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Just spent an hour reading 100 pages of the last two threads! You Yentas have been busy! Wow!

This woman has got to learn to stop hovering over her man! Dang! She's always milling around wherever her man is.
Goodness! Her figurative "chokehold" on him is scary! RED FLAG, ARMOIR! RED FLAG! ⛳⛳⛳

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caroline gooder
1 hour ago
Stephanie stated she has organized a meeting with the manufacturer of the thermal heating system to find out why all the issues occurred. Per the Vlogs, from the buried chamber to more heating units in the rooms are being reviewed. All Chateaux are built for mostly summer living. Billy and his family don't live in the Chateau during the Winter. In fact they moved out so only future guests will live there during the season. Michael will be in the cottage permanently soon also.
caroline gooder
8 hours ago (edited)
Amaury is cutting the paneling now as they were too tall for the space, but the top and bottom details are being preserved. Ian had surgery, so the building on the apartments are on hold, till he heals. Please send him prayers and be patient.
caroline gooder
8 hours ago
He has said many times, that he is still enjoying working, driving the car for hire in the UK. When Isabelle and Percy visit, you know he does also. Stephanie just said that they are discussing his next visit
caroline gooder
17 hours ago
Ian had surgery so there is a delay. We must be patient.
caroline gooder
17 hours ago
Yes they said she is there and some other Ukrainians living in France will visit also.
caroline gooder
18 hours ago
Stephanie said Kat may come for a Easter visit
Holy Zeus!
Damn Dame Caroline Gooder sounds like she has a double PhD in Stephanie Jarvis Studies with a minor in Chateauverse History from the Pontifical University of YouTube, where she learned much of her pontificating skills. She is more scholarly and well-versed about Chateauverse than Jumpsuit Jill ever was!

I wonder if her full dissertation is accessible online?
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Clara Burnett

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Once again, yesterdays flog was nothing more than screaming self promotion of Stephanie Jarvis' incompetence to run any kind of business effectively. With her childish brain focussed on picnic "food" (as much as possible, and still she managed to forget about it) her place obviously should not have been not on the "new" dumper, which should have been driven by a professional. Her gestures were purely done for content AND to be praised by her cousin for her "excellent" driving skills. It really doesn't matter what she is praised for anyway in her shitshow, as long as she is.
But even worse was the whole delay because the just bought "new" equipment, using the money grifted from her patrons, turned out not to be a very sensible investment after all because the machinery has been used so extendedly the fuses are melting. Money spend well? Not so much, I think.
Still no public statement about the unacceptable behavior of her wing-woman, the Argentinian Bully Natalia Oliveto, who was portrayed as a hubby-controlling troll in the LaLa woods and will probably permanently have to fight off the image of being a bully, because her boss refuses to put her in the clear and enjoys having this as leverage to hold over Nutty's future at the HMN.
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So during the plumbing incident Dan was constantly “called” to come to the chateau to help out when he actually lived there?
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I sometimes think Stephanie actually likes knowing that we’re here talking about her on Tattle. It doesn’t really matter to her that we call out her deceptions…just the fact that we’re talking about her adds to her sense of self importance and grandiosity. “Look at me…I’m so important that people are gossiping about me!” We’re probably inadvertently feeding her narcissistic personality. 🤢
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That Caroline Gooder sounds like Hyacinth a function in the local church with the vicar around... :oops:

Is Caroline Gooder a pseudonym of Stephanie Jarvis? Because they spew the same Lalande crap and the occasional wet fart.🧵

Who's who?

....... Caroline Gooder ........ Amaury ............. Philip Janssen ........... Stephanie Jarvis .....Michael Petherick

whos who.png
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Granola Chic

Well-known member
Stephanie cleaned up her act somewhat on Sunday's Show. It was a classic CD vlog from way back. People were working and SJ was part of the action instead of running around sticking the pink phone in people's faces.
Patreons were treated to the equipment they bought. Not a wise purchase. The maintenance will be a nightmare.
Even my name is finally off the credits. She really had to do some rearranging of Patreons.

That little 25-year-old auction-addicted, want-to-be actor is a bad influence. With him gone she is able to focus her pea brain on her business.
Next week he will be back whining and carrying on about some sort of nonsense. He is as high maintenance as her new machines.

Dan is completely enamored with his boss. It's a shame really.
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Stephanie Jarvis speaking to herself in the mirror, preparing for her next Patreon video:
I’m poor. Don’t look at my fancy parties. Look how dumpy and cold my partially owned house is. Partially owned? Why yes, the other two owners are my ex boyfriends and current best friends. They are very successful and quite well to do. Don’t they look both like James Bond? It’s so old and moldy around here, I can barely stand to stay for very long. Sometimes I only feel happy when I’m away from Lalande for weeks at a time, staying in 5 star hotels. I’m so lucky, I always get the best upgrades. Maybe that’s why people keep sending me so many presents all the time, they can see how sad and hungry I am. Last week I had to eat brussel sprout pasta, yuck. A few days ago when I went on a special snuggle picnic in my forest with my live in gardener chef handyman cameraman whatever he is, I only had tonic water to drink with our duck confit spread, cheese and French bread. I had to save my wine for our dinner later that night. Did I mention that the picnic basket I used was actually found in the dumper? I wish I didn’t need help all the time. But I’m just a poor young girl living alone in a castle in the middle of nowhere. 🥺
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
When I saw Snorty sit down for today's Cadeaux my initial reaction was WTF??? Snorty irritates me without even having to open his mouth. How long has he been filming Grabeaux and he still can't set the sound correctly and 2 or their 3 film lights are broken)

