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Madame No

VIP Member
What about Dan?
What about him? Something in particular? Personally, I don't care. He's not interesting to me. Just leans against the wall flashing his new teeth wearing sunglasses indoors. Yawn.

Those guys must have had nerves of steel. Imagine tripping or fainting... In front of the world!
Not only nerves of steel, but absolute trust in each other. When young men do it right, it swells the heart with joy and pride. What a contrast to the 'men' of LaLande.
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Ferris Wheel

Active member
Patreons! Does anybody have the know-how to lift the video onto Tattle? Tried copying the link? What about screenshotting the video screen so we can see what settings are available for us all to watch?
I found a way if a patreon is interested. It will work for iPhone or iPad. I tested it and it does work. See the image for directions.

Silly Fanny for thinking we couldn't find a workaround. There are options out for us to record her patreon video.

Silly Fanny for saying, almost a year ago, she would switch platforms because the patreon videos were being posted elsewhere. A year? Really? Took me all of 5 minutes with my research apprentice, Google, to find a workaround. TBH - she didn't want to move it off YouTube because wouldn't she earn money for the number of views on YouTube even if there are no commercials.

Silly Fanny for not being able to multi-task. Her inability dumbfounds me and amazes me at the same time.


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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
As one formerly called a flying monkey, I'd like to make a point or two.
@Isabelle6541 always wrote in American English, or else I am not seeing the posts made, as alleged here, from an Isabelle for whom American was not her native written language.
She refers to the state she lives in. As noted, the Lalanders can't tell CT from CO, not to mention CA. She could be salting her posts with red herrings, but, as familiar as I am with the technique, I did not get that smell from her. She was somebody excited by action being taken and wanted to mention it here. I think her statement "fair to Stephanie" was a lay person's paraphrase of the legal ramifications of taking Jarvis on as discussed by the group.
Or it may be a layperson's paraphrase of the reporter's obligation to get Jarvis to comment on every allegation in the story.
In any case it is a very slender reed, and a misquoted one, to build the flying monkey case on. I know I'd certainly be wearing my cup when and if I approached a narc like Stephanie Jarvis on a legally actionable initiative. Which, having participated in a victorious class action suit against a world famous company for sex discrimination, and other litigation around establishing a union at said company, and and and....I think I have some muscle memory of. (By the way, each of the victors in the sex discrimination suit won a reparation of $27.)
I think she is who she said she was. I think perhaps her group was less committed than she to action as she described it here.
I think she was an oversharer of a group which doesn't want to be associated with Tattle, which is the right position for people seeking to do what Isabelle described.
I think it is plausible the reporter in the group, if any, has told her to stop sharing his/her scoops in the low rent district.
I think she may have been reprimanded by the group.
Her indiscretions here may have alerted Jarvis to a planned confrontation that Jarvis somehow finessed -- I have a low regard for Jarvis' intelligence or preparedness, and would rate this a 30% possibility. Were I war gaming this out.
How @MojoDublin knew about the WhatsApp Patreon group we can only surmise -- she had access to the Patreon videos and long disguised that fact here. Concluding she is a Patreon who may have been contacted by the group. Indeed she would be my prime suspect for Isabelle but for the American spelling and syntax. Never baby grrl's strong point.
No flying monkey is trying to divide us. The Lalanders aren't smart enough and cannot sustain a long view subterfuge. Isabelle was real, she perhaps overpromised, we each pinned our particular version of justice on her vision, and it is inevitable, inevitable, given the unrealistic expectations, that they should be disappointed.
Time to be smarter, not dumber.
I Feel Pretty Salty Having To Spell This Out.™
This could be why SJ held court in the Salon d'Hiver to chat with attendees. A controlled environment. This could also be why Clara witnessed no confrontation - because it took place behind closed doors.
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Madame No

