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Casa de Trastamara

Well-known member
Dan was also the assistant manager of a privately owned restaurant at Goodwood park and polo sector. He has previously mentioned being at Catering college. He left HMS Nelson and moved with Aramark to the North Sea Rigs. Reviews of conditions working for that company on the rigs sound pretty awful. No wonder he left!
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Where did you get his resume? I did not know people even did that.
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Who in the bloody hell wears either of these "garments". I grew up in a very proper, "prep" UES/New England world and even at the various parties with America's Blue Blood, no one would ever have worn anything resembling either "costume". These two are at best new money and showing their poor breeding.
Think that was for a "costume party".
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Well , bless her for taking the high road!
To be expected!
Thank goodness for Anna and Phillip.
Maybe it’s working out for SJ to add subscribers and patrons for her magical channel! (Or Vice versa)
I couldn't help but notice the use of “magical”!!!
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They seem to be glad of his company. They certainly are throwing themselves into the spirit of Selmar's vlogging. Wonder if they have family of their own?
Good observation, perhaps not then. Were there any other guests at the Easter dinner?
I have only skimmed through the first 2 vlogs, personally plenty enough for me.
When Bill puts him to work in Selmar's volunteering role, I may start watching them again.
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
@ Tea with lemon I mean it to say she was polite and didn't lower herself to undignified behavior. When Trump was saying nasty things, I remember Michelle Obama being quoted as saying "When they go low we go high" Dignified and full of grace.

More smoke and mirrors from the person who probably was the one doing the bitc
@ Tea with lemon I mean it to say she was polite and didn't lower herself to undignified behavior. When Trump was saying nasty things, I remember Michelle Obama being quoted as saying "When they go low we go high" Dignified and full of grace.

More smoke and mirrors from the person who probably was the one doing the bitching!!

Wonder if Billy P.will get an invite now that his site is growing?
Thank you for the explanation.
Anyway, I think that, despite their decency, that visit must leave a “bitter taste” if they are even a little normal as much as we all think they are.
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Imperious Me

VIP Member
I have heard over the years, in business and through friends, on subject of the rich- that’s why they’ve got it- they hang onto it- $$$! They don’t spend it. Difference in old money and new money- New money is anxious to spend it! Show off! 💁🏼‍♀️
It seems to be true for the most part!
Absolutely.. they backed onto a beautiful river.. the bank would erode, so he had cages for rocks placed, but he'd put newspapers in there... all the newspapers he ever had... was bizarre... wouldn't pay for rocks, and the paper was slimey... the toxins that must have flowed :( Plastic covered furniture... god so much cheapskate stuff..

Can you imagine any decent chef/cook wishing to cook in that filthy kitchen, with a very limited budget and unhygienically stored ingredients? We have seen how Amaury was pulled away from his own work and I daresay that it was the same for Dan. Whip up a meal for her guests, (that doesn't cost her anything) and while you're at it, sort out the plumbing and goodness knows what else ). I suspect he was pressured by Fanny into cooking for the Chateau. Initially, he agreed to cook in his own kitchen although since the break up with Annalise, he has had to sink to cooking at the HMN.
Let alone hunched over that table... my counters are high, I can't abide hunching over the table...
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Imperious Me

VIP Member
Yeah I do not get that EITHER! She has almost no French friends?? It is BIZZARE. I literally have more French friends than she does. I don't know how it happened either as I am in Ca., I have at least 20. It just seems when you met 1 you become friends with the entire group and then their group etc. I don't even speak French! Culturally they are very similar to the Spanish culture so it is easy to understand each other and feel comfortable around each other. However Stephanie is half freakin French she speaks French (thought sometimes with a pronounced English accent). She should have tons of French friends. Perhaps they see right through her. I do know culturally the French will tell you what they are feeling, so maybe they prefer to not have to deal with her OR those she has encountered have told her what they think of her. Stephanie is truly an embarrassment, she does not understand BASIC rules of hospitality and of right and wrong. I have the upmost respect for the English people as they are so very kind and polite. It is SHOCKING to hear and see what she has asked of people and how she has treated people.

Maybe this is why all of the luxury brands that were working with her in France in the beginning dried up. They did not want their name associated with her tatty branding. Her entire life is based off of AWFUL clothing choices, used cadeaux gifts, a crumbling farmhouse and her ethics of GOING THROUGH GUESTS SUITCASES??! Forcing people to share USE OF THEIR CAR?