What did we learn during today's Cadeaux tartlets???
  • Channel 4 filming starts again soon, so clearly Fanny is waiting to complete projects, such as the Marquis suite, for Channel 4
  • Paneling won't begin in the Grand Salon for another 6-8 weeks (Anmuary better hurry up and get it down before any baby arrives)
  • China Pantry and Fanny's sitting room won't be started until the Grand Salon is finished (so expect 2023 at the earliest)
  • The chapel restorer is still AWOL although the stain glass lady (who doesn't like her face on camera) will be installing a refurbished stain glass window sometime this year
  • Many asking in the comments when will Natti's apt. be finished? Ian is still recovering (Ian will never be seen again)
  • After 17 years in France, Fanny claims she still can't find reliable tradespeople (Fanny's nose grew an inch longer with that lie)
  • It's March, but Snorty has the important world issues such as Christmas 2022 decorations planned, including the place-setting - yikes! (It doesn't appear that Snorty is planning on shifting his sorry ass out of the shiteau any time soon or heading back to school)
  • Selmar received a gift - which will be left out by the compost heap with his tools for pickup
  • Marie received a gift - apparently Marie is only 2 hours away and Fanny promises they will meet up (Ain't going to happen)
When all the pearl necklaces and bracelets were being unwrapped, not only did I lose count, I lost my will to live. By my estimation, approx. 112 gifts were opened in today's Grabeaux. I'll go back and try to value, but hard to do with much of the crap which was received.

Of course, Fanny has no qualms keeping all the gifts, and with the troubles in Ukraine what is one to do, but just carry on. Selfish, greedy cow! :mad:


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Natty tried to bully me into brooming OUR kitchen. Does she know who I am? I should have gotten a Grammy for the boy band. I am working on an Oscar by being the star in a play. Channel 4 said I was a great supporting actor as the “kaboom” boyfriend. I am too famous to be brooming or answering questions about SJ’s accounts.

WE not only purchase items from Emmaus charity shop, WE give to charity and I donate my filming skills for a charity channel. WE are housing a refugee at OUR chateau. I may get the Nobel Peace Prize. Now stop asking why no renovations are happening you see WE are busy doing good deeds.

I am nice and smart and capable of seduction. I like girls, I like boys and grannies types. I can mind trick and chicken chase and be a friend to people in bubbles and scrape poo off of floor tiles. Why would anyone think little old me could help SJ launder Patron money?
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😋 mmmmmm

long time I’ve reasoned there was no WAY in hell Stephanie jarvis was in any other intimate relationship with phi phi other than he wore the knickers she fannyed around without

and I was truly a fan of VIP dan the man ….. but the way he smirks and she fawns around him

the beard is the only thing Philipa is sporting …. He’s the beard for the pair of them ☝

gutted 😞 doesn’t come near 😈
I know. It's so disappointing. Shy Dan who wasn't comfortable in front of the camera at the start, then Mummy loved him because he was trying to look after the garden & there was a good relationship between them. Then he gratually started to blossom - seemed to have a wry smile when Fanny was up to her stupid, girly antics - thought he was a down to earth (pardon the pun) bloke who saw through her but played along to get the work. Imagined him laughing with his missus about 'you'll never guess what she's planning now...." stories when he went back home. All the time being a family man who wouldn't be daft enough to get sucked in. I'd thought he'd drive me mad if he was my partner if he kept on starting projects, doing them, then going back and re-doing them. But admired his work ethic offset against Fanny's fannying around. .I started to think something was up when he was wearing sunglasses indoors, I mean what was that all about. When he started building the studio & doing a film course - I thought hey up, someone's been filling his head with nonsense and flattery about his production skills. I thought it was so Fanny could USE him to do all the donkey work for her for the new Oli & Fanny Travel Show. That they would send him material & he would edit it & upload it so she could have more of the fun & less of the work. Or he could do the filming at the chateau to keep that channel going whilst she was away travelling the world. When he got included in the Venice trip - I thought, oh no maybe she wants him to do the filming too...and then we saw party Dan & his cover was blown. I have no clue about his relationships with anyone else - I guess it will all come out in the end. Just think it is so sad when there are two little boys involved.
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I would have accepted a chocolate beans answer too, but I never expected THAT answer..

……View attachment 1144477

View attachment 1144478
Meet Mimsy & Merlin!
Yes, I'm probably going to be an aging cat of those types that have 100 cats when I'm in my 80's!
They are brother and sister, from the same litter. We knew the tortie was a girl, since 99.9% of torties are female. We adopted them at 2 months old and thought both were female. My husband named the tortie 'Mimsy' after a character in a Disney film - Mad Madam Mim - (Sword & the Stone, I think?), and I named the black cat Lilly. But, when we took them to the vet the next day, the vet pointed out Lilly's furry, teeny, tiny testicals (who knew what they looked like? We 've always had female cats!) and well, I wasn't quick enough, and my husband turned around and named the black cat Merlin.


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Anyone catch this little gem in the kitchen today? It was behind Dan when she was talking to him. Who does a list like this? I’d go nuts having a whiteboard in the kitchen with this stupid common knowledge on it. I wonder if there’s rules for the bathroom taped up in there? Rules for the laundry room? Rules for the fridge? Rules for the pantry?
I wonder how often they clean the white board? Like never?
The white board was definitely put there to show us how “clean and professional” they are at the Shitoo de Lalande. Stephanie Jarvis you have to try harder than that. We know that sign is not real because it’s not beautiful. I have to wash my hands just looking at that kitchen. Gross.
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