VIP Member
Did anyone else think Amaury sent an "up yours 'cuz" message bringing the dogs back during the Patreon Days?
I didn't. If anything, the dogs only add to the happy and healthy family atmosphere so well portrayed at the shitoo. 😉 I'm sure many of the patrons found them quite charming. They are beautiful dogs. Fanny will find some way to capitalize on their presence even if she may not particularly like animals. They may provide a common interest for BunMan and Phyllis to bond over since human babies do not seem to be on the horizon, I hope. BunMan has got a pretty sweet deal living at the shitoo, no rent, convenient bed and sex partner, his woodworking shed, not much stress, grocery shopping done by Nasti, time off when he wants it, unless filming for Ch 4. I don't think he's interested in rocking the boat with Fanny.
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VIP Member
If I could also be so bold as to add: Narcissist behavior is not only found within our families and with a particular Chateau owner but also with people posting here. Nac's are everywhere. The grandiose feelings of self-importance can really show themselves within an anonymous forum and satisfy a need to be admired.
It's easy to spot them...they react quite savagely to criticism.
I am astounded that this hasn't been picked up by others. Can it be that Tattlers are intimidated by the support. these narcs seem to enjoy from a small clique?

Bravo @Heathcliffe, for speaking out in defence of @Mojo. I expected better of those who have been vocal in their concern. for our loyal Tattler and yet remain silent. in the face of this attempt to besmirch her in her absence.
Accusations that she tried to keep her Patreon membership under wraps were both inaccurate and dishonest as Mojo made no secret of this from very early on. Ask yourselves, if you were going to try to unsettle this thread, which OG Tattler which you set out to discredit?
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VIP Member
@Kata, nice try. You are correct, IF AND ONLY IF, this was a true B&B without a grifting scam in place.
Case in point, Morgan Lawley (top tier patron) was a guest at the same time and had a different experience.
Patrons are frequently told they are "part of the laLande family." My understanding of how they market this concept of family is one of a close knit but welcoming group that go the extra mile for each other, welcome you with open arms and this is exactly how the stay at the HMN is portrayed to paying guests - one big happy family, and once a guest steps inside those gates, they are family too. They are invited into the fold, invited to be a part of Stephanie’s personal, and public life. But this is not what happens, unless those guests appear to be extremely affluent or generous. How often have we heard Stephanie say of patrons "I love each and every one of you. If it wasn't for you, the patrons of laLande" etc etc. Being 'part of the laLande family' is reinforced in every vlog. In reality, they have treated many guests as an inconvenience - and it's quite often guests who do not bring expensive gifts for Stephanie and others. Other guests are blanked. This is established fact and is abhorrent behaviour in any language.
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VIP Member
Wasn’t Stephanie fond of an artichoke infused alcohol? I don’t remember the name of it, but it was on a high shelf in the store and Philip had to reach it for her. That counts right?
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
The flying monkeys (likely all shiteau sponsored) previously came in hot, quickly shot their load and were almost immediately rooted out and sent on their way. The flying monkeys have more changed their tact and a few of them took a more nuanced approach, tried to ingratiate themselves in threads and are taking a slow-burn approach. Agree with Le Baiseur they are trying to divide and conquer - so tartlets must continue to stay alert, keep holding Fanny accountable and remain focused on the prize.
For those who may have wondered where I’ve been recently after my hospital/medical problem in late August, I’m travelling overseas for 2 months (first trip since COVID). Fortunately the cardiologist gave me the green light to travel, but I’m catching up with family and friends and unfortunately I currently have little time to watch CD or connect on tattle, but I’ll try to watch and join in our dialogue when I can.
Stay strong tartlets and don’t let the flying monkeys get the better of us!!!
To be honest all this flying monkey stuff gets a bit silly in my mind-if they're here they're here. I think Fanny and her crew glance here and maybe send in the odd little nugget or Isabelle? But the thought that someone grifting 33,000 a month is gong to care too much about a gossip site to a large degree I believe is wishful thinking. They read here to wind us up and to ensure their content ticks the box for any malcontent going on.

On a different note I hope you enjoyed your trip and that your health continues to improve.

