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Social services are inadequate and shit. I've begged them for help assisting a family in crisis and they've just said mum is meeting the children's needs despite being suicidal and unable to get out of bed most days. Multiple agencies made many many referrals saying this family needed desperate help and they turned up, saw 2 well looked after children with food in the cupboards and a nice home and closed the books.
Talias children aren't neglected by any means and whilst I dislike her I don't agree with the comments saying her kids should be involved with social services. We have no idea about Oakleys care apart from what she chooses to show us and that is her narrative
That’s what is alarming… she chooses what to show us, and so far that’s been… as if Siennah doesn’t exist, how different she is with Romeo compared to Maddox… speaking to the kids like shit, posting them naked in the bath… spraying hair products directly over Oakley then he ends up rushed in to hospital with breathing difficulties, we see the times where she’s talking in to her phone whinging on about his SATs dropping, about how she only ends up at the hospital with him when the community nurse tells her to, he was really struggling to breathe at one point and she left him for 5-6 hours before paramedics rushed him in to hospital, not strapping the kids in the car seats properly, recording whilst driving…. The list goes on.
And this is only what we do see, what goes on that we don’t see?!
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Oh to be a psychologist and get hold of this pair to do assessments 🤯

Her post confirms to me that this shit is over her seeing someone else, that along with his bizarre post of her and him instead of a screenshot evidencing her lying about contact or whatever. I can't believe these pair are around the same age as me, honestly it's like watching Jeremy Kyle back in the day, does anyone have a lie detector we can borrow? Although, Aaron you'll have to front up with exactly what she's lying about first and stop talking in half baked (half cut) riddles
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Who celebrates like that the night before their baby has another hospital appointment.
Lost herself in her own minipulating posts! She couldn't lie straight in bed the sad little girl
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Bit wierd how she's celebrating like that yet earlier you could see her hands shaking. He clearly has some juicy shit on her
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Make It Stop

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I’d say she has had to be flagged for PND at this point. It’s quite obvious she has a detachment to her children and their needs to the point that she doesn’t mind publicly broadcasting things in a cold offhand manner.
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If he steps back from socials then the only info we can get is from her. So if people start on him again that's cos of her.

The comments he was getting last night were disgusting, yeah we like to gossip and we all know they are a pack of arse holes but I wouldnt go and write that on anyones instagram. Because really it isn't anyones buisness what the pair of them do. If he doesnt want to see the kids (not saying he doesnt) its no ones buisness its his choice.

I dont get woman who slate the other parent for making that choice. My child has never met his biological father (fathers choice but for the best really), I've never once threw him under the bus! Never slagged him off. Never really gave it a second thought. Im not botherd enough. And my son telling me he wouldn't ever change a thing is all I need :) you've just got to get on with it!!

In my case you cant miss what you never had!!!
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She’s just admitted that drs told her there was something wrong with Oakley during pregnancy 😬
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She’s giving me Amy from Gone Girl vibes or Amber Heard 😂 what the hell has she done or said to him to silence him up, and then to carry on with her stories like she’s having a ball singing in her car.
Really can’t work out Aaron’s post ‘the price has gone up’ has she said she’ll pay him back the 100k she rinsed off him 😂😂😂 ffs I was so ready for a bit of Sunday night tea!!
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Aaron is a lot of things but I'm sorry I don't see him smacking a child :( there's no way talia would of kept that quiet either because that's the ultimate thing that probably would of finished his 'career' off so sorry I don't believe it
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Someone already mentioned it but now his social media is quiet her true self will shine thru for the people who can’t already see thru her. Her followers already must see she’s lying yesterday about being on Liverpool on her own when her friend was clearly there lol. She will dig her own grave people like her always do, she openly said on a story she wanted the hospital to push back her sons app for a week cause it’s to much travelling to Liverpool and back 😳 how can anyone think she is a good mum she yet again is putting her self first it’s to much for HER to travel 3.5 hours there and back.. news flash hexagon head it ain’t about you 🤣🤣 imagine if her dad actually said he’d disown her for going into love island as she slept with half the football team he used to manage hahahaha FML stop
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Helen Flanagan recently documented her boob job journey on her stories, she was still sore after day 4, that’s with her kids being looked after by family and having time on her own to recover. From what I gather her op didn’t include an uplift so wasn’t even as invasive as some are.

Can’t believe she is choosing to do this just after Oakley’s first major surgery, she has cancelled one of his vital hospital appointments in his recovery after the first week as it’s too much but can go have a boob job and skin boosters/fillers. She has no conscience, Oakley deserves better!
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Wasn't she recently saying she had to take the boys out of nursery because she couldn't afford it, but now she's having a boob job? Happy to take Aaron's fight money I see! She should spend the money on a personality transplant.
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Chatty Member
they’ve both embarrassed themselves this weekend.
Talia is a cunt. I’m so glad people are seeing her for what she is! It’s about time!
Aaron isn’t any better for behaving like a 13 year old last night but it’s actually insane the amount of abusive comments on his pictures.
It’s probably the same people who post “be kind” when someone commits suicide but don’t realise they are the problem commenting abuse on someone else’s posts.

I hope someone smacks talias rotten composite bonding out next time she’s in town acting like a celeb with her chavtastic pals.
Bet she sits in town so smug
I think she forgets she only has as many followers as she does from being Aaron’s gf and also being on Geordie OGs with him lol
What would she be if she never got with him?
Exactly nothing. And she still is nothing. She is a skinny rat.
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Does she actually even care for that poor baby at all!
It was only the other day she was saying how important these weekly appointments are, now she’s asking for next weeks to be missed cos it’s too much for her!!! Making out she ‘travelled’ alone today, if I was Tanya, I’d be questioning and fuming!!
And so much for “everything I do is for my kids”
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