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Livia Fantasy

VIP Member
'Riot society'....most of that lot look like they'd shit themselves at the the first sign of a riot.
They can’t even read someone calling them a twat on twitter without a meltdown. A wet lettuce would be more use when it came to throwing lit bottles of oily rags, turning over cars, charging a row of coppers, and dangling Sunak off a balcony by his shoelaces.

These sad sacks of shit probably get the vapors if they have to put an X on a ballot paper because it excludes the others.
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It’s very interesting to see so many people on my timeline sticking up for her, it’s probably 50:50. I never see people I follow defending Jack any more, not for about a year. Yeah I’m in the lefty/ centrist/ angry mums and divorced dads shitposting kerfuffle.
My TL is predominantly various shades of left wing football fans and they are together as one hating her and old rusty minge. It’s so refreshing. Must of us are blocked by them.
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Avenge me? Who the fuck needs to be ‘avenged’ for her tonsillitis? She really is a prick.
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VIP Member
Malicious communications is criminal LOL so go to the Police. And defamation deals with “libel” which is an untrue statement causing harm to reputation. Come on clever clogs, at least do a Google search. This is clearly trying to make people back off.
Can't damage someone's reputation if its already in the toilet

(Within reason, obviously)
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Active member
She is like an eight year old that has just learned some swear words and is trying to antagonise her parents. One of the most annoying people on social media. How did she manage to amass so many followers??
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Also shouldn’t someone who spends their time as a social media political commentator be a bit more knowledgeable about British politics? Still learning about British politics and trying to keep up with what’s happened here in recent years. How long has she been posing from carefully planned angles calling tories wankspangles? Come on Tan you’re not a kid, if you’re going to try and make a living from political commentary you should at least pretend to have knowledge 🙄
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It’s her. She’s posted a long thread, and confirmed the pictures came from her Facebook page.

I know what you mean. There’s no excusing it.

I just read her thread.

Of course, people can change and grow in the space of 14 years. I do agree that a couple of drunk photos at Glastonbury shouldn't define someone for the rest of their life. But I also think, whenever stuff like this resurfaces, it's fair to be sceptical and question if the person has really changed or if they're going along with current trends regarding what is/isn't acceptable.

I don't think her explanation really needed to mention personal trauma or smears from 'Corbynites'.
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Christ on a bike, YouTube has just pushed one of this gobshite's videos to me - because she's now an expert on the structural integrity of schools, obvs.

Fuck off and get a job, Tan. Leave this to the grown ups.
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VIP Member
Oh she's such an insufferable arse. Thinks she so edgy cos she makes Tik Tok videos calling Boris Johnson a wankspangle. Wasn't it Corbyn's fault that she was a 9/11 truther too?
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the comedy writes itself. just look what happens when the tables are turned she don’t like it.. i thought trespassing and invading someone’s space isn’t a “serious crime” but it’s out of line to come to your house. i genuinely think when you take away all the insults, the swearing and the childish abuse she’s pretty thick and has the iq level of someone mentally ********
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What does 'the iq level of someone mentally ******' mean?

That event looks absolutely dreadful and probably teeming with incels and snobby cunts who like to use 'gammons' to refer to working class folk who don't agree with them. It tends to be wc folk it's mainly used for, that I've noticed anyway. They could just call them, ya know, racists, rather than this gammon shite being some sort of catch all for people that they think are 'uneducated'.
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Ngl don’t know who this is other than her brief moment in the Russ in Cheshire universe and the fact she may or may not be a landlord? Defer to our all knowing mithering ninnies to provide a quality overview 🙏🏻
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Chatty Member
Why hasn't she gone to the Tory conference to unleash utter carnage on their fascist asses?
I'm kinda sad she hasn't. I'd love to see footage of such cutting-edge political commentary as Tan giving Suella Braverman the finger and shouting "Spunkmuffin!" from 500 yards across the street.
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thank you so much htria ❤

so, tan smith aka supertanskiii makes tiktoks calling tories various portmanteau swears that fbpe twitter is very fond of


but what does she actually do?

her ko-fi tiers aren't very well subscribed but she says subscribers can suggest content. nothing like getting ppl to do your work for you while you charge em, yeah?

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she recently went out with our good pal giveitsomemingeruss and decided to pick on an author who took the piss out of their fans saying they should shag

despite all the ptsd and death threats she attended a horrible looking party last week with marina purkiss, femi, rosie holt, mitch benn etc

most recently, a journalist for seems to have uncovered that she is a landlord

dystopia warning!
Is it worth us tracking her patreon subscriber count too? Ngl I’m not gonna give it as much effort as Jack’s updates but it might be fun to watch something close to 0 lol.

Poss need to get out more ngl.
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