I think the whole attacking newcomers and calling people flying monkeys is what actually divides this group- to flip it on its head. If you don't want newcomers and want to keep to to the original 15 then make it a closed group, I find the attacking each other bit which is often done in quite a bullying way really off putting and sometimes quite horrible, that's just me and I await the virtual kicking for raising my head above the parapet
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Well-known member
I actually think the production company are setting them up to look a bit ridiculous. The whole lingering camera angle concentrating on her unsuitable & unsafe high heels as she climbed the ladder in the last series gave a hint of that. However I also think portraying their ridiculousness in the programmes is purely because it will escalate the viewing figures …… and Stepha-me & Flip-Flop will do anything for a bit of TV coverage and don’t care how foolish they make themselves look to achieve that. (And let’s face it…. there certainly aren’t any diy/renovation stories happening for the crew to film.)
Yep. Ive been used and abused for tv and the production company will reel you in with promises of great exposure, flattery and feed your ego, but they will rip you to shreds to get the most clickbait-y content. I fell for it once and never again. Fanny falls for it over and over. Has she no dignity?
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VIP Member
Better late than never.
I haven't had the stomach to go back through my notes. However, the live chats are enlightening, so here is Sunday's, 9/11/22, CD's live chat highlights.
Patron Days at Lalande, more like all hands on deck. No mention or view, of the newly planted jardin anglais and no Davy.
Maybe, he was a no show because he is waiting to be reimbursed, like the chapel restorer. Well played Davy. 👌
I am starting to believe Philip Janssen and artist Andie W. are related.
Michael Potts, Andie Wieringa and Philip Janssen had a side hustle for some extra pocket money.
Why was Stephen Cole following Stephanie Jarvis like a love sick puppy, whilst she was checking on everyone before the patrons arrived???
I would not be interested in eating desert with armpit hair attached. Not to mention the lunch that was served.
Tree Nick finished off a tree for fun.
Stephanie Jarvis and Co. were treated to hot dogs before hipping and hooraying (edited out) for the Queen.
SHAMELESS!!! Remember, the higher the rise the greater the fall. It will come.


Sweet Baby J I’m glad you’re ok @Jason Dubey, I wish you the best!
Jason Dubey Hi Sweet Baby!!!! @Sweet Baby J
Sweet Baby J Speaking of the winter salon, I just saw pic of the secret loo posted on insta, soo beautiful with Daddy’s bespoke wallpaper. I didn’t know there was a loo in the winter salon.
Sweet Baby J I thought all the chateau railings were painted black?

Potty's prints (3).png

Michael Potts F1 Good evening everyone!
Jimmy Connolly I hope there will be no shop lifters
Sweet Baby J Oh, I thought Michael Potts was giving away his pics to the guests, still a deal!
Jason Dubey Don't use art glass if you are planning to ship art back. It breaks. We ship worldwide at the Genius gallery and always use shatterproof plexiglas


Milagro Guardiola

BJJ hidden door.png

Sweet Baby J Oh the stories that secret door could tell


Sweet Baby J I always gave a hard time hearing what Amaury is saying
Sweet Baby J [message retracted]
Sweet Baby J I always have a hard time hearing what Amaury is saying


Sweet Baby J Are Stephanie & Philip watching live with us?

BJJ PD (2).png

Sidonie Jansson Philip doesn´t seem to be tired

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Sweet Baby J Goat cheese man is soo handsome!

cake (2).png

Sweet Baby J That local bakery makes the cutest cake trees!



Sweet Baby J What kind of meat is rolled up on the salad?


