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These top two pictures are disgusting. David looks like he’s proudly displaying an incest fetish for his tween daughter to the world. Look how close their pelvises are in the middle image. Yet Harper’s face looks totally innocent and distracted like she has no clue this is inappropriate.

But Harper looks very average for nearly thirteen. Adults forget what is normal for tweens and teens.

I disagree with other posters who said her outfit is too old. Baggy jeans and fitted top is perfectly normal casual wear for little girls and women of any age. In fact the much younger girl to the right is wearing something very similar, only in a crop top version.

What those posters are really offended by is the fact that Harper now has an adult form, which they think a 12 year old shouldn’t have, and they are projecting their ignorant discomfort in her normal body by deciding her clothing must be wrong.

It’s bit like how two women, one big breasted and one small, can wear exactly the same normal, non-revealing top, and only the busty woman will be accused of dressing provocatively.

You accuse David of incest and then accuse others of 'ignorant discomfort' in her displaying a 'normal body'. Have a look at yourself.
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Surely there was a back/side door they could have left through or booked a hotel venue where they could have stayed over
I thought that when she had a party and celebrated something at her shop and DB marched her out and it very much looked like she’d wet herself .

It just reeks of needy attention seeking, I think V likes a drink but wouldn’t having it splashed across the papers make you plan a discreet exit if you’re going to be bladdered?
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David’s sister was also there which surprised me.
Tbf at that age or older if I was entering somewhere big (let alone with paps!) Id want an escort for support and confidence. And a protective parent will support.
However, it just looks wrong here in the photo because VB is the birthday girl, on crutches, who should have someone with her (maybe videofootage shows her not solo).
Harper could have walked with VB or even her brothers too.
this is what i always think, why doesn’t she walk with one of her brothers or her mum? Men are also allowed to be protective of their wives, or at least helpful when they’re hobbling around injured. Is he still going to be holding hands with her a kissing her on the lips when she’s 14, 15,16?
Harpers used to paps by now as well surely.
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^ He's always kissed his kids on the lips, there were many pictures of him doing it with his sons when they were young. It's just how some people like to show affection. It wouldn't be my choice but it doesn't have to mean there's anything weird going on either.
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I never bought into the girl power shite they peddled, it was a clear marketing ploy devised by Simon fuller.

No one loves the beckhams more than themselves. I have zero sympathy for her, I genuinely think they lead a miserable, lonely life, filled with nothing but fakery and vanity projects.
Agree, they’re total phonys.
I think David deeply cares about V..

but he's not in love with her and will be eyeing up other women
I’d like to bet it goes further than “eyeing up”.
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Miss Havisham

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Beckham or Martin Roberts from Homes under the Hammer. I can’t unsee it now 😂View attachment 2904077
His legs look like sticks in this photo too. Hopefully filters - so that they are really not that thin.
His shorts are strangely bunched up to. Are they covering a diaper? Not sure if they are arranged like that, so it looks like he has an erection.
All very odd.
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If she ever puts on weight I’ll believe she’s happy. I dealt with some food issues in my teens and I found when I was happy I worried about it less and could relax and enjoy food and life etc.
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Harpers pose is really REALLY bugging me …. What is with the holding of the dress, it has to be something other then it’s too long … as she’s standing still getting photo taken ….
Can Vicky only lean one way?
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She looks like she's had highlights rather than an all over colour but her nails and eyebrows do look very manicured. But given how obsessive VB is about her diet and food restricting, it's lovely that Harper looks like a very normal young teenager.
To be fair - I think Harper is always dressed quite age appropriate.

Dresses with trainers, Loose jeans, etc

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Standing around for all those staged photos must have eaten in to the evening. Doesn’t seem fun. I’m enjoying how DB is only sharing pics of super famous like Tom Cruise. ‘Look at our A List friends’. It’s quite pathetic.
He also shared photos of the Ramsays who they have been friends with years. Eva Longoria who is Harpers godmother and Marc Anthony who is Cruz's godfather. These people are actually their friends it seems.
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This is completely normal for 12 year olds. I turned 12 right before I went to secondary school and some people in my year would’ve been 11 when starting and turning 12 during the first year of high school. This is when you start experimenting with hair and nails and make up. I definitely had highlights, wore terrible make up and had acrylic nails for the first time at this age as did the majority of my peers. This was 20 years ago now too and kids are even more into this stuff these days.
Okay well I wouldn’t let an11/12 year old have dyed hair and acrylic nails but each to their own. I would maybe allow painted nails and playing with makeup at home.
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