If they said that to me I would say nothing if I was a guest there I would call the police immediately and ask them to come. I would lock the door so they could not put something in my room or stuff and tell the police what I have been subjected to, ask for a police escort out, then file a police report and charges for harassment, endangerment etc. etc.. Then I would sue the pants off her, Nick and Marie could then welcome their new owner of the chateau cause if I couldn't get the whole thing I surely would wipe Stephanie OUT not even her flat in London could save her.;)
She went through guests suitcases? Why?
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Joos Bos, a Dutch friend of Stephanie Jarvis (no, not just any friend but one with benefits, are you paying attention, Snorting Cameltoe?) and Nicolas Gasquet, a local French guy who came along with Tess Hoffman, who considers him to be a brother, much like the brother from another mother from Stephanie Jarvis.
Joos is quite good looking actually!
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Look out for Heathcliffe! You'll spot the mountain of empties out for recycling.
Oh no, you have now burst my bubble, is @Heathcliffe a City Boy then? Or do you mean something else?
Really appreciated his recent honest response to my post regarding a man's POV on "sex appeal". And also, @MRShavershamsdress's POV too.
Anyways, have left the client gardening behind me and just concentrating on my own gardens these days as I have moved away from my original, very wealthy and lucrative location.
BTW, would anybody like some hemerocallis as I have recently split up a few clumps. Gorgeous, both in pots and/or the garden, fabulous annual displays and such low maintenance. :D
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Casa de Trastamara

Well-known member
Why the hell in this day and age would anybody want a candle scented like a cigar? When most people on this earth avoid any kind of "smoking" related fumes like the plague? Especially even more so, when each candle costs in the region of £100 or, the equivalent? Just burn a cigar FFS, may be cheaper!
When I visited Cuba, cigars were being sold on the poorest plantations for peanuts, compared to the cost on the worldwide open market for the same product - all under the guise of "fair trade" of course - absolutely NOT was 100% not my experience.
Most people in that trade were living in nothing more than what could only ever have been described as "chicken sheds". I was ultimately so extremely shocked and 100% felt that the tour I was on, was so extraordinarily intrusive in that scenario that I had to walk away in order not to witness the occupants' embarrassment.
Cuba was defo a huge cultural revelation for me back in 2007 - no idea if it is still the same today.
Highly qualified Professors driving tour buses because they could make more money from doing that, rather than through their teachings.
I absolutely loved Cuba, and everybody I encountered during my time there BUT, came away feeling so very sad as it was just so oppressed.
I know... I think the only ones in the series I have liked was Solis Rex and Odalisque. Maybe it is because they smell different when burning?
Yeah communism is no bueno... the poor Cubans.
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VIP Member
If I organized a lunch in the garden for 30-40 people, most of the food served would be prepared in advance:
Devils eggs
Easter ham
Cold roast (pork, beef ...)
Horseradish sauce
Rice salad- endless possibilities
Potato salad - endless possibilities
Various pate - fish, meat, vegetables, mushrooms
Selection of cheeses
Different types of bread
And really, all of this is way less work than what she actually served. She just didn't want to pop for the ham or roast or pork loin.

Always been fascinated by the plentiful abundant farm wife for the farm hands cuisine. I keep watching the millionairess Ree Drummond basically to catch her ranch hand meals. Honestly I'd die from cholesterol overload just eating one forkfull of that stuff, but the generosity is implicit in the added sour cream, cream cheese, butter, and cream. And then there's dessert, ¡caramba! Cool Whip, mini marshmallows, white and regular chocolate chips, chopped M and Ms, frosting AND sprinkles.

Not as susceptible as I once was, but the sight of an actual, perhaps heterosexual, man at Lalande who may have a real job and all his teeth does strike one as life-giving.
Not to disparage looks, but teeth are more of a health issue imo. I thought dental care was free in France? He looks like a meth head with those teeth. If you can get it fixed, fix it.
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Imperious Me

VIP Member
If I were cooking an Easter luncheon for the lot of them. . being northern Illinois/ Chicago area.
My menu:

Baked or crock pot ham with brown sugar/pineapple glaze. Delicious cooked in huge crock pots.
Scalloped potatoes or any potatoes of your choice .
Green beans cooked to death with bacon of course and home made chicken stock.
Extra bacon as you can never have enough. Bake it in the oven.
Spinach salad with lots of bacon/ hot bacon grease dressing. Did I mention bacon?
Baked macaroni and cheese.. made from scratch.
Fruit.. a lot of fresh fruits, fruit salads
Assortment of french breads and cheeses if I lived in France, which I don't
Egg casserole with more bacon and cheese/ breading

Deserts-- I would rely on someone else bringing as I do not care about deserts or making them..or I would buy them somewhere already made. Chocolates . cheeses and wine/ coffee..
I am all about bacon and cheese as you can tell.

Oh I forgot biscuits and gravy.
You aren't considering the 10 minute traipse from the buffet to their seats...
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