The Chateau Diaries Hello lovely people! I’m so sorry we haven’t been in the premiere so far, Philip and I are having dinner with our lovely b&b guests
Jason Dubey @the Chateau Diaries Hi Stephanie, this is really nice. As you may know we are in a major fire crisis here with a wildfire burning nearby. full evacuation order in place.
Jason Dubey @the Chateau Diaries You can see it on Escape. My mother has gone now, and it's just the two of us and the dog. We are ok for now, but we had to stay to protect the house.
Sweet Baby J @Jason Dubey, what are you waiting for, why haven’t you evacuated yet
Jason Dubey @Sweet Baby J Because someone could get into the house and start a fire. We have to stay until the last moment if we have to leave
The Chateau Diaries @Jason Dubey You must be so worried
Jason Dubey @the Chateau Diaries Yes, but the sun is shining at the moment with no wind, so that's good!
Sweet Baby J @Jadon Dubey, I hope you’re ready to leave at a moment’s notice, sometimes that all you get. Be careful


Sweet Baby J @the Chateau Diaries, did Josie ever get her favorite apron back?
The Chateau Diaries @Sweet Baby J Gerry posted the apron to Josie ages ago

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Sweet Baby J @the Chateau Diaries, how many patrons in total came to patron days?
Michael Potts F1 More Patron days please
Sweet Baby J @the Chateau Diaries, do you know how many patrons were able to make it for Patron Days?
Sweet Baby J @the Chateau Diaries will next years Patron Days be held on the same days in September?

Cat and Nutti.png

Sweet Baby J Cat is always full of surprises!


Sweet Baby J It would be so funny to watch everyone leaning over to smell Nicks hand!
Sweet Baby J I think Josie has a new boyfriend (Tree Guy Nick)
Jack Dawson As much as I Love La Lande. My greatest disappointment….the loss of family trees
The Chateau Diaries @jack Dawson The trees we removed were a crop of pines planted in the 1970s or 80s. They were designed to be cut

SJ Andrew (2).png

Sweet Baby J It always hard for a lady to eat a hot dog, especially on camera
Cathy Tilghman oh Steph! Hotdogs are must here in the states too! @the
The Chateau Diaries @Cathy Tilghman They were the best hotdogs I’ve ever had!
Jimmy Connolly I love a hotdog but, it has to be a vegetarian one

the gang.png

The Chateau Diaries Thank you all for joining us!!! I’m sorry for the abrupt end of the vlog, but it reflects the reality that day - we were stunned to hear such news on a day of celebration!
Jason Dubey The tribute to HRH was totally appropriate and well received
The Chateau Diaries Goodnight everyone
Chateau Diaries sincere condolences in the loss of the Queen, my dad's people from Kent, we mourn with each of you


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Madame No

VIP Member
A cute little one!!! Oh girl!
You cracking me up!!!
Getting a visual....😮
A smiley face 😉
And wings!!! 🤭
I’m thinking your next tile project should be a cute lil one! 😆😉😂
I’ll never look at one the same again!!!
Or ever??? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤭
Bhutanese house decorated with penis. Why not La Lande? It would certainly make it stand out from the other chateaux, and it would actually improve the facade.


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VIP Member
I know many of you are disappointed with the outcome of the patron days at her HMN, but I for one am still shaking I took the risk and followed through. I'm also still shaking because seeing those patrons and meeting them in person have made me realize how much harder it is going to be to end Stephanie Jarvis' grifting.
Totally disagree with you on that. If you manage to get that info on Queen Phillipa out of the Netherlands about the alleged underage sex and that gets released, everything will go up in smoke. If I were Phillipa and if I were guilty then I'd be terrified. If SJ monitors this site then surely she would have spoken to him about it??? Either Phillipa is innocent or it has balls of steel to continue mincing around that ol'barn. My nerves would be shot!!!
I think forget trying to convince people, who don't want to hear, that she's grifting. I have met this type before on my life journey. The devil's in the detail. In SJ's case, the Association and Patreon. It's in the YouTube revenue and tax. And more sensationally, it will be down to Queen Phillipa out of the Netherlands' alleged past criminal behaviour.
My mother used to warn me - The mills of God grind slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
I am sure that she never dreamed that there were going to be people in Southbroom, where the beach house is, who would be reading this site. Well, I'm happy to tell you that there are, and they are shocked. I know because I put them onto it.
Furthermore, I have known Fee Halstead - Ardmore - since I was a child. Personally not well, but we all did show jumping together. We had the same trainer. She was in a higher age group to me. However, a member of my family worked for her father. Fee and her sister were/are very nice decent people. Also very wealthy. Fee did not have to start a business with the locals but she did so to promote jobs and build her own life and business. Sadly, SJ is in danger of bringing it all into disrepute.
It's the details that are important. I must admit that I felt queasy about this attack on SJ after reading on here what she has been up to, how people have been used and abused, kind people who tried to help her, the queasiness has gone.
Just remember Stephanie, remember the mills of God!
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VIP Member
Oooh us filthy animals have to do without her crappy put together patreon video's. I'm honestly in tears!

