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Back when I was a young feminist surrounded by the LGBT community, we called those 'Lavender Marriages' - no idea why. When I lived in rural north Japan there were quite a few as, although there were many TV personalities who were outrageous, cross dressers, gay etc - in the rural areas it wasn't really the done thing and so many people kept it hidden in order to have a good career etc. I remember seeing the music teacher at a 'rave' (the local Fire station decked out with weird decorations and a DJ) wearing tight silver shorts and silver string vest and platform shoes.
Please tell me you received post traumatic stress therapy after that encounter!
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Kotare said: I use it and I am a Kiwi. It’s in common use in British English in people who are inclined to be a tad posh. Pretentious people that is. 😂
Lolair: I use 'whilst' too and my butler tells me I am not the least bit pretentious. But like all butlers, he can be a bit of a snob.

Lolair, it's so polite of you to refer to your man servant as butler, I just stand on my balcony and yell 'boy, come now'! He seems to have no objections.

Definitely second Dr. Ramani - her YT videos on narcissism are excellent.
It's Iolair with a capital i not an L.
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The biggest Narcissist in the world - possibly second to Putin - hard to tell. Donald Trump.
I can think of many more dangerous narcissists.. Klaus Schwab, Pope Francis, Kim Jong-un, Erdogan but politics are boring. 🥱
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And now, joy of joys, he is going to take us all to Portsmouth! If you had ever been there you would know how underwhelming that's going to be
NO! Watch Danny at Rate my Takeaway before you watch that!! Nothing more enjoyable than watching an XXL size guy enjoy a meal and chat!😁
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Correct, but the deluge of positive comments for Annalise driving the dumper is bound to have figured in the decision to feature a back to basics working video at LL featuring SJ and Dan. The comments on the CD video are similar in their praise of SJ driving the dumper. I found the video a refreshing change. Work being done and some results achieved. Just like the old days before relationships strangled the life out of the place.
Maybe I am a little confused, but I remember being told in a bank here, that it was illegal to hold a bank account in another country. I also know that in the UK opening a bank account was refused to me because I had no UK address and was not a permanent resident.
I think she hold a French passport
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Clearly written by someone for whom English is the second language. “ Broom” the kitchen floor ? Would that be sweep ? Who the heck says broom?
Tbf English is quite stupid in terms of what can be used as a verb. Can't blame her 😌 And the fact that you understand the message but decide to bitch about it...
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SJ distraction tactic for not having spent gifted money on what is is being gifted for , distract by trying on anything g and everything, not cute and not funny sorry ! Stop being a money miser ! Your goons lose it if you carry on I’m afraid
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I can think of many more dangerous narcissists.. Klaus Schwab, Pope Francis, Kim Jong-un, Erdogan but politics are boring. 🥱
oh sure - but biggest is most well known? not necessarily most dangerous.
The only thing near the nether regions is your brain with your comment on my profile picture that all you see when you look at it is "a nice firm set of buttocks". Seriously? How old are you? And now this not so pithy follow-up on where the uvula is or isn't located. And you judging I'm a 'bloke' due to my response, when you could easily look up my name and find what gender it is. I told you that you wouldn't like what it is I think about when I see your profile picture, but here it is...
In our academic circle, after reading and assessing, my colleagues place the letter U for the attention of fellow academics on papers presented by students. The U variously translates as 'unproven' 'unsound' 'uneducated' or 'unprofessional'. A double UU (in emulation of the great Flinders Petrie who sometimes did the same) also indicates that the students thoughts, ideas and research makes them appear a bit of a tit in trying to appear smarter than they actually are - as in your observations that Stephanie Javis isn't really committing fraud because nothing legal was signed. WTF. It's the type of thing a flying monkey would say. Something to make tattlers fight amongst themselves, rather than concentrate on SJ's nefarious doings, lack of accounts and lack of accountability. So, what will you do: continue to choke on your own uvula with your disturbing and puerile observations on my gender and buttocks, or drop it, move on and concentrate your efforts on the HMN? Your choice. My choice is that you be shown the door, so it's a good thing that it's not up to me.
Um - keep it light.
Have you no sense of humour at all?
As for SJ and fraud - I think she's immoral and unethical in alleged use of Patreon money, but whilst I'm not a lawyer, I'm pretty sure using Patreon money for something other than what you have asked for it for is not really a legal matter. Apparently an overwhelming majority of Youtubers have Patreon accounts - I doubt they are all doing exactly what the money was asked for. Tax evasion, declaring income etc is another matter. Do you see Flying Monkeys in anyone whom you take a dislike to?
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I started watching it but stopped when it got into woowoo “he could help her become immortal” stuff that he was promising her after she had already give him thousands of dollars. She also told how she had met this guy through twitter as he and Alec Baldwin would interact and thought that they were friends ( this after stating that Alec wanted to date her but she had turned him down because she was in a relationship at the time ).
I guess that some people are book and creative smart but not street and relationship smart.

The raw food looked amazing though, I would have loved to have gone to that restaurant.
Oi Aquablue! Spoiler alerts eh! 😆
Now I don't have to watch it at all!
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shatcho shiek

VIP Member
@HalcyonOrganic if youre refering to womens issues if this advice isnt being invasive? A tip from secrets I learnt in Africa i just learnt and must share if western medicine doesnt work boil fennel crushed seeds or fennel powder , poof gone one drink.
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