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Wouldnt be the first time, and back then it lead to their pipes bursting. The thing is, unlike many people right now, these two fools can afford to turn on their heating.
Anna's (Mark's? lol) stinginess contrasts painfully with the lifestyle she tries to sell. How are you buying your zillionth designer item when you would rather freeze than pay for heating that you can afford?
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I also disagree with Mawk exclusively being the bad guy. In one of the podcast episodes she mentioned how he does basically all the chores and she and Lily laughed how lucky they are with their husbands. I imagine with Ralph some things must have changed in that regard. She even called herself a narcissist - giggle giggle - in one of the episodes.
Also, didn't he work in civil engineering? I feel like with the renovations going on, it's him coming to life again in what is actually his thing, after accomodating all of Anne's lifestyle choices for so many years.
I don't have any illusions about Anna's character (she comes off as immature as Lily, just at the opposite side of the spectrum, lol) but I have to disagree with that "Mark was babying and accommodating her" part. If I remember correctly, when he still had a job not related to influencing, she used to wake up with him, do chores and... not turning up the heating despite being cold bc he said so. As for her lifestyle choices, well, those got Mark multiple free stays and vacations, products, food as well as an option to simple be home when he didn't get along with his colleagues. Accommodating isn't the word I would use.

To comment on his "revival" during the reno, saying shit like "this is a socket" and "this is a lamp" has nothing to do with engineering. The lack of organisation skills and clear disdain to improve are, for me, a better indication of his working morale.
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The influencer era has really highlighted how ineffective skincare products are and that most are a complete waste of money. Good skin is mostly genetics and unfortunately for Anna, she has poor genetics. The best we can do is get some high quality retinol and wear sunscreen daily. Anna and her ilk would be out of a job if they were honest.
Completely agree, the cost of her skin / makeup routine is astronomical - the dennis gross LED face mask costs £430, the allies of skin cream £125 and the augistinus badar cream £225 yet her skin looks no better / if not worse than most people her age.

It is really jarring her byline on TikTok is minimal when she is the persona of excessive consumption, makeup and skincare routine into the thousands, a wardrobe into the tens of thousands - she shows one rail for her 'seasonal edit' - 4 seasons a year means she has 4 full rails plus copious amounts in suitcases / piles (probably collecting mould) ... I can see a lot of people zoning out of influencers like Anna as everyone is having to tighten purse strings this year. Loads of people I know on good wages are having to make cut backs across all areas meanwhile she seems to do nothing but shop and shill :/
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Is this a case of not wanting to bruise his ego so she won’t get AN ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHER to do her photos instead?
Apparently they can produce content a lot quicker with an "in-house photographer" (lmao) than by using freelancers, who often have busy schedules. I reckon it's also a money issue. This guy won't put the heating on, do you think that he'd be okay with paying someone to do work that he can do himself?

I am shocked that he hasn't gotten any better after doing this for what, three and a half years? He's an engineer, you'd think that he'd grasp the most basic technical aspects of photography. I guess he just doesn't care.
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Chatty Member
If it doesn’t depend on the number of items, then what does it depend on? Getting lots of wear out of items? Using things for longer than a couple of seasons? Spending less money? Because on all those fronts hers is a fail too.
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Chatty Member
There is no joy left in Anna’s content anymore - even the (potentially) fake enthusiasm from the Brighton days has gone. It’s all so flat. She looks depressed and struggling. If so hope she is getting some professional help.
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Chatty Member
You know, there are some weirdos in my community who are all "white people can't have curls or waves! Only we have them naturally!" (which is complete bullshit), but Miss Anna here just running around with the struggliest of struggle waves loudly going on and on about her "curly hair routine" is doing no one any good. She has straight hair. And that's great! But this compulsion to call her hair wavy or textured is deeply odd. I just don't get it.
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I cannot take Anna's outfits seriously because you all know the minute she was done filming that reel all clothes went back to hang in one of the empty rooms and she put on some expensive tracksuit. If I am craving fashion fantasy, I will browse fashion editorials, not instagram feed of a wannabe 2015 Zara model who gets free shit from Net-a-Porter and makes it look as boring as changing my cat's litter.
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Anne needs out and about more, she needs away from Mawk, to spend time with other people and not rush back to her boys. Of course she wants to be around Ralph but she needs to be interesting and current, that is her job. She is boring, dull and repetitive her channel is a snoozefest and her Insta is basically qvc.
I actually think Anna needs time alone, no baby, no mark, no friends, no brands to find out who she is without all these titles (wife conent creator etc). She lacks purpose and is faffing around with visions and lists to delude herself into thinking she knows what she's doing
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I feel like if you are making a living out of shilling and linking things you don't own, you shouldn't even think of doing anything deinfluencing-related.
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“I have a list ✨this long✨ in my basket waiting for U.K. shipping to become available”

oh fuck off anna you know and we know that you know you are getting a bucketload of free stuff from this brand. She’s so disingenuous
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I reckon the choice to flash her nipples is something she’s doing on purpose to appear more high fashion. The final result is debatable but she wants us to know that she’s no longer the Whistles girl she used to be. She’s a Net-a-Porter woman now 🤣
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She looks a millions times better with styled hair and a clean silhouette (ironed, collars, tucked), more groomed brows, and a fresher palette.
I’ll go straight to hell but she’s not a classic beauty and can’t get away with the unkept hair and shapeless drab clothes. She looks quite lovely when she makes an effort..
Although to be fair I think shockingly she is putting in an awful lot of effort to look this bad. Surely she’s losing her influence. Who on earth is clicking on her affiliate links these days since she looks so bad.


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It’s bizarre she had to put her foot down and insist on having a few hours in the day to herself. She’s bringing in multiple six figures a year (or was at one point not long ago), you’d think her husband would take the initiative with giving her time? These are the dickheads who will tell you they are feminists / left leaning etc but when it comes to actual domestic labour, childcare etc it’s straight from the1950s madmen style playbook.
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No. 4: "showing up even if it's half-arsed". We are in for some riveting content this year🙄🙄🙄🙄
Case in point - her wardrobe switcheroo filmed in November, scheduled for December but actually posted in mid January.
She really show up half-arsed!
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girlie should focus on how to work from home first, this content is even more annoying than when she made that reel?tiktok?video? about outfits for a 9 to 5 workweek while having about 0.03 percent experience with that concept 😭
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Okay, let me preface this by saying that not everyone has to be a boss babe who only lives for work. But... Her 2023 goals sound like they're written by a stay at home mum. That would be fine, of course, but she's the head of a company that's supposed to support their whole family. And not just for now but for the foreseeable future as well. As far as we know, they do not have enough capital, sources of passive income or family money to let them just retire when the Anna Edit no longer brings in the money.

I guess Mark is the brain behind the brand these days and Anna's just the face. Neither of them seem to care about long-term plans but rather only the short-term fix (affiliate links) and that really shows. Do they not understand that their content is essentially their portfolio when they need to find an actual job in the industry?
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