So they are in paris again? Add that to the holiday days and we have reached 100 days off work away from the shittoo.
More furniture while her facade is crumbling, her shittoo damp and cold.

She needed Isabelle's expertise to arrange logistics to get her purchases from UK to FR? Does she know anything outside ebay? There is this wonderful search engine called google!
I really do not envy her, her life and herself are shallow. She is a big nothing without all her support animals.
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KiKiGee, post: 11707631, member: 216710
Thank you @Clara Burnett.
After @QuebecQueen announced, (in the last 🧵), Curtis Ryan Woodside was in Egypt, (👋 Hi, Curtis),
I started wondering who may be traveling with Stephanie Jarvis in October???
Let's not forget, it was Isabelle and Percy, that introduced Curtis to Stephanie.

View attachment 1574758
View attachment 1574735

👇We now know, Isabelle is still calling some of the shots.
Will they be camel ridding??? Will Curtis' mother join them???
How many YT channels will this trip be flogged for???

View attachment 1574647

Sidenote, Isabelle Jarvis is ready. 👇 The, (picture below), is from the now closed/original Lalande website.
Which, was closed days after I posted this.
Like I said before, that website was a treasure trove of information.
Much like Marie Wiik's blog, that has been locked up, (permission to log in).
Who, advised Marie Wiik to do so and how much did it cost??? A trip to Africa???
Isabelle Jarvis, you are late to the game. I did my research before my first post here.

View attachment 1574652
Comments from April 18, 2022

Curtis Ryan Woodside
5 hours ago
hahaha Ill take you to the real temple of Amun-Ra soon! happy easter!


Isabelle Jarvis
3 hours ago
Can it match the Lalande one????


Curtis Ryan Woodside
3 hours ago
@Isabelle Jarvis nothing compares to LaLande 😘 but Egypt is a good place to find a temple to Amun Ra haha

thankfully here in Egypt, you can now take photos on the street without a permit and don't risk arrest. I have However as an unmarried couple they risk arrest and a whole lot of drama going down in most hotels. I witnessed many times arrogant tourists here flaunting the long-standing Egyptian morals and ending up on the street. Seeing as she reads here great caution needs to be taken near the pyramids its gotten a bit desperate financially here and you will be absolutley hounded for your others patreon money.
And for heaven's sake Fanny... dress appropriately when you're in a Muslim country. The Egyptians are very welcoming and can forgive most faux pas, but don't wear short dresses - cover your legs and cover your arms. Don't be loud. Your privilege (which is only in your head btw) counts for nothing if someone takes offence to you flashing your fanny, or wearing heels in a holy place, or neglecting to cover your head when necessary. A word on drugs too... apart from Neurofen, no idea what painkillers you're on for your (allegedly) bad back, but whatever they are, leave them in France. Put up with the pain (a fair trade off for the pain you've inflicted on others through your grifting). Egyptian prisons can be extremely brutal, and a doctor's script for carrying certain drugs dolled out like candy by French doctors, wont mean squat if you take forbidden medications into a country where they are banned. Yes, you can argue that you've been to Egypt before, but perceptions can and do change rapidly in a country that is Islamic at heart. Better stay in France where you wont do any more damage (apart from the aforementioned grifting, lying and being a greedy cow), insult anyone or get your gay boyfriend arrested.
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Bleu Lala

