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VIP Member
Guys it was amazing!!! Whatever you paid for your tickets, I promise it's worth it for being there and feeling that energy. I'm not a mushy person at all and I got goosebumps at points and cried a bit (Marjorie 🥲).

My silly biological clock is like "6 am, wake up even if you went to bed at 2!" So I'm indulging it for a bit and then trying to sleep more. But I'll be back with photos and if I figure out a way to compress videos a little snippet for the Starlight girlies.

I love Starlight, have always done so and in a way if you love an underrated song and it's one of your show's surprise songs, it's great cause people aren't screeching the lyrics to your left, right, front and back and you can actually enjoy Taylor's voice 🤣
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My show's todaaay. I can't believe that the months passed so soon. When we got them in November I was like, pfft, July. But it's here now. Your year will also speed by, I bet.

@tellmewhy I am dressing up! Sparkly multi colored sleeve dress, super sparkly sneakers, going for a bit of a Midnights vibe with that. too many friendship bracelets, we're doing the 13 on our hands (got the supplies just yesterday 🥴).

I was out and about yesterday around the time people were going into the concert, and there were so many sparkly dresses and cowboy boots. The lightrail was divided between Swifties and Rockies supporters (baseball team, bright purple shirts).

I don't know who did it but someone set up a Taylor station at Union station and you could go and get your makeup glitterized and sparkles for your hair and friendship bracelets and they were blasting Taylor songs and everyone was scream-singing them. So cute.
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Chatty Member

I can’t actually believe it. I was waitlisted 3 times and my bf once (we’re still waitlisted), after seeing what happened yesterday and today with general sale I’d lost all hope to be honest.

Then 2 beautiful people on here posted that there were hospitality tickets still available at Anfield (thank you @poopbug and @Tamw26 💞). My bf and myself must have called that number about 500 times between us, then got cut off and lost all hope but the person in the ticket office only went and called me back 🥹

Got my confirmation email through thank god so can now breathe a sigh of relief
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On the resale thing, just be careful and try to go through trusted channels. I've seen lots of people get scammed. Also, my friends and I popped on StubHub Friday night to see if the tickets for that day were going down in price. We were close to the stadium and figured if we got lucky and we could get some for cheap/reasonable prices, we'd do it. It was past 830 pm, so Taylor had been playing already for 30 minutes, and the prices were the same. Most of these resellers are massive farms so they don't care if they lose out on breaking even for an individual ticket because they already made a lot more off some other ticket and broke even that way. I know Europe and the UK have stricter laws but just be extra careful.

Okay here are some photos and links from my Denver show 🥲😊

This is the video from the moment she shows up.



My outfit! I'm the one in the black dress with the sparkly sleeves and sneakers. You can't tell because of the sticker but I put on rhinestones kind of like a headband.


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Chatty Member
Oh my god I’m going to the eras tour!! I got tickets for Wembley!! £75 for nosebleeds at the side of the stage! Dunno how but it was slightly easier than I thought, at least it seemed pretty seamless for me? Hope you’re all having some luck too 💜💜
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Not me catching up on the last few pages and wanting to break out into Bad Blood 🤣🤣🤣

Everyone who's sad that they didn't get tickets, me included, we are absolutely going to one of these shows. I will manifest it until I'm blue in the face. We have almost an entire year to figure this out. Tickets will go on resale, tickets will be available nearer the time. We're going. Have faith ❤
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I think the only fair way would be to give me all the tickets and I will distribute them how I see fit.
I will make up challenges for true swifties only.
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I haven’t managed to get tickets but honestly I’m bored of reading the arguments about the presale on here haha. we could discuss it until we’re blue in the face and it wouldn’t change a thing it’s done and dusted now. Am I sad and disappointed I can’t get tickets? Yes. Am I living in hope of getting a ticket nearer the time? Absolutely
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I saw a spat between a couple of fans on Twitter where one said that the reason the pre-sale last week was “normal” prices was because that was a thank you for the “real” fans (as they had bought her album) and this week it’s just the wannabe fans trying to get tickets

You can imagine how well that went down….. 😂

Wish I had taken a screenshot as it was hilarious. I was telling my “real fan with tickets from presale” friend but when I went back in I couldn’t find it
Twitter swifties are a different breed. I remember when folk got their hospitality tickets one girl said she hoped everyone got salmonella from the meal 🤣
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I didn’t check my personal emails all day as I was in the office- had a look while waiting in the queue at Starbucks and there it was - Wembley hospitality telling me I was off the waitlist. I shouted “fuck” way too loudly and had to apologise.
I raced home while listening to long live and screeched into my house shouting for my daughter. The panic was real. I couldn’t get my laptop set up and was scared to do it on my phone - forgot all my codes. We wrestled each other in a panic and fell over the dogs.
We got silver for August the 17th at 455 each. That was the cheapest they had.
Im still slightly embarrassed at the state of us.
This is not normal.
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I think some people here may be giving Taylor too much credit. She is an icon. She is mother. I will overlook almost anything when it comes to her 😂 but she is also money hungry. There are no ethical billionaires in this world, as they say. And she's gonna be one of them soon. She could very easily sell cheaper tickets. Plenty of artists do it. Not to compare because I can't stand him but Yungblud did it. It's not beyond the realms of difficulty to make it more affordable. She simply doesn't want to because she knows everyone will panic pay. Just my opinion 🥰
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I’ve seen a lot of people shit on newer/more casual fans who’ve got tickets too and acting like they are “undeserving” because they don’t know every lyrics to every song.
What they need to realise is that Taylor doesn’t give a shit as long as she gets their money.
Dedicating their whole lives to Taylor doesn’t make them better than others.
Times like this really show how bitter a lot of her fan base are.
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Is Taylor not embarassed for making so many tickets VIP? Trying to rip off U.K. fans in the middle of a cost of living crisis isn’t a good look
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Oh my god, got some. Two tickets at £75 each. I thought I was out as it kept flagging me as a bot as I kept clicking to see if any were released. Then I tried a few times and it said it sold out. But then it finally worked! So don't give up hope! Keep clicking but not too quickly as it might flag you as a bot.
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God what have I walked into 🤣

All I’m saying is , I don’t know how people missed the Midnights presale . It was everywhere . Not just on social media or on emails , but it was the first time we heard that there was going to be a tour in the first place so it was reported in the press . I personally don’t see how you could have missed it unless you were completely offline at the time .

In my view the midnights presale was the fairest way to do it . Surely more fair than credit card presales in other countries ? Tickets went to real fans and not bots or scalpers , and there was a no purchase option too so it’s not even like you had to buy anything .

People are just salty they didn’t sign up , or didn’t realise there was a no purchase option and have missed out . Take it out on the scalpers and the routers as they’re the reason these rules about wait listing etc have to be in place . Don’t come here and tell us all we’re entitled sods because we had the forethought to sign up to a presale for a tour of our favourite singer 9 months ago 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Caffeine Fiend

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Im going to 2 shows and do you know what I DGAF if someone is salty.

I signed up at pre sale, it was everywhere tik toks, emails from Taylor Nation, Taylors Socials. You didnt have to buy anything.

If youre not signed up to mailing lists I honestly have no idea how you would even think youd get pre sale?!? Like someone else said its how its always done in the UK. Ive signed up to all sorts of mailing lists to get pre sale for Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi (who was using and promoting this for his most recent tour) Matt Rife, Kevin Bridges.

If you are signed up prior to this, youd have got the email to tell you to sign up again.

I feel like this conversation needs to be done now. Its happened. If someone can come up with another solution that would have been fairer AND possible (i.e ticketmaster wont crash) Id be all ears.
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