Stupid things you used to believe

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On Facebook I used to wonder at how many people were called ‘Tia’ and felt the need to sign off on their posts. Took me friggin ages to realise that it stood for Thanks In Advance. Honestly, I’ve never told anyone that- I just figured it was a really popular name 🤦‍♀️

Please do share yours and reassure me that I am not the only person who can be a bit slow on the uptake 🤪
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I still don’t know what <sic> means 🤣 I’m hoping someone will enlighten me!! I’m not very “woke”
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As a little girl I had a book of poems and stories, I read it until it was threadbare, and always marvelled at this “ANON” person and just how many stories he’d written 😆
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I still don’t know what <sic> means 🤣 I’m hoping someone will enlighten me!! I’m not very “woke”
sic is if you are quoting someone or something and say there is a mistake/odd bit in it you put that to show that it’s their mistake, not yours. I think it means something like ‘as it was written’ from Latin (not sure on that).
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I still don’t know what <sic> means 🤣 I’m hoping someone will enlighten me!! I’m not very “woke”
Ha! I know that one- woop! It means that if, for example, a journalist is quoting someone word for word, that is clear to the reader. So if you had written on Twitter, say, “I can’t bare that man.” (note that you had used the wrong ‘bare’, as it should have been ‘bear’). If I was then writing an article about you and what you had posted I’d write - LittlemissM was overheard in a restaurant saying ‘I can’t bare that man (sic)’.

Basically I’m letting readers know that it’s you with the tit grammar and doesn’t know the difference between bare and bear, not me, but because it’s a direct quote I haven’t corrected it.
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My grandmother told me when I was tiny that if you swallowed chewing gum, it wrapped round your heart, and you died.
Also, that if you swallowed your cherry pips, a tree grew inside you.
Awful woman.😂
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When I was little as I went to sit on the toilet my mum pinched my bum, but said it wasn't her and must have been something that had crawled up the toilet and got me. For YEARS I would look down and flush the toilet before going incase it crawled up and pinched me again 😒🙈🤣
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My Nan told me that tucking my hair behind my ears would make them stick out, even just one strand of hair would be enough to do it she said! I also believed that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls
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The illuminati conspiracy.
I still somewhat believe the very basic principles of the higher ups in power but not the new modern day devil-worshipping-evil baby-blood-sacrifice-illuminati stuff

My sibling told me my parents had cameras around our house to make sure we behave when they're out and I believed it for the longest time - my parents played in to this lie as well! Still to this day, I'm a teeeeeeny tiny bit paranoid 🤣
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When I was little we used to call green beans “squeakers”. I just thought everyone called them that. So fast forward 20 years when I’m speaking to work colleagues and I refer to “squeakers” and they have no bloody idea what I’m going on about 🤦🏼‍♀️ My mum was wetting herself when I told her.

My Nan told me that tucking my hair behind my ears would make them stick out, even just one strand of hair would be enough to do it she said! I also believed that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls
The dogs and cats thing is so cute ☺😂

The illuminati conspiracy.
I still somewhat believe the very basic principles of the higher ups in power but not the new modern day devil-worshipping-evil baby-blood-sacrifice-illuminati stuff

My sibling told me my parents had cameras around our house to make sure we behave when they're out and I believed it for the longest time - my parents played in to this lie as well! Still to this day, I'm a teeeeeeny tiny bit paranoid 🤣
We tell our kids this. “Did you do this?! Right I’m checking the cameras”. Doesn’t work as well now with the older two as they’re too old to fall for it 😂
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When I was a kid I thought the term wearing “a birthday suit” meant someone was wearing a fancy outfit 😂😂
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Ha! I know that one- woop! It means that if, for example, a journalist is quoting someone word for word, that is clear to the reader. So if you had written on Twitter, say, “I can’t bare that man.” (note that you had used the wrong ‘bare’, as it should have been ‘bear’). If I was then writing an article about you and what you had posted I’d write - LittlemissM was overheard in a restaurant saying ‘I can’t bare that man (sic)’.

Basically I’m letting readers know that it’s you with the tit grammar and doesn’t know the difference between bare and bear, not me, but because it’s a direct quote I haven’t corrected it.
Thank you! 🙏🏼 And fabulous example!! Made me chuckle! 🤣 x
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A relative once said someone talked out of their arse and I genuinely believed they had a medical condition 🙈🙈🙈
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I thought STFU meant "stuff you" and once said to a friend how funny it was all these people online saying stuff you as an insult when it's not that offensive... that was when I found out it stands for shut the duck up 😂
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I was led to believe tuna was chicken for a very long time...too long in fact! I also believed that those metal boxes you see sometimes in streets, parks etc ( I don't entirely know what's in them some electrical things i'm guessing) was where bad people were kept. 🙈
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That everyone was looking at me, when I was painfully shy and self-conscious. Now I’m middle aged and practically invisible! 😆
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