Chatty Member
Stephanie Jarvis
Paris was lovely :) I don’t think there’s anything new to share with the renovation plans at the moment. The Grand Salon is starting, the lake will have its next update next month when the final survey will be completed, the chapel quotes should arrive soon, I’m waiting for the terrace and moat quotes, the heating begins in the new year (with the log burners going in this year) and the facade is waiting as the chapel, lake and heating will dominate the Patreon income for some time. The 2nd part of the jardin a l’anglaise is planned for this autumn 🍂

May I also add that week on week there are less and less patreons questioning about work, it is hardly mentioned-she isn't even really pretending now. I mean honestly who puts a garden and lake above the facade!!! What is the point of panelling the big sitting room before getting the structure sound and heating installed. It is bloody bonkers and a ruse
WOW all these quotes and surveys all of a sudden. It's amazing that all the contractors have become available right after Mummy showed up... I think Isabell has lit a 🔥 under her ass.
As an added bonus getting surveys and quotes make it seem like there is work going on at the farm house, (when in reality it's paper work, which should have been done YEARS AGO) and and they'll be able to carry on the grift a bit longer...
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VIP Member
As one formerly called a flying monkey, I'd like to make a point or two.
@Isabelle6541 always wrote in American English, or else I am not seeing the posts made, as alleged here, from an Isabelle for whom American was not her native written language.
She refers to the state she lives in. As noted, the Lalanders can't tell CT from CO, not to mention CA. She could be salting her posts with red herrings, but, as familiar as I am with the technique, I did not get that smell from her. She was somebody excited by action being taken and wanted to mention it here. I think her statement "fair to Stephanie" was a lay person's paraphrase of the legal ramifications of taking Jarvis on as discussed by the group.
Or it may be a layperson's paraphrase of the reporter's obligation to get Jarvis to comment on every allegation in the story.
In any case it is a very slender reed, and a misquoted one, to build the flying monkey case on. I know I'd certainly be wearing my cup when and if I approached a narc like Stephanie Jarvis on a legally actionable initiative. Which, having participated in a victorious class action suit against a world famous company for sex discrimination, and other litigation around establishing a union at said company, and and and....I think I have some muscle memory of. (By the way, each of the victors in the sex discrimination suit won a reparation of $27.)
I think she is who she said she was. I think perhaps her group was less committed than she to action as she described it here.
I think she was an oversharer of a group which doesn't want to be associated with Tattle, which is the right position for people seeking to do what Isabelle described.
I think it is plausible the reporter in the group, if any, has told her to stop sharing his/her scoops in the low rent district.
I think she may have been reprimanded by the group.
Her indiscretions here may have alerted Jarvis to a planned confrontation that Jarvis somehow finessed -- I have a low regard for Jarvis' intelligence or preparedness, and would rate this a 30% possibility. Were I war gaming this out.
How @MojoDublin knew about the WhatsApp Patreon group we can only surmise -- she had access to the Patreon videos and long disguised that fact here. Concluding she is a Patreon who may have been contacted by the group. Indeed she would be my prime suspect for Isabelle but for the American spelling and syntax. Never baby grrl's strong point.
No flying monkey is trying to divide us. The Lalanders aren't smart enough and cannot sustain a long view subterfuge. Isabelle was real, she perhaps overpromised, we each pinned our particular version of justice on her vision, and it is inevitable, inevitable, given the unrealistic expectations, that they should be disappointed.
Time to be smarter, not dumber.
I Feel Pretty Salty Having To Spell This Out.™
Very well put. I totally agree. In addition Isabelle was pretty pissed off when they drug the chapel restorer out for that bullshit video basically nullifying one of their in-person interviews which was going to be explosive. She very well might have been chastised by the group and asked to remain silent until the article publishes. Further, even though we are hearing a lot of gushy gushy in the comments about patron days, more than likely there are those that hated the food, thought it was a dump, and have come to Jesus. Just like Mojo says, Tattlers don’t Rattle. Just be patient.
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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
Yeah. They never have much meat. It’s all vegetables and pasta. You really do need to eat meat for healthy skin bones and hair. It’s important for joint health. It’s important to have vegetables too. They rarely eat fish other than canned tuna. Fish is very important for heart and brain health. They have a really shitty rotation of food. I’d be so screwed up if I had to eat their menu let alone drink like they do. I bet no one there has solid turds. Maybe that’s what all the cheese and bread is for.

