Sadly the well fare system does not cover aesthetic procedures. 😁. As a ugly middle aged person I hate to say anything about a young person looks. But i have always thought she lacked in that department. And considering how much she exercised while in Shittoo - the food intake must have been beyond Izzy's rations.

Chateau la Ferte is sqrewing with the timelines.... They are buyi g curtains on black friday on their lates video. So their Salon must have been in the making fir a decade by now....
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Madame No

VIP Member
Us Brits are a stiff upper life type when facing troubles but I have to say things are pretty bad here 😞 Just a few personal examples in Oxfordshire;
Heating my home is costing around £140 a month.
Electric bill is £120 a month.
That's about what it is in the states too, if not higher, depending on the size of your house and the source of heat. When we lived on the central coast of California our winter heating bills were at least $250-300 per month using propane on top of electricity and gas. It's expensive everywhere.
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I can't keep up so I'm skipping way ahead. I'm in a bad mood about who won Survivor US. But, I would like to thank the person that recommended this channel - I've been binge-watching and other than her constant giggle it is an interesting channel. Makes me want to visit the area.
Ooh la la. She is Russian and a bit Odd, silly and young. But it seems like a hard worker and appreciates the beauty that is all around her. I enjoy watching , she posts everyday. Does have patron but will say what she is spending money on
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Gertrude Maud

VIP Member
The more one looks at the shenanigans of this mob the worse things are. Always remember that there is a difference between tax avoidance - saves you money and tax evasion - sends you to jail. The more I look at the Jarvis gang and the more that gets revealed the more evident it becomes that this is a tax evasion scheme. The crime family are gathering at the farmhouse for Christmas in good old fashioned mob style. It will be fascinating to see exactly who turns up. I wouldn't be surprised if Alexander had to go because he was too much of an outsider and Fanny and co knew that after a few bottles of alcohol tongues will be loosened and he may have heard something that he shouldn't have. Or it could well have been that Fanny's bitch Phillipa was jealous because Alexander had a talent (making curtains) whilst it has no skills at all and it would have been shown up once again for the hideously worthless waste of space that it is.
More alarming though is Clara's revelation that the bitch Phillipa's father is handling the accounting. This neatly completes the circle. The association is controlled completely by the crime family. I was waiting for a key to the association to drop and Clara just dropped it. By changing the wording of the Patreon account and removing from the Patrons the rights and status of members and substituting that with benefactors they have closed any access to information on the accounts and operation of the association and it's application of funds to non family members.
I think that it is imperative that someone who is a Patron, who has been affected by that change, should go to the authorities. This seemingly minor detail in the wording could unravel this mess and bring the Jarvis crime family down. Just one person and just one small error, that's all it takes.
Publicising the accounts would then reveal who really got paid, what for and how much. In my view this is the tax evasion. Collect the funds tax free then distribute them through the family using inflated salaries, invoices, consulting fees, commissions and so on. It's becoming increasingly clear that the trip to Auntie's barn conversion was simply to obtain and then circulate a record of Armoire's supposed skill level which they will then attempt to use too justify his inflated bills.
I wouldn't mind betting that Uncle and Auntie are up to their necks in this crime as well. It will surprise you but I do not think that Isabelle and Percy approve. My instinct tells me that and I rely on my instinct a lot. Time will tell.
Rest assured that the Tax authority will read this as well as Fanny's bitch Phillipa's Father. Whilst the mob think that they are so clever I'm here to tell them that there is nothing new under the sun. If they think that they can come up with a scheme rest assured that the tax authority have already encountered it in many and varied forms.
Does anyone know whether bitch Phillipa's father has his own accounting firm or does he work for one of the big 4 accounting firms?
That chateau is the Jarvis, Janssen, Potts and Bag head, 'gravy train'.
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VIP Member
I like that the Canadian countess is reviving the walled garden. Stunned that it's been allowed to fall into ruin under Johnny's and Charles' tenure. Countess inviting in leading expert, carefully anatomizing for antique water systems (very trendy, low tech, eco-conscious), pathways, espalier fruit tree locations -- the real thing. Charles finally got himself a wife who wasn't a junkie.
The Spencer’s have a cottage in Muskoka north of Toronto.

A little tiff today between the two bossy bottoms - one still wearing that really ugly crocheted thing no card carrying gay man with class would be caught dead in!

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Here in the US, we narrowly avoided a railroad strike just before the holidays. A rail strike would have been crippling since almost all goods are shipped by freight train at some point in the distribution process. The President forced both sides to abide by a contract that was negotiated in the fall (a President getting involved isn’t an unprecedented move...for example, Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers in the early 1980’s). I can’t imagine nurses or paramedics striking…that would be devastating! But you’re right…healthcare workers have been through so much over the last few years with COVID and are truly under appreciated in every way.
And guess what the air traffic controllers have never striked again. It is stall talked about to this day in the industry. Nurses and teachers are way underpaid but striking is not the answer. In some countries certain professions considered essential services are forbidden to strike.
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I agree with you on this. I write cursive, not (only) because it is pretty, but because it is faster, than writing block letters.
Also, most can't read it. Then I shrug and say it's not my fault. LOL.
I'm astounded by how many people's handwriting look absolutely abysmal. I mean looking like crow's feet, it's that ugly.
Funny story: Last year when I started learning Russian, we were asked to transcribe the text from book to paper, to become familiar with the cyrillic letters. I opted to learn the cursive version of the letters, much to my teacher's joy and amusement. When she highlighted that one day. The over-zealous one became a bit jealous and talked to the other people in class "tHaT tHeRe Is NoThInG mOrE pErSoNaL tHaN oNe'S hAnDwRiTiNg". :rolleyes: He was one of the reasons, that made me think, I'm taking a break from this.
Sounds as if the jealous fool didn’t realize cursive writing was taught to be standardized, like copperplate. It is one’s signature that is intentionally personal. And while mine is lovely, my handwriting has been said to look like a doctor’s. Chickenscratch! 🥴
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VIP Member
I need more explanations - where is Gerry? Where is Nick and Marie? Where is Hanni?
Where is Potty? Where are Mummy and Percy?
It's like we never ever EVER get to the bit at the end when they catch the robbers and have their masks ripped off and we find out it was the caretaker all along. MOST unsatisfactory.
Isn't that the makings of a mystery/murder board game? If not already, then Stephanie Jarvis will make it so in the near future. :ROFLMAO:
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