Look up the Bristol Stool Chart for measuring bowel “correctness”. If I’m not a solid 4 I adjust my meal plans, because something has thrown everything off.

I’ll bet they are all 6s and 7s.

The rule I use for meals is a lean protein the size of my palm, at least one vegetable portion the same size preferably green, and either a second vegetable or carb of a similar size. Then I make it just a bit bigger than that because only I eat twice a day. Snacks are cheese, nuts or fruit. Glass of milk every day. I try to eat food in a form as close to how it came out of the garden or came from the butcher as possible.

Eating as they do with strange sauces and spices, no regular rotation, eating old dead pantry stock, old dead frozen meat, and not usually a regular cook. It’s a recipe for gastrointestinal disaster in my opinion. That’s also not even considering the filth in the kitchen and the haphazard way food is stored and dated for consumption (not I’m betting).

I know I sound like some kind of freak, but taking care to not have runny diarrhea poo or constipation all the time is very important for your health and well-being. Contaminated or poorly stored and prepared food accounts for a far greater number of serious illnesses and deaths than many people even notice anymore.
Is keeping Lalanders at 6s and 7s by design to go easy on the chateau's ancient pipes and septics?
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VIP Member
As one formerly called a flying monkey, I'd like to make a point or two.
@Isabelle6541 always wrote in American English, or else I am not seeing the posts made, as alleged here, from an Isabelle for whom American was not her native written language.
She refers to the state she lives in. As noted, the Lalanders can't tell CT from CO, not to mention CA. She could be salting her posts with red herrings, but, as familiar as I am with the technique, I did not get that smell from her. She was somebody excited by action being taken and wanted to mention it here. I think her statement "fair to Stephanie" was a lay person's paraphrase of the legal ramifications of taking Jarvis on as discussed by the group.
Or it may be a layperson's paraphrase of the reporter's obligation to get Jarvis to comment on every allegation in the story.
In any case it is a very slender reed, and a misquoted one, to build the flying monkey case on. I know I'd certainly be wearing my cup when and if I approached a narc like Stephanie Jarvis on a legally actionable initiative. Which, having participated in a victorious class action suit against a world famous company for sex discrimination, and other litigation around establishing a union at said company, and and and....I think I have some muscle memory of. (By the way, each of the victors in the sex discrimination suit won a reparation of $27.)
I think she is who she said she was. I think perhaps her group was less committed than she to action as she described it here.
I think she was an oversharer of a group which doesn't want to be associated with Tattle, which is the right position for people seeking to do what Isabelle described.
I think it is plausible the reporter in the group, if any, has told her to stop sharing his/her scoops in the low rent district.
I think she may have been reprimanded by the group.
Her indiscretions here may have alerted Jarvis to a planned confrontation that Jarvis somehow finessed -- I have a low regard for Jarvis' intelligence or preparedness, and would rate this a 30% possibility. Were I war gaming this out.
How @MojoDublin knew about the WhatsApp Patreon group we can only surmise -- she had access to the Patreon videos and long disguised that fact here. Concluding she is a Patreon who may have been contacted by the group. Indeed she would be my prime suspect for Isabelle but for the American spelling and syntax. Never baby grrl's strong point.
No flying monkey is trying to divide us. The Lalanders aren't smart enough and cannot sustain a long view subterfuge. Isabelle was real, she perhaps overpromised, we each pinned our particular version of justice on her vision, and it is inevitable, inevitable, given the unrealistic expectations, that they should be disappointed.
Time to be smarter, not dumber.
I Feel Pretty Salty Having To Spell This Out.™
Wow! Are you trying to say our kidnapped Mojo was a Lalander, or worse an American!? I am astonished! What a mad conspiracy. Where is she anyway, I wish she would come back ! :confused:🍸
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Chatty Member
Well...i just watched Kathys vlog...she isnt coming back inhere because it isnt a nice place to be... 🙄 we heard that one before...we will see..

She defends Meghan...well i couldnt care one bit about Meghan ...nor Harry...but Kathy forgets one thing to mention...Megs was recieved with high hopes in the Uk...and she blew it all up...not even mentioning that Oprah interview...spitting out all those i have to disagree with Kathy..The comparisons she makes between Megs and Diana are completley off...I have to agree on one thing...Andrew is also to blame to make his parents last years misarable...he should have chosen his friends more carefull...but in a way he and Harry are alike..they both want a life they dont have because they are both second sons...and history has proven that second sons, although they sometimes do inherit...dont have an easy life..and make bad directions in life...or kingship...and yes Harries case i blame the woman...although Andrew also didnt choose the sharpest knife out off the draw...

I know i am derailing...we should talk about tablecloths and emaus teapots at Lalalande.. ;) :LOL: btw havent seen the intend to do so..

Btw that convent stuff the pethericks are spewing out.. 😨 give me one week and i think i need a retraite.....not in a convent btw..;)
Kathy is very opinionated, if she doesn't agree with you she will tell you to F off. It's ironic how she can be really rude and nasty while accusing people of being rude and nasty.
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C'est moi

VIP Member
Nearly peed my pants Go Dan. Haven't watched the grift grab but comments comedy gold from Dan give that man a medal
View attachment 1578457
Martha Izaguirre
1 day ago
Phillip is probably worn out because it seems he never has a day off. Maybe a weekend escape to a health spa would be a great birthday gift to rejuvenate him! View attachment 1578458




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Vawne James
1 day ago
That sounds like a wonderful present for Phillip he truly compliments Stephanie . They are all hard working at the chateau every one of them They all make my day
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Dan Ellis-Jones
1 day ago
Phillip? Are you kidding? I was working nights at a pub and temping in the day at 25! And at 26 I was working 12hr days. He just potters around a chateau buying stuff. If you notice, any heavy lifting he's nowhere to be seen! And I've never seen him cook or even serve food.
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Pam Graham
11 hours ago
Hmmm. You haven’t watched enough to see him upholstering, decorating, sorting, hauling, editing and cooking. He’s behind the camera a lot of the time recording other people doing things. Stephanie says he’s truly a kind person and I think that really shows in the dozens of hours of videos many of us have watched.
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View attachment 1578462
Dan Ellis-Jones
9 hours ago
@Pam Graham I've watched it for 2 years. I look at him and every time hard work is being done he's nowhere to be seen. It's either Amery or Dan. Just look at the last 2 videos. He's not cooking. He's not lifting. He has a chair in 1 shot. And that's just in the context of LaLande. In the context of the wider world, I knew of no 25yo who was just making videos in a remote chateau, and planting the odd thing. My mates were starting businesses, or working in offices working their way up. It seems the only person who actually works like a normal person is Amery. He's got real talent.
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View attachment 1578463
Zed Blackworth
5 hours ago
@Dan Ellis-Jones also had a massive amount of holidays this year in anyones book


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View attachment 1578464
Dan Ellis-Jones
5 hours ago (edited)
@Zed Blackworth Yeah, he's had a number of holidays, none of which, from what I can make out, he paid for. The B&B must be going hammer and tongs for the lifestyle they lead! Because the patreon money IS only being used to renovate and decorate!
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View attachment 1578465
Zed Blackworth
5 seconds ago
@Dan Ellis-Jones the B and B is only open 4 months a year and weekends only I believe
Wake up and smell the coffee baby! Dan gets it. Zed gets it. How long before they're deleted.
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